Title: wbar.tcz Description: Icon Quick Launch Bar Version: 2.3.0 Author: Various Original-site: http://code.google.com/p/wbar/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 36K Extension_by: roberts Tags: icon launcher Comments: For microcore users, wbar as found in tinycore. Change-log: 2009/07/08 First version. 2009/09/23 Now reads extra configurations from $HOME/.wbar 2009/10/23 Fixed file test for $HOME/.wbar 2010/02/27 Updated with background fix (Curaga) 2010/11/22 Interface programs updated for Tiny Core 3.4 2011/05/11 Updated to ensure icon directory is created. 2011/08/29 Updated to use -pos instead of -p 2011/11/19 Added luxisr font used by wbar. 2012/04/24 Updated to v2.3 added "More" options requires Core v4.5 2012/04/27 Patched to fix --nofont option. 2012/08/17 Patched to fix desktop files with multi Name= and Exec= lines 2012/11/01 Updated support scripts for ondemand scm icons. Current: 2013/10/22 Updated support applications icon generation from running X.