NEW features of smake-1.2a33: - Make sure that $(VAR:%=PREFIX/%) does expand to nothing in case that $(VAR) is empty. - export VAR now expands the content of the make macro "VAR" before putting the content into the environment. - print a better warning message when smake finds too many target items (targets left to a ':') for a rule. - Now using recent a makefiles-1.5 alpha - Avoid an endless loop with 'tr' on Solaris if /usr/ucb/ is before /usr/bin in PATH TODO: Smake would need to implement an undocumented feature from historical UNIX make implementations that is used by Xorg at one place: target: *.o do-something-with *.o Which expands *.o from the filesystem. Meanwhile, use smake -N to compile Xorg. After pattern expansion has been implemented, smake-1.2 final will be released. WARNING: Do not use 'winzip' to extract the tar file! Winzip cannot extract symbolic links correctly. Joerg