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improved responsiveness of snapperd when a btrfs quota rescan is running (see bsc#1211459) * added pr821.patch- avoid stale btrfs qgroups on transactional systems (bsc#1210151) * added pr805.patch - wait for existing btrfs quota rescans to finish (bsc#1210150) * added pr790.patch- fixed creating root config (root prefix handling) (gh#openSUSE/snapper#627)- updated translations (bsc#1149754)- fixed testsuite for equal-date (gh#openSUSE/snapper#526)- added option to abbreviate columns in table (see gh#openSUSE/snapper#268) - version 0.8.15- in systemd-helper continue with other configs if one config is broken (gh#openSUSE/snapper#495)- fixed compilation with --disable-btrfs (gh#openSUSE/snapper#505)- do not override passwd after getpwuid_r calls (gh#openSUSE/snapper#589)- state in man-pages that ext4 support is discontinued (gh#openSUSE/snapper#331)- use C++11 regexes instead of own regcomp/regexec wrapper class (see gh#openSUSE/snapper#583)- added option to cleanup to make requested free space available (jsc#SLE-15765) - version 0.8.14- package new snapperd.service file on Debian based distributions (gh#openSUSE/snapper#557)- activate snapperd using systemd service- fix LVM setup for volume groups and logical volumes with one character long names (gh#openSUSE/snapper#465)- improved error messages for wrong command line options and arguments (bsc#1150156)- call fsync after writing snapshot info file (bsc#1078336) - version 0.8.13- fixed error when using mksubvolume to create /tmp (bsc#1174401) - version 0.8.12- added error handing for failed ambit detection (bsc#1174038) - version 0.8.11- special rollback for transactional server (bsc#1172273) - version 0.8.10- updated translations (bsc#1149754) - generate dsc file for Ubuntu 19.10- Fix "Snapper is not creating the post snapshot" (bsc#1160938) - Fix `make clean; make check` failing in zypp-plugin (bsc#1160891) - version 0.8.9- Add a "writeble copy" description to the 2nd snapshot of a rollback (Hrotkó Gábor). - Fix the previous version to build on Debian, Ubuntu, and old GCC (bsc#1160306). - version 0.8.8- snapper-zypp-plugin subpackage rewritten from Python to C++ (jsc#SLE-10500) - added integration tests in snapper-testsuite subpackage - version 0.8.7- add --machine-readable option for CSV and JSON outputs. - add --columns option for selecting columns in the commands list, list-configs and get-config. - bsc#1149322 - version 0.8.6- allow trailing comments in configuration files (bsc#1005342) - version 0.8.5- allow to make snapshot from other snapshot that the current one (jsc#SLE-7333) - version 0.8.4- reusing existing subvolumes on mksubvolume run (bsc#1138725, bsc#1126900, gh#openSUSE/snapper#236)- fixed seg.fault during rollback if the previous default subvolume is missing in the snapshot list (bsc#1130273) - version 0.8.3- adapted to libbtrfs changes to resurrect special btrfs directory comparison (bsc#1111414) - version 0.8.2- avoid deadlock for special btrfs directory comparison (bsc#1049574)- validate snapshot id corresponding to the default subvolume before using it for the current config (gh#openSUSE/snapper#449) - version 0.8.1- extended space aware cleanup algorithm to ensure minimal free space for btrfs (within known ranges) (fate#325774) - version 0.8.0- fixed querying default and active snapshot if compiled without rollback support (gh#openSUSE/snapper#442) - version 0.7.2- disallow to delete special (for btrfs currently mounted and next to be mounted) snapshots (fate#326479) - version 0.7.1- mark active and default btrfs subvolume in list output (fate#326479) - reorder columns in snapper list output (fate#326479) - version 0.7.0- right align used space in table output - version 0.6.1- show used space (exclusive space of btrfs qgroup) for each snapshot (fate#323843) - version 0.6.0- avoid setenv after fork (bsc#1107587)- fixed logging during shutdown of snapperd to avoid core dumps (bsc#1096401 and others) - version 0.5.6- merged (gh#openSUSE/snapper#409) to build with boost 1.67.0 (bsc#1096208) - version 0.5.5- move warning in case of non-UTF8 locale to man page (bsc#1092103)- soften error handling if setting locale fails due to broken system setup (bsc#1085832)- create subvolume instead of snapshot for initial system (bsc#1077240) - version 0.5.4- improved error handling for systemd services (gh#openSUSE/snapper#382)- use python3 instead of python2 (bsc#1070324)- Switched from cron to systemd timers (spec file based distributions) (fate#324529) - version 0.5.3- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- fix compilation with boost 1.65.0 (gh#openSUSE/snapper#354) (bsc#1061262) - version 0.5.2- fixed table formatting for non-ACSII characters (bsc#1051901) (::mbrtowc behavior has been changed in glibc-2.22) - version 0.5.1- set cleanup algorithm for rollback snapshots (fate#321773) - version 0.5.0- generate build file for Ubuntu 17.04 - version 0.4.5- remove read-only mount option for new fstab entry in mksubvolume (bsc#1030257) - version 0.4.4- deal with CaaSP btrfs setup where certain subvolumes are read-only (bsc#1018302 and bsc#1018095) - version 0.4.3- build SLE12 versions with quota support again (bsc#1021370) - version 0.4.2- fixed --root option (bsc#1016633) - version 0.4.1- support option --no-dbus for all snapper commands (fate#319404, fate#321049) - version 0.4.0- catch exception if setting default subvolume fails (bsc#1008544)- fixed use of getpwuid_r, getpwnam_r and getgrnam_r- merged patch to fix order of object destruction on shutdown (gh#openSUSE/snapper#258)- better messages for some btrfs quota errors (gh#openSUSE/snapper#257)- merged SELinux support from Red Hat (disabled at compile-time per default) (gh#openSUSE/snapper#239) - version 0.3.3- reverted some changes done accidentally to default-config (see fate#312751) - version 0.3.2- make sure 'component' string is not destroyed prematurely (bsc#940154) - version 0.3.1- implemented space aware cleanup algorithms (fate#312751) - version 0.3.0- allow to setup quota (for fate#312751)- improved error message (see bsc#956606)- Allow rollback only for the root file system (bsc#954445) - version 0.2.10- added conditional compilation of installation-helper (gh#openSUSE/snapper#202)- updated translations- Call script /usr/lib/snapper/plugins/rollback if present upon rollback (fate#319108) - version 0.2.9- added program to create btrfs subvolume suitable for systems supporting rollback (bsc#944120)- improved error reporting (bsc#940046)- allow to disable zypp plugin via environment variable (see fate#319316) - version 0.2.8- extended snapper-configs man-page- allow to set cleanup algorithm for snapshots created by helper programs- added error message for invalid locale setting (see bsc#933241)- allow list-configs command to work on different root (for fate#317900)- Version 0.2.7- added a helper to create snapshots without D-Bus during system installation/upgrade (fate#317973)- added option --sync to delete command (fate#317066)- added option --input to diff command - sort files according to locale- allow to set userdata for snapshots created by helper programs- install systemd unit files and helper (see gh#openSUSE/snapper#154)- drop -mt decoration from boost libraries (see added comments in helper program- added helper to support installation into subvolume (fate#318392) - added root-prefix parameter for config functions - pass single struct instead of many values to create and modify snapshot functions - removed deprecated functions - version 0.2.6- use C++11 chrono::steady_clock- stricter dbus string escaping (see bsc#913238) - implemented dbus string escaping in pam_snapper - version 0.2.5- fixed compilation with clang- ignore everything in .snapshots not matching a number- improved error messages (bsc#889928 and bsc#903834)- support weekly snapshots in cleanup algorithm (see gh#openSUSE/snapper#135)- use boost unit test framework and automake check featureibs-power9-10 1687183705 0.8.16-150300. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// directoryASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=e57c062ad87813fd5e7c648aef209575f8dfb0ed, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=89961e694b0a7b0d0b721360cc13898fc4da2de1, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=e1a2edee6b116479eaaa8b811aa1366e4c294552, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, 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shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=7d578c5e2572d9065a2d78cb7d34031e94044870, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=7914ade60903862d4a8df50759b4191c83f1682b, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=b6c66b78c49c77ddad170877ae41c8356786ce1d, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=ecf536239f3a44dfdcf868dead5e58256516cdfa, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=36c2c4e6afea5fbdee83ef4b356e53ca9b603ff8, for GNU/Linux 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