lua-lmod-8.7.17-150500.4.2.1<>,ޤfRp9|el@Xi͉Oxyȸ b삏Ƒ8Jgy;*~[An[eOf2DoϨeisL c=kĞN)\籐%f`=tdjK6,X TYnLS`ΝȘ.dE'rad b.ixIIx˽lr r*O=2+cY OrzfC_À}Й,Ivg J"wy*e1:0_Z4e>A?d   I| #,8   D  P 6 7:>BfBEE F F G$G(G0(G18G8-9G-:J-F G H,I8XY\t]^(b cód6e;f>l@uTv`wLxXydzϠϰϴϺClua-lmod8.7.17150500.4.2.1Lua-based Environment Modules used in HPCLmod is an Environment Module System as used in High Performance Computing (HPC) based on Lua, Reads TCL Modules, Supports a Software Hierarchy. Environment Modules are to select the individual versions of HPC libraries and tools from a set of installed ones. It requires these libraries and tools to be available in separate independent directory structures. On SUSE systems default location for these structures is under /usr/lib/hpc. It is not recommended to install this tool on systems which do not belong to an HPC deployment which uses the module system.fRs390zl31SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIT ? AJ 6 "3UZQ% K   5`1^/uJ #| /L9$9V+b k dT[+3~uZn*h6 Iw lH1$_v){Z d5W$ '!}  Q;4]  Uq x=4 O!+P < i@ Lc Y$;J0R*{ <, mg0)N DL 1t q ...' now only prints matching aliases. Search names are resolved. * Print dataT table when there is an Exception. * New command added: 'module overview'. * Add spiderPathFilter hook so that sites can control what paths are kept or ignored. * Added $LMOD_SITE_MODULEPATH support to prepend to MODULEPATH * Add support for sh_to_modulefile to support zsh, ksh, bash and tcsh with aliases and shell functions * Support for source_sh added. Now support more than one shell script per modulefile.- Move latex dependencies to the pdf build flavor- Add new missing dependency when using Sphinx 4.x.- Adding missing brackets in csh script.- Modify generating of /etc/profile.d/lmod.* to allow use of existing $MODULEPATH environmental variable (bsc#1159563).- Move macros out of /etc to the standard rpm macro directory (bsc#1185660). - Remove shebang and execute bit from init scripts.- Update to version 8.4.28: For details check: * Use now converts relative paths to abspath (Issue #505). * Allow print statement in modulefiles (Issue #507).- Update to version 8.4.27: * (8.4.21) + Add findLuaProg() or die * (8.4.22) + Fix luaCmd -> luaprog. * (8.4.23) + Fix goto in luaterm pkg. * (8.4.24) + Need to quote '?' in csh. + Make list of modules from spider skip .version* and .modulerc* + analyzeLmodDB now takes a list of all modules so that zero module usage can be reported. * (8.4.26) + Fix bug with building on Suse linux + Allow all paths (but MODULEPATH) to have trailing double slashes. * (8.4.27) + Fix default for SHORT_TIME + Adding isAvail() function for Lua modulefiles + Now reporting that is-avail() is not working for TCL modulefiles- updated to version 8.4.20 which works with lua54 * (8.4.20) + Adding wV field to MName and MT class (Merged wV branch) + This allows users to tell how (if any) default is set. * (8.4.19) + MasterControl:unsetenv(name) also clears stack if it exists. + Issue #490: use old way of following readlink as "readlink -f" is not universal. * (8.4.18) + Issue #481 (and PR #488) are merged in. New configure options to specify where lua and luac executables exist (--with-lua= and --with-luac=). It is also possible to use --with-luaSuffix=. Both --with-lua= and --with-luac= must be specified if one is specified The option --with-luaSuffix= can not be used with --with-lua or - -with-luac + PR #489 is merged in. This fixes bug with "module --terse keyword" * (8.4.17) + If python exists on system use $PYTHON -mjson.tool on the generation of *.json files from update_lmod_system_spider_cache_files script. Note $PYTHON is found by looking for python3, python or python2 + Added TCL module function require-fullname to match requireFullName in Lua. + Do not check $cache_type twice, use $ext = lua for lua like operations in update spider cache script. * (8.4.16) + Issue #483: Added hidden file to spider tests. Showing that it works correctly. + Fixed bug where providedByT (a.k.a. Extensions) was always printed when doing "ml keyword ..." + Added lua module function requireFullName() * (8.4.15) + Issue #480: Fix the try_load() function to ignore failure to be found but report broken modules. * (8.4.14) + Issue #480: make "module try-add " ignore failure to be found but report broken modules. * (8.4.13) + Issue #479: Reworked MRC to fill mrcMpathT with mrc entries for each directory in $MODULEPATH. Then walk each mpath directory for hidden, global aliases, and module aliases * (8.4.12) + Make --nx only remove extensions from ml avail not spider. Make it a configure option. * (8.4.11) + Issue #476: Move mrcT.mpath to separate table mrcMpathT + Issue #477: Support finding real modules names with a version called "default" + Show extensions from hidden modules when doing (module --show_hidden avail) + Add option (--nx, --no_extensions) to not print extensions when doing "ml avail".- Update to version 8.4.10: * Use LMOD_ALLOW_ROOT_USE to control whether root uses Lmod or not * Documentation updates- Update to version 8.4.5: * Support for Lua 5.4 added. * Improved support for ksh and ksh scripts. * Improved documentation for software hierarchy and community module collections.- Fix the python3 switch on sphinx to not really pull any py2 package- Update to version 8.3.6: * Create findExec shell function to locate commands like ps. * Bugfixes.- python3 based Sphinx- Update to version 8.3.1: * The function extensions() now takes a string of comma separated names. * Add support for "atleast()" and "between()" functions support a "<" to signify a less than instead of less than or equal to between range. * Make "ml - foo" an error. * It is now safe to have os.exit(1) in a modulefile. Spider can now handle it. - Remove obsolete BuildRequires on ohpc.- Update to version 8.2.5: * Better support for the fish shell including tab completion * New function extensions(): This allows for modules like python to report that the extensions numpy and scipy are part of the modules. Users can use "module spider numpy" to find which modules provide numpy etc. * Added a new command "clearLmod" which does a module purge and removes all LMOD aliases and environment variables. * Remove asking for the absolute path for generating spiderT and dbT. It now only use when building the reverseMapT. * Lmod now requires "rx" other access when searching for modulefiles. * settarg correctly handles a power9 processor running linux. - Refresh patch * Messages-Remove-message-about-creating-a-consulting-ticket.patch- Update to version 8.1.14: (jsc#SLE-8512) * Extended Default feature added: module load intel/17 will find the "best" intel/17.* etc. * All hidden files are NOT written to the softwarePage output. * Lmod now correctly reports failed to load module "A" in the special case where "ml A B" and A is a prereq of B and A doesn't exist. * A meta module takes precedence over a regular module if the meta module occurs in an earlier directory in $MODULEPATH * Lmod output only "fills" when the text is more than one line or it is wider than the current width. * Embed the TCL interpreter in Lmod when a site allows TCL files * "module reset" resets $MODULEPATH to be the system $MODULEPATH * Improved tracing of module loads/unloads when --trace is given. * Allow MODULERCFILE to be a colon separated list. - Set --with-fastTCLInterp=no, because this option is not supported with TCL 8.6- Remove flavor 'doc-man' building a package only with the lmod manpage and move the manpage to lua-lmod. - Remove the Recommends on lua-lmod-man and add a Provides instead. - Update the Group tag for lua-lmod-doc to Documentation/Other because Documentation/PDF doesn't exist and make the package noarch.- Declare bash-specific nature of build recipe.- Update to 7.8.15: * issue #379: Extra space required for shell function definitions under bash * issue #380: Change DependencyCk mode from load to dependencyCk, sType and tcl_mode remain load. * Fixed problem with unbound variable __lmod_sh_dbg in module shell function definition * Add unload state to tracing. * Define MCP and mcp earlier in lmod main() so that errors/warning found in SitePackage work. * issue #383: Use LUA_PATH to evaluate Version.lua instead of depending on ./?.lua to be LUA_PATH. * Added mgrload function and documentation * Fixed unbound variable in * Fixed bug when ~/.lmod.d/cache was read only. * Fixed quote rules for Python, R and CMAKE. * issue #390: Added a message when find first rules are used to set defaults when NVV is found in both avail and tracing. * issue #389: Honor newlines and leading spaces in Nag messages. * Allow MODULERCFILE to be a colon separated list. * issue #391: Only process the family stack when in the modulefile that requested it. * Allow MODULERCFILE to be a colon separated list with the priority be left to right instead of right to left. * Added cc test case for issues with choosing the correct module when doing reloadAll() * issue #394: Only reload modules when the userName has remained the same in mt. * Add Lmod version report to --trace output. * issue #394: use mname = MName:new("load",mt:userName(sn)) to get loadable file contrib/tracking_module_usage python scripts have been updated to support python2 and python3 - Fix shbang line in scripts.- Update to 7.8.1: * Fixed typo in myGlobals.lua about assigning LMOD_DUPLICATE_PATHS * Fixed TARG_TITLE_BAR_PAREN to always have a value, needed for tcsh. * Added LMOD_SETTARG_TITLE_BAR=yes to turn on the title bar. * Changed from sn-version to sn/version in title bar. * Changed the initialization of LMOD_SETTARG_CMD in and It is defined to be `:' iff it is undefined. This allows settarg to work in sub-shells. * Use spider cache for "module --terse avail" when LMOD_CACHED_LOADS=yes * Fix bug with LMOD_SETTARG_CMD and csh. * Turn off LMOD_REDIRECT for tcsh Settarg now supports C/N/V and N/V/V module layouts. * Fixed a bug where sometimes a compiler-mpi dependent module wouldn't be found when it should. * Fixed issue #321 Changed LMOD_TARGPATHLOC to LMOD_SETTARG_TARG_PATH_LOCATION changed LMOD_FULL_SETTARG_SUPPORT to LMOD_SETTARG_FULL_SUPPORT. (Lmod supports both) * Fixed issue #322 where non-existant directory would cause problems * Fix bug in settarg module for csh. * Fix bug in Csh.lua where semicolons inside an alias were removed. Only remove the trailing semicolon. * Generate an LmodError() if the cachefile is broken. * Do not convert /foo/bar/../baz to /foo/baz. Leave .. in paths. Fixes issue #324 * The admin.list (aka, nag mesages) supports Lua regex's. Responds to issue #326 * The admin.list now supports multiple targets for the same message (issue #326) * Use full path_regularize() on all TCL program files. Having paths like /a/b/../d caused problems for some users when interacting with TCL. * Do not look for lua_json. Just use the one that comes with Lmod. * Fix sh_to_modulefile correctly handle bad options (issue #332) * Allow pushenv("FOO",false) to clear "FOO" (issue #331) * Always use ref counting for MODULEPATH. * Change the C-shell output to not use quotes and instead use back slashes to quote special characters like $. * Better filtering for c-shell output testing * Fix bug in sh_to_modulefile * Remove definition of SHOST from Recompute it in settarg module. * Support relative symlink when trying to find cmd_dir * Now get modify time correctly from SpiderCache timestamp file. * Issue #346: do not use "ls" to get the list of directories when dealing with .modulepath * Issue #347: Just skip parsing "whole" if it is not a string (settarg) * Issue #348: Do not double the colon when the original was a single colon * Change ml so that ml av --terse is an error. * Making the settarg and lmod modulefiles be installed versionless. * Issue #353: Fix bug in end -> endif * Issue #352: Allow sites to control the prefix completely. * luaposix 34.0.4-1 wants to use setfenv() which only exists in Lua 5.1 and not in Lua 5.2+ so Lmod now requires("posix") outside of strict. * Build lua-term in the correct location when --with-siteControlPrefix=yes * issue #347: Remove ./?.lua, ./?/init.lua from LUA_PATH and ./?.so from LUA_CPATH * issue #357: Add missing semicolons in settarg.version.lua * Fixed bug with lib directories not being readable. * issue #355: Make LMOD_RC support a colon separated list of possible lmodrc.lua files * Make bash, zsh and csh form LMOD_PKG to use /lmod/lmod instead of /lmod/ when allowing sites to completely control prefix (issue #352) * issue #359: Lmod can now use the internal version of lfs for installation. * issue #361: Support make -j install added. * issue #362: Trying to fix problem with RPM builds of Lmod at UGENT. * issue #358: Improved error msg when there is a syntax error in a modulefile. * issue #365, #366: Fix typo in Makefile about pkgs. * Modify end2end test to use build-in lua pkgs only. * issue #370: Allow for exact match with fn and fullName w/o regex pattern matching added % quoting for '-' in docs. * Support for making lmod silence shell debug output (when doing set -xv for bash or zsh) The command "make world_update" now marks the latest release as the latest release at * The new module command now returns the status from the eval of the lmod command * Block .version.version and .modulerc.version files from being included in DirTree * Bash like shells now output without double quotes. * Fix fish shell output for path and infopath. Fix shell function output for zsh/bash * issue #374: convert ~ to $HOME internally. This allows C-shell users to use ~ inside a modulefile and have it work when unloading. * issue #375: Support for is-loaded and is-avail added. * Do not convert LMOD_PKG from /opt/apps/lmod/7.7.35 to /opt/apps/lmod/lmod if the link exists. * When building reverseMap also take abspath(path) and store it if different. * Now make startup scripts (,, use PKGV instead of PKG so that the pre-install create $VERSION files. The install target will convert them to PKG. * Check for "g" tools like gbasename, gexpr as well as the regular basename, expr etc. * General support for the modulerc files to be written in lua. They have a .lua extension. * Bug fix for 7.7.38 where it did not work for Lua 5.1- Change %license to a %my_license macro to be able to build for the HPC module on SLE-12.- Move doc and man page building into separate flavors.- use license macro for License file.- Replace %__ type macro indirections. - Update RPM groups, summaries, find|xargs commands.- Avoid conflicting script snippets from 'Modules' and 'lua-lmod' in /etc/profiles.d by making sure that both packages cannot be installed simultaneously (boo#1089970).- Doc-Ugly-workaround-for-bug-in-Sphinx.patch On SLE-12 and Leap 42.x Sphinx generates an incorrect tex file. This patch adds ugly code to the documentation Makefile to patch it up and work around this problem.- Make lua-lmod Arch-dependent: it hard codes the search path to .so plugins used by other Lua packages (boo#1061205).- Update to 7.6: 1. Support for disable 2. A marked default is honored even if it is hidden 3. Support for depends_on() as a better way to handle module dependencies. * Lmod 7.5: 1. Added -T, --trace option to report restore, load, unloads and spider. 2. Report both global and version aliases with module --terse Add Global Aliases output to module avail if they exist. 3. Support for isVisibleHook (Thanks @wpoely86!) to control whether a module is hidden or not. 4. Support for "spider -o spider-json" to set the key "hidden" to true or false for each module. 5. Setting LMOD_EXACT_MATCH=yes also turns off the display of (D) with avail. 6. CMake "shell" added. 7. Added feature that LMOD_TMOD_FIND_FIRST. A site can decide to force FIND_FIRST instead FIND_BEST for NV module layouts. Bug Fixes: 1. Fix bug where Lmod would be unable to load a module where NV and NVV module layouts were mixed. 2. Fix bug where LMOD_CASE_INDEPENDENT_SORTING=yes wasn't case independent when using avail hook. * Lmod 7.4: 1. Using built-in luafilesystem if system version doesn't exist or < 1.6.2 2. Support for setting LMOD_SYSHOST with configure. 3. Sites or users can use italic instead of dim for hidden modules 4. Detailed spider output reports all dependencies hidden or not. 5. Support for fish shell 6. Move almost all configuration variables from to and similarly for tcsh. Bug Fixes: 1. Fixed bug that caused LMOD env vars to be lower cased. 2. Fixed bug where tcsh/csh exit status was not returned. 3. bash and zsh tab completions works when LMOD_REDIRECT is yes. 4. Can now conflict with a version. 5. Fixed bug with addto a:b:c 6. Fixed bugs in computeHashSum, generating softwarePage. * Lmod 7.3: 1. The isloaded() function has been repaired. 2. Updated French, German and Spanish translations. 3. Two error message related to missing modules are now available for translations. * Lmod 7.2.1: 1. A test suite for testing the Lmod installation has been added. See for details. 2. Added support for localization of errors and warnings and messages. 3. Language Translations complete: ES, Partial: FR, ZH, DE 4. Introduced "errWarnMsgHook" to take advantage of the new message handling. Bug Fixes: 1. Several bug fixes related to Spider Cache and LMOD_CACHED_LOADS=1 2. Repaired zsh tab completion. 3. Minimize the output of Lmod's BASH_ENV when debugging Bash shell scripts. 4. Allow colons as well as spaces for the path used in the addto command. 5. Handles module directories that are empty or bad symlink or a .version file only. 6. Fix bug in module describe. * Lmod 7.1: 1. The commands "module --show_hidden avail" and "module --show_hidden" list now show "hidden" modules with the (H) property. Also they are displayed as dim. This works better on black backgrounds. 2. Added the command "module --config_json" to generate a json output of Lmod's configuration. 3. Add support for env. var. LMOD_SITE_NAME to set a site's name. This is also a configure option. Bug Fixes: 1. Hidden module now will not be marked as default. 2. Now check permission of a directory before trying to open it. 3. Lmod now does not pollute the configure time value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD into the users env. 4. Lmod now handles illegal values of $TERM. * Lmod 7.0: 1. This version support N/V/V. (e.g. fftw/64/3.3.4). Put a .version file in with the "64" directory to tell Lmod where the version starts. 2. Marking a default in the MODULERC is now supported. 3. User ~/.modulerc has priority over system MODULERC. 4. System MODULERC has priority over marking a default in the module tree. 5. Installed Modules can be hidden by "hide-version foo/3.2.1" in any modulerc file. 6. The system spider cache has changed. Please update your scripts to build spiderT.lua instead of moduleT.lua * Lmod 6.6: 1. Now uses the value of LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH found at configure time to run all TCL progams. 2. Now uses a custom _module_dir function for tab completion in bash for module use path. Thanks to Pieter Neerincx! 3. Support for LMOD_FAMILY__VERSION added. 4. If ~/.lmod.d/.cache/invalidated exists then the user cache file(s) are ignored. When generating a user cache file ~/.lmod.d/.cache/invalidated is deleted. Bug Fixes: 1. Correctly merges spider cache location where there are multiple lmodrc.lua files. 2. Remove leading and trailing blanks for names in setenv, pushenv, prepend_path, etc. 3. ml now generates error for unknown argument that start with a double minus. (e.g. ml --vers) 4. pushenv("name","") fixed when unloading module. 5. Make sure to regularize MODULEPATH when ingesting it for the first time. - replaced by: Messages-Remove-message-about-creating-a-consulting-ticket.patch. - Removed: The site name is now provided by the env variable LMOD_SITE_NAME. (FATE#324199).- Fix build for Leap, SLE-12 and SLE-15. - Remove _service file: the service can be run with 'osc service run download_files' as well.- Change group of documentation package to Documentation/Other.- Fix group of doc package. - Change BuildRequires from ohpc to ohpc-macros.- Fix build: add buildrequires for texlive-latexmk, texlive-makeindex and texlive-varwidth.- Prepare for suse default settings (bsc#1053237).- correct buildrequires for building on Leap 42.3 and on SLE15+- Add profile files for bash and csh (bsc#1048964).- Build and package man page and other documentation, create a separate package for additional documentation (bsc#1032970).- Replace redundant %__ macro indirections* Updated to version 6.5.11: - All the Lmod programs now resolve any symlinks to the actual program before adding to the Lua's package.path and package.cpath. - Contrib patch: Extend msgHook to LmodError and LmodWarning - Now using travis for CI and testing. - Configure time option to have Lmod check for magic TCL string in modulefiles (#%Module) - Lmod now uses a regular expression to match user commands to internal commands. For example "av", "ava" or "available" will match "avail" - Lmod now uses the values of LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH at configuration time. This way Lmod is safe from user changes to these important Lua values. - Updated documentation at - Support for generating xalt_rmapT.json used by XALT. - Fixed bug with upcase characters in version file. - It is now possible to configure Lmod to use the spider cache when loading (--with-cachedLoads=yes or export LMOD_CACHED_LOADS=1 to activate). This is off by default. Sites that use this will have to keep their spider caches up-to-date or user will not be able to load modules not in the cache. - It is now possible to configure Lmod to use Legacy Version ordering ( --with-legacyOrdering=yes or export LMOD_LEGACY_VERSION_ORDERING=1). With legacy ordering 9.0 is "newer" than 10.0. This is the ordering that Tmod uses. - Lmod will print admin message (a.k.a nag messages) when doing module whatis or module help . In other words if a nag message would appear with module load then it will also appear when using whatis or help. - Many improvement in the generation of the lmod database for module tracking. - Numerous bug fixes.- Setting 'download_files' service to mode='localonly' and adding source tarball. (Required for Factory).- Initial version of Lmod: 6.0.24s390zl31 1722241697  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~8.7.17-150500. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://      ASCII textdirectoryASCII text, with very long linesPython script, ASCII text executableRuby script, ASCII textLisp/Scheme program, ASCII texta /usr/bin/tclsh script, ASCII text executablea /usr/bin/lua5.3 script, ASCII text executableBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executableUTF-8 Unicode textPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executableASCII text, with CRLF line terminatorstroff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR78˃YxHsӓ0utf-898773f5b304883ef6251370dbff6aec12bafad3c87d8fff82c00738d5cc33cf2?7zXZ !t/ ]"k%wvK4sӖ!v]gxr5\ŤjZl{{k.W )g{WED߁9 &>"ؖ~rJF0SdU5Q/>"/%4.HEl6 83~od/QUqi]H2)^f8OΨFH 3K@ۛp뛱YH]aU ) -)atWN/@̀Ȕޱ J#a~@0d%"Zbj{ pfJW%-W`ŷ| SU(UҔt>:Fk0 W*H>wץM>3Opv|n' [bVF2m(S}\`Z 0CW JY9|xiM߬#z["\IhUMiyN%k: TYrC)b gIZ.σZe2]SS9rIOݲe-G}^;V@LC9z0:c#I s5HajەXj'=UZHPw#b'U SQOş${INf[{KR/SIhmtsh :;9 9`WDnns%5E/ϲq@bGb g(l Nap!d$_)`\_Nf>nlJKE9c46-W%ma]܋)| ,9bKO#Ck]HIPaw+;B˴@ܢ:  Z4(8 A4IFw/'ScH5nW[akSUu'Ji}1hQ2Xg]N'&@o;<;kk?C9vS-Wɔ(R!9C9Mikp*9;ԕ=R2-)!<čj4+B$đ#'N{չAĐ%_K 7mZLÑV9{+U[8.ZҴdjdoSKPG}HAch0oZm(xV9 Fj|NCouZ`&.(KsR>/v]̈`'J2{b~h?:Jg`t&sj;ӿH(Zc>h`6 ez 3s`twT+J(_YLVsR*ދO5NU_CMH+DL$4{=Sн@1zSMm,|»c${.,4{9*zaz%A ch [^MQu7QT8o5.|;DetV<G)DR20SBmwT'UyO1ᔟ0dim က3=Hiz 2C:S ~F#{"oY$|ҥˎ6|2?9$f ˎ ؀E‘#~辀۴.G&Ǻ?rmnp5MRǻL\.[5E,”.W\~'rܗ+̩{˭Y=Hs3Fx}ҭ?pFvaT}׋o--trrj&p}9]q=;3/z!W<'z ?qx:^.E]bz*1d6]9M؊ KEӘ~84R{BDg$ި}da,+%gͯ!wF@ߧǸ@7r YZ