libfastjson4-0.99.9-150400.3.3.1<>,.4dSv{p9|0 د#bHSuNL5Eydt%[JouhHKj#2$?G'UwWVIzQ˃ (`C!v9q 9C['d.7Ã@?d # 8 *. DU|    @ Xh| 0 ) (K8T 9 :k >1@@FOGhHxIXY\]^bRcdefluvwXxhyxzClibfastjson40.99.9150400.3.3.1JSON parsing libraryA JSON parsing library, a fork of json-c, developed by the rsyslog team and used for rsyslog and liblognorm. This package includes the libfastjson library.dSv{ibs-centriq-5SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIT A큤dSvwdSvwdSv{Z(    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/`D`#[@ZX@Z Y@Y] fix CVE-2020-12762 integer overflow and out-of-bounds write via a large JSON file (bsc#1171479) add 0001-Fix-CVE-2020-12762.patch- Remove --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static). - Drop unsubstantiated claims from descriptions.- update to 0.99.9: - add API fjson_object_get_uint() - add API fjson_object_array_del_idx() - bugfix for dangling pointer that causes segfault The other functions assume that the memory is either set to NULL or a valid json object. The array_list_del_idx function only moves the elements, but does not set the pointer to null, which causes the same pointer to remain in the list (outside of arr->length). Then, when array_list_put_idx is called, the array_list_expand_internal leaps out, meaning that it has not set the indices outside of the requested length to 0. array_list_put_idx finds the pointer, tries to free it and a double free will be incurred, because the actual element is still in the list.- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318]- update to 0.99.8: * make build under gcc7 with strict settings (warning==error) * bugfix: constant key names not properly handled * fix potentially invalid return value of fjson_object_iter_begin * fix small potential memory leak in json_tokener- update to 0.99.7: * add option for case-insensitive comparisons * Remove userdata and custom-serialization functions- update to 0.99.6: * fixes for platforms other than GNU/Linux- update to 0.99.5: * fix floating point representation when fractional part is missing * m4: fix detection of atomics * add fjson_object_dump() and fjson_object_write() functions- This library is needed for latest rsyslog(fate#320546)- update to 0.99.4: * fix tautology comparison in tautology in `fjson_object_iter_equal` drop 0001-Follow-up-to-d4b3a2d-fix-tautology-comparison-in-fjs.patch * fix build problems with gcc6 drop 0002-Follow-up-to-8c49ee7-fix-build-with-gcc6.patch- update 0.99.3: * exit() is no longer called in unexpected situations * fjson_version now returns configure VERSION * fix invalid Unicode representation for some non US-ASCII - add patch to fix compile (and logic) error 0001-Follow-up-to-d4b3a2d-fix-tautology-comparison-in-fjs.patch - fix build with gcc6, adding 0002-Follow-up-to-8c49ee7-fix-build-with-gcc6.patch- update to 0.99.2 * new API: json_object_get_member_count() * make comaptible with autoconf < 2.64 * 0.99.1 was not released- initial package/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigibs-centriq-5 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fd987565a9b77341f8edc5341d6caa178ca6c01f, strippeddirectoryASCII textPRRRR:c<{cwutf-8af6ce9cdb68b2085e9375372e4d5aa589a598bd90a9c1d35f8f95c6b4c1c5aa4?7zXZ !t/*]"k%ndsCJHCC'vG%#Sq6Ly#6Է- n^a)?m^='M)R$APB4F 'Q[9Z bA oR{:=7Ѧahi>01gd[& B &*\Mug _̨ٕqy!ycfOWu`/d'K~&7t` c"ihsW|yV{ c$t~+*u'zI) }&guJ,:E1&E.V& IEtPZRÔlbiϑ *T+sc`rH hnFyXҴ-K`:h&0 0TW #riyf\4R?8R('7JEpi/#"y?\g* LLoLմg PxGH Y$0{o{"hG.mY7`hy4/Yh { Ӟ L[~P(iT 쎊 e1IR@t* dC`YVE Y4TbeaxxXj$J4θ 8Yn.CL\KVGPOL1[F׭Yx><@O""MiִO $j/{?q%*˺5r4t ben)Q )GG 94hS{C!MRqE"q3"aQ'j,kJQ|cvP.I]Yxw>$L!{Kggլ̔x TI~nAzf`@=<\҄(P&껞 _KG}v3Y %Lq̞{Ōै6ec G5o&\]zckpqҚSxԱF 3q/czXQlA-}zR(2p@?:0u}y7vjmmXΡq/`ގ<lͩ㙿&2ӽ)QMjo@EQNQk.fN\*?݌?b[(B?I:`RC[V] g4S}eɕQIy>`~p:<'H95%i {sJOܑ:`:*PY6A%qN[I!Bv.}b}9Lr;=C@֞QmAΟoݣ=]z A dRڑ 5x.966*)>>:6'3ަ1ߞ*F)682 $Z{Ogk<ŵ X̖w_<cBרM/eLij?zw =TsJhP}[B3mWc>ka@v+Ho2PK!Aћg@G"miM]/tݠuF:I=J"𼡢QOC<_6"`:m-#xL}de[4{|7"WďP x1M2aa\ 8K1;Zz jKP'cuŒߊ:Q,=\@ejyf*w vrr/R$siQ'kŖeWxR8n\.ZlIW ź?zLlUPaX b$E,N82N2[x2^FT?3p2"/LB2B[ ]Z4/E T3IX蚯8#RtUۏDwޡ{0"iʠKig|c8'=69-*r::'|\ȯ!m9aG#Q1v Ix^b<*=yte *T]dZSVf)ڼ|D}Ȁs{C}J-gsͿR˱sfSpD3g׸t#FU͊ +6Fsٶox|8vPar؈m2qR)Whf U΁*@C^Wș 3XLQ \&}Wى)^(ffUNҼn|+$Dd50PϷ{4ʞ 8`5j ;$ڗXjy  XlQbGsvyK}o!-$Q 9,\{{7F CQف=⛔Ad=vLK1lWo+v*HaN)kJJqe{ ;;`uT8|E`Ca9U䬻lad=K7TYmn&W4˕śP|q\!G_ym9{( br~;146A)!(rEFo4^%Lh0QvrJ+}qJj#XJ^':p6c9\ ^3-wa(!dJ F|c8v~k_]hJa;) XKMypj˗3;ꢙ9%c^Rogx$SeU/XyPA竁Ut8(QsIZ%@Rz=o\CָPx,~o؝0ǗG"cj]nh^T'`)޸Xw;;"ok5l [1Z7$dܜ A>{Zᦍdc9y-ׅoKlT3Ƣ|:d"E"]X o^ 780*Ϭ=*JE /̶: Ǟʗ lE'?;Y4h}9Jҹpc/ΕP8 ?$N5C-ˠ|\uKnw bY fV0M#{^> =R"# R!>.DޞydHqm%Ld#EÄ V0Q仲DoO2%UC[ݭLSNǨ=(.UO YZ