Title: json-glib.tcz Description: A library providing serialization and deserialization support for the JavaScript Object Notation Version: 1.4.4 Author: EmmanueleBassi Original-site: http://live.gnome.org/JsonGlib Copying-policy: GPL-2.1 Size: 68KB Extension_by: jlslegalize@gmail.com Tags: library serialization deserialization Comments: --- Change-log: 2009/11/11 First Version 2010/02/05 updated 2 0.10.0 2010/03/07 deleted /usr/local/include 2010/03/14 updated 2 0.10.2 2010/10/14 updated to 0.12.0 2013/04/24 Updated to 0.14.2 2015/03/28 recompiled for tc-6.x (juanito) 2018/12/15 updated 0.14.2 -> 1.2.8 (juanito) Current: 2021/01/09 updated 1.2.8 -> 1.4.4 (juanito)