Title: pango.tcz Description: Library for layout and rendering of internationalized text. Version: 1.32.5 Author: Owen Taylor Original-site: www.pango.org Copying-policy: LGPL Size: 192K Extension_by: Jason W Tags: Library layout rendering internationalized text. Comments: --------- Change-log: --------- 2009/02/20 First version as standalone. 2009/05/20 Fixed expat.la path in .la files. 2009/06/21 Bumped to 1.24.3 2009/07/03 Bumped to 1.24.4 2009/12/06 Bumped to 1.26.1 2010/05/26 Bumped to 1.28.0 2010/10/10 Bumped to 1.28.3 2011/10/23 Bumped to 1.28.4 2011/11/23 Bumped to 1.29.4 2012/06/23 Bumped to 1.30.1 Current: 2013/06/15 Bumped to 1.32.5 (juanito)