Title: poppler-dev.tcz Description: Poppler PDF rendering library, development files. Version: 0.24.5 Author: Kristian Hogsberg, Derek Noonburg, Albert Astals Cid Original-site: poppler.freedesktop.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 312KMB Extension_by: Jason W, Arslan S. Tags: Poppler PDF rendering library dev Comments: --- Change-log: 2008/10/22 First version 2009/07/23 Updated to 0.10.7 2010/02/21 Updated to 0.12.3 by Arslan S. 2010/09/05 Updated to 0.14.2 by Arslan S. 2010/11/18 Updated to 0.14.5 by Arslan S. 2012/07/21 Updated to 0.20.2 by Arslan S. 2013/07/12 Updated to 0.22.5 (juanito) Current: 2014/01/17 Updated to 0.24.5 (juanito)