Return-Path: Date: Thu, 19 Jan 89 12:06:02 EST From: To: Cc: Subject: Here you go The papers I signed should arrive tomorrow if they haven't already. There are three files here: TAGS.README, a file of random comments in lieu of real documentation (I didn't get around to modifying the info tree); etags.c; and tags.el. Testing is needed for languages other than elisp, C, and C++. I'll be back next Thursday. Hope you like the stuff; talk to you then. --Sam ------------------------------- TAGS.README ---------------------------- Changes and suggested enhancements to etags.c and tags.el Sam Kendall 1/19/89 etags options added (all the options should be documented in the info tree, but I didn't get around to doing that): -D C/C++ only: Do not find macro constants. For many programs, this option halves the size of the TAGS file. Note a bug: macro constants defined to nothing are not found. -S C/C++ only: Do not assume that a '}' at the beginning of a line means the end of a function. -S is helpful for some poorly indented programs, such as "cfront". Do not use -S if your braces are unbalanced (as can happen with conditional compilation). There was a -C option, meaning assume that .h and .c files are C++ rather than C, but I made it the default. It seems to produce very few spurious C++ tags in C programs. I've made it illegal to pass most ctags options to etags. (To use the program as ctags, it must be compiled with -DCTAGS, or with neither -DETAGS nor -DCTAGS.) I haven't documented the ctags-only options here. tags.el modified as follows: 1. find-tag modified to handle the new "tag" field in a tag line. A tag line can either be in the old format: definition\177lineno,charno or can have the additional "tag" field: definition\177lineno,charno,\001tag This "tag" field is necessary for C++, where the entire tag is NOT necessarily found on the definition line. The "tag" field also helps with exact tag matching. There may be more than one tag, separated by \001 characters. The theory here is that you provide the tag field when the definition field does not contain the correct tag. This theory could be made more rigorous, to help with, for instance, exact tag matching in mixed Lisp/C programs. The old tags.el will fail with new-format lines in TAGS files, but there are many new-format lines only in C++ programs. This tags.el will work fine with old-format TAGS files. 2. All tags functions modified to ignore the character count that follows each filename in the TAGS file. Behavior is not changed, but this makes it much easier to write a program that edits the TAGS file. 3. When finding multiple matches for the same tag (via a prefix arg to find-tag, usually invoked with "ESC ,"), exact matches are found first; then word matches; then other matches. tags.el enhancements needed: doesn't know how to handle included TAGS files yet per-mode and/or local versions of find-tag-default, for easy customization eliminate duplicates in alist when prompting Enhancements to make: * Generalize file suffix stuff -- clumsy and verbose now. Should be config-file- or environment variable- or option-driven. * Treat C++ "operator token" as a single identifier -- canonicalize to leave one space between "operator" and token when token is an identifier, no space when token is an operator. * Make a tag for a struct tag in plain C as `struct name' (likewise for union etc.). In canonical form, exactly one space in between. Currently we make `name' into a tag in etags only; we can't in ctags because `name' may not be unique, which breaks ctags. * Symbol table should be implemented as a hash table instead of as a linked list. * The TeX stuff should use the Stab abstraction. * Needs profiling and performance enhancements. * Can -C be eliminated? It is (nearly) unnecessary complexity. Perhaps merge -C and -t into a single option that indicates "well-formed programs". This option should probably be the default. In etags only, not ctags. (ctags must not find struct tags by default in plain C.) * Is it possible to match C global variables? It would be real nice. * The C line "struct foo { ... };" will create a tag line that searches for "struct foo ". If the search included the "{" it would be more specific. This point is even more true if "foo" and "{" are separated by a newline rather than a space, but having the search pattern include a newline would require changes in the TAGS file format. * Needs config file to handle typical heavy C++ macrification. Config file must allow the definition of macros that expand to types (e.g. `Seq(T)' expands to `Seq_T'), symbol-defining macros (e.g. `DefineSeq(T)' should be interpreted as a definition of `Seq_T'), macros that expand to symbols (e.g. `M(Foo,Bar)' expands to `Class_Foo::Bar'), and macros that cause unbalanced braces or parens (e.g. `LOOP' (whose C definition is "while(1){") leaves one left brace). Probably others. * Config file should also handle definition of the "DEF" convention of the Gnu Emacs source, and definition of the C* language ("domain" keyword), so these can be taken out of the etags source. * For C++, "::" is only understood if it occurs between identifiers with no intervening whitespace. This style of C++ function definition: returntype classname:: functionname(formals) { ... } is not understood. * Is there "::" handling needed for Common Lisp? * Nroff/troff handling would be easy to write and useful. It could be one of the default file modes, along with Pascal, Fortran and C -- if a source file starts with "'" or ".", it's nroff/troff source. * There should be a defined interface between the language-independent part of etags and the language modules. This would make it easier to add a module. * Macros defined inside braces aren't found, e.g., struct foo { #define FOO() BAR ... }; * '#' is only recognized to start a preprocessor line if it is in column 0. According to ANSI it can be preceded by whitespace. * A constant macro with no definition, e.g. `#define FOO', will not be tagged, because `definedef' is prematurely reset by CNL. * `typedef unsigned char TOK;' will get `char' defined as well as `TOK'. Items about the format of the TAGS file: * Should make some special indication in a tags line that means both (1) the pattern is an exact match for the definition line, and (2) the ^? immediately follows the tag. In absence of this indication, the pattern is only the beginning of the definition line, and the last character before the ^? is not part of the tag. Helps in the following situation: struct foo *p; struct foo { ... }; Currently find-tag finds the first line instead of the correct second one. * Some way to tell whether the line `char *foo^?5,200' is the tag `foo' or `*foo'. Since there are no modes in the TAGS file, we can't (easily) say that since this is C, it can't be `*foo'. So this line should be `char *foo^?5,200,^Afoo'. We need to decide on the characters that are not in identifiers for any language. How about space, TAB, FF, `(', `)', and `;'? * Along the same lines, both etags and tags.el should canonicalize tags to lowercase for case-independent languages. So `(defun Foo^?5,200' in Lisp (but not Elisp) should be `(defun Foo^?5,200,^Afoo'.