NEW features of smake-1.2a30: - The top level Makefile in SRCROOT now calls psmake/smake -r to make sure that no broken internal rules (that could be loaded from a file) may be active. - Support for the ':=' assignement oparator that may be used with make macros: CFLAGS := $(OTHER_VAR) Will not assign the text "$(OTHER_VAR)" to CFLAGS but the content if the macro $(OTHER_VAR) As this feature is nonportable, smake warns when the feature is used. (Note that Sun make uses := for conditional macro assignement). - Smake now detects endless recursions from bad default rules. - Smake now supports Termination pattern matching rules target:: source command If a Termination rule is found, smake does not search for possible sources for intermediate source file names. This allows to e.g. create a pattern rule for fetching SCCS files from the repository: %:: s.% sccs get $@ Note that this rule would otherwise result in a endless recusion. - Smake now prints Command line Exit messages for failed commaned even if not in debug mode. - Better messages when exiting with exit code != 0 - Makefile fixed to search for the make default rules in $(INS_DIR)/lib/defaults.smk instead of $(INS_DIR)/lib/default.smk - New configure #ifdef DEFAULTS_PATH_SEARCH_FIRST tells smake to search for lib/default.smk in PATH first. - Smake now also searches for lib/default.smk in case av[0] contains a path name with slashes. WARNING: Do not use 'winzip' to extract the tar file! Winzip cannot extract symbolic links correctly. Joerg