perl-Crypt-Rijndael-1.13-150000.3.4.1<>,"tc"ep9|$a)tR6V\ΰ:m;>.R^u?;QSX1:\V<$1l6]7hZ-I[i 6_ޏ 0,V'#l HR`h?g;4dU0m~F!|̉qiɂKV-KնKIR+GT0 AL Xɠ[!LAJiNDQn 9ۚvQ'VYR)[kҔIc>>t?dd ( XDHTXq  <  V  p         5  v    D  ; ( \8 d9 : FG, H` I XY\ ] ^ bc.deflu vw x yz`Cperl-Crypt-Rijndael1.13150000.3.4.1Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption moduleThis module implements the Rijndael cipher, which has just been selected as the Advanced Encryption Standard. * keysize Returns the keysize, which is 32 (bytes). The Rijndael cipher actually supports keylengths of 16, 24 or 32 bytes, but there is no way to communicate this to 'Crypt::CBC'. * blocksize The blocksize for Rijndael is 16 bytes (128 bits), although the algorithm actually supports any blocksize that is any multiple of our bytes. 128 bits, is however, the AES-specified block size, so this is all we support. * $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new( $key [, $mode] ) Create a new 'Crypt::Rijndael' cipher object with the given key (which must be 128, 192 or 256 bits long). The additional '$mode' argument is the encryption mode, either 'MODE_ECB' (electronic codebook mode, the default), 'MODE_CBC' (cipher block chaining, the same that 'Crypt::CBC' does), 'MODE_CFB' (128-bit cipher feedback), 'MODE_OFB' (128-bit output feedback), or 'MODE_CTR' (counter mode). ECB mode is very insecure (read a book on cryptography if you don't know why!), so you should probably use CBC mode. * $cipher->set_iv($iv) This allows you to change the initial value vector used by the chaining modes. It is not relevant for ECB mode. * $cipher->encrypt($data) Encrypt data. The size of '$data' must be a multiple of 'blocksize' (16 bytes), otherwise this function will croak. Apart from that, it can be of (almost) any length. * $cipher->decrypt($data) Decrypts '$data'.c"eibs-arm-5i+SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-3.0 :pq  oAA$AAmA큤$c"bc"bU`vc"bc"bc"bc"eUBM(U`vUBM(UBM(U`xc"b6bd9830ac8e845e6d71842f15a6d0038a99cd69cf50efc371430caa4eda8c31a8e12717e4d402b4696aa5c57d3e4b490c55522db3717279f5fd051f524b326bfda7eabb7bafdf7d3ae5e9f223aa5bdc1eece45ac569dc21b3b037520b4464768b89cfc20c104eaf53390578847dbbf6bda1d2c4fb650026a071b1a6266ea9b150dfba6e4569079c60df2f3853579092ba560e340e499050ddeac57c96397879f4b50274adc7e56728920249257bda6b76585d02a1107d3578fb392a52584b34c8e7bfc08d18e2103101cfd395f98a957a5d31f6062aa6467cd89ea0e9970012c0f2c1e12fcd454807641938491d5e374408139200115749cc4695257f566accdrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootperl-Crypt-Rijndael-1.13-150000.3.4.1.src.rpmperl(Crypt::Rijndael)perl-Crypt-Rijndaelperl-Crypt-Rijndael(aarch-64)@@@@ use cpanspec.yml to correct license automatically- automatic update wasn't right, license should be LGPL- updated to 1.13 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Crypt-Rijndael/Changes Revision history for Perl module Crypt::Rijndael- update version 1.12 * Get rid of MYMETA- updated to 1.11 * Clarify the license as LGPL v3 (29 June 2007) (RT 78629) * Add MirBSD support. It's the same options as Sun stuff.- use original .tar.gz- switch to perl_requires macro- initial package 1.09 * created by cpanspec 1.78ibs-arm-5 1663227749 1.131.13-150000. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// module source textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=21c23177004c0b5249c76c484d6cb4b328598aea, strippedASCII textASCII text, with escape sequencesASCII text, with no line terminatorsAlgol 68 source, ASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)PRRRRe<=r[X1d"5utf-8b46d6f7346b88b7b389383bf799d692d900be62a17ddb51a16562e087d27a187? 7zXZ !t/]"k%o;(,~61҃;]80SM[77 :Q##~cgω/h'1*s6tElTĻ~/lYlKFz{0S27X; vi!٣iҺˣj&?P\t)Re)Z 8ؘWi5E4X8hWdE;qռ_?c,RT8e[ ^X--fj>?Lķ 5!R_/Yw|1:#Mr .۱Qi񑜁dv.Q@&u!6w;Z8dfH]:NqBZ$PfE;g!Ed] ]8=Qf!7 LB .RVxWHApjO6My)f'e-2$T/~ۆ +H2 C|C>UEɺ6ZsΡ`j0$@1#H9s!z[V#SeEnf<GUB!Ϭa=U7lo e HDShR}Mٕc|;R?>WG9u8eԟ\krP2q.p-:j ly|vc+='8A!G # He0_C6H=M jۋfs><}+9:-tb@Mʩ2%vZJ HN݅&LAR{}v)o*31{HBU"\=$#ɟ'-.jɆԩkg5aUh$QJEݩSI~ySnN0KbC5/qKs qS|%F[c (=ăH/iP#&R GSoyl\IsŒ^uSc=$IʓooE*[bݰʡbURx=Ayo\cWJO$fcxI5_"PUrz5E|ND¯ 0k|Ж%^M;U. օ^z`^5 _W8GbwNk#TzY EZl>48.W؍![@ &V&qW+raͅ O*0U?->lg5ĠaK!EsNFTS!Ap͈p}q)I2&ʡJ+KphEѐI_@Rٹt'"=oũvYyZG7 Ů!dy\z}^I3_$'x~G95Ω_; ȨcT`iE[& cwC ښ7lvv5+ơd0\=KIJ7Wy|,_{ oxdFCin}h:sN'W3bvϊϷ~ўb)l6煉!qwL=7]tY"{9ك(.ӖLDh莹ɨ|<*pmH!K| }Twy7 _k^n?#MHfp7|m/R'Qql׳1$  YZ