;ELC ;;; compiled by jimb@geech.gnu.ai.mit.edu on Mon Jul 5 23:43:26 1993 ;;; from file /gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/lisp/options.el ;;; emacs version 19.15.16. ;;; bytecomp version FSF 2.10 ;;; optimization is on. ;;; this file uses opcodes which do not exist in Emacs 18. (if (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version) (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))) (error "This file was compiled for Emacs 19")) (defalias 'list-options #[nil "!q )! \"L @ ! !! J!  \"!!!) A)" [get-buffer-create "*List Options*" Edit-options-mode nil vars mapatoms #[(sym) " ! \nB" [user-variable-p sym vars] 2] sort string-lessp sym princ ";; " prin1 ":\n " terpri substitute-command-keys documentation-property variable-documentation "\n;;\n"] 7 "\ Display a list of Emacs user options, with values and documentation." nil]) (defalias 'edit-options #[nil " !" [list-options pop-to-buffer "*List Options*"] 2 "\ Edit a list of Emacs user option values. Selects a buffer containing such a list, in which there are commands to set the option values. Type \\[describe-mode] in that buffer for a list of commands." nil]) (defvar Edit-options-mode-map (byte-code "  # # # # # # # )" [make-keymap map define-key "s" Edit-options-set "x" Edit-options-toggle "1" Edit-options-t "0" Edit-options-nil "p" backward-paragraph " " forward-paragraph "n"] 4) "\ ") (put (quote Edit-options-mode) (quote mode-class) (quote special)) (defalias 'Edit-options-mode #[nil " \n! !!!  !" [kill-all-local-variables set-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table use-local-map Edit-options-mode-map make-local-variable paragraph-separate "[^-]" paragraph-start "^ " t truncate-lines Edit-options-mode major-mode "Options" mode-name run-hooks Edit-options-mode-hook] 2 "\ \\Major mode for editing Emacs user option settings. Special commands are: \\[Edit-options-set] -- set variable point points at. New value read using minibuffer. \\[Edit-options-toggle] -- toggle variable, t -> nil, nil -> t. \\[Edit-options-t] -- set variable to t. \\[Edit-options-nil] -- set variable to nil. Changed values made by these commands take effect immediately. Each variable description is a paragraph. For convenience, the characters \\[backward-paragraph] and \\[forward-paragraph] move back and forward by paragraphs."]) (byte-code "\"\"\"\"\"" [defalias Edit-options-set #[nil "!" [Edit-options-modify (lambda (var) (eval-minibuffer (concat "New " (symbol-name var) ": ")))] 2 nil nil] Edit-options-toggle #[nil "!" [Edit-options-modify (lambda (var) (not (symbol-value var)))] 2 nil nil] Edit-options-t #[nil "!" [Edit-options-modify (lambda (var) t)] 2 nil nil] Edit-options-nil #[nil "!" [Edit-options-modify (lambda (var) nil)] 2 nil nil] Edit-options-modify #[(modfun) "!u` `S} bp!) byu\n\n!L)!\nJp\"+" [nil pos var re-search-backward "^;; \\|\\`" 3 read 1 modfun kill-sexp prin1] 3]] 3)