Title: usbip.tcz Description: Usbip v2 : USB over Network kernel layer Version: 2.0 for kernel 5.10.3 i386 Author : Takahiro Hirofuchi, Robert Leibl, Matt Mooney Original-site: https://kernel.org linux-usb.org usbip.sf.net Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 293K Extension_by: OeAi Tags: usb network device *** Comments: use sudo to start usbipd and attach, bind devices script starts modprobe and extracts usb.ids you can create your file with own devices only srv: usbip list -l srv: sudo usbip bind -b #-# srv: sudo usbipd cli: usbip list -r #host cli: sudo usbip attach -r #host -b #-# *** Change-log: added usb.ids into /usr/local/share/hwdata latest sources taken from kernel/tools/usb/usbip compiled for TC12 i386 *** Current: 2021/10/27 update for usbip 1.1