python3-tbb-2019_20190605-150200.3.2.1<>,_hbbfp9|4 Q?Xq%ݣDsFV6癹jy4(wy|s*(S$oF) &wDQhr7ʙc=t9:KVȵ}XuKkEḤQNP2w$Ƹo ^v㤙EkU0V %r9i(hUiW3 G,&ׇ`HJ&C 6糟j/"]w2T>>4?4d ) ^ 8agp  (     |   b( 8 9 : F,uG,H,I-DX-\Y-d\-]-^/b0[c1d1e1f1l1u1v1w2x3Py3z4 40444:4|Cpython3-tbb2019_20190605150200.3.2.1Python 3 support for Threading Building Blocks (TBB)This package contains python 2 bindings for Threading Building Blocks (TBB).bbfnebbioloISUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Apache-2.0,X, i ipbCRA큤A큤A큤큤bbf]@bbfbbfbbfbbf]@]@bbfbbfbbfbbfbbfbbfbbfbbfbbfbbfbbfbbf]@]@]@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-2019_20190605-150200.3.2.1.src.rpmpython3-tbbpython3-tbb(ppc-64)@@@@@@@@@@@]@\Q\@\]@\ڭ\@[@[aZS]@Z;@Z5 Y@YéY-^Y%uXQ@XXN@X&W0@WXW)@W)@idonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.comidonmez@suse.combwiedemann@suse.combwi Update to version 2019_u9 * Multiple APIs are deprecated. For details, please see Deprecated Features appendix in the TBB reference manual. * Added C++17 deduction guides for flow graph nodes. Preview Features * Added isolated_task_group class that allows multiple threads to add and execute tasks sharing the same isolation. * Extended the flow graph API to simplify connecting nodes. * Added erase() by heterogeneous keys for concurrent ordered containers. * Added a possibility to suspend task execution at a specific point and resume it later. Bugs fixed * Fixed the emplace() method of concurrent unordered containers to destroy a temporary element that was not inserted. * Fixed a bug in the merge() method of concurrent unordered containers. * Fixed behavior of a continue_node that follows buffering nodes. * Added support for move-only types to tbb::parallel_pipeline * Fixed detection of clang version when CUDA toolkit is installed - Refresh patches: * cmake-remove-include-path.patch * disable-irml.patch * optflags.patch- Add cmake-remove-include-path.patch to remove setting include path since we already install under /usr/include and this fixes idiot OpenCV trying to do -isystem $TBB_INCLUDE_DIR- Update to version 2019_U8 * Fixed a bug in TBB 2019 Update 7 that could lead to incorrect memory reallocation on Linux ( * Fixed enqueuing tbb::task into tbb::task_arena not to fail on threads with no task scheduler initialized ( Update to version 2019_U7 * Added TBBMALLOC_SET_HUGE_SIZE_THRESHOLD parameter to set the lower bound for allocations that are not released back to OS unless a cleanup is explicitly requested. * Added zip_iterator::base() method to get the tuple of underlying iterators. * Improved async_node to never block a thread that sends a message through its gateway. * Extended decrement port of the tbb::flow::limiter_node to accept messages of integral types. * Removed the number_of_decrement_predecessors parameter from the constructor of flow::limiter_node. To allow its usage, set TBB_DEPRECATED_LIMITER_NODE_CONSTRUCTOR macro to 1. * Added ordered associative containers: concurrent_{map,multimap,set,multiset} (requires C++11).- Update to version 2019_U6 * Added support for enqueuing tbb::task into tbb::task_arena ( * Improved support for allocator propagation on concurrent_hash_map assigning and swapping. * Improved scalable_allocation_command cleanup operations to release more memory buffered by the calling thread. * Separated allocation of small and large objects into distinct memory regions, which helps to reduce excessive memory caching inside the TBB allocator. - Disable python2 support- Update to version 2019_U5 * Too many changes to list, please see the included CHANGES file. - Install TBBConfig*.cmake- Extend reproducible.patch to not capture build kernel version (boo#1101107)- Extend reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218)- Add conditions to build with py2 and py3 respectively in order to allow us disable one based on codestream- Add disable-irml.patch to disable linking to libirml - Actually update to tarball to 2018_U2 release- Update to version 2018_U2 * lambda-friendly overloads for parallel_scan. * support of static and simple partitioners in parallel_deterministic_reduce. * initial support for Flow Graph Analyzer to do parallel_for. * reservation support in overwrite_node and write_once_node. * Fixed a potential deadlock scenario in the flow graph that affected Intel® TBB 2018 Initial Release. * Fixed constructors of concurrent_hash_map to be exception-safe. * Fixed auto-initialization in the main thread to be cleaned up at shutdown. * Fixed a crash when tbbmalloc_proxy is used together with dbghelp. * Fixed static_partitioner to assign tasks properly in case of nested parallelism.- Build python2 and python3 bindings - Do not bundle python bindings with shared library- Update to version 2018 release * Now fully supports this_task_arena::isolate() function. * Parallel STL, an implementation of the C++ standard library algorithms with support for execution policies, has been introduced. * Fixed a bug preventing use of streaming_node and opencl_node with Clang. * Fixed this_task_arena::isolate() function to work correctly with parallel_invoke and parallel_do algorithms. * Fixed a memory leak in composite_node. * Fixed an assertion failure in debug tbbmalloc binaries when TBBMALLOC_CLEAN_ALL_BUFFERS is used.- Add reproducible.patch to not add build hostname+kernel to binary- Update to version 2017_20170412 release * Added a blocking terminate extension to the task_scheduler_init class that allows an object to wait for termination of worker threads.- Add missing include files boo#1034842- Update to 2017_20170226 release * Added support for C++11 move semantics in parallel_do. * Constructors for many classes, including graph nodes, concurrent containers, thread-local containers, etc., are declared explicit and cannot be used for implicit conversions anymore. * Added a workaround for bug 16657 in the GNU C Library (glibc) affecting the debug version of tbb::mutex. * Fixed a crash in pool_identify() called for an object allocated in another thread.- Update to 2017_20161128 release * Added template class gfx_factory to the flow graph API. It implements the Factory concept for streaming_node to offload computations to Intel processor graphics. * Fixed a possible deadlock caused by missed wakeup signals in task_arena::execute().- Update to version 2017_20161004 * Fixed the issue with task_arena::execute() not being processed when the calling thread cannot join the arena.- Updated to version 2017_20160722 * static_partitioner class is now a fully supported feature. * async_node class is now a fully supported feature. * For 64-bit platforms, quadrupled the worst-case limit on the amount of memory the Intel TBB allocator can handle. * Added TBB_USE_GLIBCXX_VERSION macro to specify the version of GNU libstdc++ when it cannot be properly recognized, e.g. when used with Clang on Linux* OS. Inspired by a contribution from David A. * Added graph/stereo example to demostrate tbb::flow::async_msg. * Removed a few cases of excessive user data copying in the flow graph. * Reworked split_node to eliminate unnecessary overheads. * Added support for C++11 move semantics to the argument of tbb::parallel_do_feeder::add() method. * Added C++11 move constructor and assignment operator to tbb::combinable template class. * Added tbb::this_task_arena::max_concurrency() function and max_concurrency() method of class task_arena returning the maximal number of threads that can work inside an arena. * Deprecated tbb::task_arena::current_thread_index() static method; use tbb::this_task_arena::current_thread_index() function instead. - License changed to Apache-2.0 - Please see included CHANGES file for all changes.- Update to version 44_20160526 * Added a Python module which is able to replace Python's thread pool class with the implementation based on Intel TBB task scheduler. * Fixed the implementation of 64-bit tbb::atomic for IA-32 architecture to work correctly with GCC 5.2 in C++11/14 mode. * Fixed a possible crash when tasks with affinity (e.g. specified via affinity_partitioner) are used simultaneously with task priority changes.- Update group, and description of tbbmalloc.- Update to version 44_20160128: * Lots of changes, see the CHANGES file. - Drop tbb-4.0-cas.patch, fixed upstream.nebbiolo 1650616061 2019_20190605-150200.3.2.12019_20190605-150200.3.2.1TBB-0.1-py3.6.egg-infoTBB.py__pycache__TBB.cpython-36.opt-1.pycTBB.cpython-36.pyctbb__init__.py__main__.py__pycache____init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc__init_ -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// textPython script, ASCII text executabledirectorypython 3.6 byte-compiledELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=99d7466b856be00db5a2140c405ab20ea2f7e254, stripped  R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R RRRRRR RRRRR R R ްF!Jhutf-8405af38b7ab68bbb740d10ef707e8a76d04d559cb4a2ffb8db176bc46db103a8? 7zXZ !t/A&]"k%%) `>f"H0W`f=11EB]F[6D&4ix:',AJ.%Wlo-eLڋxA{j;E4{򇓭`K!tKD:8`+|N=JCĉeއ`+9wØ\մC7N*X R7s󚼀h/x=Eym~yPg7ߺG܆i 9בg vkW( &FKYGŹ^7 N (Ծt8̮3 Ç'2#U0vKWR8Fo.f /% X{/y@t֋ҸKO Y7lw_>XG}L~DUv;&I4RQeڵ%|Wu><R! ۮ iJzȢE,;6'碏2x 7İmqS~{2Fyfv9f/p? 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