Title: e_dbus.tcz Description: Dbus wrapping and glue layer library. Version: 1.7.9 Author: Brian Mattern Mathieu Taillefumier Mike Blumenkrantz (zmike/discomfitor) michael.blumenkrantz@gmail.com Bruno Dilly Gustavo F. Padovan João Paulo Rechi Vita Sebastian Dransfeld Lucas De Marchi Halton Huo Original-site: enlightenment.org Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 232K Extension_by: Althalus (nomore), jlslegalize@com Tags: set wrappers around DBus APIs by third party Comments: One of the core libraries that make up EFL extension made using http://code.google.com/p/tc-ext-tools/ Change-log: --- Current: 2013/12/03 Rebuilt in core 5.1rc1