Title: wifi.tcz Description: Tiny Wifi Scanning Tool Version: 1.7 Author: Robert Shingledecker Original-site: www.tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPL Size: 8.0K Extension_by: roberts, bmarkus Tags: CLI WIFI WIRELESS Comments: A console based tiny wifi scan access point tool. Select from menu or type sudo wifi.sh Creates wifi.db in HOME directory. Can auto connect to first db entry with use of -a flag, e.g., /usr/local/bin/wifi.sh -a 2>&1 > /tmp/wifi.log Add above to bootlocal or bootsync for quick auto connect. When mobile, use menu for select list of APs. wpa_supplicant driver is defined by /etc/sysconfig/wifi-wpadrv default is nl80211. Add it to backup if changed. Available drivers wext,nl80211 Change-log: 2011/06/15 v0.1 Original Awk Program 2011/07/02 v0.2 Major rewrite to Ash/Awk 2011/07/09 v0.3 Chng db delimiter to tab, shell protect passwd, bug fix. 2011/07/14 v0.4 Separate loops for associate and IP request. 2011/07/23 v0.5 Support of ssids with embedded spaces. 2011/07/26 v0.6 Fixed initial wifi detection. 2011/10/09 v0.7 Added alias to ensure busybox is used. 2011/11/10 Changed desktop item to use cliorx and Network category. 2012/07/30 v0.8 Added sleep command for disconnect to complete. 2012/09/17 v0.9 Added static IP support. 2012/10/18 v1.0 Fixed db bug introduced by v0.9 patch. 2012/10/20 v1.1 Added flags "ap?" and Usage help 2012/11/15 v1.1 Code cleanup. 2012/11/15 v1.2 Added loops to try to accomodate slow devices. 2013/11/09 v1.3 Mods for open wifi storage and auto connect by Randy McEuen 2013/11/15 v1.4 Mods for wait for connection and display hostname on router by Gerrelt 2014/03/16 v1.5 Mods for configure wpa_supplicant driver 2019/01/12 v1.6 Change default driver to nl80211 Current: 2024/08/21 v1.7 Added &!?$ to allowable chars for ESSID. Rich