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"'UWVSE454=44$44 P454=4e[^_Uj >Uj?2Uj :Uj?.Uj 6Uj?*Uhu,ÐUhduÐUhĀuÐUVSE454U 44PC454e[^aliasalias [ name[=value] ... ]unaliasunalias [-a] [name ...]bindbind [-lvd] [-f filename] [-q name] [keyseq:readline-function]breakbreak [n]continuecontinue [n]builtinbuiltin [shell-builtin [arg ...]]cdcd [dir]pwdpushdpushd [dir | +n | -n]dirsdirs [-l]popdpopd [+n | -n]:commandcommand [-p] [command [arg ...]]declaredeclare [-[frxi]] name[=value] ...typesettypeset [-[frxi]] name[=value] ...locallocal name[=value] ...echoecho [-neE] [arg ...]enableenable [-n] [name ...]evaleval [arg ...]execexec [ [-] file [redirection ...]]exitexit [n]byebye [n]logoutfcfc [-e ename] [-nlr] [first] [last] or fc -s [pat=rep] [cmd]fgfg [job_spec]bgbg [job_spec]hashhash [-r] [name ...]helphelp [pattern ...]historyhistory [n] [ [-awrn] [filename]]jobsjobs [-lnp] [jobspec ...] | jobs -x command [args]killkill [-s sigspec | -sigspec] [pid | job]... | -l [signum]letlet arg [arg ...]readread [-r] [name ...]returnreturn [n]setset [-abefhknotuvxldH] [arg ...]unsetunset [-f] [-v] [name ...]exportexport [-n] [-p] [-f] [name ...]readonlyreadonly [-p] [-f] [name ...]shiftshift [n]sourcesource filename.. [filename]suspendsuspend [-f]testtest [expr][[ arg... ]timestraptrap [arg] [signal_spec]typetype [-all] [-type | -path] [name ...]ulimitulimit [-SHacdmstfpn [limit]]umaskumask [-S] [mode]waitwait [n]forfor NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMANDS; donecasecase WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esacifif COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; [else COMMANDS;] fiwhilewhile COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; doneuntiluntil COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; donefunctionfunction NAME { COMMANDS ; } or NAME () { COMMANDS ; }{ ... }{ COMMANDS }%%[DIGITS | WORD] [&]VariablesVariable names and meanings`alias' with no arguments prints the list of aliases in the formNAME=VALUE on standard output. An alias is defined for each NAMEwhose VALUE is given. A trailing space in VALUE causes the nextword to be checked for alias substitution. Alias returns trueunless a NAME is given for which no alias has been defined.Remove NAMEs from the list of defined aliases. If the -a option is given,then remove all alias definitions.Bind a key sequence to a Readline function, or to a macro. Thesyntax is equivalent to that found in ~/.inputrc, but must bepassed as a single argument: bind '"\C-x\C-r": re-read-init-file'.Arguments we accept: -l List names of functions. -v List function names and bindings. -d Dump functions and bindings such that they can be read back in. -f filename Read key bindings from FILENAME. -q function-name Query about which keys invoke the named function.Exit from within a FOR, WHILE or UNTIL loop. If N is specified,break N levels.Resume the next iteration of the enclosing FOR, WHILE or UNTIL loop.If N is specified, resume at the N-th enclosing loop.Run a shell builtin. This is useful when you wish to rename ashell builtin to be a function, but need the functionality of thebuiltin within the function itself.Change the current directory to DIR. The variable $HOME is thedefault DIR. The variable $CDPATH defines the search path forthe directory containing DIR. Alternative directory names areseparated by a colon (:). A null directory name is the same asthe current directory, i.e. `.'. If DIR begins with a slash (/),then $CDPATH is not used. If the directory is not found, and theshell variable `cdable_vars' exists, then try the word as a variablename. If that variable has a value, then cd to the value of thatvariable.Print the current working directory.Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotatesthe stack, making the new top of the stack the current workingdirectory. With no arguments, exchanges the top two directories.+n Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list shown by `dirs') is at the top.-n Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory (counting from the right) is at the top.dir adds DIR to the directory stack at the top, making it the new current working directory.You can see the directory stack with the `dirs' command.If the variable `pushd_silent' is not set and the pushd commandwas successful, a `dirs' is be performed as well.Display the list of currently remembered directories. Directoriesfind their way onto the list with the `pushd' command; you can getback up through the list with the `popd' command.The -l flag specifies that `dirs' should not print shorthand versionsof directories which are relative to your home directory. This meansthat `~/bin' might be displayed as `/homes/bfox/bin'.Removes entries from the directory stack. With no arguments,removes the top directory from the stack, and cd's to the newtop directory.+n removes the Nth entry counting from the left of the list shown by `dirs', starting with zero. For example: `popd +0' removes the first directory, `popd +1' the second.-n removes the Nth entry counting from the right of the list shown by `dirs', starting with zero. For example: `popd -0' removes the last directory, `popd -1' the next to last.If the variable 'pushd_silent' is not set and the popd commandwas successful, a 'dirs' will be performed as well..No effect; the command does nothing. A zero exit code is returned.Runs COMMAND with ARGS ignoring shell functions. If you have a shellfunction called `ls', and you wish to call the command `ls', you cansay "command ls". If the -p option is given, a default value is usedfor PATH that is guaranteed to find all of the standard utilities.Declare variables and/or give them attributes. If no NAMEs aregiven, then display the values of variables instead.The flags are: -f to select from among function names only, -r to make NAMEs readonly, -x to make NAMEs export, -i to make NAMEs have the `integer' attribute set.Variables with the integer attribute have arithmetic evaluation (see`let') done when the variable is assigned to.Using `+' instead of `-' turns off the given attribute instead. Whenused in a function, makes NAMEs local, as with the `local' command.Obsolete. See `declare'.Create a local variable called NAME, and give it VALUE. LOCALcan only be used within a function; it makes the variable NAMEhave a visible scope restricted to that function and its children.Output the ARGs. If -n is specified, the trailing newline issuppressed. If the -e option is given, interpretation of thefollowing backslash-escaped characters is turned on: \a alert (bell) \b backspace \c suppress trailing newline \f form feed \n new line \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab \\ backslash \num the character whose ASCII code is NUM (octal).You can explicitly turn off the interpretation of the above characterson System V systems with the -E option.Enable and disable builtin shell commands. This allowsyou to use a disk command which has the same name as a shellbuiltin. If -n is used, the NAMEs become disabled. OtherwiseNAMEs are enabled. For example, to use the `test' found on yourpath instead of the shell builtin version, you type `enable -n test'.Read ARGs as input to the shell and execute the resulting command(s).Exec FILE, replacing this shell with the specified program.If FILE is not specified, the redirections take effect in thisshell. If the first argument is `-', then place a dash in thezeroth arg passed to FILE. This is what login does. If the filecannot be exec'ed for some reason, the shell exits, unless theshell variable "no_exit_on_failed_exec" exists.Exit the shell with a status of N. If N is omitted, the exit statusis that of the last command executed.Synonym for exit.Logout of a login shell.FIRST and LAST can be numbers specifying the range, or FIRST can be astring, which means the most recent command beginning with thatstring. -e ENAME selects which editor to use. Default is FCEDIT, then EDITOR, then the editor which corresponds to the current readline editing mode, then vi. -l means list lines instead of editing. -n means no line numbers listed. -r means reverse the order of the lines (making it newest listed first).With the `fc -s [pat=rep ...] [command]' format, the command isre-executed after the substitution OLD=NEW is performed.A useful alias to use with this is r='fc -s', so that typing `r cc'runs the last command beginning with `cc' and typing `r' re-executesthe last command.Place JOB_SPEC in the foreground, and make it the current job. IfJOB_SPEC is not present, the shell's notion of the current job isused.Place JOB_SPEC in the background, as if it had been started with`&'. If JOB_SPEC is not present, the shell's notion of the currentjob is used.For each NAME, the full pathname of the command is determined andremembered. The -r option causes the shell to forget all rememberedlocations. If no arguments are given, information about rememberedcommands is presented.Display helpful information about builtin commands. If PATTERN isspecified, gives detailed help on all commands matching PATTERN,otherwise a list of the builtins is printed.Display the history list with line numbers. Lines listed withwith a `*' have been modified. Argument of N says to list onlythe last N lines. Argument `-w' means to write out the currenthistory file; `-r' means to read it instead. Argument `-a' meansto append history lines from this session to the history file.Argument `-n' means to read all history lines not already readfrom the history file. If FILENAME is given, then use that file,else if $HISTFILE has a value, use that, else use ~/.bash_history.Lists the active jobs. The -l option lists process id's in additionto the normal information; the -p option lists process id's only.If -n is given, only processes that have changed status since the lastnotification are printed. JOBSPEC restricts output to that job.If -x is given, COMMAND is run after all job specifications that appearin ARGS have been replaced with the process ID of that job's process groupleader.Send the processes named by PID (or JOB) the signal SIGSPEC. IfSIGSPEC is not present, then SIGTERM is assumed. An argument of `-l'lists the signal names; if arguments follow `-l' they are assumed tobe signal numbers for which names should be listed. Kill is a builtinfor two reasons: it allows job ID's to be used instead of pids, and ifyou run out of processes, you can still kill them.Each ARG is an arithmetic expression to be evaluated. Evaluationis done in long integers with no check for overflow, though divisionby 0 is trapped and flagged as an error. The following list ofoperators is grouped into levels of equal-precedence operators.The levels are listed in order of decreasing precedence. - unary minus ! logical NOT * / % multiplication, division, remainder + - addition, subtraction <= >= < > comparison == != equality inequality = assignmentShell variables are allowed as operands. The name of the variableis replaced by its value (coerced to a long integer) withinan expression. The variable need not have its integer attributeturned on to be used in an expression.Operators are evaluated in order of precedence. Sub-expressions inparentheses are evaluated first and may override the precedencerules above.If the last ARG evaluates to 0, let returns 1; 0 is returnedotherwise.One line is read from the standard input, and the first word isassigned to the first NAME, the second word to the second NAME, etc.with leftover words assigned to the last NAME. Only the charactersfound in $IFS are recognized as word delimiters. The return code iszero, unless end-of-file is encountered. If the -r option is given,this signifies `raw' input, and backslash processing is disabled.Causes a function to exit with the return value specified by N. If Nis omitted, the return status is that of the last command. -a Mark variables which are modified or created for export -b Notify of job termination immediately -e Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status -f Disable file name generation (globbing) -h Locate and remember function commands as functions are defined. Function commands are normally looked up when the function is executed -k All keyword arguments are placed in the environment for a command, not just those that precede the command name -m Job control is enabled -n Read commands but do not execute them -o option-name Set the variable corresponding to option-name: allexport same as -a braceexpand the shell will perform brace expansion emacs use an emacs-style line editing interface errexit same as -e histexpand same as -H ignoreeof the shell will not exit upon reading EOF monitor same as -m noclobber disallow redirection to existing files noexec same as -n noglob same as -f nohash same as -d notify save as -b nounset same as -u verbose same as -v vi use a vi-style line editing interface xtrace same as -x -t Exit after reading and executing one command -u Treat unset variables as an error when substituting -v Print shell input lines as they are read -x Print commands and their arguments as they are executed -l Save and restore the binding of the NAME in a FOR command. -d Disable the hashing of commands that are looked up for execution. Normally, commands are remembered in a hash table, and once found, do not have to be looked up again -H Enable ! style history substitution. This flag is on by default. -C If set, disallow existing regular files to be overwritten by redirection of output.Using + rather than - causes these flags to be turned off. Theflags can also be used upon invocation of the shell. The currentset of flags may be found in $-. The remaining ARGs are positionalparameters and are assigned, in order, to $1, $2, .. $9. If noARGs are given, all shell variables are printed.For each NAME, remove the corresponding variable or function. Giventhe `-v', unset will only act on variables. Given the `-f' flag,unset will only act on functions. With neither flag, unset firsttries to unset a variable, and if that fails, then tries to unset afunction. Some variables (such as PATH and IFS) cannot be unset; alsosee readonly.NAMEs are marked for automatic export to the environment ofsubsequently executed commands. If the -f option is given,the NAMEs refer to functions. If no NAMEs are given, or if `-p'is given, a list of all names that are exported in this shell isprinted. An argument of `-n' says to remove the export propertyfrom subsequent NAMEs. An argument of `--' disables further optionprocessing.The given NAMEs are marked readonly and the values of these NAMEs maynot be changed by subsequent assignment. If the -f option is given,then functions corresponding to the NAMEs are so marked. If noarguments are given, or if `-p' is given, a list of all readonly namesis printed. An argument of `--' disables further option processing.The positional parameters from $N+1 ... are renamed to $1 ... If N isnot given, it is assumed to be 1.Read and execute commands from FILENAME and return. The pathnamesin $PATH are used to find the directory containing FILENAME.Suspend the execution of this shell until it receives a SIGCONTsignal. The `-f' if specified says not to complain about thisbeing a login shell if it is; just suspend anyway.Exits with a status of 0 (trueness) or 1 (falseness) depending onthe evaluation of EXPR. Expressions may be unary or binary. Unaryexpressions are often used to examine the status of a file. Thereare string operators as well, and numeric comparison operators.File operators: -b FILE True if file is block special. -c FILE True if file is character special. -d FILE True if file is a directory. -e FILE True if file exists. -f FILE True if file exists and is a regular file. -g FILE True if file is set-group-id. -L FILE True if file is a symbolic link. -k FILE True if file has its "sticky" bit set. -p FILE True if file is a named pipe. -r FILE True if file is readable by you. -s FILE True if file is not empty. -S FILE True if file is a socket. -t [FD] True if FD is opened on a terminal. If FD is omitted, it defaults to 1 (stdout). -u FILE True if the file is set-user-id. -w FILE True if the file is writable by you. -x FILE True if the file is executable by you. -O FILE True if the file is effectively owned by you. -G FILE True if the file is effectively owned by your group. FILE1 -nt FILE2 True if file1 is newer than (according to modification date) file2. FILE1 -ot FILE2 True if file1 is older than file2. FILE1 -ef FILE2 True if file1 is a hard link to file2.String operators: -z STRING True if string is empty. -n STRING or STRING True if string is not empty. STRING1 = STRING2 True if the strings are equal. STRING1 != STRING2 True if the strings are not equal.Other operators: ! EXPR True if expr is false. EXPR1 -a EXPR2 True if both expr1 AND expr2 are true. EXPR1 -o EXPR2 True if either expr1 OR expr2 is true. arg1 OP arg2 Arithmetic tests. OP is one of -eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt, or ge.Arithmetic binary operators return true if ARG1 is equal, not-equal,less-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than, or greater-than-or-equalthan ARG2.This is a synonym for the "test" shell builtin, excepting that thelast argument must be literally `]', to match the `[' which invokedthe test.Print the accumulated user and system times for processes run fromthe shell.The command ARG is to be read and executed when the shell receivessignal(s) SIGNAL_SPEC. If ARG is absent all specified signals arereset to their original values. If ARG is the null string thissignal is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes. IfSIGNAL_SPEC is EXIT (0) the command ARG is executed on exit fromthe shell. The trap command with no arguments prints the list ofcommands associated with each signal number. SIGNAL_SPEC is eithera signal name in , or a signal number. The syntax `trap -l'prints a list of signal names and their corresponding numbers.Note that a signal can be sent to the shell with "kill -signal $$".For each NAME, indicate how it would be interpreted if used as acommand name.If the -type flag is used, returns a single word which is one of`alias', `keyword', `function', `builtin', `file' or `', if NAME is analias, shell reserved word, shell function, shell builtin, disk file,or unfound, respectively.If the -path flag is used, either returns the name of the disk filethat would be exec'ed, or nothing if -type wouldn't return `file'.If the -all flag is used, displays all of the places that contain anexecutable named `file'. This includes aliases and functions, if andonly if the -path flag is not also used.Ulimit provides control over the resources available to processesstarted by the shell, on systems that allow such control. If anoption is given, it is interpreted as follows: -S use the `soft' resource limit -H use the `hard' resource limit -a all current limits are reported -c the maximum size of core files created -d the maximum size of a process's data segment -m the maximum resident set size -s the maximum stack size -t the maximum amount of cpu time in seconds -f the maximum size of files created by the shell -p the pipe buffer size -n the maximum number of open file descriptorsIf LIMIT is given, it is the new value of the specified resource.Otherwise, the current value of the specified resource is printed.If no option is given, then -f is assumed. Values are in 1kincrements, except for -t, which is in seconds, and -p, which is inincrements of 512 bytes.The user file-creation mask is set to MODE. If MODE is omitted, or if`-S' is supplied, the current value of the mask is printed. The `-S'option makes the output symbolic; otherwise an octal number is output.If MODE begins with a digit, it is interpreted as an octal number,otherwise it is a symbolic mode string like that accepted by chmod(1).Wait for the specified process and report its termination status. IfN is not given, all currently active child processes are waited for,and the return code is zero. N may be a process ID or a jobspecification; if a job spec is given, all processes in the job'spipeline are waited for.The `for' loop executes a sequence of commands for each member in alist of items. If `in WORDS ...;' is not present, then `in "$@"' isassumed. For each element in WORDS, NAME is set to that element, andthe COMMANDS are executed.Selectively execute COMMANDS based upon WORD matching PATTERN. The`|' is used to separate multiple patterns.`if' executes the `then' COMMANDS only if the final command in the`if' COMMANDS has an exit status of zero.Expand and execute COMMANDS as long as the final command in the`while' COMMANDS has an exit status of zero.`until' COMMANDS has an exit status which is not zero.Create a simple command invoked by NAME which runs COMMANDS.Arguments on the command line along with NAME are passed to thefunction as $0 .. $n.Run a set of commands in a group. This is one way to redirect anentire set of commands.This is similar to the `fg' command. Resume a stopped or backgroundjob. If you specifiy DIGITS, then that job is used. If you specifyWORD, then the job whose name begins with WORD is used. Following thejob specification with a `&' places the job in the background.BASH_VERSION The version numbers of this Bash.CDPATH A colon separated list of directories to search when the argument to `cd' is not found in the current directory.HISTFILE The name of the file where your command history is stored.HISTFILESIZE The maximum number of lines this file can contain.HISTSIZE The maximum number of history lines that a running shell can access.HOME The complete pathname to your login directory.HOSTTYPE The type of CPU and OS this version of Bash is running under.PATH A colon separated list of directories to search when looking for commands.PROMPT_COMMAND A command to be executed before the printing of each primary prompt.PS1 The primary prompt string.TERM The name of the current terminal type (/etc/termcap).auto_resume Non-null means a command word appearing on a line by itself is first looked for in the list of currently stopped jobs. If found there, that job is foregrounded.histchars Characters controlling history expansion and quick substitution. The first character is the history substitution character, usually `!'. The second is the `quick substition' character, usually `^'.history_control Set to a value of "ignorespace", it means don't enter lines which begin with a SPC on the history list. Set to a value of "ignoredups", it means don't enter lines which match the last entered line. Unset, or any other value than those above mean to save all lines on the history list.hostname_completion_file Contains the name of a file in the same format as `/etc/hosts' that should be read when Bash needs to complete a hostname.ignoreeof Controls the action of the shell on receipt of an EOF character as the sole input. If set, then the value of it is the number of EOF characters that can be seen in a row as sole input characters before the shell will exit (default 10). When unset, EOF signifies the end of input.no_exit_on_failed_exec If this variable exists, the shell will not exit in the case that it couldn't execute the file specified in the `exec' command.notify notify of job termination immediately.`%s' not foundUWVSu1u9=@%1ۡ@%84C@%<uyF1Ҁ;t;=tؐ@B8t8=ut<=uDPS{u2Stt P=$ tSh\G6uu1e[^_-a--`%s' not an aliasUWVS]E:ƿAtƿDt`Pj_vtQS8-tAC0.tt0u!=$ tC0hGEu}u1e[^_UWS]0߹ЍEPs'1t%tA'u'AGtu'De[_alias %s=%s UVS]s|V3hN_ V_h `X_e[^bind-f requires a file nameCannot read %s: %s-q requires the name of a functionUnknown function name `%s'%s is not bound to any keys. %s can be invoked via , . "%s"%s... 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%s: overwrite `%s'? virtual memory exhaustedcannot backup `%s'cannot remove old link to `%s'%s: cannot copy cyclic symbolic linkcannot create directory `%s'./%s: can only make relative symbolic links in current directorycannot create link `%s'cannot create fifo `%s'cannot create special file `%s'cannot read symbolic link `%s'cannot create symbolic link `%s'%s: unknown file typecannot un-backup `%s'UWVSu }f]DžhDždEPu|/Ѓt uh"=-tft f9]EPuV llt/Uȉtp%=@u=-uuh jYEPV|/Ѓt=< `4VhwU9Uu4fUf9Uu*=-1Vuh jjOMp%=@t3fEf%f=@uVh j=-t U9Up%=uo=-uf=-t]jEPt%fE%PV5/h5 h `_V5/h` h `_N=.fEf%f=@VÅuhu jjB 0Ѓ$)ĉhSh_S=_hV_=< `tVh Džhx=-ttfEf%f=@u=jEPtThVL_t VhDžd)V`t=< `tVh Q=-t#p%=@tVuh_ =-u:f}v3lt*Vl_Vh5< `p%=@uEP2tuh ~U$UĉT$fUfT$ufEf%f=@t^t#x/ PV_tVh 5< `!V =-tVuh_ SEPWVuf=-toU:/t5jh V_ uj/FP`_tj/VQ_u&Vu_vVh5< `gVh Y=-t'VuV_;VhD 5< `,=t=-t(=@t!=tVuEp%=u2t#x/PV{_Vh\ 5< `=`t= t=u3EPt#x/PV7_ Vht 5< `h=uUEԃ$)ĉuWu_ }uh 5< `08VW_Vh 5< ` uh jj'=-ttUxU艕|xPV_t VhEPEPV_ t!=< `u f=`/uVh=-utG=-up%=t=@u%t#x/PV_t/VhMdtEPV_t Vh'17ht)Vh_tVh 5< `jX[^_cannot make directory `%s'`%s' exists but is not a directoryULWVS] }0щʃ)ԉeuu!_]]u É0щʃ)ԉSV_Si_EURV|/ЃE];/u C;/tj/S_Åj Ɖ+UVEV0EPu|/҃EtAEuu_E}t0uuu_ fEf%f=@unU/C;/FC;/t9fEf%f=@tV6uV_tt$4|$4D$t$t$4t$SD$ D$Si_}t$Q_D$[^_]cannot create regular file `%s'U\WVSEEEEju_E}#uh5< `j hhAu _ E}}u hhv]Su_(E}tM؉MfEf%f=uISu{_tuufEf%f=uE M)=vEE$)ĉ琐uWu(_ ƅ|tiu1ۃ}t@>tSBt>9vjVu_ |[E1ۅuVWu,_ 9|8E뀃}tHjhu_ uuu_}u h5< `j Eu_}u h5< `jEu_}uh5< `jEEe[^_%s@S\$HD$PS_|ht/D$Pt$ 1[@Sh5< `jM[@t$D$Pt$u WVSt$|$P ÉP C3{/[^_/@ /~HUWVSfT$fT$-/U9U r|j   Uq ŋ]<]E4EPuL ESU8 ʼn}u-/u []~sCP3U,Nt$ D$Pt$ U [^_]UWVSL$t$f\$11lUt90uf9Xu @[^_]Ð@ uA AEA 0fX|$ xP 1[^_]%s: %s Usage: %s [options] source dest %s [options] source... directory Options: [-abdfilprsuvxPR] [-S backup-suffix] [-V {numbered,existing,simple}] [--backup] [--no-dereference] [--force] [--interactive] [--one-file-system] [--preserve] [--recursive] [--update] [--verbose] [--suffix=backup-suffix] [--version-control={numbered,existing,simple}] [--archive] [--path] [--link] [--symbolic-link] D$tP5/hh `_5/5/hh `_j_T$D$tJ9Huf f9HuÐu1~.~UWVSl$=.u5.U[^_]ÐhUY Pƅu1[^_]UFÅuV'_1[^_]ÐSV=V _S_=.uvGPU[^_]UWVSt$_Ņu 1[^_]Ð10|$ЍXU_…t1 0щH9vSRt$ 9~ʼnU_u [^_]Ð1[^_]%s.~%d~WS\$ 0ЃuP_Džtt$Shn W_[_Ð1[_UWVSl$|$1WUt$_ u@_ u h(h(h `_t$ t$ h$(h `_[ $Version: GNU fileutils 3.4 $ L$ʀ9tBV̀} ى $/5$/jh)0h)uj9$+`++x++++++++++++++++++++l+jh):jh *.jh*"jh1*jhE* jhY*j̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh)0h)ujmjh)j\̀򐐃>D[^_]þD/=D/t.jhm*php*0hs*j >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/@aHbOfUialf-u---RSs--V $&$-$1$:$<$( /,,`-,/ -̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀rasciiebcdicibmblockunblocklcaseucaseswabnoerrornotruncsync%sstandard inputinputoutputstandard %s is closedstandard outputS\$ HySt$i I=t8j5`})5h5< `j  9 u%=uPhjj~=B=uff%uBhR5` }5h5< `j=~Tff%uHP5`})5h5< `j \$Sjj ` |$t%D$LD$D$ jSj ` p[@UWVSt$T|$X\$\l$`D$PV"`t Wh5< `j4jfD$f%f=urjPV` }dWh5< `jj[^_]@ÐUt$hV` } Wh5< `jjK[^_]@L$T$tIBuVSL$\$ =|tK|$t |1tVHuC[^WVS1Ppff%t$55=~!V5555=~&55555=W" ff%tff%t5jV` 5V5` D$ |$ }^5h5< `jff%% j55:` ff%@D$ 9L$ }G ff%t;ff%u+D$ PjD$P=` L$ 95uft$ V5f ` 9\$ t/5h5< `j ~j 9L$ uyq=t t$ V%=}D$ PV.$t t$ RB"$tt$ R t$ R= 9=|tg$tjhL$tjh.   9 |O$tP=~G+y31/   9 |Ku͊$t; 9 u-   9 |=~Q555L ` ~9t%5h5< `j j FPq_95t5[_W~ [^_WVSt$|$+9~SWPG` )9|[^_WVSt$|$8 uR+y11-   9 |kKuV 9 u 9 9 })  9 | OFE[^_WVS|$t$19 ;L$ 9*K mL$ 8 us=t?.   9 |K =uċL$  9 |C9,[^_S555` 9t35h5< `j; ~j[unrecognized option `%s'ifofconvinvalid number `%s'ibsobsbscbsskipseekcountunrecognized option `%s=%s'UWVS9D$$T$(T$\$+j=Ur`D$uUh T$D$ u\$ uT$d ut$X>t$D$|$}t$h jj& u\$ * uT$ . u\$1 u T$s5 u \$S: u T$3? 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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.stdoutdecompressforcehelplicenserecursetestverboseversionfastbestlzwbitsusage: %s [-cdfhLrtvV19] [file ...] 5hfh `` -c --stdout write on standard output, keep original files unchanged -d --decompress decompress -f --force force overwrite of output file and compress links -h --help give this help -L --license display software license -r --recurse recurse through directories -t --test test compressed file integrity -v --verbose verbose mode -V --version display version number -1 --fast compress faster -9 --best compress better file... files to (de)compress. If none given, use standard input.11 Feb 931.0.3%s %s (%s) %s Shh5hh `o_k=t3hh `H_ ;u[Shh5hh `_=t3hh `_ ;u[UTIMEDIRENTCompilation options: %s %s STDC_HEADERS HAVE_UNISTD_H HAVE_MEMORY_H HAVE_STRING_H ASMV hh5hh `]_hhhh `A_hh `/_hh `_hh ` _hh `_hh `_hh `_GZIP.EXE.exeunguncatgzcatb:cdfhLqrtvVZ123456789-Z not supported in this version UWVSghE P]SW $t ] jj`%ԝthP(j`hP(j`hP(j`E 0 WE0}ЍP~Dƿtƿu]DusVjh5J` tRjh51` t95Ft5utxjhhu uu_QϸE9$  x o  8 H l j j5D `` t|uj3j=O D5txhh `_Љ jLE+H `=t=xu Dct3]9H `}-H `E 4H `]9H `|5e[^_fromtoread fromwritten toCompressed data not %s a terminal. Redirect %s file or pipe. For help, type: %s -h stdinfstat(stdin) OKCompression:  `=xt< `Po_P_t\= =xt8 PJ =xt@ PhU h `X_5h h `@_ j ԙf fؙxff|~hh< `_P#_t h S X\O=th h `c_"=tuhxhh `?_ hh `-_=tu h_ fstat failed warning, name truncated: %s .z name too long: %s @WVSt$ u5,k_[^_@hhhx_ 0=0u1hx_5,_[^_@VPu_tJhx|_hyh ` _5,_50_hxi_뒐Vhx u 1[^_@Ð=xt#hxhh `_ 1[^_@Ð50Q_hx_d0xHffuwC5,_hxhh `_ [^_@ËT$D$=tu=|uPR_ÐPR_.Z%s: Not a regular file -- ignored UWVSl$0ҋ|$Ӎst$hԙ_< `Uhԙ\D$u 1[^_]Ð=xt =< `t&hԙ_[^_]Ð~4ҙֿֿhhԙ8_s< `UhԙЅu:< `ƆәZUhԙ~ЅuƆәz1fEf%f=hԙhh `6_ =hԙj_[^_].zip.ZIP%s -- no z suffix, ignored %s already has .%c suffix -- unchanged %s already has .zip suffix&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ -- unchanged UWVS0ԙЍX1҃~1ҙƿtƿu1~1Йƿtƿu=xt~=tu5u1u-=thԙhh `_ [^_]hԙhxT$)_T$tƃvƃtt8=u =uәPhԙhh `2_ythԙhWhԙhx_d=tPhxR_1[^_]%s is encrypted -- get newer version of gzip %s is a a multi-part gzip file -- get newer version of gzip %s has flags 0x%x -- get newer version of gzip %s: part number %u %s: extra field of %u bytes ignored corrupted input -- file name too largePK%s is not in gzip format trailing garbage ignored in %s WVS9؝s؝؝CD$9؝s؝؝BffT$fT$f D$ XhD$ƿtƿ[G9؝s؝؝SB9؝s؝D$ ؝ #BD$ D$ $ t/hԙhh `?_ [^_ÐD$ $t*hԙhh `_ =|~D$ t0D$ Phԙh,h `_=|~9؝s؝؝WAX9؝s ؝ X؝A XX9؝s؝ X؝@ XX9؝s؝ X؝@ XX9؝s ؝s@9؝s ؝W@D$ $t~9؝s؝؝'@Ë9؝s؝ ؝ ? 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VS؝Ôt$ 5,KC SC T؝595؝w& C SC  сPKt hEnCt=t h.EKC(u#Cƃ5Ą1[^Ðh`Eh `%_[^out of memoryinvalid compressed data--format violatedlen %ld, siz %ld invalid compressed data--length mismatchinternal error, invalid methodinvalid compressed data--crc errorinvalid compressed data--length errorwarning: zip file has more than one entry--rest ignored zip file has more than one entryUWVSD$(11t$$5,0jj=tc=ĄuZ        Ճ=u)u hxF*)hF==        Љƒ=(tP9t!PShFh `}_hFTKtp595؝s؝؝ ƒ=u"8x8=8uKuhF=uz1ۋ595؝s؝؝DC~L$D$ T$D$  L$D$ T$D$=Ą1ې595؝s؝؝DC~L$D$ T$D$  L$D$ T$D$  jh49t h G9-xt h,G=tv؝9vf ؝   ӁPKu-=tthRGh `H_hGĄ[^_]xUWVS$$jDj$LPK_ l$($T$(DD$(Nu닌$9$Du#$1[^_]xÐL$,DuCv\$09\$,s\$,DuNut$89t$,vt$,T$,T$9\$8vD)L$xCd$9rꋔD)T$y[^_]xÐL$D1D$D$HT$(D$HL$(D$(Nul$(1T$(D$(tD@D@F9$w1D$@$L$(D$4l$,DŽ$1D$T$89T$0D$,D$L$0DJT$<MD$4ŋL$8)L$D$9D$,sD$,D$\$0)T$D$<@9v6H+D$VL$xD$|$F8 D$*39s>9؝s؝؝s % Ń9rV]@!‰T$)9|$0v>9؝s؝؝ % Ń9|$0wÉ#D$T$(4ecN)σ9s; 9 ؝s؝؝ % Ń9r]@!FwN)9s>9؝s؝؝O % Ń9rFT$)]@!)Ɖ)ߐ9t$s ) +\$9D$sD$)\$D$)9r#T$xxSPRS_ \$xL$xFD$Ku|$u8O D$|$\T$8-t=l1[^_]ÃWVSl=8ރt)wD 9 ؝s؝؝T$ T$ % ƒvwF 9 ؝s؝؝T$ T$ % ƒv%9t[^_Ðr 9 ؝s؝؝T$ ? 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Use zcat to recover some data.8UWVS 9 ؝s؝؝ ‰%D`t3`Phԙhtch `͟_=u D$$~.jRhԙhch `_[^_]8Ð L$D$ D$(D$0D$@D$D1؝D$4D$,=DtD$,hjh^_ xJy\$4)19}3F9|D$4=?w3hPt$T_ D$|$uD$|$1t$ )zhjh蟢_ D$,L$ L$D$4TЙL$)щL$D$4DD$4D$ D$(D$0 @+D$ D$8L$49L$8D$, EL$D$(9D$,~nL$ L$D$4TЙL$)щL$D$4DD$4D$ L$ 9 uD$$L$ HD$(L$ HD$0WD$4D$  ʋ\$4#T$0D$ D$4|$@uT$@T$DL$@4Eu =DwT$ 32 bitstoo many leaves in Huffman treeUWVS 9 ؝s؝ ؝ أF~ 9 ؝s؝؝=~ hi19=|>T 9 ؝s؝؝+3G9=}ǁ~ h&j)P19=|lD$T*L$1~@k 9 ؝s؝؝T$T$ND$G9=}P[^_]UWVS1ۋ-~.P)M== ~  $9- |8x8=8u)5(w x9 t hl[^_]UWVSt$-|=T~s)ҁzLfD;fO;`r0+fD;fOf69vSMtPf;3wuf;xu؍zft2O*N))Ɓz9~54;|[^_]æUVS<u1҃<@t@B8uӅt4<ЃKue[^USH=HtЃ;uho蚑_]U=uUS]M ÙE}|EEأ]UE EEEU}t/uwPuu EEU͐' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. Corrupt fixup table. UVSUBu u9u%UBu u9tjhOqj h _EPE0u}|u EUD 2MnܐUBUJtu}EE09uEEUtuEU<uV} u&EUDUMTM] ً2+10$EUDUMTM] ً210EEre[^USEP:uEP:tjhOqjt hϐ_EPE]}|EUD 2MEEP9]}8EPE|u&EPMDUJU\E뾐EEP9]}$EPMDUJULE͐]) ( U}EE8tuEJME2t5E2E 0 Er E0*tjE2E 0 E널REE8t1jhsErhsE2hsjEȐj9jhhjhUS]̀]USV]̀]UUUE8tE󐐐E)UWVS]u }jhpVhpSj9puu0vu0v0v0v0v0vv0v0v0v0vv0v0v0v0v0v0v0v0vujhpj ejhpjz Qjhqjf =jhqjR )jh'qj> jh;qj* he[^_UVSUM %t9421Ӂ΁9u9|e[^/lib/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3@lCYZ YP$Id: gzip.c,v 0.13 1993/02/11 09:47:02 jloup Exp $cd#f)h.L6r>tCvKVS1X9]Zab( PqCe$Id: zip.c,v 0.11 1993/02/10 16:07:22 jloup Exp $$Id: deflate.c,v 0.10 1993/02/10 16:07:22 jloup Exp $ @@ @  $Id: trees.c,v 0.9 1993/02/10 16:07:22 jloup Exp $ ԕT(̚     $Id: bits.c,v 0.8 1993/02/04 13:21:06 jloup Exp $,$Id: unzip.c,v 0.9 1993/02/10 16:07:22 jloup Exp $$Id: inflate.c,v 0.10 1993/02/04 13:21:06 jloup Exp $      #+3;CScscc !1Aa  0@` ?? $Id: util.c,v 0.10 1993/02/11 09:47:02 jloup Exp $0w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-$Id: crypt.c,v 0.5 1992/12/21 18:56:56 jloup Exp $$Id: lzw.c,v 0.7 1993/02/10 16:07:22 jloup Exp $$Id: unlzw.c,v 0.10 1993/02/10 16:07:22 jloup Exp $$Id: unpack.c,v 1.2 1993/02/04 13:21:06 jloup Exp $vv`,`Ћd8-̀\ `-:D$4 `VP`[̀rYou must be root to change the hostnameThat name is too long.HWVS\$Xt$\M`fu -`fth@ `j `V0ۉ׈щH@vhh_ `j`׈щHPRD `D$ }>6`j`j@\$S`}6`j`S`1[^_HUVSu1҃<tB8uӅt4ЃKue[^US=tЃ;uh`_]U=uS\$L$ T$̀} أ[VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$ |$= P>V̀} ى 5jhl0hpuj9$0 00000$000000000000jh:jh.jh"jhjh jhj̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jhl0hpujmjhj\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ=t.jhph0hj >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.3HW`_v4\0-̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀rbackupdirectoryforceinteractivesuffixsymbolicverboseversion-controlSIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIXVERSION_CONTROLbdfisvFS:V:.when making multiple links, last argument must be a directoryUWVSl$S1hk`ÅthR`ËUX`hd|1jh\hUt$$v`dta/StȃFtKVbt*itW ft4st_vtjzidOd3|!hD `D `T$9H `utS =|t `\$K9H `u htD$9H `uttlKT$tV u-hjj= VH `t-H `9H `|ޅ%Pj`%s: hard link not allowed for directory%s/%s%s: cannot overwrite directory%s: replace `%s'? %s: File existsvirtual memory exhaustedcannot backup `%s'cannot remove old link to `%s'%s%s -> %s symbolic cannot %slink `%s' to `%s'cannot un-backup `%s'ULWVSu E=|u(=uutuhljVtQu E0ҋ}Ӊ]ҍT)ԉuVhS`ލEPVt`fEf%f=@uVhj=t+V5hh `%_iu!1k=duVhjD=tVÅuhjj 0Ѓ$)ĉeSuD`S_uVO`tX=< `t VhE;V `t+=< `t"Vh=< `t Vh'=htVuh*` VuЃVu>=`u4Rh?5< `j}t&Vu`tVhZ5< `je[^_Usage: %s [options] source [dest] %s [options] source... directory Options: [-bdfisvF] [-S backup-suffix] [-V {numbered,existing,simple}] [--version-control={numbered,existing,simple}] [--backup] [--directory] [--force] [--interactive] [--symbolic] [--verbose] [--suffix=backup-suffix] 55hh `A_j_~.~UWVSl$=u5U[^_]ÐhVU-Pƅu1[^_]UFÅuV_1[^_]ÐSV=V_S_=uvGPU[^_]UWVSt$`Ņu 1[^_]Ð10|$ЍXU`…t1 0щH9vSRt$ 9~ʼnU_u [^_]Ð1[^_]%s.~%d~WS\$ 0ЃuP_Džtt$Sh W`[_Ð1[_UWVSl$|$1WUt$C` u@V̀} ى 858jh0huj9$p|jh:jh.jh/"jhAjhU jhij̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh0hujmjhj\̀򐐃>D[^_]þX=Xt.jh}ph0hj >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@bGQfWicSj|sh{VT  ! % . 0 4`X@5 dP:D-̀\ `-<D$4 `zP`[̀rUSu `u `)‰U}~&UUUu u `u 1].UVSn@S\SS`Sj`SE  Su u1=@StM=@StD=St;=Su2=dSu)=Su =tSu=8Su=lSuXSSdSP8>S_S SjhPhhu u^6‰UEn9T P P P P P P P 8 D P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P $ P P P P P 4 D P P P P P P P P  ( P P 8 P P H P P \ P l P P  P P  P P P P P P P P P P P   $ 4 P D T p P SxSSSSSzlSjd8SRDSBS2S"SSSSStS@SS5pR_hS=hS5pRhjj\'mS^SNh&h.SS5pRSSSSSSdS@S5pR_S=S5pRhjj@&Q@SB@S2S"|S|Sh R5pR$E}}u5pRhU% 5$E 4R @ShDR5pR`$E}}u5pRh % #E \R SlhQ5pR$E}}u5pRh$ #E R S lSlSk#%tR]Uj C3EE `SHM `Su3U} tu 3UB E@%s%s: total %u UWVS1< `u_Åu)uh 5< `j $SS_ƅt(VtujF P ːS_t"uh 5< `j#S =dSt ju/=St+} tu h ,_uh _=St =tSuWh _= U@EPEP R9ESttEH4MEH,M EH$MEP_PEP_EN9SE9S|EPEP_E=8StEphq_=tStZ=DSt&UB} @UB} P5pShv0_ EPREPh{_ =StEPRh_ EPRPh_=StEPRh_ EPR Ph_EfP ff tEfP ff`t0EfPPEfPfдRhB_ Eph,_EPh_EP RE0ZExLuJExDt=h `hz_EpHEpD"=StEpH=StEP R\\\n\b\r\t\f\ \"\%03oUS]=St j"_UC}=S=E  '   th tG   tU"\thk_hn_hq_ht_hwz_whzj_gh}Z_WhJ_G}v }~v=|St}wEP>_EPh_V}v }~v=|St}wEP_#=SuEP_ j?_K=St j"_]U=8StEphql_=tStW=DSt#UB} @UB} P5pShv _ EP RE0K=StEP RUE%=@u j/_E%=u j@_E%=u j|_E%=u j=_E%=u=SuE$It j*q_34013633003532.cmd.com.btm.exe.bat.tar.tgz.zoo.arj.taz.lzh.zip.z.Z31.jpg.gif.bmp.dll.txt.doc.sys.drv.ini37[%s;%smUDSEEjX_#lS|E %=@uE"E"E %=uE"E"E %=uE"E"E %=uE"E"gE %=`uE"E"GE %= uE"E"'E %=uE $ItE"E"E %=_h"uh"uEh"uEh"uvEh"uc U M UЄtE"E"h"u'h"uEh"uEh"uEh"uEh#uEh#uEh #uEh#u U M U M܈ U؈ MԈ UЄtE#E"h#u?h#u-Eh #u UЄtE"E"h%#uh*#uEh/#uEh4#uEh9#uEh>#u UȈ MĈ U MȄtEC#E"}tuuhF#_ u}t hO#_]U SEU1ۃ=8St=tStCpS=StU E=Sty  }( ?|:"t" t '\t:=StC$v~v=|St wCCh=StxEP UE%=u=SuEP IU}tCAE%=@t1E%=t"E%=tE%=tC]U$WVSEEMș}uj _EEEPEEP9]]USRUSREEbj _]U EE =t>+u D$$D$$u D$$t fD$ff!fKfCCFD$ 9D$T$$h x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P x x x x x x x ` x x  0 @ x  f%$f CFf%f C6KfIf C"f% f Cf%f Cf{u}fCf{umfC8f{u]fCK>=?>+6>-->,>u#[^_] ÐS[^_] ÐU1[^_] WVS|$\$fC$tIf#KfCtff!C8tff fff f f#K#fKC$t%=@t Iuᶊ<-t# <+t#<=ufCff!f ff!Ƌ[Q[^_SD$tXP_؅u[ËT$:uÐ1LB<v:uø $Version: GNU fileutils 3.4 $ UVSu1҃<tB8uӅt4ЃKue[^US=tЃ;uh _]U=uS\$L$ T$̀} أ[VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$ |$= P>V̀} ى 5jh, 0h0 uj9$X jhG :jh^ .jhs "jh jh jh j̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh, 0h0 ujmjhG j\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ=t.jh ph 0h j >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2@mE `t5../../../X ` -̀\ `-:D$4 `JP`[̀rmodem:invalid modevirtual memory exhausted%sUWVSl$t$ 1ېjhX hEVUe`tmuD `+ѐj)`fЉft=jSÅuhH uhUjj SPlj+H `t tH `D=t>+u D$$D$$u D$$t fD$ff!fKfCCFD$ 9D$T$$Tdddddddddddddd<dddddddLdd ,df%$f CFf%f C6KfIf C"f% f Cf%f Cf{u}fCf{umfC8f{u]fCK>=?>+6>-->,>u#[^_] ÐS[^_] ÐU1[^_] WVS|$\$fC$tIf#KfCtff!C8tff fff f f#K#fKC$t%=@t Iuᶊ<-t# <+t#<=ufCff!f ff!Ƌ[Q[^_SD$tXP_؅u[ËT$:uÐ1LB<v:uø $Version: GNU fileutils 3.4 $ UVS u1҃< t B8uӅt4 ЃKue[^US = tЃ;uh _]U= u  S\$L$ T$̀} أ [VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$ |$ =  P>V̀} ى 5 jh 0h uj9$D jh3 :jhJ .jh_ "jhq jh jh j̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh 0h ujmjh3 j\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ = t.jh ph 0h j >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2 @m  `T 5d(+-̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀rJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecVSjt$+ `19}S`C9|1SV`C~~ V`[^MET-1DSTTZfh:plogin: -h for super-user only. usage: login [-fp] [username] /dev/tty%s??loginxx%s login refused on this terminal. 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All rights reserved. @(#)login.c 5.40 (Berkeley) 5/9/89<@DHLPTX\`dhlp`-`|0/-̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀rbackupforceinteractivesuffixupdateverboseversion-controlSIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIXVERSION_CONTROLbfiuvS:V:when moving multiple files, last argument must be a directoryUWVSl$|$D$hn`ÅthU`ËK`fD0HT1jh4hWU`ftX*Vt˃Sbt'ut_ it<vt[D$놐TkTO0=H-D `D ` O H `9}7 |$tSj+`H `9~!tuhjjq E9H `}'ÐtH `4' H `9H `|V`%s/%sUWVSu u|V;EuVuhduE0҉Ӊ]}ҍT)ԉuVhS `SuEEe[^_%s`%s' and `%s' are the same file%s: cannot overwrite directory%s: replace `%s', overriding mode %04o? %s: replace `%s'? virtual memory exhaustedcannot backup `%s'%s -> %s cannot move `%s' to `%s'cannot remove `%s'cannot un-backup `%s'UWVSu 1hu`t uhLh`V`f`f9u*d9uVuhjj fhf%f=@uVhjff%f=@t=0t9=TuL=u =t:jh` t'fh%PV5hh `_"=t&V5h$h `_ =VÅuh7jj 0Ѓ$)ĉSW`SW_WV`t.=< `t VhP1=< `t Vh=HtVuhcY` Vu`tR=< `tVuhm5< `jg 2Vuu u `t uh1-t$VW%`tVh5< `j e[^_cannot move `%s' across filesystems: Not a regular file UWVSff%f=t*$ hEjj[^_] Ð$$ @`t=< `t$$ h5< `jj$( ` D$|$}$ h5< `낐hhA$, j` Dž}9$$ h5< `jt$_[^_] Ðl$h Ut$E` Å~$SVW` m)Åǐ}D$ h5< `jct$g_W^_$$ `ft$?_}$$ h5< `jW-W_}$$ h5< `HT$T$D$P$( `t$$ h5< `PP$, p_ t-=< `u f=Du$$ h5< `f%P$( _uQ1[^_] $$ h5< `jt$ _W_$$ ` $$ h5< `j[^_] Usage: %s [options] source dest %s [options] source... directory Options: [-bfiuv] [-S backup-suffix] [-V {numbered,existing,simple}] [--backup] [--force] [--interactive] [--update] [--verbose] [--suffix=backup-suffix] [--version-control={numbered,existing,simple}] 55h h `_j_~.~UWVSl$=u5U[^_]Ðh UMPƅu1[^_]UFÅuV__1[^_]ÐSV=VB_S9_=uvGPU[^_]UWVSt$_Ņu 1[^_]Ð10|$ЍXU_…t1 0щH9vSRt$ 9~ʼnU>_u [^_]Ð1[^_]%s.~%d~WS\$ 0ЃuP2_Džtt$Sh6 W1`[_Ð1[_UWVSl$|$1WUt$` u@V̀} ى 5jh0huj9$X4XXXXXLXXXX@XXXXXXXX(jh:jh.jh"jhjh jhj̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh0hujmjhj\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ(=(t.jh)ph,0h/j >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2@bGfMiYS`0gHoV Hp`,-̀\ `-:D$4 `bP`[̀rsysnamenodenamereleaseversionmachineallsnrvmacannot get system nameHVS$T$X jhhmSV=`P9$xT`Hl d X L @ 4(K95H `t7=u\$S=`uht5< `j3 Sj\D$IPjM$Pj;$Pj)$ Pjj`%s%cD$t." t Rt$ h<` Usage: %s [-snrvma] [--sysname] [--nodename] [--release] [--version] [--machine] [--all] 5hh `` j`%s: : %sWVS|$t$\$5hh `T` D$PSh ` ` tV `Ph h `!`  `9 `rj h ` _ `  `h `|`t W`[^_ $Version: GNU shellutils 1.8 $ UVSu1҃<tB8uӅt4ЃKue[^US=tЃ;uhB_]U=uS\$L$ T$̀} أ[VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$ |$= P>V̀} ى 5jh0huj9$p|jh:jh.jh/"jhAjhU jhij̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh0hujmjhj\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ=t.jh}ph0hj >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2@sHnQrYvamia`5 @?-̀\ `-:D$4 `NP`[̀rdirectoryforceinteractiverecursiveverbosedfirvRUWVSl$\$1hK jh hnSU`ƒft>Rtk tdtyrtS it0jvtSa놐kYI >9-H `uj`9-H `H `4 0ҡH `<9=}(5`}P H `45 `IH `9-H `y%Pm`cannot remove `.' or `..'%s@S5 8.u-xt x.u!xuhhjje [@Í\$S5`tA=< `u=t1[@5h5< `j [@ÐfD$ f%f=@u=uSF[@ÐD$PV[@directory %s: remove %s`%s', overriding mode %04o? %s: remove %s`%s'? %s S\$=ur=u =t`jS4tQfC%P5fCf%if=@u^R5hjh `o` uK[Ã=t;5fCf%if=@u^R5hh ``뮐=t5hw`5y `t6=< `u =u$5h5< `j\[Ð1[%s: is a directory%s: descend directory `%s', overriding mode %04o? %s: descend directory `%s'? %s: remove directory `%s' (might be nonempty)? %s: remove directory `%s'? S\$=u5hjjz[Ã=uW=u =tEjS1t6fC%P55hh `_u1뜐=t#55hh `P_ɐ=t5h`S=tEt55h;55hkh `_5`t+=< `u =u5h5< `1[Ã4UWVS\$HD$KL$,QD$0[\$ SD$$t$0l$$< `5c`D$4|$4uY=< `u =u#5h5< `jD$t$0_t$$_D$[^_]4t$4#`Å{ .u{ tހ{ .u{ t҉+T$0{ |$0щL$T 9T$,s-D$,9T$,rt$,t$4)+T$0։D$0 \$SVF|$ D$$ 9u'D$ t$ t$(+T$$ՉD$$E%t$4_t#5h5< `jiD$0҉HD$(t$0l$$>0ʉӋD$(T9}NUP5 D$lt+ L$|$zuD$L$( L$L$<}|$@lD$88 l|$/VlHAL$t$o`=l|$wD$0tD$u tD$l@llރ>9t$0s |$t$0_t$$y_D$[^_]41Usage: %s [-dfirvR] [--directory] [--force] [--interactive] [--recursive] [--verbose] path... 5hC h `_ j_@S\$St$L`ut$LS[@Ð[@VSt$ \$u1[^Ã=tu?tT_f9_fj@pPj T_f=u $tFIufV f9u F,fVf9tFP5t FF!9t< ` [^1[^SfL$=~(p]f9 u[Ã9|1[%s: : %sWVS|$t$\$5h h `@_ D$PSh `` tV`Ph h ` _  `9 `rj h `_ `  `h `h_t W _[^_WT$0Ѓ~</uJH~:/t_virtual memory exhaustedSD$uPh_Åuh jj [S\$D$ u P[ÅuS6_1[ÐPSu_Åuh jj [Sh `q_D `9@ `rh< `_t@ `@ `1ۃytYu<5D `9@ `rh< `_t@ `@ `t u[T$L$ABuB $Version: GNU fileutils 3.4 $ L$ʀ9tBV̀} ى 5jh0huj9$,hDhhhhh\hhhhPhhhhhhhh8jh:jh.jh"jhjh jh%j̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh0hujmjhj\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ=t.jh9ph<0h?j >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2@JfPi\fX`5 -̀\ `-:D$4 ` P`[̀bcreateappendextractgetlistupdatecatenateconcatenatecomparediffdeletehelpdirectoryrecord-numberfiles-fromlabelexclude-fromexcludefileblock-sizeversionverbosetotalsread-full-blocksstarting-fileto-stdoutignore-zeroskeep-old-filesuncompresssame-permissionspreserve-permissionsmodification-timepreservesame-ordersame-ownerpreserve-ordernewerafter-datenewer-mtimeincrementallisted-incrementalmulti-volumeinfo-scriptabsolute-pathsinteractiveconfirmationverifydereferenceone-file-systemold-archiveportabilitycompresscompress-blocksparsetape-lengthTotal bytes written: %d Bad regular expression: %s %s you must specify exactly one of the r, c, t, x, or d options For more information, type ``%s +help''. WVS\$|$x75T4WSs=u WS 9XxX$@7:.#=5h=t4j ȚP0׹HPRv` uLr9hd@m=tOj |P0׹HPR*` tPhh `_ 4dht #h9nHhhh `_ /hb5Th h `_ j_54_TAPE--01234567Ab:BcC:df:F:g:GhikK:lL:mMN:oOpPrRsStT:uvV:wWxX:zZ-CThis is GNU tar, the tape archiving program. lmh/dev/rmt%dUnknown option. Use '%s +help' for a complete list of options.WVS|$t$D$ h _(u (D$ PhhVWVkÃz9r$D=Pl         h 0  \   8 h     8 D P x   , D [  hN&5D `=XX hQh `_j*_x=XCX@5D `+'= D `,hVW`h lu1muhDPhhZ` (=XX5D `_t`i=XOXL=X3X0D `(DD `T=,\5D `o5D `_\jixj5D `H=/0|% =XX`=XXLD `=Xu{XxD `g YM=Xu7X45D `[ 5Th(j_ [^_Ðchoose one of the following:-A, +catenate, +concatenate append tar files to an archive -c, +create create a new archive -d, +diff, +compare find differences between archive and file system +delete delete from the archive (not for use on mag tapes!) -r, +append append files to the end of an archive -t, +list list the contents of an archive -u, +update only append files that are newer than copy in archive -x, +extract, +get extract files from an archive Other options: -b, +block-size N block size of Nx512 bytes (default N=%d) -B, +read-full-blocks reblock as we read (for reading 4.2BSD pipes) -C, +directory DIR change to directory DIR -f, +file [HOSTNAME:]F use archive file or device F (default %s) -F, +info-script F run script at end of each tape (implies -M) -G, +incremental create/list/extract old GNU-format incremental backup -g, +listed-incremental F create/list/extract new GNU-format incremental backup -h, +dereference don't dump symlinks; dump the files they point to -i, +ignore-zeros ignore blocks of zeros in archive (normally mean EOF) -k, +keep-old-files keep existing files; don't overwrite them from archive -K, +starting-file FILE begin at FILE in the archive -l, +one-file-system stay in local file system when creating an archive -L, +tape-length LENGTH change tapes after writing LENGTH -m, +modification-time don't extract file modified time -M, +multi-volume create/list/extract multi-volume archive -N, +after-date DATE, +newer DATE only store files newer than DATE -o, +old-archive, +portability write a V7 format archive, rather than ANSI format -O, +to-stdout extract files to standard output -p, +same-permissions, +preserve-permissions extract all protection information -P, +absolute-paths don't strip leading `/'s from file names +preserve like -p -s -R, +record-number show record number within archive with each message -s, +same-order, +preserve-order list of names to extract is sorted to match archive +same-order create extracted files with the same ownership -S, +sparse handle sparse files efficiently -T, +files-from F get names to extract or create from file F +totals print total bytes written with +create -v, +verbose verbosely list files processed -V, +label NAME create archive with volume name NAME +version print tar program version number -w, +interactive, +confirmation ask for confirmation for every action -W, +verify attempt to verify the archive after writing it -X, +exclude FILE exclude file FILE +exclude-from FILE exclude files listed in FILE -z, -Z, +compress, +uncompress filter the archive through compress -[0-7][lmh] specify drive and density h8 zh `hU _jhh `_ h `ha_hhh `w_ h `hu_h `hwc_h `haQ_h `h?_Ð 9 u; =tP5腇 P+L$ Ðtoo many args with -T optionrcan't open file %sWVD$ =ty9H `}h#j_5u< `^_Ðh5_u+5hxjR_ T$^_ÐMissing filename after -CCan't chdir to %sUWVSl$11=ujfd=9}Gɡ 9H `}H `H `t h1[^_]Ðtu;-u{Cu {uit$S_}ShH1C=tSe 'S([^_]Ð5@P5\_ Å0щL$| 9vafP5D$\$=d5jdG|$t$_ 0щL$| 9u? uO9v?/ttu;-u{Cu {jSX_}Sh1 1[^_]Ð=t=< `t5_Missing file name after -CWVS==udj|rjWÅ;-uO{CuI{uCj2j#Åuh茉j_5p 0߹HfBB9PR@@PSPD_ PD@[^_ÐjiÅt Sv[^_Couldn't get current directory.cannot allocate mem for name '%s'.cannot allocate mem for chdir record.WVS$>-u{~Cuu~uojjƃ=uhj_8/t*hD$P_u hpڇjd_t0ЍxPj _Åu(tVh蕇 h膇j_tCf{WVCP_ DCCCCS CtDj*V4_uj[V%_uj?V_tC>*t >[t>?uC=t=u[^_ÐCan't change to directory %dCan't change to directory %sWVSt$u [^_Ð{t2{ ts 4_ts h뾐0Ѝx{t S8{tmCPVoC=\t5@_{ Ns _;s hM&C9x<0t<0/ulPCPV_ uZC=\t5_{ s _s hυ=txtxi1[^_%s not found in archiveSt!xuPh` 袄؅u=t jtPh` c␐[ÐWVSt$u1[^_Ð0Ѝx{tS8uE{tCPV胅t.[^_ÐC9<0t<0/uPCPV_ tҋu=txtx[1[^_Ðcan't chdir to %s=HuHH=HtPHxu=Ht_WVt$0 _ Å)$4K}%Pd9uE$4/=Tt |$(t$(,_[^_](Ð$4$@h:*s %$<Wx+$<Ph*yt$4y$4whVF_V$4$42xhd$@m D$0|$0jdt$4ƝV$D_ iduDh\$8S$D_ V$@SA V$@hj*r D$0ƄT$0Ƃ2RdD$$<0щL$NʃcT$ȃdP lt$$@U_ N~|5/t./F.=ucxhdUED$0|$0{=t ƀD=u T$0Ƃ5=ut$0n =:HXD$0щL$L$΅t>uD$D$0|Pj t$ t$0 ދ|$=Tt$<=D$@)9}<}L$+L$t)RD$t$_SUVo_ )ލK}%PU=T4[^_](Ð=t;$@|1d9$@t!=L$<h*+< `$<_D$ |$ u<=< `t$<h*p[^_]($<h*u}.u }/u1t$ {_Y S}uډ0щL$TD$9r&0щL$TT$BRUXiS.PQ_=tUCpt$U&^t$ O_U_[^_](ó346=uyxhd$@D$0|$0<6t8D$0IPjuP D$0QPjtP t$0$<h*n[^_](ÐWrote %ld of %ld bytes to file %sAmount actually written is (I hope) %d. 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It may be unreadable without -i.S=~jjP0ujj5蹟_ +=~jSPtjS5肟_ 9t;h\h%<9t+P5謘_[Ð[Ðchild returned status %d (core dumped)child died with signal %d%sS=u =Xu=XuA=~jjPtjj5蝞_ P5_=t/=~P2r 5!_}P55(htg;=\$S>_9tutlD$t t^5D$iuj-_=t@t t> t>t8 u@8u=$t5$_0@Pݙ_É$uhlh6j_VS9_(;{_ttXh#l6h/lZ_Åu5ljh=lh@lSj_ShDl6j7蚑_jA_t =tJj:5(}_<t%jhaOP輞_ uhhjBhjBJuSj:5(._<t"jhaOPm_ uhhjUhj5(莙_ duhj:5(ם_<t3jhaOP_ uhhjA5(thh5(_ =}5(hW=5[1[^_]PÐ1ÐUnexpected EOF on archive fileUWVS|$l$tTƅuhp/4[^_]Ðc)9~VSՃtpD3P)u1[^_]Ðunknown option %c%c argument missingUWVSt$|$l$ D `=u< [^_]ËO 8-t8+u H `=tt$(t$(UWV_[^_]Ðu [^_]SUT$_T$t:uShTq2?[^_]Ð@8:u%95H `| ShfqҐH `D `H `[^_]ÐHmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive.Skipping to next file header...UWVSl$6j]Dž*tL@cP}t2=xt9|=tr5L賳t`1LVtPMtGNt>tFPt85?5x ,%5La }hr)1hr15L߃=N)[^_]EOF in archive file?only wrote %ld of %ld bytes to file %sUWVS1hL=Lt(=L~jhHhd5LT=LD PS=TtLx@=xta=Tt=ƅ9)9v< `5SjV蒏_ōD3P9uD)u=Tt j5j ގ_5`_[^_]5LSUhit0)P hTtF/덐juLtP-t =Tt L5xE =Tt [^_]ÐWVSƉ5Lu [^_ÐPj1ɉCJy2)Jy9u11u xF|Pj x[^_Át1[^_Ð[^_Ðustar UWVSl$\$ EdPj>L$fAPj %T$B(=t0YPj L$A ePj T$B0w|$$t. 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Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$|$!=!PV>̀} ى  jh0huj9$D DDDDD8DDDD,DDDDDDDDjh:jh.jh"jhjh jhj̀򐐋H %t 93D$ځ%9u 9}D$T$t;jh0hujujhjd̀򐐃>L[^_]þ!=!t.jhph0hj>u֐1۸̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.1 T c ` d@C-̀\ `-:D$4 `2P`[̀rUsage: %s name [suffix] UWVS}u t~6h@h `` j>`vv}Ãu vSS `j`UWVS]u 0߹ҍTЍD JH 8u9v 9w9ve[^_US]j/SE `t@؋]UWU0׹Ѓ~</uJH~:/t} GNU shellutils version 1.6 UVSu1҃<tB8uӅt4ЃKue[^US=tЃ;uh~_]U=uÐSL$ T$\$̀} أ[ÐVSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$|$=PV>̀} ى jh0huj9$0lHlllll`llllTllllllll<jh:jh.jh"jhjh jh)j̀򐐋H %t 93D$ځ%9u 9}D$T$t;jh0hujujhjd̀򐐃>L[^_]þ=t.jh=ph@0hCj>u֐1۸̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.1|`dD @-̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀rweofeoffsffsfmbsfbsfmfsrbsrrewindofflinerewofflretensioneodseodseektellstatuserasesetblksetdensity-t-fTAPE/dev/tapeusage: mt [ -f device ] command [ count ] mt: don't grok "%s" mtAt block %d. mt: negative repeat count %s %s %d failedUTWVS6}~DU rtruEE PT E #h`T u T }hh ``j`E p = t10щJR3VR ` Et ;uԃ;uVhh `S` j`{%؃P5T K` X }5T q`jO`{uFhH hmQ` }h =`j`5H h8`{fCfL }~U r_P P =P }hh `f`j`hL hm@5X W` }j5P 35T h7h `#`hAv`jT`h, hmQ ` }h K`j)`h, R1e[^_SCSI 1unknown tape drive type (%d) %s tape drive, residual=%d ds erUVSu f= t9t f;uf;u6h`fvsh` svhY s vhF  `9 `rj h `_ `  `e[^%s=%o%s=%xUWVSUfu ]1t;u PRh PRh ` Cf  `9  `rjh `_ `> `e[^_UVS u1҃< t B8uӅt4 ЃKue[^US( =( tЃ;uh _]U= u  S\$L$ T$̀} أ [VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$ |$ =  P>V̀} ى 5 jh0h uj9$Hjh7:jhN.jhc"jhujh jhj̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh0h ujmjh7j\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ = t.jhph0hj >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2 @(#) Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mt.c 5.6 (Berkeley) 6/6/91@EIM RV [_cjrz    q  `@ _v4#!/bin/sh # sysinstall is a front-end to tar/compress that allows packages (tar archives, # optionally compressed) to be installed, removed, or files to be extracted # into packages from disk. It also will execute the script /install/doinst.sh # if found in the package, with one of the following args: -install (install # files), -remove (uninstall package), -extract (move files to locations in # preparation for extraction), and -retract (move files back after # an extract has been done). # # requires: tar, sed, basename, compress/zcat/gzip, mv, mount and umount. # copywrite Softlanding Software, 1992: Distribute and use freely, don't restrict. function PrintUsage() { echo "usage: sysinstall -all * install everything: base + X11" echo " sysinstall -base * install full base: no X11" echo " sysinstall -mini * install a minimal base: ~10 Meg" echo " sysinstall -rest * install the rest of the base" echo " sysinstall -X11 * install just X11" echo " sysinstall -special C * install the C set of disks" echo " sysinstall -install pkg.taz * install a specific pkg file" echo " sysinstall -install pkg.tpz * install a specific pkg file" echo " sysinstall -install pkg.tar * same as above, but compressed pkg" echo " sysinstall -remove pkg * uninstall a pkg" echo " sysinstall -extract pkg * collect pkg files into new pkg.tpz" echo " sysinstall -extracttar pkg * same as above, but into pkg.tar if smaller" echo " sysinstall -disk * install all pkgs on a disk" echo " sysinstall -disk DISKNAME * install pkgs on disk DISKNAME" echo " sysinstall -mount * mount floppy" echo " sysinstall -unmount * unmount floppy" echo " sysinstall -instdev INSTDEV * device to install from" echo " sysinstall -instroot INSTROOT * directory to use as root" echo " sysinstall -instsrc INSTSRC * use directory INSTSRC instead of floppy" echo " sysinstall -doprompt * prompt user before installing each package" echo " sysinstall -compress * use the old compress program, not gzip" } umask 0 INSTROOT=/ INSTDEV=/dev/fd0 INSTSRC="" DOPROMPT="false" COMPR=gzip ZEXT=tgz while [ 0 ]; do if [ $# -gt 1 -a "$1" = "-instdev" ]; then INSTDEV=$2; shift 2; continue; elif [ $# -gt 1 -a "$1" = "-instroot" ]; then INSTROOT=$2; shift 2; continue; elif [ $# -gt 1 -a "$1" = "-doprompt" ]; then DOPROMPT="true"; shift 1; continue; elif [ $# -gt 1 -a "$1" = "-instsrc" ]; then INSTSRC=$2; shift 2; continue; elif [ $# -gt 0 -a "$1" = "-compress" ]; then COMPR=compress; ZEXT=taz shift; continue; else break; fi done; INSTTOPDIR=$INSTROOT/install INSTDIR=$INSTTOPDIR/installed INSTSCRDIR=$INSTTOPDIR/scripts INSTSCRIPT=doinst.sh MNTDIR=/user MOUNTTYPE=minix function MountDisk() { declare -i MountStat if [ "$INSTSRC" != "" ]; then test -d $INSTSRC; MountStat=$? return $MountStat; fi for j in 1 2 3; do echo -n "Insert disk $1 into the floppy drive then hit enter, or q to quit" read ans; if [ "$ans" = "q" ]; then exit 1; fi; MountStat=0 for k in $MOUNTTYPE minix msdos ext; do if [ $MountStat = 0 -o $k != $MOUNTTYPE ]; then mount -r -t $k $INSTDEV $MNTDIR >& /dev/null MountStat=$? if [ $MountStat = 0 ]; then MOUNTTYPE=$k return 0; fi fi done done exit 1 } function UnmountDisk() { if [ "$INSTSRC" = "" ]; then umount $INSTDEV > /dev/null fi; } function InstallPkg() { if [ -f $1 ]; then echo -n "installing `basename $1 .$2`... " if [ -e $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT ]; then rm $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT fi if [ "tar" = "$2" ]; then (cd $INSTROOT; tar -xvlpf - | sed "/\/$/d" ) < $1 > $INSTDIR/`basename $1 .$2` else (cd $INSTROOT; $COMPR -dc | tar -xvlpf - | sed "/\/$/d" ) < $1 > $INSTDIR/`basename $1 .$2` fi if [ -f $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT ]; then (cd $INSTROOT; sh $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT -install;) mv $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT $INSTSCRDIR/`basename $1 .$2`; fi if [ "bin" = "`basename $1 .$2`" ]; then hash -r fi echo "...done" else echo "$1 not found" fi; } function InstallDisk() { declare -i Status; declare -i FileSize; for k in 1 2 3; do MountDisk $1 Status=$? if [ $Status != 0 ]; then return 1; fi if [ "$INSTSRC" = "" ]; then SRCDIR=$MNTDIR else SRCDIR=$INSTSRC/$1 fi if [ -e $SRCDIR/disk$1 -o $1 = Disk ]; then DISKNAME=$SRCDIR/disk*; if [ -f $DISKNAME ]; then cat $DISKNAME > $INSTROOT/install/catalog/`basename $DISKNAME` FileSize=`filesize $DISKNAME`; echo "`basename $DISKNAME` $FileSize" >> $INSTROOT/install/disks/`basename $DISKNAME` fi for FileExt in taz tpz tar tgz; do for FileZ in $SRCDIR/*.$FileExt; do if [ "$FileZ" = "$SRCDIR/*.$FileExt" ]; then continue; fi RqKey="NotFound" if fgrep "`basename $FileZ .$FileExt`:" $SRCDIR/disk* | fgrep required > /dev/nul ; then # echo 'found the required keyword' RqKey="Found" fi if [ $1 = Disk -o "$DOPROMPT" = "true" ]; then echo "" if [ $RqKey = "Found" ]; then #echo 'taking the required path' FileSize=`filesize $FileZ`/341; echo "Auto-installing required package `basename $FileZ .$FileExt` [\~${FileSize}K]." fgrep "`basename $FileZ .$FileExt`:" $SRCDIR/disk*; InstallPkg $FileZ $FileExt; else #echo 'taking the optional path' fgrep "`basename $FileZ .$FileExt`:" $SRCDIR/disk*; FileSize=`filesize $FileZ`/341; echo -n "Install package `basename $FileZ .$FileExt` [\~${FileSize}K] (y/n/q)?" read ans; if [ "$ans" = "Y" -o "$ans" = "y" ]; then InstallPkg $FileZ $FileExt; elif [ "$ans" = "q" -o "$ans" = "Q" ]; then UnmountDisk exit 0; fi fi else FileSize=`filesize $FileZ`/341; echo "Installing package `basename $FileZ .$FileExt` [\~${FileSize}K]. " fgrep "`basename $FileZ .$FileExt`:" $SRCDIR/disk*; InstallPkg $FileZ $FileExt; fi if [ $1 != Disk ]; then echo "`basename $FileZ` `filesize $FileZ`" >> $INSTROOT/install/disks/`basename $DISKNAME` fi done done if [ -e $SRCDIR/install.end ]; then Status=1; else Status=0; fi UnmountDisk return $Status else UnmountDisk echo -n "error: wrong disk (file disk$1 not found), try again or skip (y/n/s)?" read ans; if [ "$ans" = "N" -o "$ans" = "n" ]; then return 1 fi if [ "$ans" = "S" -o "$ans" = "s" ]; then return 2 fi fi; done } function RemovePkg() { if [ -f $INSTDIR/$1 ]; then if [ -f $INSTSCRDIR/$1 ]; then (cd $INSTROOT; sh $INSTSCRDIR/$1 -remove;) rm $INSTSCRDIR/$1 fi (cd $INSTROOT; xargs /bin/rm -f ) < $INSTDIR/$1 rm $INSTDIR/$1 else echo "error: unknown package $1" fi } function DoInstall() { declare -i Counter; if [ "$1" = "a" ]; then Counter=2; else Counter=1; fi while [ 0 ]; do InstallDisk $1$Counter;R if [ $? = 1 ]; then return 0; fi Counter=$Counter+1; done; } function ShowInstalled() { for i in $INSTDIR/*; do echo "`basename $i`"; done; } function DoExtract() { if [ "$COMPR" = "compress" ]; then (cd $INSTROOT; tar -clpf - -T $INSTDIR/$2 ) > $2.tar $COMPR $2.tar if [ -e $2.tar.Z ]; then mv $2.tar.Z $2.taz fi else (cd $INSTROOT; tar -clpf - -T $INSTDIR/$2 | $COMPR ) > $2.$ZEXT fi } if [ $# = 0 ]; then PrintUsage; elif [ "$1" = "-view" ]; then ShowInstalled; elif [ "$1" = "-everything" ]; then DoInstall a; DoInstall b; DoInstall c; DoInstall d; DoInstall s; DoInstall t; DoInstall x; elif [ "$1" = "-all" ]; then DoInstall a; DoInstall b; DoInstall c; DoInstall x; elif [ "$1" = "-base" ]; then DoInstall a; DoInstall b; DoInstall c; elif [ "$1" = "-mini" ]; then DoInstall a; elif [ "$1" = "-rest" ]; then DoInstall b; DoInstall c; elif [ "$1" = "-X11" ]; then DoInstall a; DoInstall x; elif [ "$1" = "-tex" ]; then DoInstall a; DoInstall x; DoInstall t; elif [ "$1" = "-remove" -a $# = 2 ]; then RemovePkg $2 elif [ "$1" = "-install" -a $# = 2 ]; then if [ "`basename $2 .$ZEXT`" != "`basename $2`" ]; then InstallPkg $2 "$ZEXT" else InstallPkg $2 "tar" fi elif [ "$1" = "-series" -a $# = 2 ]; then DoInstall $2 elif [ "$1" = "-extract" -a $# = 2 -o $1 = "-extracttar" -a $# = 2 ]; then if [ -f $INSTDIR/$2 ]; then if [ -f $INSTSCRDIR/$2 ]; then cp $INSTSCRDIR/$2 $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT (cd $INSTROOT; sh $INSTSCRDIR/$2 -extract;) if [ $1 = "-extract" ]; then (cd $INSTROOT; tar -clpf - -T $INSTDIR/$2 | $COMPR ) > $2.$ZEXT else DoExtract $1 $2 fi (cd $INSTROOT; sh $INSTSCRDIR/$2 -retract;) rm $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT else if [ $1 = "-extract" ]; then (cd $INSTROOT; tar -clpf - -T $INSTDIR/$2 | $COMPR ) > $2.$ZEXT else DoExtract $1 $2 fi fi else echo "$INSTDIR/$2 not found"; fi; elif [ "$1" = "-disk" ]; then if [ $# = 1 ] ; then InstallDisk Disk else InstallDisk $2 fi elif [ "$1" = "-mountd XC -̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀rusage: rdev [ -orsv ] IMAGE [ DEV [ OFFSET ] ] rdev /dev/at0 (or rdev /linux, etc.) displays the current ROOT device rdev /dev/at0 /dev/hda2 sets ROOT to /dev/hda2 rdev -s /dev/at0 /dev/hda2 set the SWAP device rdev -r /dev/at0 627 set the RAMDISK size rdev -v /dev/at0 1 set the bootup VIDEOMODE rdev -o N ... use the byte offset N sdev ... same as rdev -s ramsize ... same as rdev -r vidmode ... same as rdev -vNote: video modes are: -3=Ask, -2=Extended, -1=NormalVga, 1=key1, 2=key2,...Uh@`hoz`hm`h``h'S`h^F`h9`h,`h`h5`hg`j`Uu`jg`Boot device/devopendir /dev/dev/0x%04xUH}u nhz`‰Uu h~hh88 `u`‰Ut[Ѓ Ph= `EPh8 `} h8fEf%f=`uE9Eu 8"두uhh8B ` 8rdevvidmoderamsizeswapdevRoot deviceVideo modeRamsizeSwap device/%s / lseekclose %s %d U2EEEj/E 0l `‰UtE E ME}&E4 u`u EאMM}~EEE)щME :-tE B̀} ى  jh 0h uj9$ 0 l H l l l l l ` l l l l T l l l l l l l l < jh :jh .jh "jh jh jh) j̀򐐋H %t 93D$ځ%9u 9}D$T$t;jh 0h ujujh jd̀򐐃>L[^_]þ,=,t.jh= ph@ 0hC j>u֐1۸̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.1z| ` _v4#!/bin/sh # copyright Softlanding Software 92,93. Distribute freely, don't restrict # # Modified as part of Patrix Slackware Linux A series (4/93) # modifications in this package copyright under GNU copyleft 1993 # mods by Patrick Volkerding function usage() { echo " " echo "Installs Linux onto a hard disk from floppies, tape, CD, HD or Network" echo "usage: doinstall PART [ PART2 MNT2 ...]" echo "where: PART is the partition to install to, optionally followed by" echo "partition/directory pairs to mount on root. for example" echo " doinstall /dev/hda2" echo "or: doinstall /dev/hda2 /dev/hda3 /usr /dev/hdb1 /usr/spool" exit 1 } function domount() { if [ ! -b $1 ]; then echo "Error: $1 is not a block device, can not mount on $2"; usage; exit 2 fi #echo -n "Is $1 an Extended FS(2) partition, instead of the default minix? (n/y)" #read ans #if [ "$ans" = "Y" -o "$ans" = "y" ]; then MOUNTTYPE="ext2" #else #MOUNTTYPE="minix" #fi mount -t $MOUNTTYPE $1 $2 MNTSTAT=$?; if [ $MNTSTAT != 0 ]; then echo "Error: can not mount $1. Did you use: mkfs $1 SIZE" echo "where SIZE is the number of blocks shown by fdisk?" exit 1; fi } if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then usage; exit 1 fi ROOTDEVICE=$1 INSTSRC= INSTTYPE= INSTMEDIA= INSTDEV=/dev/fd0 function mountsource() { case $1 in harddrive) INSTSRC=/mnt/install echo -n "Enter the partition that the source is on (eg. /dev/hda1):" read hdloc; echo -n "Enter the type of the filesystem (minix/ext2/msdos)"; read hdtype; mount -t $hdtype $hdloc /mnt ;; cdrom) INSTSRC=/mnt/install echo -n "Is this a Mitsumi CDROM player (y/n)" read ans; if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]; then mount -t iso9660 /dev/mcd0 /mnt else echo "Assuming SCSI CDROM" mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt fi ;; network) INSTSRC=/mnt/install echo -n "Enter IP address of NFS server:" read ipaddr; echo -n "Enter directory on server where SLS sources are located:" read path; mount -t nfs $ipaddr:$path /mnt || mount -t nfs $ipaddr:$path /mnt ;; esac MNTSTAT=$? if [ $MNTSTAT != 0 ]; then echo "error: can not mount source" exit 2; fi if [ -d $INSTSRC/a4 -a -d $INSTSRC/a3 ]; then return else echo "error: SLS distribution files not found in $INSTSRC" usage fi } echo '' echo "Welcome to the Slackware Linux installation program (v. 1.22)." while [ 0 ]; do umount /mnt >& /dev/null echo '' echo ' 1 - Install from Floppy Disks' echo ' ' echo ' 2 - Install from Hard Disk' echo ' 3 - Install from Tape' echo ' 4 - Install from CDROM' echo ' 5 - Install from Network (via NFS)' echo ' ' echo -n 'Where will you be installing Linux from? ' read ans; case $ans in 1 ) INSTMEDIA=floppy # while [ 0 ];do # echo " " # echo ' 1) Drive A: 5 1/4 inch' # echo ' 2) Drive A: 3 1/2 inch' # echo ' 3) Drive B: 5 1/4 inch' # echo ' 4) Drive B: 3 1/2 inch' # echo " " # echo -n "Enter Drive You Will Be Doing The Installation From (1/2/3/4): " # read answer; # case $answer in # 1) INSTDEV=/dev/fd0h1200;; # 2) INSTDEV=/dev/fd0H1440;; # 3) INSTDEV=/dev/fd1h1200;; # 4) INSTDEV=/dev/fd1H1440;; # *) continue;; # esac # umount $INSTDEV # break; # done INSTDEV=/dev/fd0H1440 ;; 2 ) INSTMEDIA=harddrive; mountsource harddrive ;; 3 ) INSTMEDIA=tape ;; 4 ) INSTMEDIA=cdrom; mountsource cdrom ;; 5) INSTMEDIA=network; mountsource network ;; *) echo "$ans invalid, pick again"; continue;; esac break; done while [ "$INSTMEDIA" != tape ]; do echo ' ' echo ' 1 - Install the base Slackware Linux disks (series A)' echo ' 2 - Install the Slackware series A + Slackware or SLS series X (X11)' echo ' 3 - Install the Slackware series A + X (X Windows) + T (TeX support)' # echo ' 3 - Install base system + X11 (70 Meg)' # echo ' 4 - Install everything (90 Meg)' echo " " echo -n 'Enter type of install (1 or 2): ' read ans; if [ $ans = 1 ]; then INSTTYPE="mini" break; elif [ $ans = 2 ]; then INSTTYPE="X11" break; elif [ $ans = 3 ]; then INSTTYPE="tex" break; # elif [ $ans = 4 ]; then # INSTTYPE="everything" # break; fi done umount $ROOTDEVICE >& /dev/null domount $ROOTDEVICE /root mkdir -p /root/install/installed mkdir -p /root/install/disks mkdir -p /root/install/scripts mkdir -p /root/install/catalog echo "$ROOTDEVICE / $MOUNTTYPE defaults" > /root/fstab.tmp while [ 0 ]; do if [ "" != "$2" -a "" != "$3" ]; then mkdir /root$3 domount $2 /root$3 echo "$2 $3 $MOUNTTYPE defaults" >> /root/fstab.tmp shift 2; else break; fi done if [ -f /root/doinst.sh ]; then sh /root/doinst.sh; fi echo -n 'Do you want to be prompted before packages are installed? (y/n): ' read ans if [ "$ans" = "Y" -o "$ans" = "y" ]; then DOPROMPT="-doprompt" fi if [ "$INSTSRC" != "" ]; then INSTSRC="-instsrc $INSTSRC" fi if [ "$INSTMEDIA" = tape ]; then export DOPROMPT tarsh /dev/rmt0 /bin/tapeinstall else sysinstall -instdev $INSTDEV $INSTSRC -instroot /root $DOPROMPT -$INSTTYPE fi mv /root/fstab.tmp /root/etc/fstab if [ "$INSTDEV" != "" ]; then if [ $INSTDEV = /dev/fd1H1440 ]; then INSTDEV=/dev/fd0h1200; elif [ $INSTDEV = /dev/fd1h1200 ]; then INSTDEV=/dev/fd0H1440; fi echo "FLOPPYA $INSTDEV" >> /root/etc/hwconfig fi echo "ROOTDEV $ROOTDEVICE" >> /root/etc/hwconfig VGAMODE=-3 if [ "/dev/ram /" = "`rdev`" ]; then echo ' ' echo 'Now put a formatted floppy in your boot drive.' echo 'This will be made into your Linux boot disk. Use this to' echo 'boot Linux until LILO has been configured to boot from' echo 'the hard drive.' echo ' ' echo 'Any data on the target disk will be destroyed.' echo -n 'Insert the disk and press :' read ans; dd if=/root/Image of=$INSTDEV rdev $INSTDEV $ROOTDEVICE # echo -n "Do you wish to have the video mode preset at boot time? (y/n): " # read ans; # if [ "$ans" = "y" ]; then # echo -n "Enter the mode (-1 for 80x25 mode, or the key 1, 2, 3, ...): " # read VGAMODE; # rdev -v $INSTDEV $VGAMODE rdev -v $INSTDEV -1 # fi sync fi echo "VGAMODE $VGAMODE" >> /root/etc/hwconfig if [ -x /root/etc/syssetup ]; then (cd /root; etc/syssetup -instroot /root -install ) fi sync echo ' ' echo 'Installation is complete. ' echo ' ' echo 'Reboot your computer to start Linux from the new boot disk.' if [ "/dev/ram /" = "`rdev`" ]; then echo '' else echo "this disk when rebooting to using Linux on your hard drive as follows:" echo ' - when you see the word "LILO", hold down the ALT key' echo " - type \"harddisk root=$ROOTDEV\" to boot to your installation" echo 'Once there, you can use "makebootdisk" to create a boot floppy' fi [ "$INSTROOT" = "" ] && { export INSTROOT=/root export INSTTOPDIR=$INSTROOT/install export INSTDIR=$INSTTOPDIR/installed export INSTSCRDIR=$INSTTOPDIR/scripts export INSTSCRIPT=doinst.sh export COMPR=gzip } function doextr() { if [ "$DOPROMPT" = "-doprompt" ]; then fgrep "`basename $b $1`:" $INSTTOPDIR/catalog/disk*; echo -n "Install pkg `basename $b $1` (y/n/q)?" read ans; if [ "$ans" != "Y" -a "$ans" != "y" ]; then return 0 fi fi echo -n "installing $b ... " (cd $INSTROOT; $COMPR -dc | tar -xvlpf - | sed "/\/$/d" ) > $INSTDIR/`basename $b $1` echo done } b=`basename $1` if [ -e $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT ]; then rm $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT fi echo $b >>$INSTTOPDIR/disks/`dirname $1` case $1 in *taz) doextr .taz ;; *tar.Z) doextr .tar.Z ;; *tpz) doextr .tpz ;; *tgz) doextr .tgz ;; *tar) e=.tar (cd $INSTROOT; cat | tar -xvlpf - | sed "/\/$/d" ) > $INSTDIR/`basename $b $e` ;; *disk*) cat > $INSTTOPDIR/catalog/disk*; ;; *) cat > $INSTTOPDIR/$b ;; esac if [ -f $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT ]; then (cd $INSTROOT; sh $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT -install;) mv $INSTTOPDIR/$INSTSCRIPT $INSTSCRDIR/`basename $1 .$2`; fi d h0-̀\ `-<D$4 `~P`[̀rError : %s UuhDh `#` h ``jT`tarsh - Tar Extracter to a shell Usage: tarsh DEVICE COMMAND Uh|h ``hh ``j`UU1B: t: t LB<v%0*.*loUE ~uPPhh4h `4U VSu~u FPPh]S5 `VSuP`e[^Us  BrT1ɁTsBTrTar-File kann nicht geoeffnet werdenTar-Header kann nicht gelesen werdenDTAR:Links werden nicht untersuetzt %s %swCan not open pipe %s Tar-Block kann nicht gelesen werden End of Tar :-) UHWVSju`E} hUUhhTu`  hi=TYhǍ} =1uhh `W`뎐=0t =hTu h=uM `hCu`ƅuxuhEh `` ahhTu2` Å h\~1t VjShT`u V`1V`KhhTu`  h\Kuwhh `)`h `_u_e[^_ TarSh (c) Michael_Kraehe@hb.maus.de UWVS]} tw_hh `_h `;_SVe[^_UVSDu1҃=  jhPUhT$06j9$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jhk:jh.jh"jhjh jhj hMD$hU0UU6=  jhPUhT$06jg9$ \ 8 \ \ \ \ \ P \ \ \ \ D \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , jhk:jh.jh"jhjh jhj h!D$0UiU jhPUhT$06jV9$ 4 p L p p p p p d p p p p X p p p p p p p p @ jhk:jh.jh"jhjh jhj h H %t 9%1D$ځ%9u 9}D$D$t;jhPUhT$06jjhkj h?F=t,jhph0hj?uj/jhhjhh[[^_]/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3pl3 `/`  ( d<@-̀\ `-:D$4 `*P`[̀rUsage: %s path .UVS]u @t6h@h `` jL`^S;j/S `u PH9v8/t@S `j `UWU0׹Ѓ~</uJH~:/t} GNU shellutils version 1.6 UVS|u1҃<tB8uӅt4|ЃKue[^US=tЃ;uh$_]U=HuHÐXSL$ T$\$̀} أP[ÐVSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. 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Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$ |$= P>V̀} ى 5jh0huj9$L(LLLLL@LLLL4LLLLLLLLjh:jh.jh"jhjh jh j̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh0hujmjhj\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ=t.jhph 0h#j >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2ds`_v4%...&console'mem(kmem)null*port+zero,ram-sr0.tty/fd00fd11hda2hda13hda24hda35hda46hda57hda68hda79hda8:hdb;hdb1<hdb2=hdb3>hdb4?hdb5@hdb6Ahdb7Bhdb8CsdaDsda1Esda2Fsda3Gsda4HsdbIsdb1Jsdb2Ksdb3Lsdb4Mptyp0Nptyp1Optyp2Pptyp3Qptyp4Rptyp5Sptyp6Tptyp7Uptyp8Vptyp9WptypaXptypbYptypcZptypd[ptype\ptypf]ttyp0^ttyp1_ttyp2`ttyp3attyp4bttyp5cttyp6dttyp7ettyp8fttyp9gttypahttypbittypcjttypdkttypelttypf&tty0mtty1ntty2otty3ptty4qtty5rtty6stty7ttty8uttys1vttys2wttys3xttys4yttys0zpar0{par1|par2}fd0d360~fd0h360fd0h720fd0h1200fd0D360fd0D720fd0H360fd0H720fd0H1440fd1d360fd1h360fd1h720fd1h1200fd1D360fd1D720fd1H360fd1H720fd1H1440sda5sda6sda7sda8sdb5sdb6sdb7sdb8bmlp0lp1lp2logboot0rmt0nrmt0mcd0...gettygroupinitinittabfstabutmpmotdswaponsecurettypasswdmtabumountrcrc.localupdateshellstermcapliloswapofffdiskmountwtmpprofileportmapinetd.confmke2fsissueinetconfighost.confhostsrc.netprotocolsservicese2fsckinetdmkswapreboothaltshutdownpartn.txt.z d -̀\ `-:D$4 `:P`[̀r/bin/login %s: can't exec %s: %m_t hCD$ PS|`}Sh\bfD$f%f= tShhEj_< `jjS` t)Shjjj)_ $uShjM_uj>_tSht$ThTj` }ShjjS_ hS_< `[^_@VS\$ t$jh Tj$` ΰsCCC CCShTj` [^UWVS$+ {CShTj` j`ht$Vj` ~AD9s4Ɛ9|' `B$tQ5tc CA9rω+SShTj?` [^_] /etc/issue login: DUWVS$X$\jhgj ` $tqjhj`Dž|\nNVhTj_ \$ThSW` ~PSjD ` ߐnVhTj_ W3_j@\$S_0HPSj` jhuj` [^_]DS P A\$ ș{ P D$`T PPhTj_ [ %s: read: %m%s: input overrunUWVS$  j`jh Tj_ D$|$$$$ at$EjD$Pj` .< `w jw_$q8h`|$u$y ~ 1[^_]Ê\$8\$t5ˉL$T$t@~uU $tU tA#tJ t##t' tL~@tCtpكMكM9jE 4T j` NكM9vtjE 4T j` N9wWjE_$uFӡ `Pt8)=v$q8hjD$Pjn` F}N|$\$S1Et8ހ|$t/ `P$t9t  `F>uӍD$[^_]%s: ioctl: TCSETA: %mVSt$ T$L$ J JBBBBBy u JZYZA t~%ttJJ 0bπJ yt J J$tJRhTj_ }v8hH [^VST$ 1:t( ` K$t1[^Ðuf4KB:u߉[^t$C_d =d t9uBÃ:u1usage: %s %sh 5!h  : %s%m/dev/consoleUWVSh 5!\$S1`P`0Ѝ\$$>tjjh V1` u u"jh V` u0< `4@`S`0щL$\ 뙊FChgSf`jh _Å|)T$0HPRSq` Sx_j _j_UVSp!u1҃V̀} ى @!5@!jh0huj9$(jh:jh..jhC"jhUjhi jh}j̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh0hujmjhj\̀򐐃>D[^_]þd!=d!t.jhph0hj >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!@2Kn,X  `  % KK[-h] [-l login_program] [-m] [-t timeout] baud_rate,... lineuヽu:h# hw th# h E0tACP]`uuuɅ h_Džuh hjW_ O$jGP6` jO(Q"` 8tD1ۀ8t% L;suD;SBC :uj GP` V G Of fG O"G$v G$w O G O $ u f fGG$w f fOG$v G$wd1ۋ0t#B$v B$w ӋuޅtuVN0=0u:2LJt7=0 0t!wVCP2_tˋu僽t_0 `B$t=0Su1= 0M'u t+(PG(P_u@$9G$tu=0St $$t0PGPF_u$u*OHOH$u 't|t tAot h tjjjGP_Dž0t h btj jj GP_1ۋtuj540bFyt jjC= 0tO$t=$@uGPwh-  !(+tjwGPh'G'ujj*_= 0tW^_u0 0=0tLJu0hJ w_[^_#*SsUVS 0$ $uz0PCP"_u$t$0Ph_u S1t)#݋C$vC$v#C$ uhe[^0123456789S Enter runlevel: UVShh _ƅ} SVjSh_A_u^jhkVe_ EjEPV_ }t} t} u] `X$t%9u `듐V_؍e[^Initdefault level '%c' is invalidUS 0t0x$ uPxt9~B:u u҅~D `X$t%9u `Sh_7_tSh;-]cannot open %s%c %dQS0123456789ABCbad runlevel: %cGoing single userRe-reading inittabActivating demand-procedures for '%c'Going to runlevel: %cABC~runlevelUWVSEXh! hJ _ÅuhJ hwEPEPhS_S_U `P$t9t `EFwEPh _uEPh0u }=40EA|1C~$QtSu"h*h<6PhO EPhu}QtEPhA_tz=0Su S 0WEPCP_u-U9t  `PCP_t uhj0Phh"Ee[^_/usr/adm/wtmprebootU_ j uEP-_ j8SV_ V_e[^_/etc/utmpUWVSDžPDžLj8jXPT_ fDžXjhX_ÅDžHMDj8DS_ 8M9Mu*f}tdDžP     }ȋD}urf}t:}~4ju_}#jHSD_ j8XPS_ }tf}uL} HLH8EPu[j8jEPJ_ MMjuEP_ ju EP_ 'MЃL|jLS_ TP_fMfMȋTM|f}tj8EPS_ S$_hhrj_Å|P=00u'}t!hjjhh00f}uEj8EPS_ S_8[^_US1ۍEP_ 0t=$t,B ,9E~"BB t9~Ëuąt+]Sj_]U 0t@@ uSNo more processes left in this runlevelEntering runlevel: %c/etc/powerstatusUWVSEEjhi(h@_ jS_C ~hj{_hjl_hj]_hjN_hj?_h4j0_hj!_hj_j_j_j_hh*_SS_6_hhAhX_ P_500# 0t $t{$u uoE0=00jh#Uh#$06j9$&T''l'''''''''''x'''''''''`'jh#:jh#.jh#"jh $jh$ jh1$j hMD$h7&U0UU6=00jh#Uh#$06jg9$$((((((((((((((((((((((((jh#:jh#.jh#"jh $jh$ jh1$j h!D$0UiU0jh#Uh#$06jV9$8))))))))))))))))))))))))jh#:jh#.jh#"jh $jh$ jh1$j h H %t 9%1D$ځ%9u 9}D$D$t;jh#Uh#$06jjh#j h?F0=0t,jh=&ph@&0hC&j?uj/jh0h0jh0h0[[^_]/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3pl3D_Ss{ 0++`/`/0010# # # A sample of the new, SYSV compatible inittab. # # (This one runs on my machine every day) # # Level to run in. Set to 5 or 6 to allow serial port logins. # If you comment this out, the system will ask you for a runlevel # when it is booted. # id:4:initdefault: # # Sysinit: takes place only once, right after system boot, *before* # possibly going single-user. # si::sysinit:/etc/update & # # boot & bootwait take place once too, but *after* possibly going # single user. # rc::bootwait:/etc/rc # # Run the cron deamon. # #cr::boot:/usr/bin/cron # # Normal levels: 1-4 = virtual consoles 5,6 = COM ports. # Ofcourse you can change this to suit your taste. # # BEWARE: where is your getty? in /bin or in /etc? # 1:1234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty1 2:1234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty2 3:1234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty3 4:1234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty4 # # The powerfail routines, that take care of a graceful shutdown. # In our case, CTRL-ALT-DEL was pressed. # pf::powerwait:/etc/shutdown -rf now > /dev/console < /dev/console 2>&1 # ca::ctrlaltdel:/etc/shutdown -t3 -rf now # /etc/fstab # static file system information # # This file is not used by the kernel, but rather by mount(8) and umount(8) # (and some day fsck(8)). Comment lines have "#" in the first column. # Entries that are to be ignored should have "none" in the directory field, # and have type "ignore" or options "xx". Frequency and pass are numeric # fields for dump(8) and fsck(8) that are not used yet in Linux. You can # leave them empty if want. # device directory type options freq pass #/dev/hda2 / xiafs defaults #/dev/hda1 none swap sw #/dev/hda3 /usr xiafs defaults #/dev/hda4 /users ext2 defaults /dev/fd0 / xiafs defaults /proc /proc proc defaults tty11]+roottty22S+LOGINtty33S+LOGINtty44S+LOGINd8 h-̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀rUsage: %s [-a] [special_file ...] 5 h@h `` jM`swapon%s: %s: %s WVS\$5 u S`S`ƅ}(5< `Z `PS5 hh ``[^_aswapWVS\$t$x1j/6U `tj/6E `@  hVS` tauGH `1ۅt/tCpu0 Ր>u6 Ã>u[^_r/etc/fstab=< u#hhp`< %Ðjj5< ` %5< !`ignoreWV=< uu1^_Ð5< m`…u < 0t8#tًrCtʼn^_VSt$ 5u1[^ÅtVs@ `u[^VSt$ u1[^WÅtV3 `u[^UVS u1҃< t B8uӅt4 ЃKue[^US = tЃ;uh_]U=D uD S\$L$ T$̀} أL [VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. Corrupt fixup table. WVSt$V:tK:tjhj ̀F>xD 0O}[^_ UWVSt$ ND$$E99tjhju ̀F\$x5t$$D$\ \$D$\$D$0L$w|$}͋VltTD$A1D$|?t,|$$u D) DF9uD$\$9][^_] WVSt$V::tjhj ̀F>xD 0O}1|tDTGV9:GTDN99[^_) ( UWVSl$ |$p =p PV̀|$5L jhQhuj9$<jh/:jhF.jh["jhmjh jhj̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$*1T$%9u T$9}t>jh0huj|jh/jk̀򐐃>`Jp =p t.jhph0hj>u֐1̀jhx @hx /jhx $hx [^_]/lib/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3pl2H  ' `.`4 T 8 d tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 t Ct'Phu'8xt#u RÅ|"jVj7_&BPh'RjEPj_e[^UhwCt]Hashing is disabled-r--hits command %4d %s No commands in hash table. %s: not foundUWVS1E=p#th(UUV}tTUB0(t$0(t‹8-uPU}u}uzu~11t]9X~NPVÅt3uh(Z_C0s h(>_ uFt]9p h(_1SPWƅtBv_F0_vz_6So_u̡t]Gt]9xzUBSAu\SmSS#u9u5t V&t5"VSJ Sh(EUU}uh `;_}u1e[^_UWVS]=p#5t]Sƃ~tF0n_j:FS0щMQ:EP_F^u } 0щMQ}:EP_EVBF e[^_Shell commands that are defined internally. Type `help' to see this/dev/fd0 / xiafs defaults 0 0 /proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 dx-̀\ `-:D$4 `6P`[̀rUsage: umount [-av] [-t vfstypes] umount [-v] special | noder/etc/mtab~umount: error writing %s: %sumount: error changing mode of %s: %s/etc/mtabumount: can't rename %s to %s: %sVSt$ h5`ÅtDV3 `tS55`u5< ` `Phhj5`h5`PE`}"5< ` `Phhj~5`hhg `}(5< `M `Phhhj3[^%s umounted umount: %s: invalid block deviceumount: %s: not mountedumount: %s: can't write superblockumount: %s: device is busyumount: %s: must be superuser to umountumount: %s: block devices not permitted on fsumount: %s: %sVSt$ \$>/uS `|%=tVh `V1[^Ë< ` S9$`Vh.Vh9&VhQVhtVh9VhVhS: `PVh [^/rootUWVS1D$h5`Åttt$stًstŋstU3%Pt$s PD$z{1ۅt&T$2u ËmT$RT$u `[^_]VSt$ h5`ÅtVs`tV3`u[^aft:vUWVSt$|$s 11퐐hYWV|` tHtt at *vt!Cѐ5D `뾐5jg+5H `H `DžtU-[^_]Ðt5j*7PÅuj7[^_]ÐsxP3mP[^_]VS\$ t$jp[^not enough memoryD$u1ÐP`uh|jD$u1ÐPb`uh|jWT$$jD$PRu`  D$Pt$h `9 ` h h `W_S\$D$Pt$h ` ` h h `&_Se_%sD$4B`hpj /etc/mtab~can't create lock file %s: %swVS=},D$tD$ t$jVS+` C~hhh` }"5< ``PhhjhP_[^5_=t h`a+/etc/mtabmount: can't open %s for writing: %s/rootmount: error writing %s: %smount: error changing mode of %s: %shyh|m_u!5< ``Ph|hj huht6P5_u"5< ``Ph|hjh5_P7_} 5< ``Ph|hjp5_rcan't open %s: %sh h|u_ut$h|[_u#5< ` `Ph|h jh5_Pw_} 5< ``Ph|hj5_,SD$u1[Ðjh P`Ph j`tSߐ[swapmount: out of memoryno%sUWVS] u u1uv%i0}Ѓ$)ĉuh WH` 18nu xo3u`t3Ww`t[uىe[^_nonemount: path too longUWVS\$hʼnl$u 1[^_]Éؿ uSU `[^_]Ðj:S`uڀ;/uE/C7hU_0ЍDD$8/t D$T$/;tw9D$swt$>/uC;/tJ;.u9{t?{/t9{.u'{t {/u9l$v L$T$:/u D$t$C;t 9D$r9D$rh j.T$:/uL$t$F[^_]r/etc/fstab=u#h, h. _%Ðjj5I_ %5_ignoreWV=uu1^_Ð5_…u 0t8#tًr tʼn^_VSt$ 5u1[^ÅtVs_u[^VSt$ u1[^WÅtV3_u[^UVSu1҃<tB8uӅt4ЃKue[^US=tЃ;uhd_]U=uS\$L$ T$̀} أ[VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. Corrupt fixup table. WVSt$V:tK:tjhj ̀F>xD 0O}[^_ UWVSt$ ND$$E99tjhju ̀F\$x5t$$D$\ \$D$\$D$0L$w|$}͋VltTD$A1D$|?t,|$$u D) DF9uD$\$9][^_] WVSt$V::tjhj ̀F>xD 0O}1|tDTGV9:GTDN99[^_) ( UWVSl$ |$=PV̀|$5jhhQhluj9$((((((((((((((((((jh:jh.jh"jhjh jhj̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$*1T$%9u T$9}t>jhh0hluj|jhjk̀򐐃>`J=t.jhph0hj>u֐1̀jh@h/jh$h[^_]/lib/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3pl2@l{`.`#!/bin/sh # /etc/rc - generic system configuration script PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/etc; export PATH # If we we shut down with "shutdown -f" don't check file systems. if [ -f /fastboot ] then echo "Checking file systems..." echo /dev/fd0: # Possibly other file systems too.. fi rm -f /fastboot #set clock to GMT #clock -u -s # update syncs the filesystems every 30 seconds # comment it out. we use sysvinit. #update & # remove /etc/mtab* so mount creates the /etc/mtab file rm -f /etc/mtab* /etc/nologin # mount all partitions specified in /etc/fstab mount -av # mount swap partition specified in /etc/fstab swapon -a # tmp and usr may be mounted, so we do these rm's after mount rm -f /usr/spool/uucp/LCK* rm -rf /tmp/* # remove /etc/utmp and touch it > /etc/utmp # remove /etc/wtmp and touch it if it is too big. #find /etc/wtmp -size +20000c -exec rm -f {} \; # to save some floppy disk space, we delete /etc/wtmp. rm -f /etc/wtmp if [ ! -f /etc/wtmp ]; then > /etc/wtmp fi sh /etc/rc.local RC_NET=/etc/rc.net if [ -x $RC_NET ]; then $RC_NET fi # set hostname hostname darkstar d8S-̀\ `-:D$4 `:P`[̀rh@j `j*``Ð/Sjj `jj `1S`C~h``+ `UVSu1҃< t B8uӅt4ЃKue[^US=tЃ;uhn`]U=uÐSL$ T$\$̀} أ[ÐVSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$|$=PV>̀} ى jh0huj9$@|X|||||p||||d||||||||Ljh:jh.jh"jhjh% jh9j̀򐐋H %t 93D$ځ%9u 9}D$T$t;jh0hujujhjd̀򐐃>L[^_]þ=t.jhMphP0hSj>u֐1۸̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.1`/bin/sh /bin/bash /bin/ksh /bin/zsh # Linux Termcap - 3 August 92 # # standard DEC vt* series d3|vt300|vt320|DEV vt300 series:\ :tc=vt200: dl|vt200|vt220|vt200-js|vt220-js|DEC vt200 series with jump scroll:\ :im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l:mi:dc=\E[P:dm=:ed=:al=\E[L:dl=\E[M:\ :cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:\ :sf=\ED:sr=\EM:sb=\EM:\ :ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cd=\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:\ :so=\E[7m:se=\E[27m:us=\E[4m:ue=\E[24m:\ :md=\E[1m:mr=\E[7m:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[m:\ :is=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\ :rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:\ :tc=vt100: d0|vt100|vt100-am|vt100am|DEC vt100:\ :do=^J:co#80:li#24:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:sf=\ED:\ :le=^H:bs:am:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:nd=\E[C:up=\E[A:\ :ce=\E[K:cd=\E[J:so=\E[7m:se=\E[m:us=\E[4m:ue=\E[m:\ :md=\E[1m:mr=\E[7m:mb=\E[5m:me=\E[m:is=\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\ :rf=/usr/share/lib/tabset/vt100:\ :rs=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\ :ku=\EOA:kd=\EOB:kr=\EOC:kl=\EOD:kb=^H:\ :ho=\E[H:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:pt:sr=\EM:vt#3:xn:\ :sc=\E7:rc=\E8:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr: # standard Linux virtual consoles l0|con-unk|basic console:\ :is=\E[m\E>\E[4;20l\E[?7;8;25h\E[?1;5;6l:\ :rs=\E[m\E>\E[4;20l\E[?7;8;25h\E[?1;5;6l:\ :RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E?7h:\ :as=\016:ae=\017:\ :bl=^G:cr=^M:ta=^I:\ :cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ch=\E[%i%dG:cv=\E[%i%dd:\ :le=\E[D:ri=\E[C:up=\E[A:do=\E[B:nd=\E[C:\ :LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:DO=\E[%dD:\ :ho=\E[H:cl=\E[H\E[2J:ce=\E[K:cb=\E[1K:cd=\E[J:sf=\ED:sr=\EM:\ :ct=\E[3g:it=8:st=\EH:\ :im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l:IC=\E[%d@:al=\E[L:AL=\E[%dL:\ :dc=\E[P:DC=\E[%dP:dl=\E[M:DL=\E[%dM:\ :so=\E[7m:se=\E[27m:us=\E[4m:ue=\E[24m:\ :mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:me=\E[m:\ :ve=\E[?25h:vi=\E[?25l:sc=\E7:rc=\E8:\ :ku=\E[A:kd=\E[B:kr=\E[C:kl=\E[D:kb=^H:\ :cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\ :kh=\EOH:kH=\EOY:kI=\EO2~:kD=\EO3~:kP=\EO5~:kN=\EO6~:\ :k1=\E[[A:k2=\E[[B:k3=\E[[C:k4=\E[[D:k5=\E[[E:\ :k6=\E[[F:k7=\E[[G:k8=\E[[H:k9=\E[[I:k0=\E[[J:\ :K1=\E[H:K2=\E[G:K3=\E[5~:K4=\E[Y:K5=\E[6~:\ :am:bs:km:mi:ms:nw:pt:xn:xo:NL: l1|con80x25|console|unknown:\ :co#80:li#25:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Genoa l2|con80x29:\ :co#80:li#29:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Everex, Trident l3|con80x30:\ :co#80:li#30:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Genoa l4|con80x32:\ :co#80:li#32:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Everex l5|con80x34:\ :co#80:li#34:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Trident, Video7, standard EGA l6|con80x43:\ :co#80:li#43:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Genoa l7|con80x44:\ :co#80:li#44:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # standard VGA l8|con80x50:\ :co#80:li#50:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Everex, Genoa, Trident, Tseng, Video7 l9|con80x60:\ :co#80:li#60:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Ahead, Genoa la|con80x66:\ :co#80:li#66:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Everex lb|con100x27:\ :co#100:li#27:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Cirrus lc|con100x37:\ :co#100:li#37:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Tseng ld|con100x40:\ :co#100:li#40:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Genoa le|con100x42:\ :co#100:li#42:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Everex lf|con100x43:\ :co#100:li#43:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Video7 lg|con100x60:\ :co#100:li#60:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Everex, Genoa lh|con100x75:\ :co#100:li#75:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # ATI, Ahead, C&T, Cirrus, Everex, Genoa, Paradise, Trident, Tseng, Video7 li|con132x25:\ :co#132:li#25:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Ahead, Tseng, Video7 lj|con132x28:\ :co#132:li#28:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Genoa lk|con132x29:\ :co#132:li#29:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Cirrus, Everex, Trident ll|con132x30:\ :co#132:li#30:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Genoa lm|con132x32:\ :co#132:li#32:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Paradise, Trident, Video7 ln|con132x43:\ :co#132:li#43:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # ATI, Ahead, Cirrus, Everex, Genoa, Tseng lo|con132x44:\ :co#132:li#44:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # C&T lp|con132x50:\ :co#132:li#50:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Genoa, Trident lq|con132x60:\ :co#132:li#60:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Ahead lr|con160x50:\ :co#160:li#50:\ :tc=con-unk: # Supported by: # Everex ls|con160x64:\ :co#160:li#64:\ :tc=con-unk: # X11R5 related termcaps # $XConsortium: termcap,v 1.6 91/06/24 15:08:52 gildea Exp $ # vs|xterm|vs100|xterm terminal emulator (X Window System):\ :AL=\E[%dL:DC=\E[%dP:DL=\E[%dM:DO=\E[%dB:IC=\E[%d@:UP=\E[%dA:\ :al=\E[L:am:\ :bs:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[2J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:co#80:\ :cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ct=\E[3k:\ :dc=\E[P:dl=\E[M:\ :im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l:mi:\ :ho=\E[H:\ :is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l:\ :rs=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E<:\ :k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\ :kl=\EOD:km:kn#4:kr=\EOC:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ku=\EOA:\ :li#65:md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:mr=\E[7m:ms:nd=\E[C:pt:\ :sc=\E7:rc=\E8:sf=\n:so=\E[7m:se=\E[m:sr=\EM:\ :te=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8:ti=\E7\E[?47h:\ :up=\E[A:us=\E[4m:ue=\E[m:xn:km: v2|xterms|vs100s|xterm terminal emulator, small window (X Window System):\ :co#80:li#24:tc=xterm: vb|xterm-bold|xterm with bold instead of underline:\ :us=\E[1m:tc=xterm: # vi may work better with this termcap, because vi # doesn't use insert mode much vi|xterm-ic|xterm-vi|xterm with insert character instead of insert mode:\ :im=:ei=:mi@:ic=\E[@:tc=xterm: ...lilodisktabchain.oldboot.bmessageactivateboot.0201configinstallboot.oldchain.bmkckboot.0200mapmap~ dGt-̀\ `-<D$4 ` P`[̀ropen %s: %slseek %s: %sread %s: %s *%-15s%s ,root=0x%04x Checksum error. UWVS$jW`Å}5< `O `PWhDL> jhS` }5< ` `PWhP> ht$VS ` =t5< ` `PWh]= S`1/:ltiPRhob` =~S4"P#P%P$Phw%`($t.Ph`h`44\ͫ1f3TD@=vfu j`h ``hh `,`jj`usage: %s [ -q ] [ -m map_file ] [ -v ] %7s%s [ -D ] [ -b boot_device ] [ -c ] [ -l ] [ -i boot_sector ] %12s[ -f disk_tab ] [ -m map_file ] [ -d delay ] [ -v ] [ -t ] %12s[ [ -s | -S ] save_file ] [ -r root_dir ] [ boot_descr ... ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -D ] [ -b boot_device ] [ -c ] [ -l ] %12s[ -i boot_sector ] [ -f disk_tab ] [ -m map_file ] [ -d delay ] %12s[ -v ] [ -t ] [ [ -s | -S ] save_file ] [ -P ][ -r root_dir ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -m map_file ] [ -P ] [ -R [ word ... ] ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -I name [ options ] ] Descriptor format: [ label= ] image(s) [ ,root_dev ] Images: Boot image: file_name Device: device #start [ +num | -end ] Unstripped: setup+kernel Other OS: loader+boot_sect@ [ part_table ] S\$j/S`tXShlh `_ Shhh `_hhh `_ hhh `_ ShhZh `_hhh `t_ hhh `]_ Shh$h `E_Shhih `-_hh `_hh ` _hh `_hh `_hh `_h)h `_hFh `_j_bootcompactdelaydisktablinearmapinstall-DIMAGES=%d -DCODE_START_1=%d -DCODE_START_2=%d -DDESCR_SIZE=%d -DDSC_OFF=%d -DDSC_OFF2=%d -DDFCMD_OFF=%d -DMSG_OFF=%d -DPRES_OFF=%d force-backupbackupfix-table ROOTchroot %s: %s/chdir /: %satexit() failedLILO version 0.9 Written 1992,1993 by Werner Almesberger verbose/etc/lilo/mappromptCan't use DELAY and PROMPT at the same time.%stimeoutmessageverbose = %d serialrootvgaramdiskpasswordOnly %d images can be defined Syntax errorNo images have been defined.The boot sector and the map file have *NOT* been altered. TUWVS$h$lgD$D$ D$$1D$(D$D$,Kh9ZKzt t$,@Ѓ39$  | , | 0 X L l x u t$,j6hjjhhZu t$,j6h_u t$,_j6h;jjhhZ7u t$,j6h u t$,j6hu t$,D$$KD$ j&j jjjj4j jTjh_(j_u t$,wD$( cu t$,?j6hu t$,j6hhZYKjjhh=YD$u t$,D$Ku Ku(10щL$t$2ECh0ҋ>щL$T$t$U2U`6U`K{!  t$,t :-|$uh_D$|$tfD$8t]t$l_} 5< `Z`Pt$ hT1 h#_}5< `)`Ph'1hhn_t h 1=~=u h_|$(t4t$(OhWD$|$$tt$ t$(kahhWhhWh(hXt!h(hiXP01tGUh hCXth h-X0Rqj_hhWt#h>h/Wt hE/=hhWt'hhWPhrjhxOhhzWt'hhdWPhrjh;Oh>hVtjjh>O huhWt'huhWPhrjhuNhhVt'hhVPhrjhNhhVt'hhVPhrjh]Nh h_Vt'h hIVPhrjh  Nh}h"Vt'h}h VPhrjh}M=t5h_hhUt'hhUPhrjhMhhUt'hhvUPhrjhMMhhTtjjh&M hhpTtjjhL hhITtjjhL hhTt'hhTPhrjhLhhTt'hhTPhrjh^Lhh`Tt'hhJTPhrjh!Lhh#Tt'hh TPhrjhKhhSt'hhSPhrjhKu|$(t|$t:h hSth hwS0R)أy(h `_jhh `j_ j_hhSP(huhSthuhRP+RhhRt hhRPx+1RhhRPh h{Rth heR0RhhGRPR/|$(u19}X6.?G9|Bt t$,/|$t+hPoNhPPt h5I@u h)= uOhhQtjhhQPA1jhhsQP@gChh `_1[^_]Tmap_patch_first: String is too longopen %s: %slseek %s: %sread %s: %sNo image "%s" is definedwrite %s: %smap_patch_first: Bad write ?!?close %s: %sUWVS0ҋ$(щH=v he(j$(_D$|$}#5< `/_P$(h4&( jht$ W_ }#5< `_P$(h@' hD$$Pt$ j_ =t#5< `_P$(hM' $(88 uE}tt} t}thC;t; u;t11D$ D$UD$P456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN_t 4FvuUhY't jjt$ L_ }#5< `_P$(h@& $(8t fD$fD$jD$"Pt$ _ Å}#5< `_P$(hr& t hv&$(0щL$t$$,t$ D_ Å}#5< `(_P$(hr& $(0щL$9\$t h%t$_}#5< `_P$(h% [^_]creat %s: %sHole found in map file (zero sector)VS$ hV_Å}5< `F_PVhC% SF_hj\$S_ jVh hSP_ =t5< `_PVhr$ hhh7 u h$[^lseek map filewrite map fileHole found in map file (first descr. sector)Hole found in map file (second descr. sector)Hole found in map file (default command line)fstat map fileMap file size: %d bytes. @VS\$Lt$PfͫCff1 9vjh5_ } hd#hS5t_ =t h<#Vhh u h@#FPhh u h#F Pjhv u h"=~5D$P5e_} hA"t$hPs_h:[^@S\$j "‹ [ZB=܄t ܄P ؄܄[Hole found in map file (app. sector)VSjj5d_ ƅ} h!ht$5_ =t h!\$SVh? u h!S[^܄؄Covering hole at sector %d. UWVSl$ |$$19}Tt$VD Pt$$ t V$h=~Sh_C9|[^_]hZsCompaction removed %d BIOS call%s. UWVS15؄1tv@t~D$~|$^8_%=tB1҅t8NF  FWG  9Љ31Ʌt+|$%9uF9ȉȅtT$F D$9tF D$vFFXP-_E^t ~=~OuNPUhQL_ [^_]Hole found in map file (alloc_page)VSt$ jV5_ Å} hjhN5 _ t ht$Shp u hj)P5_ } h[^Empty map section Mapped AL=0x%02x CX=0x%04x DX=0x%04x, linear=%d UWVSD$hjt$$V_ D$1=tn=؄u h '؄KL$=~fCS PC PCPh _=t#CS  Ph j_h ]_|$tD$$ j!G =vJVh hU5Q_ =t hhjU_ 1 KNCD$Sp_\$t,hD$ P5_ =t hD$[^_] Map segment is too big.UWVSt$|$D$؄t8kO h"nSVS_D$ujjV_ D$[^_]ropen %s: %s/etc/lilo/disktab 0x%x 0x%x %d %d %d %dInvalid line in %s: "%s"UWVS$t3h#U_ƅu;5< `_PUh# h#h"#_ƅ\$VhSt_ j S_…tj#S_…th4#Sn_D$0҉߈J9T$tjSǍGPGPG PGPGPWh7#Sj_ tSu"#RhM# G=5VF_[^_]%s%cFound %d %s device(s) UWVS$ 1>t_|$PF$ h$W_jW_Å|0jD$PS_ t S"_S_E>u=~$Uh$_ [^_]geo_query_dev FDGETPRMgeo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEOHDIO_REQ not supported for your SCSI controller. Please use /etc/lilo/disktabab/dev/hdSorry, don't know how to handle device 0x%04xpVS\$|$jVD$4Pw ‰tdw tD$PjR_ } hn%3L$KL$KL$K CD$PhR_ } h%C ]D$PhR_ } h%|$ u h%#h%h%L$KL$ KL$ K L$ KVh%D$,P@[^pDevice 0x%04X: Got bad geometry %d/%d/%d Device 0x%04X: Maximum number of heads is %d, not %d Device 0x%04X: Maximum number of sectors is %d, not %d Device 0x%04x: BIOS drive 0x%02x, %d heads, %d cylinders, %15s%d sectors. Partition offset: %d sectors. WVS\$t$|$t90t@uu VSnPP SPSPS @C{t {t{ usss Vh'A{~shVh'"{ ?~s j?Vh' t;=~.ss3Vh!(_ss h\(h](_[^_:BIOS syntax is no longer supported. Please use /etc/lilo/disktab fstat %s: %s%s: neither a reg. file nor a block dev.Warning: FIGETBSZ %s: %s Incompatible block size: %d DWVSt$T|$Xj:W2_Åu #h)h `!_CSt$\W%_F}5< `_PWh# D$Pv_}5< `o_PWh)l fD$f%f=tf=`tWh)ISfD$f%f=u D$D$$PVh fD$f%f=%Fu F|D$ Pjv=_ }.5< `_PWh)h `_F;|$ t fD$ ftt$ h*D$ } FF[^_DD$pp_ioctl FIBMAPfd %d: offset %d -> linear %d geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (%d > %d)geo_comp_addr: Cylinder %d beyond end of media (%d)fd %d: offset %d -> dev %d, head %d, track %d, sector %d UWVSt$l$ |$$~D$}D$|$ ~t4D$Pjv_ } h+|$u 1[^_]ËL$N} Й~ ^=tP @GD$D$GD$D$G=SUvh+s_Gؙ~ ˆؙ~ Ù~Wؙ~Á~hSh,n 9^vShD,X =~ PSGPGPUvhx,__G[^_]Kernel %s is too bigD$=~t$h8.Boot image: %s %simagefstat %s: %sread %s: %sBSS: initializing %d bytes at end. sMapped %d sector%s. WVS$$=~Vhm._=tVh}.jh.0jVh Yh,S_}5< `_PVh. hD$PSZ_ =t5< `_PVh. f$t f$fW,@y Pjh G PSV[@%)‰fG2=~G2Ph._h =~.u.PSh._ [^_Boot device: %s, range %s rangeInvalid rangeWVS|$t$=~VWhl0D_ =t*Wh}.jh.f.Vh}.jh0Q.jWh 1 j-V_Åt0CVS)X}Oh0@j+V_ÅtCVSVƻSVh 8 D$ P(SWh =~.u.PSh._ [^_lseek %s: %sNot an unstripped kernel: %sWarning: Unsupported BSS - no initialization. BSS: 0x%X+%d WVS\$0|$4t$8jjs_ }5< `_PWh1 j D$Ps3_ t5< `_PWh.} D$ = u|$ u|$$u|$(u|$uWh1G D$D$ PjS D$D$$th2h `Q_P=~t$D$D$PhD2_ D$D$ffF.fT$fV0D$@fF2SBF P.SW=~.u.PSh./_ [^_ Please specify a setup file for %s(default)Unstripped: boot %s, setup %s, kernel %s unstrippedsetupbootWVS\$t$|$uWh3 =~WV؅u3Ph4r_=tCWh}.jh44*Vh}.jh?4*tSh}.jhE4f*u U1jSh 3 jjh h jVh  jjh h jWh t$Wh [^_Compound kernel: %s compound%s: invalid size@S\$H=~Shr5@_=tSh}.jh5b)jSh = T$RP_}5< `%_PSh." fD$fu |$ wSh5jD$} HPh d jD$} Ph A t$LSh [@, on Boot other: %s%s%s, loader %s otherloadertable/etc/lilo/chain.bunsafeTABLE and UNSAFE are mutually incompatible.Can't get magic number of %sFirst sector of %s doesn't have a valid boot signatureopen %s: %sChain loader %s is too bigDuplicate entry in partition tablePartition entry not found.Mapped 2 (1+1) sectors. HUWVS$\$`=~;W$h$hu.P.$lt6PVh6_=tSVh}.jh6&tWh}.jh6&$dt$dh}.jh6&u6h6h-tMjVh X $dt h6U=jjh63& jVh ÍD$PS_}5< `_PVh. D$P1jhS_ }5< `_PVh1 jD$PS3_ Ãt3}!5< `z_PVh.w Vh"7ef|$UtVh?7N$duhjD$`P_~j$h_D$|$}#5< `_P$hhv7 hD$\Pt$n_ =t#5< `_P$hh. jW _Ņ}5< `_PWhv7 ht$\VU_ Å}5< `O_PWh.L jVy~Wh7+$dtz11${t 9St{t*{t$Cbt h7f|$bF~u h7t$_U_ T$dD$XPIjjh $h Ph =~ h7_[^_]H/devopendir /dev/dev/stat %s: %s/tmp/dev.%dFailed to create a temporary devicemknod %s: %sfstat %s: %sCreated temporary device %s (0x%4X) open %s: %sUWVS$h<_Džu h!<2.<T$f2<fT$t$W_ÅtZC PD$P_EPV_}5< `_PVh4< fE f%f=`uE9$uW_%EH1ۍt$Sh@<V _ }WV'_|C2~ڃ2~ hL<w$ha\$S_ }5< `@_PShp<= Wu_}5< `_PSh}< =~$Sh<_ Sa)$ \$S9_E}5< `_PSh< SPEDE[^_]close %s: %sS\$3_}5< `Z_PsDh>U {HtsD_sD)sD_[S\$h `_S_j_S\$h `_D$ PSh `_ h `j _jQ_Out of memorySD$uP_Åu h?a[St$ t$ &_Åu h?7[St$:_Åu h?[Not a number: "%s"VSt$jD$ PVn_ Ã|$tD$8tVh@[^First boot sectorSecond boot sectorChain loaderInternal error: Unknown stage code %dD$t t "te@Ðw@Ð@ÐPh@E1LILO%s doesn't have a valid LILO signature%s has an invalid stage code (%d)%s is version %d. Expecting version %d.VS\$ t$jhACP_ tVPh AC9tPVPh1As f{ tj CPVPhSAN[^Map %s is not a regular file.current root.Reading boot sector from %s open %s: %sstat %s: %s/stat /Can't put the boot sector on logical partition 0x%Xread %s: %sMerging with %s sSecondary loader: %d sector%s. ~messageMapping message file %s %s is too big (> %d bytes)Message: %d sector%s. serialInvalid serial port in "%s" (should be 0-3)Serial syntax is [,[[]]]Unsupported baud rateValid parity values are N, O and EOnly 7 or 8 bits supportedSynax error in SERIALpromptWarning: Setting DELAY to 20 (2 seconds) Maximum delay is one hour.Maximum timeout is one hour.hUWVSl$|$L$Q$M_D$|#fD$ f%f=t$hA=~uBRh(B(_-jU_}5< `0_PUhEB- D$P5覿_}5< `_PUhQB fD$ f%f=`tčsD$(čdD$Ph]BQ_} h_BfD$ffvD$PhfBjD$čPhl 5č$hhl5_ =t)5< `$_PuRhB ll=~ShB_jSD$`P hhlSS_ =t)5< `_PuRhB D$PS _})5< `c_PuRhQBT T$,y BPjD$`P jhtÃ=~BuBRShB_ D$XPrjhl j:$$_Åu%hB5hȍt_PK_6CPhB5hȍH_P_P_:hȍhȍfjUhBh2Åuf=~ShB_jSt$`V T$RPb_}5< `_PShQB |$,~hShB fD$,f؍} RjV hÃ=~BuBRShC_ D$XPh/Ch!ƅ>tPh _D$|$uVh6C L$D$(z~u {H~,t hbC,{=,tR0҉HPSL$t$y_ D$t{ jS_Xxu;u hC(0Ѝt>u {#Ph%_D$|$u hCD$-%{~u#{{$t{5F<v hCF{~t hCg$3hChuhDh `y_DŽ$hChpt fx=$@й7Á~h/Dfx$u fv;$@й7Á~hJDfvhjhl _ [^_]hWVSt$|$j#V _Åt$ChWSV 1[^_Ðj@V_ÅtchCj+V_…t)BW;%!PRV}[^_ÐW;%!PVjؐj+Vd_ÅuhWV1[^_ÐChWSVje1[^_Ã@S\$HD$PS_}S[@D$[@rootcurrent%sramdisk%dvganormalextextendedasklabelLabel "%s" is too longDuplicate label "%s"passwordPassword "%s" is too longrestrictedRESTRICTED is only valid if PASSWORD is set.aliasAlias label "%s" is too longOnly %d images can be defined Added %s (alias %s) Added %s %4s,root=0x%04x DUWVSRplƆ|fdžh"MhHÅuh"MhÅh'MS_tSf1D$Ph]B轾_} h_BfL$f=t-h"MhHÅtSh/Mjh"Mh2MhHuh2MhtEM&P}fE(=t+h2MhHtPh:Mjh2Mah=MhHcÅuh=MhKÅM&hAMSӽ_ufE*UhHMS蹽_thLMS觽_ufE*)hUMS荽_u fE*SfE*=t-h=MhHÅtSh/Mjh=MhYMhЂD$|$t$=t:t$h/MjhYMF j/L$\L$t$e_t@D$0|$Hvt$h_M19~4nt$V薼_ut$hvM4C9t$U萼_hMhЂÅuhMhÅtg0HvShM`SEP/_=t-hMhЂHÅtSh/MjhM hMhЂcuhMhMtEu hMM&=t'hMhЂtjjhM hMhЂŅ0HvUhMl19|/nUV_uUhvM?4C9} =ujh NRPl: URnP診_=tUh/MjhM =|+tUt$h(NK_ t$h=N6_=~tnRT RT!RT#RD"PhBhGN_@D&$tD,PhkNƵ_hxN蹵_[^_]D0x%04xTUWVS|$hRlfǀfǀfǀj,Wҹ_ÅtCj=WK_u1xVWthHuf~,usD$$Ph]BҸ_} h_Bf~,u fL$$fN,t SfF,F,PhXT\$Sa_ hHSh"MhHethHUhYMhHIW[^_]T WARNING: The system is unbootable ! %9sRun LILO again to correct this.h `._hUh `脮_hBhUh `m_ j諭_/etc/lilo/boot.%04X%s exists - no backup copy made. creat %s: %swrite %s: %sBackup copy of boot sector in %s close %s: %slseek %s: %sWriting boot sector. rename %s %s: %sVS$u5čh(V\$S謶_ jV藲_Å|2$tS&_|=Vh_詩_[^=\ precedes EOFToken is too longWVS=`t5``[^_Ð̑H9HrP_t̑P@ tCw uԑ뵐tB#uJ̑H9HrPş_t̑P@ tu1[^_Ð=uhc`[^_Ít$ 1t4u he`! u ԑF t؈1L tCv#t =tu5̑S,_D$ Pv\u؈F̑H9HrPמ_t̑P@D$ )=6ht``1[^_D$`Syntax errorValue expected at EOFSyntax error after %sUWVSl$\$=dt'dUhd[^_]ÐEu 1[^_]Ðƿc`u hjbgu [^_]Ðƿc`tP[^_]Ð+u hwbC3c`uuhb [^_]D$T$dhUnknown syntax code %dS\$;tUt"t -t%{ t s 誠_C [3hc$;u['%s' doesn't have a valueValue expected for '%s'Duplicate entry '%s'Ignoring entry '%s' UWVSt$|$ l$$\$;{t$s6_t;tsh-d ;ushGd{ tE9kush_d.shtdh `b_ u Vu_[^_]Ã;u C Б;utVC s k{tC;u[;;uVt$1[^_]ø[^_]cfg_set: Can't set %sS\$ t$jt$St$uShe[ÃS\$D$PD$ Pu 1[ÐSjt$ t$SWtt$c_뺐[cfg_get_flag: operating on non-flag %scfg_get_flag: unknown item %sVSt$\$ ;tL{t2Vs=_u";tVhVfr{ %[^Ã;u[;uVh}fB1[^cfg_get_strg: operating on non-string %scfg_get_strg: unknown item %sVSt$\$ ;tD{t*Vs腦_u;tVh gC [^Ð;u[;uVh3g1[^VSt$ jVpSp[^Internal error: temp_unregister %sVS\$ p=pt:0S_uS3e_S\_[^Ð6>uShg[^Removed temporary file %s S=ptnpX0i_}p0._=~p0hoh&_p0进_5p豛_pu[fix-tablelseek partition tableShort read on partition tableread partition tablerdthndstDevice 0x%04X: Invalid partition table, %d%s entry 3D address: %d/%d/%d (%d) Linear address: %d/%d/%d (%d) The partition table is *NOT* being adjusted. Writing modified partition table to device 0x%04X Short write on partition tablewrite partition tableUWVS$Y$Fj$S$Pѽ hih1Ʌt= %؉QSD$hP ŋ$xjhUq_ } hij@D$$PU蠟_ Åu h(i} hFi V?UWT$V%D$$$\9\h `S_t t^iu[iaidiQBT$t$$$D$$t$$hgih `c_SWT$VD$T$T$d$D$ D$t$UT$t$V?D$ t$ hih `_\1$1$щWVL$D$UT$T$t$\1$ˆT$ D$ VT$ T$ t$ hih `s_D$T$VWhihZD$uj|_= thih `_it$h j~_jhU_ } hiyj@D$$PU荣_ Åu h>j~} h]jED$`P[^_]ļlabelalias%s WVSD$=ܑtP5ܑ_j/t$hW/_ÅtChmhЂthmhЂuhmhЂ5ؑSR_tt+5ؑV;_uWhn1_j_[^_imagehhjihnhunstrippedhhjuhohmcompoundhVhyjuhcorh-hhHh4hSyntax errorNo image found for "%s" S\$D$ ܑؑhht hotShoh `9_ jw_UVSu1҃<tB8uӅt4ЃKue[^US=tЃ;uh\p_]U=xuxS\$̀[SV\$̀} أ[S\$L$ T$̀} أ[WVT$ t$1Ou^_WVSt$\$T$t%1IQRV Su[^_' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. Corrupt fixup table. VSt$ F8tH8tjhIrj hhxD 0K}[^ÃUWVSt$V|$ }99tjhIrj} hxt$D 0K}VltS19]~L1||$?t4L$|$u|$D)|$DF9uC9][^_]VSt$ F88tjhIrj h,xD 0K}1|tDTCV9CTDF9[^/usr/lib//lib/) ( UWVS$(=Zl$XD$h1tU0UUe>=jhqUhq$06j9$tXuupuuuuuuuuuuu|uuuuuuuuudujhq:jhq.jhq"jh rjh!r jh5rj hMD$h;tU0UU6=jhqUhq$06jg9$(vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvjhq:jhq.jhq"jh rjh!r jh5rj h!D$0UiUjhqUhq$06jV9$^HHD^K^Q^Ђ|yy`.`̄# /etc/lilo/disktab - LILO disk parameter table # # This table contains disk parameters for SCSI disks and non- # standard parameters of IDE disks. Parameters in disktab # _always_ override auto-detected disk parameters. # Dev. BIOS Secs/ Heads/ Cylin- Part. # num. code track cylin. ders offset #0x800 0x80 32 64 202 0 # /dev/sda # This is used to cheat LILO to make bootable rootdisk in /dev/fd1. # Mine /dev/fd0 is 3.5" and /dev/fd1 is 5.25". Don't use it for real # purpose. # This is for 5.25" /dev/fd1. 0x0201 0x00 15 2 80 0 # /dev/fd1 0x0209 0x00 15 2 80 0 # /dev/fd1h1200 # This is for 3.5" /dev/fd1. #0x0201 0x00 18 2 80 0 # /dev/fd1 #0x021d 0x00 18 2 80 0 # /dev/fd1H1440 YLILO ،V6TXZ))؎ ; 6L1' tF'r1ٰI0@t⿢QRSQRW_rZ0XQŀY?ˆ1C֊;wQ [%?;v *PS-[XZYr#(t0r iZY[ZY[ZY1.&LILO 6r61R1[㋗.I   LIL.K /?Ȏ؎>LIu>LOuރ>u׃> uM Q "66r_$66rK"ͫ1 u@&66Zr$&?u66aG[1녰-1 "0t(u1  S [C9v%t1 . . O 16 G =t/G e4$_uaI t>K uRuJ< t6>Zu'6Z6T&?LIu&LOu 66X&<t[Ȏ&<uOG 6> t61 *6"6$ 616 1Ȏ؎M Q L a tS[Cu` b tq CYL"޿a tĊ8uFG= tU=tP4Իa tS3 [K믁a tS3 [K1 >a u"޿a GutG&ta <t < u<uwSw0QY< tF<t%<t!<t$<t w< ru:tu F^V[S9tNsY1 *[u<t ` =S [S^ FFV Z8 1{& ?M &"^ít&>O tO t&t&A C E >A uE 1۹Q'Yg1 \aXCS68   u u[XÃ68 r8  ~.rS1 01A t.C t11KE t 11E t_)njE 1 ؎ [SQR7 rZY[1&7 rs1ZY[S7 msPYX>1 M8 aQR11KuZY: t .: u.< ..= >.>I t0RP.I t.K  tXZ@t⿢QRSQRW_rZ0XQŀY?ˆ1C֊;wQ [%?;v *PS-[XZYr#(t0r iZY[ZY[ZY1.&Vh^V t-'Cu t< t8tCuXO N^1Ɉt!t< t<0r<9w,0s߻ASKEXTENDEDEXTNORMALboot: Loading Error 0xNo such image. [Tab] shows a list. Unexpected EOF Password: Sorry. Valid vga values are ASK, NORMAL, EXTENDED or a decimal number. O  auto BOOT_IMAGE Welcome to the SLS lilo boot/install disk. For normal install, hit enter now. If memory is tight, and you do not want to use the RAMDISK install (say, you will be installing from CD, HardDisk, Tape or the Network, or you are installing from floppies on your B: drive) then type floppy and hit enter. If you are installing from the Mitsumi CDROM, you need: floppy mitsumi=5,300 and replace 5 and 300 with your IRQ and IO PORT BASE respectively. If you have already done the install, and just wish to boot to the partition on your hard drive, just type "harddisk /dev/XXXX", where XXXX is the root partition name. For example, to boot to /dev/hda2: harddisk /dev/hda2 d h-̀\ `-<D$4 `.P`[̀r UE Euuh `` hDh ``jP`usage: %s device [ partition ] i.e. %s /dev/hda 2 open %s: %sstat %s: %s%s: not a block devicelseek: %sread: %s%s%d No active partition found on %s%s: not a valid partition number (1-4)write: %sUP)}t?}t9E 0hh `` E 0hh `` j,`}PE 0`‰U}&5< `_ `PE 0hW EPu`}&5< `$ `PE 0h fEf%f=`tE 0h}E}jEPu` }5< ` `PhjEPu` t5< `h `Phh}u#uE 0h` j`EOE 0h"E 0r_E}~ }E 0h$E}jEPu` }5< ` `PhM9Mu0EjEPum ` t5< `P `PhKPEf1UVSH u1҃=  jhdUhh$06j9$ D D D D D D 8 D D D D , D D D D D D D D  jh:jh.jh"jhjh jhj hMD$hU0UU6=  jhdUhh$06jg9$ 4 p L p p p p p d p p p p X p p p p p p p p @ jh:jh.jh"jhjh jhj h!D$0UiU jhdUhh$06jV9$ H ` x l T jh:jh.jh"jhjh jhj h H %t 9%1D$ځ%9u 9}D$D$t;jhdUhh$06jjhj h?F = t,jhph0hj?uj/jh h jh h [[^_]/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3pl2 `.`  <  boot = /dev/fd0 install = /etc/lilo/boot.b message=/etc/lilo/message compact image = /zImage label = ramdisk ramdisk = 1600 root = /dev/fd0 image = /zImage label = floppy ramdisk = 0 root = /dev/fd0 image = /zImage label = harddisk ramdisk = 0 root = /dev/hda1 #!/bin/sh $ROOT/etc/lilo/lilo -C /etc/lilo/config $* LILO 1и| 1| 6 ƾ 1ظU|#!/bin/sh if [ ! -f tools/system -o ! -f boot/setup -o ! -f boot/bootsect ]; then echo "Need tools/system, boot/setup and boot/bootsect" exit 1 fi if ((dd if=tools/system bs=512 conv=sync; \ (dd of=/dev/null bs=32 count=1; dd bs=512 conv=sync) < boot/setup; \ (dd of=/dev/null bs=32 count=1; dd bs=512 conv=sync) < boot/bootsect) \ 2>&1 >${1:-/linux}) | grep -v ' records \(in\|out\)'; then exit 1 fi YLILO ]\] %%%&&،V6TXZ))؎ ; 6L1' tF'r1ٰI0@t⿢QRSQRW_rZ0XQŀY?ˆ1C֊;wQ [%?;v *PS-[XZYr#(t0r iZY[ZY[ZY1.&ùV$0<9vR0Z Loading7BUramdisk !floppyJharddiskJ!!555555 56 ! ! ! !667788999::;;<<<==>>??@@ @AA d@:-̀\ `-<D$4 `r2P`[̀r/dev/hdaEmptyDOS 12-bit FATXENIX rootXENIX usrDOS 16-bit <32MExtendedDOS 16-bit >=32MOS/2 HPFSAIXAIX bootableOPUSVenix 80286Novell?MicroportGNU HURDNovellPC/IXOld MINIXLinux/MINIXLinux swapLinux ExtAmoebaAmoeba BBTBSDI fsBSDI swapSyrinxCP/MDOS accessDOS R/ODOS secondaryBBTUsage: fdisk [-l] [-v] [/dev/hdx] Unable to open %s Unable to read %s Unable to seek on %s Unable to write %s Unable to allocate any more memory Fatal error PST$X\$9r{$8PXhxuZ5@h.5@h5@h5@hD$ P `  h `S`j `Command action a toggle a bootable flag d delete a partition l list known partition types m print this menu n add a new partition p print the partition table q quit without saving changes t change a partition's system id u change display/entry units v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit x extra functionality (experts only)h`Command action b move beginning of data in a partition c change number of cylinders e list extended partitions h change number of heads m print this menu p print the partition table q quit without saving changes r return to main menu s change number of sectors w write table to disk and exithrv`WVS1ɿCt$C9u D[^_Ð9sHX9}1[^_%c%2x %-15.15sUWVS11)؉D$+)CD$1t$΋D$tKy114CCP t Rh!W`|C9|w1F9t$w `9 `rj h `_[^_]Ð `  `[^_]D$@@@@@@@@@ WVS\$t$|$ L$(T$D$$B)ȉB)BD$P 15uh`6h`T$[^headssectorscylinders and %s%s. You can do this from the extra functions menu. $1=GuhOD$PH=t?>u* PW5@t$=DDjhT8UhX8$06j9$;;4<<4<4<4<4<4<(<4<4<4<4<<4<4<4<4<4<4<4<4<<jho8:jh8.jh8"jh8jh8 jh8j hMD$h:U0UU6=DDjhT8UhX8$06jg9$<$=`=<=`=`=`=`=`=T=`=`=`=`=H=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=`=0=jho8:jh8.jh8"jh8jh8 jh8j h!D$0UiUDjhT8UhX8$06jV9$=8>t>P>t>t>t>t>t>h>t>t>t>t>\>t>t>t>t>t>t>t>t>D>jho8:jh8.jh8"jh8jh8 jh8j h H %t 9%1D$ځ%9u 9}D$D$t;jhT8UhX8$06jjho8j h?FE=Et,jh:ph:0h:j?uj/jhEhEjhEhE[[^_]/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3pl3DEEEEGGGGMSbmw @QRcdu  '2:DKP[cqD??`/`?D@0EDd* _(-̀\ `-:D$4 ` P`[̀rUsage: mount [-afrvw] [-t vfstypes] mount [-frvw] special | node mount [-frvw] [-t vfstype] [-o options] special nodedefaultsrorwexecnoexecsuidnosuiddevnodevsyncasync%s on %s type %s (%s) S\$s3h@` {tC8tPh$`{ ts h`h`[r/etc/mtabmount: error reading %s: %sVSt$ h5.`ÅtVstSBС.$ t!5< ` `Phhj} j1`,noautoUWVS\$T$ 0@P T$hSuT$ eCЋT$!WT$2=t(3U `u{uNjT$[  ;uhV `UV `hj `Ņc=*tT$ =*tT$"[^_]ro,rw,WS\$ =*u =*tlu=*t [_Ð[_0ЃPW Ǹ=*tPW `SW `[_Ð؅u[_nfsxiafsmount: error writing %s: %smount: mount point %s is not a directorymount: must be superuser to use mountmount: wrong fs type, %s already mounted, %s busy, or other errormount: mount point %s does not existmount: %s not a mount pointmount table fullmount: %s: can't read superblockmount: fs type %s not supported by kernelmount: %s is not a block devicemount: %s is not a valid block devicemount: block device %s is not permitted on its filesystemmount: %s$UWVSl$8\$@|$XD$D$D$|$Dtt$D uD$Duj:UP`ttpD$PD$PD$ Pt$PP=*t|$t 1[^_]$Ð=*uC޿pu0D$PD$HPD$ Pt$HUt[^_]$Ðji=*u$t$D$ PSt$HU`U D$t$< D$ \$$t$DD$(=*t D$P=*u9D$P5._u!5< `:`Phhzjj1[^_]$Ë5< `jV9$P< <  , < < < < < < 4 < $ < <  < <  _fut$_u"5< `_PhXhjh5._P[_} 5< `_PhXhjp5._rcan't open %s: %shhX_ut$hX_.u#5< `0_PhXhjh5.$_P_} 5< `_PhXhj5._,SD$u1[ÐjhsP _Phsj_tSߐ[swapmount: out of memoryno%sUWVS] uu1uv%i0}Ѓ$)ĉuhWl_ 18nu xo3u_t3W_t[uىe[^_nonemount: path too longUWVS\$hʼnl$u 1[^_]ÉؿuSU0_[^_]Ðj:S_uڀ;/uE/C7hUA_0ЍDD$8/t D$T$/;tw9D$swt$>/uC;/tJ;.u9{t?{/t9{.u'{t {/u9l$v L$T$:/u D$t$C;t 9D$r9D$rhj.T$:/uL$t$F[^_]r/etc/fstab=*u#hh @_*%Ðjj5*m_ %5*_ignoreWV=*uu1^_Ð5*=_…u *0t8#tًrstʼn^_VSt$ 5u1[^ÅtVs_u[^VSt$ u1[^WÅtV3_u[^mount: directory to mount not in host:dir format mount: can't get address for %s ,%s%saddr=%srsizewsizetimeoretransacregminacregmaxacdirminacdirmaxactimeoportretryunknown nfs mount parameter: %s=%d nobgfgsofthardintrposixctoacunknown nfs mount option: %s%s mount clntudp_createrpc mountmount: %s:%s failed, reason given by server: %s nfs socketnfs bindresvportnfs connectUWVS$D$DD$\D$T$$S_j:S_…uh@h `T_\$PAL$X$< w!fDŽ$t$P_$Tt$P?_Åut$Phrh `_ fDŽ$$Cs 0R_ $_P>tRuRh$S_S_$,(,,,0,4,8,<<,@,<D$8D$4D$0D$,D$(D$$$hRj=UL_Åj jCP_ u $,u (,nu ,,Nu 0,. u 4, u 8, u <, u @,u4,8,<,@,|u T$8`IRUh.jhUT$,_ T$ u1҃ u T$4%u%D$4}~*u T$0/u T$,o5u%D$(I9u%D$$%UtSh<_ hj _Ņ|$4Ѓ|$0t|$,t|$(t ,|$$t , D$<D$@D$HD$LfDŽ$D$\D$\Pt$Dt$Djh$U_D$T|$Tuh\_k_D$L$TQt$Lt$LhD$$t$$h\ hL$,t$,h jt$pT$xD 0O}[^_ UWVSt$ ND$$E99tjhI&ju ̀F\$x5t$$D$\ \$D$\$D$0L$w|$}͋VltTD$A1D$|?t,|$$u D) DF9uD$\$9][^_] WVSt$V::tjhI&j ̀F>xD 0O}1|tDTGV9:GTDN99[^_) ( UWVSl$ |$+=+PV̀|$5+jh%Qh%uj9$(8)t)P)t)t)t)t)t)h)t)t)t)t)\)t)t)t)t)t)t)t)t)D)jh%:jh%.jh%"jh &jh!& jh5&j̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$*1T$%9u T$9}t>jh%0h%uj|jh%jk̀򐐃>`J+=+t.jhZ(ph](0h`(j>u֐1̀jh+@h+/jh+$h+[^_]/lib/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3pl2@ ?$B'EFt+**`.`*+*++rcR+4~~~R+runlevel1R+2R+3R+4R+tty11S+LOGINtty22S+LOGINtty33S+LOGINtty44S+LOGINtty11]+root# commands common to all logins PATH="$PATH:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:/root/usr/bin:/root/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/usr/bin:." LESS=-MM TERM=console PS1='`hostname`:`pwd`# ' PS2='> ' alias more=less alias md=mkdir alias rd=rmdir alias up='cd ..' alias ls='ls -F' alias up='cd ..' alias home='cd $HOME' alias which='type -path' ignoreeof=10 export PATH DISPLAY LESS TERM PS1 PS2 ignoreeof umask 022 do -̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀rportmap: fork//dev/ttyportmap cannot create socketportmap cannot bindcouldn't do udp_create couldn't do tcp_create run_svc returned unexpectedly UWVS^ `…}h@`j`tj`1ېS*`C~jhNm`jj`jj`jhPF`Å|jh"TS ` S`jjj ` Å}hYF`j$`EfEofEWuVS_ E}thv`j`S*`Åuhh `z`j`jy`BBBB ojjjI ` Å}hY~`j\`WVSL_ thv[`j9`hhSh` Åuhh ``j`j`BBB oBjhjhS`h j< ``hh `M` _UVSu] M1t92u 9Ju9XtRue[^svc_sendreply UWVSU} 9BB$ljh@`W` =4V_WEPh`WBЃ uuu tM9HuM9H t^E\jI`ËM MKMKMK C=u xt @xuXEEPh`W` =4h~h `_o_WEPh`WBЃ *E1t@M9 uM9Kt ދ[搐E؋[u^P[_뾐EPh`WU` =4h~h `__WEPh`WBЃ t~uuu t @ E EEPh`W ` =4h~h `_?_Gjh@`W@Ѓ u W `Khh`Wt ` u3=4t*h~h `%__WRy WZ `e[^_UE h(#PPu `UVSu] SVj`t/CPVY`tC PVH`t CPV1e[^UVSu] CPV`u1 CPVfe[^UE ppup `UWVSMAQ@Ѓlj}(#)x2MASQ@UЃUtߍWs)yϋMAuQ@Ѓ+}M yQuge[^_portmap CALLIT: cannot fork. Ud#WVSDžMqDžDžEM A}WhQHу Ljuu Å2_…t+=4hh `_f[ f]S| `ffEڍQuuS= `ÅEx uvv F PFPv `MCWhDWh,uSу uWhu F ` P PBЃCS@Ѓ_j,_[^_Ujjj` UVSxu1҃<|t|B8uӅt4xЃKue[^US=tЃ;uh V_]U=<u<LLS\$L$ T$̀} أD[VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$ |$h=h P>V̀} ى D5Djh 0h uj9$ \ t h jh :jh .jh "jh- jhA jhU j̀򐐋T$H %t 9L$5D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh 0h ujmjh j\̀򐐃>D[^_]þh=ht.jhi phl 0ho j >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.2LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@(#)portmap.c 1.32 87/08/06 Copyr 1984 Sun Micro@ `L_v4telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/inet/telnetd telnetd ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/inet/ntalkd ntalkd ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/inet/ftpd ftpd -l finger stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/inet/fingerd finger shell stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/inet/rshd rshd login stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/inet/rlogind rlogind tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/inet/tftpd tftpd # Internal to inetd echo stream tcp nowait root internal echo dgram udp wait root internal discard stream tcp nowait root internal discard dgram udp wait root internal daytime stream tcp nowait root internal daytime dgram udp wait root internal chargen stream tcp nowait root internal chargen dgram udp wait root internal d@ --̀\ `-<D$4 `:$P`[̀rmke2fsU5@5@uh ` `j^`Writing bitmaps and tables %s: inodes_per_group is not a multiple of 8 group %d: block bitmap at %d,%s: seek failed in write_desc %s: write of block bitmap failed in write_desc inode bitmap at %d,%s: write of inode bitmap failed in write_desc inode table at %d %s: write of inode table failed in write_desc U WVS @DM EU9H~6=8D5@DM+G16EE9H؋UHD\EU9H~,58D @DE+F1EE9H=0@t5HShn _ UHDfD fDfDE E8DB EU9H^e[^_Computing free blocks and inodes count group %d: %d free blocks, %d free inodes, %d directories UWVS8D@EEEE=0@t h_E}9=HE1ۡHH9Eu8DH+M 8DH 19}1=8D}5@DEЋ}+G1uCB9|HD}f\8 =0@tD8 Puh_ ]8Dx }119X(v&5rs8DJC@Eؙ}։Džt@ޅuV_Ɖ5@Du hShV_ ޅuVH_Ɖ5DDu h3SjVs_ 8D{9{v5@D]+K1G9{w8DX(uS_É4Du hZy8D@(PjS_ HuS_ÉHDu h35HjS_ 8D2h_ 8Dqh_8Dph_j8Drh~_ 8DAEMPhZ_=HvS5Hh3_ 8Dp h,_8Dp$hA _8Dp(hY_e[^_%s: seek failed during testing of blocks Weird values in do_check: probably bugs US]j@P5 @_ @9t hE @Pu5 @_ Å}1ۡ@Ht h>(_ؙ=@Ë]%d... U8D@9PDsRhjQ_jg_=PDt0@} PDPh_h `_Searching for bad blocks %s: bad blocks before data-area: cannot make fs %d bad block%s US=0@thW5_h `H_PD=0@tRhjf_j|_7PD9Bs Z+PD5PDShD5 PD9uP8DH9 PDs hqPD+PDD1@D1,@PD8DJ9 PD`=0@t h A_=,@t$=,@~P5,@h_]r%s: Can't open file of bad blocks %d UVShu;_Åu h$uFuVhSX_ 8DU+PDD1@D1,@$tSN_=,@t$=,@~P5,@h6_e[^%d is not a power of two UUхt$$ttQh_1ÐuܸUS]ju SO_ |jEPS_~1]UWVS]jS4_E}}Sb_j@_1Vut*4}名>Su`tލF9rjuAub_G e[^_/etc/mtab%s: %s contains a mounted file system. UVSuhh )_Åt.S_t0V_uh!S_e[^0.3, 93/04/22mke2fs 0.3, 93/04/22 for EXT2 FS %s %s: bad inode size b:cf:g:i:l:m:tvbad block size: %s usage: %s [-c | -t | -l filename] [-i bytes-per-inode] [-b block-size] [-f fragment-size] [-g blocks-per-group] [-m reserved-blocks-ratio] [-v] /dev/name [blocks] %s: bad block size %s: Only 1024 bytes blocks are supported (yet) bad fragment size: %s %s: bad fragment size Fragments are not supported yet, ignoring -f %d bad blocks per group: %s bad inode ratio : %s bad reserved block ratio : %s bad block count : %s %s: -c and -l are incompatible %s: number of blocks must be greater than 10. %s: unable to open %s %s: unable to stat %s %s: will not try to make filesystem on '%s' UDWVSu +1h!h!h `_ }t >t @@$=t h!]h!Vu2_ <и9}$$H%%h'h'%d&h'&h'h'''h'h'h'h'h'h'%h'X'jS5D `R_ ‰@E8t5D `h!_h!R^t@= v h"=@h"(@jS5D `_ ‰@E8t5D `h"_h!2Rt =@t h # hh"#_@_jS5D `6_ ‰@E8uЅ}$)‰Ѕt 5D `hS#X_h!jS5D `_ @E8u= @5D `hm# _h!I=D `jS5D `_ @E8u =@25D `h#_h!0@Yh!H ` @E9H `ujEPt_ $@6EH9H `u5@$@E h!nE8t H `th#_h!D=(@tt h#-=$@  h#@=@D5@j5@H_‰ @} h$EPRJ_} h$fEf%f=`t(@f}tf}@u h6$~=(@t t W.Pj_UVSHu1҃=`D`Djhx*Uh|*$06j9$-.X.4.X.X.X.X.X.L.X.X.X.X.@.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.(.jh*:jh*.jh*"jh*jh* jh*j hMD$h,U0UU6=`D`Djhx*Uh|*$06jg9$.H//`//////x/////l/////////T/jh*:jh*.jh*"jh*jh* jh*j h!D$0UiU`Djhx*Uh|*$06jV9$0\00t00000000000000000000h0jh*:jh*.jh*"jh*jh* jh*j h H %t 9%1D$ځ%9u 9}D$D$t;jhx*Uh|*$06jjh*j h?FD=Dt,jh-ph-0h -j?uj/jhDhDjhDhD[[^_]/libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.3pl3Welcome to the Slackware Linux installation disk. (v. 1.22) You may now login as "root." You will need a partition ready to format for Linux. Also, if you have 4MB or less of RAM, you may need to set up a swap partition before Linux will install. If you need information on partitioning your drive for Linux, setting up a swap partition, or using OS/2's Boot Manager to start Linux, you may type "install.info" after logging in to view a quick tutorial. Once you have prepared a partition for Linux, you must format it with the "mke2fs" command. For example, this command formats the partition named "/dev/hda1", detecting the partition size automatically and checking for bad blocks: mke2fs -c /dev/hda1 Once the partition has been formatted, install the Linux system with the "doinstall" command. For example, if you want to install the Linux system on the partition named "/dev/hda1" you would use this command: doinstall /dev/hda1 . d?-̀\ `-:D$4 `P`[̀r%s - bad address. UWVS|$111?t`}.u2Љ 1҃~Z`[^$UVS8u1҃<<t<B8uӅt48ЃKue[^USD=DtЃ;uh_]U=uS\$L$ T$̀} أ [VSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$ |$,=, P>V̀} ى 5 jh0huj9$,hDhhhhh\hhhhPhhhhhhhh8jh:jh.jh"jhjh jh%j̀򐐋T$H t 9L$6D$T$%9u T$9}D$T$t;jh0hujmjhj\̀򐐃>D[^_]þ,=,t.jh9ph<0h?j >u֐1̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.1`_v4order hosts # Hosts file: names of the local hosts (see explanation below). # # Local Hosts Format: # IP_NUMBER HOSTNAME ALIASES # # Here is the name of your host, first, followed by any aliases darkstar # # Your network number (usually same as above, with last number zero) network # # Uncomment and define IP number of router if not on isolated network. # router # # Local host ip num: no need to change this. localhost # # # The names of any other local hosts go below here. #-------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------- # This file is an attempt to simplify network configuration to just # this file, plus the externally set host and domain name (see below). # Entries up to the first dashed line are used at bootup by # /etc/inet/rc.net, so be careful changing them. Note that the # hostcvt.build command only works if all hosts are on your network. # # Instructions: # - Set the IP number for your host, network, and rou#!/bin/sh # /etc/rc.net # Linux networking startup script. Should be run by /etc/rc.local at # boot time. Configures the interfaces and starts the deamons. # It assumes hostname has been set. # # PATH_ETC_INET=/etc PORTMAP=/etc/portmap HOSTS=$PATH_ETC_INET/hosts CONFIG=$PATH_ETC_INET/config INETD=$PATH_ETC_INET/inetd NAMED=$PATH_ETC_INET/named SYSLOGD=$PATH_ETC_INET/syslogd RC_SYSLOGD=$PATH_ETC_INET/rc.syslogd HOSTNAME=`hostname` # This needs more testing and more diagnostics. */ IPADDR= echo "$HOSTNAME -> $IPADDR (This IP address is for demo only.)" # Router, Should be set by configuration program. ROUTER= #Net, should be set by configuration program NET= $CONFIG loopback $IPADDR $CONFIG loopback # # NOTE: Uses the loopback device, NOT the eth0 device # as I have not ethernet card. # $CONFIG -n $NET -r $ROUTER eth0 $IPADDR if [ -x $PORTMAP ]; then echo staring $PORTMAP $PORTMAP fi if [ -x $INETD ]; then echo starting $INETD $INETD fi ip 0 IP icmp 1 ICMP ggp 2 GGP tcp 6 TCP egp 8 EGP pup 12 PUP udp 17 UDP idp 22 idp raw 255 RAWtcpmux 1/tcp # TCP Port Service Multiplexer rje 5/tcp # remote job entry echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/udp users systat 11/tcp users daytime 13/udp daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp netstat 15/udp netstat 15/tcp qotd 17/udp quote quote 17/tcp # quote of the day chargen 19/tcp ttytst source chargen 19/udp ttytst source ftp-data 20/tcp ftp 21/tcp telnet 23/tcp smtp 25/tcp mail #Simple Mail Transfer nsw-fe 27/tcp # NSW User System FE [24, RHT] msg-icp 29/tcp # MSG ICP [85, RHT] msg-auth 31/tcp # msg authentication dsp 33/tcp # display support protocol lp 35/tcp # any private printer server [JBP] time 37/udp timserver time 37/tcp timerserver # time rlp 39/udp resource rlp 39/tcp # resource location protocl graphics 41/tcp # Graphics name 42/tcp nameserver name 42/udp nameserver whois 43/udp nicname whois 43/tcp nicname mpm-flags 44/tcp mpm 45/tcp mpm-snd 46/tcp ni-ftp 47/tcp log 49/tcp #login host protocol la-maint 51/tcp # imp local address maintenance nameserver 53/tcp domain nameserver 53/udp domain isi-gl 55/tcp # isi graphics language apts 57/tcp # private terminal access apfs 59/tcp # private file services ni-mail 61/tcp # ni mail [5, SK8] via-ftp 63/tcp # VIA Systems - ftp tacacs-ds 65/tcp # tacacs-database service bootps 67/udp bootp bootps 67/tcp # bootstrap protocol server bootpc 68/udp bootpc 68/tcp # bootstrap client tftp 69/udp tftp 69/tcp # trivial file transfer netrjs-1 71/tcp # remote job service netrjs-2 72/tcp # " " netrjs-3 73/tcp # "" netrjs-4 74/tcp # "" priv-dial 75/tcp # private dial out services rje 77/tcp netrjs # any private rje service finger 79/tcp hosts2-ns 81/tcp hosts2 # hosts2 name server mit-ml-dev 83/tcp # MIT ML Device [DPR] mit-ml-dev 85/tcp # ditto link 87/tcp ttylink # private terminal link su-mit-tg 89/tcp # su/mit telnet gateway mit-dov 91/tcp # mit dover spooler dcp 93/tcp # device control protocl supdup 95/tcp # supdup [27, MRC] swift-rvf 97/tcp # swift remote virtual file protocol tacnews 98/tcp # tac news metagram 99/tcp # metagram relay newacct 100/tcp # unauthorized use hostnames 101/tcp hostname # nic host name server iso-tsap 102/tcp tsap # [16, MTR] x400 103/tcp x400-snd 104/tcp csnet-ns 105/tcp # csnet mailbox name nameserver rtelnet 107/tcp # remote telnet service pop2 109/tcp pop postoffice # post office protocol version 2 pop3 110/tcp # post office protocol version 3 sunrpc 111/udp sunrpc 111/tcp # SUN remote procedure call auth 113/tcp authentication # authentication service sftp 115/tcp # simple file transfer protocol uucp-path 117/tcp # uucp path service nntp 119/tcp # network news transfer protocol erpc 121/udp erpc 121/tcp # encore Epedited remote proc. call ntp 123/udp ntp 123/tcp # network time protocol locus-map 125/tcp # locus pc-interface net map server locus-con 127/tcp # locus PC-interface CONN server pwdgen 129/tcp # password generator protocol cisco-fna 130/tcp # cisco FNATIVE [WX8] cisco-tna 131/tcp # CISCO TNATIVE cisco-sysmaint 132/tcp # CISCO sysmaint statsrv 133/udp statsrv 133/tcp # statistics service ingres-net 134/tcp # ingres-net loc-srv 135/tcp # location services profile 136/udp profile 136/tcp # profile naming service netbios-ns 137/tcp # netbios name service [JBP] netbios-dgm 138/tcp # netbios datagram service netbios-ssn 139/tcp # netbios session service emfis-data 140/tcp # emfis Data Service [GB7] emfis-cntl 141/tcp # emfis control service bl-dim 142/tcp # britton-lee idm imap2 143/tcp # interim mail access protocol v2 NeWS 144/tcp news uaac 145/tcp # uaac protocl [DAG4] iso-tp0 146/tcp iso-ip0 is0-ip 147/tcp # [MTR] cronus 148/tcp # [135, JXB] aed-512 149/tcp # aed 512 emulation service sql-net 150/tcp hems 151/tcp bftp 152/tcp # background file transfer program sgmp 153/tcp # sgmp netsc-prod 154/tcp # [SH37] netsc-dev 155/tcp # sqlsrv 156/tcp knet-cmp 157/tcp # knet/vm command message protocol pcmail-srv 158/tcp # pcmail server nss-routing 159/tcp sgmp-traps 160/tcp snmp 161/udp snmp 161/tcp snmp-trap 162/udp snmptrap 162/tcp cmip-manage 163/tcp # cmip/tcp manager cmip-agent 164/tcp xns-courier 165/tcp # Xerox s-net 166/tcp # Sirius Systems namp 167/tcp rsvd 168/tcp send 169/tcp print-srv 170/tcp # network postscript multiplex 171/tcp # network innovations multiplex cl/1 172/tcp xyplex-mux 173/tcp mailq 174/tcp vmnet 175/tcp genrad-mux 176/tcp xdmcp 177/tcp # X dispaly manager control protocol nextstep 178/tcp bgp 179/tcp # Border Gateway Protocol ris 180/tcp # Intergraph unify 181/tcp unisys-cam 182/tcp ocbinder 183/tcp ocserver 184/tcp remote-kis 185/tcp kis 186/tcp # KIS protocol aci 187/tcp mumps 188/tcp qft 189/tcp # queued file transport [WXS] gacp 190/tcp # gateway access control protocol prospero 191/tcp osu-nms 192/tcp # osu network monitoring protocol irc 194/tcp # internat relay chat dn6-nlm-aud 195/tcp # DNSIX Network Level Module Audit dn6-smm-red 196/tcp dls 197/tcp dls-mon 198/tcp at-rtmp 201/udp at-rmtp 201/tcp # AppleTalk Routing Maintenance at-nbp 202/udp at-nbp 202/tcp # AppleTalk Name Binding at-3 203/udp at-3 203/tcp # AppleTalk Unused at-echo 204/udp at-echo 204/tcp # appletalk echo at-5 205/udp at-5 205/tcp # appletalk Unused at-zis 206/udp at-zis 206/tcp # zone info. at-7 207/udp at-7 207/tcp at-8 208/udp at-8 208/tcp sur-meas 243/tcp # survey measurment dsp3270 245/tcp # display systems protocol link 245/tcp # link biff 512/udp # used by mail system to notify users exec 512/tcp who 513/udp # maintains data bases showing who's login 513/tcp syslog 514/udp shell 514/tcp cmd printer 515/tcp # spooler talk 517/udp ntalk 518/udp utime 519/udp unixtime router 520/udp #local routing process (on site); efs 520/tcp # extended file name server timed 525/udp #timeserver tempo 526/tcp # newdate courier 530/tcp rpc conference 531/tcp chat netnews 532/tcp readnews netwall 533/udp #for emergency broadcasts uucp 540/tcp uucpd klogin 543/tcp kshell 544/tcp krcmd new-rwho 550/udp new-who dsf 555/tcp remotefs 556/tcp # rfs server rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord monitor 561/udp chshell 562/tcp chcmd meter 570/tcp demon meter 571/udp udemon pcserver 600/tcp # sun IPC server nqs 607/tcp mdqs 666/tcp elcsd 704/udp errlog # copy/server daemon loadav 750/udp rfile 750/tcp pump 751/tcp qrh 752/tcp rrh 753/tcp tell 754/tcp send nlogin 758/tcp con 759/tcp ns 760/tcp rxe 761/tcp quotad 762/tcp cycleserv 763/tcp omserv 764/tcp webster 765/tcp phonebook 767/tcp phone vid 769/udp vid 769/tcp cadlock 770/udp rtip 771/tcp cycleserv2 772/tcp notify 773/udp submit 773/tcp acmaint_dbd 774/udp rpasswd 774/tcp acmaint_transd 775/udp entomb 775/tcp wpages 776/udp wpages 776/tcp wpgs 780/tcp mdbs_daemon 800/tcp device 801/tcp maitrd 997/tcp puparp 998/udp busboy 998/tcp puprouter 999/udp applix garcon 999/tcp cadlock 1000/udp blackjack 1025/tcp #network blackjack hermes 1248/udp bbn-mmc 1347/tcp #multi-media conferencing bbn-mmx 1348/tcp # "" ingreslock 1524/tcp orasrv 1525/tcp oracle issd 1600/tcp nkd 1650/tcp dc 2001/tcp wizard 2001/udp curry globe 2002/udp emce 2004/udp CCWS mm conf mailbox 2004/tcp berknet 2005/tcp oracle 2005/udp invokator 2006/tcp raid-cc 2006/udp raid dectalk 2007/tcp raid-am 2007/udp conf 2008/tcp terminaldb 2008/udp news 2009/tcp whosockami 2009/udp pipe_server 2010/udp search 2010/tcp raid-cc 2011/tcp raid servserv 2011/udp raid-ac 2012/udp ttyinfo 2012/tcp raid-am 2013/tcp raid-cd 2013/udp raid-sf 2014/udp troff 2014/tcp cypress 2015/tcp raid-cs 2015/udp bootserver 2016/udp bootclient 2017/udp cypress-stat 2017/tcp rellpack 2018/udp terminaldb 2018/tcp about 2019/udp whosockami 2019/tcp xinupageserver 2020/udp servexec 2021/tcp xinuexpansion1 2021/udp down 2022/tcp xinuexpansion2 2022/udp xinuexpansion3 2023/udp xinuexpansion4 2024/udp ellpack 2025/tcp xribs 2025/udp scrabble 2026/udp shadowserver 2027/tcp submitserver 2028/tcp device2 2030/tcp blackboard 2032/tcp glogger 2033/tcp scoremgr 2034/tcp imsldoc 2035/tcp objectmanager 2038/tcp lam 2040/tcp interbase 2041/tcp isis 2042/tcp isis 2042/udp isis-bcast 2043/udp rimsl 2044/tcp rimsl 2044/udp cdfunc 2045/udp sdfunc 2046/udp dls 2047/tcp dls 2047/udp dls-monitor 2048/tcp shilp 2049/tcp shilp 2049/udp NSWS 3049/tcp rfa 4672/tcp # remote file access server commplex-main 5000/tcp commplex-link 5001/tcp rmonitor_secure 5145/udp padl2sim 5236/tcp xdsxdm 6558/udp man 9535/tcp isode-dua 17007/udp dpl e-̀\ `-<D$4 `[P`[̀re2fsckUS]h ``5 p5pSh ``=pt=puhjj` j,`/%.255s/{Bad-Block-List}UVS19lp~"ܱVCh `9lp=lpu h=lpu h`e[^%s? no yesno%s? %s %s (y/n)? %s (n/y)? yes no USU] =puRh`1=pt+*t&PRh-a`R@t5P;`h `N` D `9 @ `rh< `_t@ `@ `t,%9u `YuNt t ut hK 1hP`؋]%s: seek failed in cache_read_block %s: write failed in cache_read_block %s: read failed in cache_read_block UVSu95p=ptWp jS5ȱ` 9t h_7hh5ȱ` =t h p5p jS5ȱ$` 9t h_hh5ȱK` =t he[^%s: cache_write_block: block_nr != cache_block_nr UE9pt hPp%s: seek failed in cache_flush %s: write failed in cache_flush US=ptWp jS5ȱ` 9t hhh5ȱ ` =t h%p]U WVS] uN pp1q(׉ƋAEME1uu pD1PE}߉u e[^_U WVSu ]K pp1q(׉ËAEME1u׉E]]Mp\SBE}} S7hpe[^_DEBUG: check_block_nr (&%d) Block nr %d < FIRSTBLOCK (%d) in file `Block nr %d > BLOCKS (%d) in file `Block nr %d is the block bitmap of group %d in file `Block nr %d is the inode bitmap of group %d in file `Block nr %d is in the inode table of group %d in file `'. Remove blockUVS]=$pt3h`; ppA9sq3htA9r q3h_+Q1q p29u Q3h(4D29u Q3h^ D29r@D2б9s2Q3he` hS`jhu1hpe[^DEBUG: read_block (&%d, %d) %s: seek failed in read_block Read error: bad block in file ''. UWVS]u Sǃ=$ptV3h` ;t pp@9rhjVR`hpp jS5ȱ_ 9t hhV5ȱ` =t,h`h<`hjV_e[^_DEBUG: write_block(%d, %d) Internal error: trying to write bad block (%d) Write request ignored %s: seek failed in write_block Write error: bad block (%d) in file 'UWVSu} =$ptWVh ` txpp9pw9pw Vh1 _\ jS5ȱq_ 9t hw $hW5ȱ` =tVh _jh<_e[^_DEBUG: mapped_read_block(%d,%d,%d) UWVS}] =$ptuSWhh M_ wuD(Px9رvAhuGXPWuuPBhuwXh+رر9hyG\Phu15رyPthyw\Fu15رuPhu15ر)h}G`PthyM}PUth}w`huرH!yPthyM4}zu15رuPthuرH!4y8e[^_write_inode_bitmap() %s: seek failed in write_inode_bitmap %s: write failed in write_inode_bitmap UWVS=tp=$pt h _195vzp\ԱjS5ȱ@_ 9t h ppX(SW5ȱ` 9t h pp@(F95we[^_write_block_bitmap() %s: seek failed in write_block_bitmap %s: write failed in write_block_bitmap UWVS=xp=$pt h _195vvpԱjS5ȱ-_ 9t h ppX SW5ȱ` 9t h pp@ F95we[^_%s: seek failed in write_tables %s: unable to write super-block Uppf@:jk`ppB0jh5ȱ]_ =t h hh5ȱ` =t hDEBUG: write_tables() %s: Unable to write group descriptors U=$pt hn>_.55p5ȱ_` 9t hV DEBUG: read_inode_bitmap() Group %d: inode bitmap at %d read at %d %s: seek failed in read_inode_bitmap %s: read failed in read_inode_bitmap UWVStpU=$pt hC_1951=$pt!E+tpPpt8Vh  _p\8ԱjS5ȱp_ 9t hI#ppX(Su5ȱ_ 9t hopp@(E F95Ze[^_DEBUG: read_block_bitmap() Group %d: block bitmap at %d read at %d %s: seek failed in read_block_bitmap %s: read failed in read_block_bitmap UWVSxpU=$pt h~_1951=$pt E+xpPp48Vh_p8ԱjS5ȱ_ 9t hppX Su5ȱ_ 9t hpp@ E F95^e[^_Block bitmap for group %d not in group (%d)!%s: descriptors corrupted Inode bitmap for group %d not in group (%d)!Inode table for group %d not in group (%d)!UWVSppx195 p9<rppX 9v4Vh#_ hb9|r9\vtVh:_ h89|rDб9vtVhg_ hF95]e[^_DEBUG: read_tables() %s: seek failed %s: unable to read super block %s: bad magic number in super-block %s is clean, no check. %s: Only 1k blocks supported %s: Unable to allocate buffers for group descriptors %s: Unable to read group descriptors %s: Unable to allocate buffer for block count %s: Unable to allocate inodes bitmap %s: Unable to allocate blocks bitmap %s: Unable to allocate bad block bitmap %s: Unable to allocate buffer for inode count Warning: First block i(%d) != Normal first block (%d) Block size = %d Fragment size = %d s%d inode%s %d block%s %d reserved block%s First data block = %d (%d) %d free block%s %d free inode%s %d group%s (%d descriptors block%s) iesy Group %d: block bitmap at %d, inode bitmap at %d, inode table at %d %d free block%s, %d free inode%s, %d used director%s %d blocks per group %d fragments per group %d inodes per group UWVS=$pFGHIt h[_jh5ȱg_ =t hqhh5ȱ_ =t hppfz8St hfz:tI=,pu@5 phd_=pt=puhjji_ j_=ppt hjرO5ԱOuW(1ÉбWJ1w ÉW OI9t}u1ÅtCԱ…uR_‰pu h5R5ȱ_ 9t h3upp@EuR_pu hY;ppPuRh_‰tpu h pp1FVjR_ /ppH+HBuR_‰xpu h5ppF+F@PjR/_ O ppq+qBuR_‰|pu hSppH+HAQjR_ 5pp4EuR`_pu hppztjrh/_ = p3 ppquMVhfd_ppHVhwG_pp:tS2h"_ ppztSrh_ ppztSrh_ jppph_ ppz tSr h_ ppztSrho_ =tR5=tR5h._19=pE"f|tEuDPEf|tEuDPEf| tEuD Ptt4Sh$_,C9rppp h|_ppp$hg_ppp(hR_e[^_DEBUG: get_inode (%d) Inode %d marked not used, but used for file 'Mark in useInode %d has bad mode (%o). Set mode to fileWarning: inode count too big. UWVS]u =$ptVh_t pp90sfEw\pEPVpf_=pt h)(_EPjf}uf}t1h)_=(pt h*54ptp1ЅuShK*_=(pt=pu ht*jhttp1hplp1ۍujD(PC ~jEPTjEPjEPlpx[^r%s: Can't open file of bad blocks %dUWVSh+5p?_ƅuhh+EPh,Ve_ ppU+Q|p1`p]+Yxp1u1hpI $tV:_e[^_Bad blocks list: %d none UVS1h,_1ۡpp9pv5+Hȋ|p1ȅtFSh,_Cpp9Xw˅uh,hK'_e[^UWVSMA 45ppxpD(+F1hpD(B ~ٍe[^_UWVS]1M9huuyC +U 9ر~Y=ppxpu رuE:t"+G1hp9U19ر~!BtVWu EC9ر19ر~ y8u C9ر9ر/ppM+Pxp1hpM}thyM1e[^_UUS]SCXPj S C\Pر PS S]DEBUG: check_blocks(%d) UWVS]1=$ptSh/_pp9pf1ftp;/t;udhuDph1u_ lp'lphW_jh1tDžhDžd.CGt9|dthq5E|PF}u4f}ts1pzh1_} u4f}tu1p@Hh 2~_|trf}uvhD2a_ lplpuh]2@_jhm2t*pAhq5hpf}=ptI=ptEP|h2_ fEf%f=@uh2hK'_|}tDJ|h2z_jh tEEP|~}tD|h20_jh utEEP|4}tA|h2_jh +tEEP|}tAo|h)3_jh tEEP|}tD(|h\3X_jh tEEP|\}tD|h3_jh StEEP|f}fEf%f=@uyp|f_lthu|hthyxcdth}tGEPjL[^_lost+foundUWVSqEPj19uvmWVEP 9sF;t/f{ u(j hBCP`_ uu3 CÍ9rF 9Ew1t[^_No directory lost+found %ulost+found is corrupted, cannot fix directory lost+found is full U,WVS=pu2hqpuh@C._8p<Ehujhq thq5pEԀuuhYC]S_ 0ɉډ׈щȃ $E}9=q]1Efx vfxfuPx 9}h\Cj_pp|9x t8|p hJϸ_ jhsItppx hp\[^_UWVSUu ]:t]pp@9wQԱ} huR螶1ҹu9tG>Ա} B~׍e[^_UWVSM}9ttСpp9PrbԱ} hyQ1۾yEWEPV" }tرEU C~ȍe[^_UWVSM}9t{Сpp9PriԱ} h}Q茵1۾}EWEPV }tررEU C~e[^_DEBUG: check_sizes() Checking file sizes Inode %d, incorrect size, %d (counted = %d). Set size to countedInode %d, i_blocks wrong %d (counted=%d) .Set i_blocks to countedUWVS=$pt hS)_=pt hS_pp90!Mtxp|tpV1ȅtVrfEf%f=@tf=t f=fEf%f=u}u };Džx11Ґ|tZԱ} xB ~Dž|pWEP |t | Dž|pWEP |tر |Dž|pWEP6 |tر|ر\ }ut`CԱ9EsQxԱPuVh2Sm_jh`S貫tx ԱMtVkx9MtBxuVhtS_jhS^txMtVFpp90d[^_DEBUG: check() Reading directories and checking files UWVS=$pt h.V|_pp@Pj5pI_ pp@Pj5p._ Ҽpp@E==p}p1 M}7fCD7fC19б~uЋM}DfCB9бMfK19vEfDCB9wpp@ E 9uw+=(pt=pt=pt1jn=pt h>V@_j=(pu =ptHe[^_/etc/mtab%s is mounted. Confirm check (y/n) check aborted. 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Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. Corrupt fixup table. 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