Overview of changes in Sysprof 45.beta ======================================= Sysprof has largely been redesigned and rewriten from the ground up this cycle to provide better GTK 4 integration and more advanced features. libsysprof-capture ------------------ This library is our static library used by many applications and libraries to augment capture collection. It is still installed as libsysprof-capture-4.a as a static library for consumers. The ABI is the same, however some new data types have been added. libsysprof ---------- This library has been rewritten around a new document model for captures. Instead of using SysprofCaptureReader (a buffered capture reader) the SysprofDocument object exposes a GListModel of a mmap()'d capture file. This has allowed for many new indexing performance improvements as well as simpler data-binding in the user interface. You can read more about this at https://blogs.gnome.org/chergert/2023/07/18/glistmodel-as-a-data-format/ Additionally, a new SysprofProfiler API has been added. It has been much simplified and allows for easier implementation of instruments in a race free manner. The library heavily builds upon libdex for Futures which I created this past window to simplify features in GNOME Builder. sysprof-cli and sysprof-agent ----------------------------- These tools both provide similar features albeit from a different standpoint. They have both been updated to use the new profiler interface in libsysprof. sysprofd -------- Very minimal changes have been made to sysprofd to help ensure that the application and libraries can still work on systems with an older sysprofd installed on the host. sysprof ------- The application has been completely redesigned and is now window focused rather than tabs. The constraint of tabs was becoming too cumbersome to maintain so as the author, I felt this was the right move. Howto and More -------------- I wrote a series of blog posts on how to use Sysprof which you might find useful. https://blogs.gnome.org/chergert/2023/07/28/how-to-use-sysprof-again/ https://blogs.gnome.org/chergert/2023/08/04/more-sysprofing/ You can see an overview of the new features here: https://blogs.gnome.org/chergert/2023/07/27/sysprof-45/