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D//0H8X8h9(9 9 P: :p; < =>l?@@TJP0SSDSLSLTlTTU`UUlWWW8YpYHYZ8[Hh[L\`]^t^_xaacc d|dd edeeefTfhfxfxff0glgtglg@hhiXjtjljj\kkl8llmTnloqrrrx ||ԉ`Ȍp`tpP@8P(dlDġ4,0t|P 4̱ıı<P0ܳĴе@d@ |hd(h$DTLH4T <48``d08 HD,,@@`DpxX0(hd44,xpl PX$,X4x@hstatic void QTest::FatalSignalHandler::signal(int)void* QTest::fetchData(QTestData*, const char*, int)0123456789ABCDEF int QTest::qExec(QObject*, int, char**)qtestcase.cppdefaultReceived signal %dInvalid numeric parameter: '%s' _datainitTestCasecleanupTestCasecleanupinit%s QTEST_EVENT_DELAYQTEST_MOUSEEVENT_DELAYQTEST_KEYEVENT_DELAYtypeIdQTest::fetchData()Test data requested, but no testdata available.data->parent()Requested type '%s' does not match available type '%s'.QFETCH: Requested testdata '%s' not available, check your _data function.tagNamedataidx != -1data->parent()->elementTypeId(idx) == metaTypeIdQTest::addColumn()Cannot add testdata outside of a _data slot.QTest::newRow()Data tag can not be nullMust add columns before attempting to add rows.ms > 0QTest::qSleep() should have taken %1ns, but actually took %2ns!%hd%hu%d%u%ld%lu%lld%llu%c%gCompared floats are not the same (fuzzy compare)%lgCompared doubles are not the same (fuzzy compare)%pCompared strings are not the same-help--help/? Usage: %s [options] [testfunction[:testdata]]... By default, all testfunctions will be run. %s New-style logging options: -o filename,format : Output results to file in the specified format Use - to output to stdout Valid formats are: txt : Plain text csv : CSV format (suitable for benchmarks) xunitxml : XML XUnit document xml : XML document lightxml : A stream of XML tags *** Multiple loggers can be specified, but at most one can log to stdout. Old-style logging options: -o filename : Write the output into file -txt : Output results in Plain Text -csv : Output results in a CSV format (suitable for benchmarks) -xunitxml : Output results as XML XUnit document -xml : Output results as XML document -lightxml : Output results as stream of XML tags *** If no output file is specified, stdout is assumed. *** If no output format is specified, -txt is assumed. Test log detail options: -silent : Log failures and fatal errors only -v1 : Log the start of each testfunction -v2 : Log each QVERIFY/QCOMPARE/QTEST (implies -v1) -vs : Log every signal emission and resulting slot invocations *** The -silent and -v1 options only affect plain text output. Testing options: -functions : Returns a list of current testfunctions -datatags : Returns a list of current data tags. A global data tag is preceded by ' __global__ '. -eventdelay ms : Set default delay for mouse and keyboard simulation to ms milliseconds -keydelay ms : Set default delay for keyboard simulation to ms milliseconds -mousedelay ms : Set default delay for mouse simulation to ms milliseconds -maxwarnings n : Sets the maximum amount of messages to output. 0 means unlimited, default: 2000 -nocrashhandler : Disables the crash handler Benchmarking options: -callgrind : Use callgrind to time benchmarks -eventcounter : Counts events received during benchmarks -minimumvalue n : Sets the minimum acceptable measurement value -minimumtotal n : Sets the minimum acceptable total for repeated executions of a test function -iterations n : Sets the number of accumulation iterations. -median n : Sets the number of median iterations. -vb : Print out verbose benchmarking information. QmlTest options: -import dir : Specify an import directory. -input dir/file : Specify the root directory for test cases or a single test case file. -qtquick1 : Run with QtQuick 1 rather than QtQuick 2. -translation file : Specify the translation file. -help : This help-functions-datatagsinitTestCase_data()%s_data()%s %s %s %s %s %s %s __global__ %s %s %s %s __global__ %s -txt-csv-xunitxml-xml-lightxml-silent-v1-v2-vs-o-o needs an extra parameter specifying the filename and optional format %[^,],%stxtcsvlightxmlxmlxunitxmloutput format must be one of txt, csv, lightxml, xml or xunitxml --eventdelay-eventdelay needs an extra parameter to indicate the delay(ms) -keydelay-keydelay needs an extra parameter to indicate the delay(ms) -mousedelay-mousedelay needs an extra parameter to indicate the delay(ms) -maxwarnings-maxwarnings needs an extra parameter with the amount of warnings -nocrashhandler-callgrindWARNING: Current directory not writable. Using the walltime measurer. WARNING: Valgrind not found or too old. Make sure it is installed and in your path. Using the walltime measurer. -callgrindchild-eventcounter-minimumvalue-minimumvalue needs an extra parameter to indicate the minimum time(ms) -minimumtotal-minimumtotal needs an extra parameter to indicate the minimum total measurement -iterations-iterations needs an extra parameter to indicate the number of iterations -median-median needs an extra parameter to indicate the number of median iterations -vbUnknown option: '%s' %s qmltest related options: -import : Specify an import directory. -input : Specify the root directory for test cases. -qtquick1 : Run with QtQuick 1 rather than QtQuick 2. -help : This help %s()Unknown test function: '%s'. Possible matches: %s -functions lists all available test functions. QTest::testFuncCount < 512only one logger can log to stdout testdata %1 not found relative to test binary [%2]; checking next location%1/%2/%3testdata %1 not found in tests install path [%2]; checking next location/%1/%2testdata %1 not found relative to source path [%2]testdata %1 could not be located!testdata %1 was located at %2slotNameUnknown testdata for function %s: '%s' Function has no testdata. init()Unable to execute slotcleanup()warmup stage result : %1accumulation stage result: %1Available testdata: testObject!currentTestObjectmetaObjectQtTest: -callgrind option is not available with QTEST_APPLESS_MAINcleanupTestCase()Caught unhandled exceptioninitTestCase()functionqtestlog.cppmsgfileloggerexpression.isValid()QTest::TestLoggers::loggerCount() != 0Received a fatal error.Unknown filetypeqtesttable.cppnameelementNametagqtestdata.cppparentd->dataCount < d->parent->elementCount()expected data of type '%s', got '%s' for element %d of data with tag '%s'falseindex >= 0index < d->parent->elementCount()QEXPECT_FAIL was called without any subsequent verification statementsNot all expected messages were receivedcommentqtestresult.cppmode > 0Already expecting a fail'%s' returned TRUE unexpectedly. (%s)'%s' returned FALSE. (%s)statementStrQVERIFY(%s)Compared values are not the sameexpectedactualQCOMPARE(%s, %s)QCOMPARE(%s, %s) returned TRUE unexpectedly.%s Actual (%s)%*s %s Expected (%s)%*s %s:qasciikey.cppQTestLibUnknownTestFunc qplaintestlogger.cpp%s: %s::%s(%s%s%s)%s%s Loc: [%s(%d)] %s: %s::%s(%s%s%s)%s%s INFO enteringPASS XFAIL FAIL! XPASS ??????SKIP WARNINGQWARN QDEBUG QSYSTEMQFATAL NAN0%s: %s::%sRESULT : %%%ds:"%s"%s %s per iteration (total: %s, iterations: %d)%s%s%s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s Testing %s ********* Start testing of %s ********* Config: Using QtTest library 5.3.0, Qt %s Totals: %d passed, %d failed, %d skipped Totals: %d passed, %d failed, %d skipped ********* Finished testing of %s ********* ><'"&- passxfailfailxpass warnsystemqdebugqwarnqfatalskipinfo %s 5.3.0 Slot: ) Signal: (, streamqabstracttestlogger.cppwtUnable to open file for logging: %s callgrind.out.%1%1.*%1.(\d+)^summary: (\d+)qbenchmarkvalgrind.cppFailed to extract result--tool=callgrind--instr-atstart=yes--quietvalgrindfailed to run callgrind subprocessFramesPerSecondBitsPerSecondBytesPerSecondWalltimeMillisecondsEventsCPUTicksCPUMigrationsCPUCyclesBusCyclesStalledCyclesInstructionReadsInstructionsWalltimeNanosecondsBytesAllocatedBranchInstructionsBranchMissesCacheReferencesCacheReadsCacheWritesCachePrefetchesCacheMissesCacheReadMissesCacheWriteMissesCachePrefetchMissesContextSwitchesPageFaultsMinorPageFaultsMajorPageFaultsAlignmentFaultsEmulationFaultsfpsbits/sbytes/smsecseventsCPU ticksCPU migrationsCPU cyclesbus cyclesstalled cyclesinstruction readsinstructionsnsecsbytesbranch instructionsbranch missescache referencescache loadscache storescache prefetchescache missescache load missescache store missescache prefetch missescontext switchespage faultsminor page faultsmajor page faultsalignment faultsemulation faults"%s","%s%s%s","%s",%.13g,%.13g,%u resulttestsfailureserrorsdescriptionvalueqtestversionqtversionlinemetriciterationstestLoggerqtestxunitstreamer.cpp message %s="%s"]]> --> /> > element propertypropertiesfailureerrortestcasetestsuitebenchmarksystem-err%s%s%s%iQTestVersion5.3.0QtVersionBMaximum amount of warnings exceeded. Use -maxwarnings to override.Did not receive message: "'Did not receive any message matching: "void QTestData::append(int, const void*)16QPlainTestLogger]]>]]]>14QXmlTestLogger19QAbstractTestLogger22QBenchmarkMeasurerBase22QBenchmarkTimeMeasurerstatic qint64 QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::extractResult(const QString&)static bool QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::rerunThroughCallgrind(const QStringList&, int&)27QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer15QBenchmarkEvent19QCsvBenchmarkLogger13QTestCoreListI12QTestElementE16QTestCoreElementI12QTestElementE12QTestElement13QTestCoreListI21QTestElementAttributeE21QTestElementAttribute16QXunitTestLogger0/(QTestEventLoopexitLoop +14QTestEventLoopoo($-d,, 4!`@Tddh--`-d-e{p\00t0x0077t0777T7h7x7x0p77p0 888t07A7788x088GpF`Ft0FEFEEEE0EEXF|F Fep4L\LL L$L(L,LxL0LwdNPON4O0NOЪߪ@,PPhPP@XYb0c0ZX_[] dԫoKpR_\q\rrrLrTHs4|s0$|s08lu$Qlu$juHu0u0w8wPx Px +xlIHythzdzdP{\P{\{T|P<P^ll\\HH\(\(@(^(|0܎Ġx<(<Nġآt GnP԰ lVX$Lp)T tt  dApp4DxhX8Xq(8p\@`q(0$d$d T3L]|((4HLwD$xKL (gL (t   p,M(s-  ,(( ,%HY$$444iP`@ 7  <    4!!!T 6!, K!,`!"!"!"\!"\!#L!#x&"+0U",z"8-("`-"d-"h-#h-4#-Q#.p#.#.L#.#/$e 2$dL$8,f$\0$x8$\0$t0$x0%0E%0(e%L5$%p5$%5,%p%{ %T72&h7f&p7&x7&7&7'75'7(U'7y'7'7' ' (8(7F(7n(7(8(8)8P)8) 8) 8)88()`8*h8G*9\a*9\{*\9*\9*4: *@<@+?G+|ADy+A+$B,+PEt5,G W,0 y,8,E,E,E-E=-Eg-E-E- F.FD.FD7.XFU.`Fn.|F.F(.F .Fh.Fh.e / #/@P9/4Gto/It/L/ L/$L&0(LT0,L00L14L(14L(;1\LX1xL|1M(1M(1w 1  2,&2NtM2q2Nt2ND22ND3ND)3ND?3OU34O3PO3lO43lO43O3O4O;4O8n4O<44  4 5# )5Ъ <50 O5 b5,Pt5H5,Pt5P<6P<-6PL6P|6Q06Q06DQ6LQ\7Q%7QJ7QH7@7ߪ) 7 7h 8X78TR4e8TR48R8R8R` 9RR9S9pT\9UR:PV}:XV: WT;`XTB;Xm;X`;X`;Y;4YH;4YH;|Y8/<Y|<0Z\<ZH<[=]8n=_=bh=0c  >  !> 8>x,O>e@n>e>f> >p??"?/?F?k??@@:@A@I@N@S@Z@o@@@@@A)AGAcAuAu\"AAAAu$"B5BVB{BBBBBC$C0C=CLCZC_Cy~CTzCCC CClD 7DYDrDtD}DDD~DDD E<.ELEH pEE(E\E8FBFHZFDtFLFHFPFj]jqjjjjjk(kLk}kk(lLlvll