################################################################################ # # *** F E A T U R E S *** # ################################################################################ # # NEW: "auto configuration" # # --> Normally you only have to modify the /etc/printcap file # --> to select the suitable printer filter for you. # --> the rest is configured/computed automagically ;-) # # NEW: Support for Postscript Printer # # NEW: directory /usr/lib/apsfilter/test with a Makefile # to test various aspects of the filters features. # # NEW: Uses a2ps for printing ascii texts. Default mode is # two pages on one (more econimic ;-) # # NEW: comes with a2ps 4.2 sources and diffs # (apsfilter needed some enhancements to make # autoconfiguration possible, there was a need # to enter pageformat and margins on the commandline # instead of compiling it in) # # apsfilter automatically uses (and needs !!!) # the enhanced a2ps in /usr/lib/apsfilter. # # For Linux with libc.so.4.5.24 (Slackware 1.2.0) # you can use the binary. Other systems/releases: # patched sources (and diffs) provided # in /usr/lib/apsfilter/src.a2ps # # - Enables non-Postscript printers to print PS files automatically # # - recognizes the following filetypes automatically by using the # Unix command file(1) # # + ascii (8 Bit !) # + Postscript # + DVI (TeX, LaTeX) # + data (PCL5 files, ...) # # - uses gs and dvips as filter to process PS && DVI files # that are usually part of any larger Linux distribution # (Slackware, Yggdrasil, LST, ...) # # - handles print faults the following way: # -> notifies root # -> saves tmp file in $TMP_DIR for later examination # # - *** auto configuration ***: printer type and page format are # recognized automatically and depend only on the name # how apsfilter actually was called. # # This makes installation easier than ever before !!! # # Choose the correct filter from /usr/lib/apsfilter # (these are all symlinks to apsfilter). They have all # the following naming scheme and features: # # aps-printer-pageformat-printmethod # # i.e.: aps-djet500-a4-ascii-1 # ^- tells a2ps to print one page on # a DIN A4 page with header # ^------- force ascii printing (for ps source) # ^---------- paper format # ^--------------- printer driver (gs) # # aps-laserjet-a4-auto-2n # ^- tells a2ps to print two pages on # a DIN A4 page without header # (when file type ascii was detected) # # ^------ file type auto-recognition # # aps-laserjet-a4-raw # ^---- print raw data .... # for fast program listings ... # This skips gs(1) as filter # Prints immediately to the device # # - resolution, papersize and special options for a2ps, dvips and gs # are computed automatically # # - allows printing of ascii text with ``german umlauts'' and "raw" # Postscript files without calling gs if the script name ends # with "aps-...-ascii" instead "...-auto" # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # # Andreas Klemm /\/\____ Wiechers & Partner Datentechnik GmbH # andreas@knobel.knirsch.de ___/\/\/ andreas@wupmon.wup.de (Unix Support) #_______________________________________________________________________________