Title: gmpc.tcz Description: Gnome Music Player Client - a GTK2 frontend for mpd. TESTING Version: 11.8.16 Author: Qball Original-site: http://gmpclient.org Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 2.0M Extension_by: gavs Tags: Gnome Music Player Client GTK2 frontend mpd Comments: GMPC is a GTK2 frontend for Music Player Daemon It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, while providing full access to all of MPD's features. Users are presented with several different methods to browse through their music. It can be extended by plugins, of which many are available. Change-log: 2014/02/12 version 11.8.16 for x86 TC5.x Current: 2020/12/29 version 11.8.16 for x86 TC11.x