NEW features of smake-1.2a43: - smake now supports parsing pattern matching default rules with no dependencies. - New smake special macros MAKE_SHELL_FLAG and MAKE_SHELL_IFLAG allow to control the shell flags that are used to call commands from smake. The default is MAKE_SHELL_IFLAG=-c for "smake -i" and MAKE_SHELL_FLAG=-ce for all other calls. If the special target .POSIX: is present in a makefile or if smake is called with -posix, the default is MAKE_SHELL_FLAG=-c - Several fixes for the Blastwave compile (smake -f Mcsw): - smake now compiles without /opt/csw/ string in the binary this makes smake100% relocatable. - Try to avoid a core dump with smake with percent default rules like: foo%: cmd - Added a workaround for the GNU make workaround into smake. The GNU make workaround requires to create an otherwise useless dependency from one include file to another previously included file to make GNU make believe that a rule to make the file exists at all. As smake resets the state of all included targets after including them, in order to force the re-evaluation of the complete rule set after all makefiles have been read, smake believed that the second file did not exist because it depends on a "non-existent" file and called the .INCLUDE_FILED: rule. Smake now checks the file for existence before deciding whether to call the .INCLUDE_FILED: rule. - psmake/ scripts now auto-create the symlinks or copies to the original source files. - psmake/MAKE-sh now aborts before compilation if "configure" does not create xconfig.h (e.g. because the installed compiler is defective). TODO: Smake would need to implement an undocumented feature from historical UNIX make implementations that is used by Xorg at one place: target: *.o do-something-with *.o Which expands *.o from the filesystem. Meanwhile, use smake -N to compile Xorg. After pattern expansion has been implemented, smake-1.2 final will be released. WARNING: Do not use 'winzip' to extract the tar file! Winzip cannot extract symbolic links correctly. Joerg