Title: audacity-dev.tcz Description: audacity(well-known audio editor)(some header files) Version: 2.3.3 Author: audacity contributors Original-site: www.audacityteam.org Copying-policy: GPLv2 or later Size: 36K Extension_by: justincb Comments Audacity source tarball available @- www.audacityteam.org/downloads/source/ Note - audacity has full documentation online available thru the program interface To build - Needed- WxWidgets-dev.tcz python.tcz bash.tcz bash-dev.tcz compiletc.tcz coreutils.tcz make.tcz cmake.tcz ffmpeg4-dev.tcz libavformat4.tcz libsndfile-dev.tcz flac-dev.tcz libogg-dev.tcz liboggz-dev.tcz libvorbis-dev.tcz alsa-dev.tcz gettext.tcz libEGL-dev.tcz libwidgetextra-dev.tcz libdrm-dev.tcz lafilefixer.tcz libatomic_ops-dev.tcz need to run lafilefixer as stated in lafilefixer.tcz.info need to rename lib-src/lv2/configure to configure.real and create a stub configure containing the following #!/bin/sh ./configure.real "$@" export CFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i486 -Os -fabi-version=11" export CXXFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i486 -Os -fabi-version=11" export LDFLAGS="-Os -latomic -fabi-version=11" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-lib-preference="system local" Tags: audacity audio editor Change-log: 2020/02/24 compiled from source Current: 2020/03/02 recompiled against repo. wxWidgets