NEW features of smake-1.2a16: - New supported architectures: NT-5.1 == Win XP - Workaround for a GNUmake bug When compiling smake on OS/2 or on Cygwin, GNUmake is used to compile the first stage of smake. When GNUmake then calls psmake/smake to compile the second stage, the following error message is printed: smake: Missing object name in line 1 col 7 of 'Environment defs' smake: Current read buffer is: '(NULL POINTER)' smake: Bad syntax in 'Environment defs'. This is caused by the fact that GNUmake puts non POSIX compliant strings into the MAKEFLAGS environment. In our case '--unix' Smake now warns and skips illegal options found in MAKEFLAGS= - Fixed a bug in the error printing routine from smake that caused '(NULL POINTER)' to be printed in the example above. Smake now will print smake: Current read buffer is: '--unix' in similar situations. WARNING: Do not use 'winzip' to extract the tar file! Winzip cannot extract symbolic links correctly. Joerg