Title: python-elementary.tcz Description: Python bindings for the Elementary widget set library Version: 1.7.0 Author: Simon Busch Boris 'billiob' Faure Davide 'DaveMDS' Andreoli Fabiano Fid?ncio Bruno Dilly Tiago Falc?o Joost Albers Kai Huuhko Original-site: enlightenment.org Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 4.2M Extension_by: jls_legalize Tags: Python bindings Elementary widget library Comments: Extension made using http://code.google.com/p/tc-ext-tools Change-log: 2012/08/15 First Version 2012/08/21 First Version 2012/09/04 First Version 2012/11/29 First Version 2013/04/21 Updated to 1.7.0 Current: 2013/10/08 Rebuilt in tc 5.0.1