############################################################################### # # *** D A T A B A S E S *** # ############################################################################### DVIPS needs the included .ps or .dmp files during converting dvi-files to ps-files. The searchpath is configurable via config.ps or the TEXINPUTS-env-variable. The TEXINPUTS paths are build automagically (tm) using the contents (list of directories) of the regulary updated databases: /usr/lib/apsfilter/bin/database.var /usr/lib/apsfilter/bin/database.fix The first one is created during the installation AND is upgraded by cron in a time interval, that you select during installation. The second is an file with fixed paths. Your sysadmin may add certain directories which are not covered by database.var. Currently database.fix contains: /usr/lib/apsfilter/test /tmp /usr/tmp /var/tmp The format of database.fix is very simple and identically to database.var: Every line contains a directory-name where ps-files reside, that might later be needed by dvips, when ps pictures or screen dumps have to be included in a dvi document. Example: /home/sledge/texdocs /home/gregor/stoch-sim These directories would be searched from DVIPS to get some PS-files your dvi-files would like to get included during printing (converting them to ps). The script mkdatabases looks for files with the extensions: .ps .dmp .eps Currently only user directories are scanned by mkdatabases to get a list of directories containing these files with the named patterns.