libtepl-6-0-6.00.0-150400.3.2.1<>,`eGp9| 77k-q.Y(GC8L(˵r5\Aڊ 2LZAy'EN~xمg_,zfS0Q`:r~c'%dJg|)g:nd~SMnI噀DFcK|5Zf|J&vz|zowf.soBNaHYJ9Uc# >ORڥLe䊦PVAf4:.~ϨZdP[l >@)?)d " : *< Rc    L dt\((S8\9:/>$@% F%G%4H%DI%TX%XY%h\%]%^%b&6c&d'^e'cf'fl'hu'|v'w(Hx(Xy(hz(((((Clibtepl-6-06.00.0150400.3.2.1A text editor frameworkTepl (Text Editor Product Line) is a library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDEs. It is a continuation / rename of GtefeGibs-power9-11:/SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-3.0-or-later큤eGeGeG`    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/`[)`&m__[f_S}^`^C^,-]|@[U@[ZԐ@Z@ZZ+@Y)@YYKYn@dimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmai Update to version 6.00.0: + API changes: The TeplInfoBar class has been reworked. + New API: - tepl_pango_font_description_to_css() - TeplLanguageChooser - TeplLanguageChooserWidget - TeplLanguageChooserDialog - TeplProgressInfoBar - Utility functions: add a few functions. + Updated translations.- Update to version 5.1.1: + Add TeplSpaceDrawerPrefs, a preferences widget for GtkSourceSpaceDrawer. + Updated translations.- Update to version 5.0.1: + Updated translations.- Update to version 5.0.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 4.99.4: + Add a few extra functions for GtkFileChooser. - Changes from version 4.99.3: + Start to leverage the ICU library. - Changes from version 4.99.2: + License: - Update the license from LGPLv2.1+ to LGPLv3+. - Start to use the REUSE way of applying licenses and copyrights information, with SPDX tags. + API changes: The beginning of a complete overhaul of the file loading and saving. + New API: - 'Go to line' horizontal bar feature. - Utility functions: add a function. + Under the hood changes: - Have _TEPL_EXTERN macro for exporting public symbols. - Have a smaller TeplApplicationWindow class, factor out several tepl-window-actions-*.{c,h} files. + Misc: - Improvements to the build system. - Metadata: improve the implementation and write unit tests. - Init i18n. - Tools: add shared-mime-info-list-text-plain-globs. - Changes from version 4.99.1: + Build system: port to Meson, remove Autotools. + API changes: A complete overhaul of the metadata API and implementation. The libxml2 is no longer required, and GVfs metadata is no longer used. + Misc: - Write a new roadmap in docs/. + Updated translations. - Port to meson buildsystem: + Add meson BuildReqequires. + Replace configure/make/make_install macros with meson/meson_build/meson_install. - Add pkgconfig(icu-uc) and pkgconfig(icu-i18n) BuildRequires: new dependencies. - Replace pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gio-2.0): adjust to meson checks. - Drop pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) BuildRequires: no longer needed. - Update License tag to LGPL-3.0-or-later: follow upstream change.- Update to version 4.4.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 4.3.1: + Utils functions: make some functions public, add more public functions, and write more unit tests. + Documentation: introduction: more information about the chosen development model. + Updated translations.- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use- Update to version 4.2.1: + Fix a few compilation warnings. + Better use of errno (save its value ASAP, then reset it to 0). + Build from Git: - Allow building with gettext ≥ 0.20. - Adapt for AX_CODE_COVERAGE API break in autoconf-archive version 2019.01.06. (This didn't affect the build from the previous tarball, since the Autotools are "bundled" with the tarball). + Updated translations.- Update to version 4.2.0: + Nothing new, version bump only.- Drop unnecessary libamtk and amtk typelib Requires for the devel package: amtk is a build-time-only dependency.- Update to version 4.1.1: + No visible changes for the user. - Remove Amtk shared library and GI bindings subpackages: now they have their own place under Amtk package. - Add pkgconfig(amtk-5) BuildRequires now that Amtk has been split.- Update to version 4.0.0: + Project moved to GNOME GitLab. + Various small improvements. + Updated translations.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Update to version 3.99.1: + General: Use GtkSourceView 4. + Amtk: - Improve amtk_utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action() to support _detailed_ GAction names. - Add amtk_utils_create_gtk_action(). + Framework: - Add: . More GAction's and corresponding AmtkActionInfo's: win.tepl-undo, win.tepl-redo, win.tepl-indent, win.tepl-unindent, win.tepl-open, win.tepl-save, win.tepl-save-as and app.tepl-new-window. . TeplApplicationWindow:handle-title boolean property to handle the window title. . More vfuncs to TeplAbstractFactory: create_file and create_main_window. . TeplAbstractFactoryVala class to work-around Vala bugs. . Functions related to main windows: tepl_application_get_active_main_window(), tepl_application_window_is_main_window(), tepl_application_window_get_window_group(). - TeplApplication: add options to handle the GApplication::activate and GApplication::open signals. - Start to write high-level functions for loading and saving files. + File loading and saving toolkit: - TeplFileLoader: . Internal code refactorings to have more re-usable code independent of GtkTextView. . Add fallback mode to determine encoding if uchardet fails. . Write more unit tests. - TeplEncoding: . Make tepl_encoding_get_default_candidates() more robust in case of mis-translation. . Improve API documentation. - Write GtkSourceView to Tepl file loading and saving porting guide. + Translation updates. - Adopt the use of %make_build macro instead of raw make command, following best practices. - Replace pattern values by macros to ease updating the package. - Rename typelib-!_0-{Amtk,Tepl}-3_0 to typelib-1_0-{Amtk,Tepl}-4, following the tyeplib naming convention (old name was wrong, but as the versoin changed, we don't need to worry to obsolete the old name, in line with the shared library packaging policy). - Add gtk-doc BuildRequires and pass enable-gtk-doc to configure once the development documentation is desired.- Update package descriptions.- Update to version 3.0.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.99.4: + Amtk: - Add factory functions to create GtkMenuToolButton's and GtkCheckMenuItem's. - Improve amtk_application_window_connect_menu_to_statusbar() API. - Add amtk_utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action(), to be able to port an application gradually to GAction while still using GtkUIManager. + Framework: - TeplTabLabel: add an overridable tooltip API, by default the tooltip shows the file location. - Changes from version 2.99.3: + Amtk: - Add amtk_init() and amtk_finalize(). - Remove AmtkFactoryMenu class, move its functions to its parent class AmtkFactory. - AmtkFactory: add functions to create GtkToolItem's. - Add amtk_application_window_create_open_recent_menu(). - Improvements to the documentation. - Other small code improvements. + Framework: - TeplTabGroup interface: . Add :active-tab, :active-view and :active-buffer properties. . Add tepl_tab_group_set_active_tab(). . Add tepl_tab_group_append_tab(). - Finish to implement the GActions for the Edit menu: cut, copy, paste, delete and select all. (Update the GAction:enabled properties). - Add "win.tepl-new-file" GAction. - Add the TeplAbstractFactory class to create TeplTab's and tab labels. - TeplBuffer: rename title -> full-title and add short-title. - Add the TeplTab::close-request signal. - Add the TeplTabLabel class (which shows the buffer short-title, plus a close button; the tooltip is not yet handled). + Misc: - Add tepl_init() and tepl_finalize(), do not use DSO constructors/destructors. - Implement small internal utility: TeplSignalGroup, inspired by DzlSignalGroup from libdazzle, but with a much simpler implementation. - Improvements to the documentation. + Updated translations.- Initial package, version 2.99.2, based on gtef (which this library was renamed from)./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigibs-power9-11 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b28878b97b623b560f825dae127a37debc7c5eea, strippeddirectoryASCII textPRRR RR RRRR RR R Rʏ܌@{JQutf-8066474971398b43955c0866237bc10424fa5613e86fa1a6df2d127342ea98367?7zXZ !t/F53s]"k%]d߇YY:ƻ[-R IT;8_l_ẘ($ ;J6Wd`'fCw< x(#6-,Z#|IR ?j\߃LJ$[(4CYIt#dB˽膩* ,ϧhK€~p_!vel[FUE9t-FŪ_[9Uqh1|ײ#.>;ݱKffzܨ*c^4wu+(a ainPy.lRQ8xx7$D `s<r6q.˄xY6`*RuyMD ^gbu^M/gf#1sk8Z/2#?`!,j 2ppBOӞY$Ğ!aЫGqiGDpo{Y#.UIA(%evʲg|\NfX~=;C#zSSp>7)JM3IK?@JtUK +S"Tx6:͞`3-ߖ8@Jڢ I>4oz+NNmZGbEȪ޵Lo$Eb)F1H۴1YAs~rAYDo@%(σ=IZpT=`\6WpCG0oRj"Vj/B8HiZICCH $gj~!-SƮj 4 lo6ɏslkH[s1vkfӰRj4f'KV'~Jh6/4?횄r4wTSm/Š/:,(d2U46gC]NMMgG< 'ʣO:Xlpֱ˼@|?Bπf\zŞ!:&|A7~͝vFsa]:;r 1 I8D1PnPV_ajetҢP(5R'\ؠԌL V['hFG=z6~/w_mFR)w6\IXHE'[>RH S|pOAS1HhKmHH ,uoy3QzTP>ΦTQ dQmgs_`3s#szJMax!$%|,!?!6Ԏ`+pn*sz)O#Q;A=hųCIju`nmOQAc mvGJ'jm2Rqʿ2޽IJXQ/ǔ jp`OyPo@RFOMaDg)@6sCA$lc7N k[Oz:(Hzj8 h+ls/v}1}o-oկOAKaDgꎏ$tFF˷fȱSjύt<E0WzӚf $ۍ>XU\ ?I+S8RrNg 0ҞSId `yՑC /O#o/.#VvPISl~lN;]^Oo?ŗp1LtY& `qI]>(TH E^6;2A{̙b3oN =DWynHwy86{foP1l)Bg_/dB&p%|w2rk;?eSK-_Sƍ |neeDѬhgmv ǷC\ E[Ra ї1lpx(0ճl2p`|-Rdz2$ãJ>+A`!,^l͎LgmE[|'0X`dM؋8y[YK8:Zg>%}`J< ;.4>E]GDrFEJNw~]3.6ȡUF?%Fb+"NւoV(Q 3.]Sf+9;C6es茆#BJDk q%2ntgי} n@S}'=<kp39va5D>Л*ge85J>.|#(@V17ΚkyN:{ȘmXCz4kIEC­ꅝw볲 E`j{OI#aւ |>) dרu׆ʂ/k&ќ:G̢b:] N`QZS쉀.I'1K=TkؿIiu烥ӄGLG%A*YR~4|ꮻmݒ44SBz* -ޭM΀MV^+; _`qB5!^*ߢsUjfGFb!(g?o0.5 :u2PBޮ0_Cu6]Ii#7pK:`U fYLi1z_=KH]VRu ݗ_Xx1|J퍃DZڼjpQ@Rw5;BRBRYw# `N./C.y2_[o~vay}?Q(9Rw1 8uf>5^BN@ZDfbl 8Mehjνs+P65 o >A:ނ>X l&Lh, D<#죑pIRśSkg-!nvyڔKyԳQ0&DejjG); XZNnvB.Q5ڱ'AXaH^g.bZ֕34tӸ8%oE0Ј!v/Dm~'e23cC0]jZ">\cLԅȮjZ$8DjYVպlRK[4=>'P 1B)ĺ%,š^QZ Ÿ<$KNne@8>%Ґ"K KSrpOI;t\g4pE -%ȡ)$3QhDjRy;)XWWo#g2Y(6/|rP _WB_ABiUQ%Wo5 5Xh"+I4߆]#8eQPzΓg9Tec_<&gu.!9?,핟R\Mw?宝¦;f..~=U{a,E:乘$U,8&yLrl!20 cxaקKrj~jmcVD!߾@bm_F\w%o2L  )`dZRa-kKZ&_ X9m|UI波FtDOrr5}Q(tqC5tPyFX\[yw+u.Qk!9lE󆞆ey69G(-㏗6SMJm kWeuKve(LF*\PkO/֫ .{էx1:a!3zk_uPE<'B\2c_V$"ncX8>hRؗkP_6"nBq#G*صZV6x QE 9Q.WT J7_3ֈ&o~AC>sdcG+~)HO[8ޅ&Y?w=]ǪLxkbr$ iqYy,FHs8>*pP#4v߰ˠr.77["пQl$0I!{w ߍ&y\I(Z1$9SGBoErP2/j8nSr=p0sz '#s)gg<'ZN>: q3HuDTW6=3{-G&pka8F%&y•* Y1:e[9qt ەrQ!hQx23 9?fwRjv܆Z% b3ăzC0r/sQ(֋.͸jgs2ea#wcɅgMqXŻD5:Φry<&Ө,㇠}CZ#C~ꀩظՕ/%~B vhOQ Z6"(.ͅ3>}iZ 8'Yy?M+y&(*-݊׭}n尳O+'jt"v*96Βm}#mTS|څ7E.SYi4z$5ɀ=5K;9%Q+\ʇ9obP`-w*Z1\O%r5rr) ;A Xc8h3  mpnr@*,نG;&XA\oX<7"qC--XFZGR1u*J=)wqS~W!ѻ%z)|ٻꕎFJǕdɎ4SA;mг!z",h!R]&9H! fAx5=UllZPOk7HjZT_LԳa.zW}s 6 @`vh? 1smиl$! 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