libchamplain-0_12-0-0.12.20-150200.3.2.1<>,7,bFp9|E': kfr3~AR=;AH2Jv+\ ez(/bϟB*Ք=bw+ϔT*kj%F"u{JNggNcx {;T`諩hPKD(fP- hC{UVǜd$:jUXޠn &%:t󅆮 \auj۩ꗚcIz=áz&kVM#& ߕ>@"?"d + C04@D]~  (  <  P  x    H p   ( 0( f8 p9 : >@FG H I XY$\P ]x ^/bchdeflu v 4w! x! y!#z"`"p"t"z"Clibchamplain-0_12-00.12.20150200.3.2.1Library to display mapsLibchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps. It also provides a Gtk+ widget to display maps in Gtk+ applications. It supports numerous free map sources such as OpenStreetMap, OpenAerialMap and Maps for free.bFibs-arm-4QSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-or-later  hwbCgA큤A큤bFѰbFbFѰbFbF]dH]dH]dHbF]dH38e7526cbd428ff11d74ec9ef1a47304ad168b0edb6a2fa020bac72de7e3225799c0fec009fc4b7023d658f8fc3e49b3ff18072a8dfa1b8cef325d8127f8ae3a3a85c6abb50c83be9    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/])\{\n\-@ZZm@Y@X@W@WV>@Vf@UU hbjor Update to version 0.12.20: + Remove autotools-based build and all the related files. + Fix gtk-doc module name. + Add missing gdk required dependency. + Make the build reproducible.- Update to version 0.12.19: + Fix incorrect Requires in pc files when using meson. + Various meson-related fixes and cleanups.- Update to version 0.12.18: + Fix incorrect so version when using meson. + Avoid exporting marshaler functions by dropping the use of glib-genmarshal and using the generic marshaler instead. + Don't use glib-mkenums for champlain-gtk where it's not needed. - Changes from version 0.12.17: + Use of meson build system, CI tests and automatized generation of documentation. + Various map wrapping fixes. + Pass data as uint8 pointer in champlain_renderer_set_data() and make this function introspectable. + Bump versions of some dependencies - clutter (1.24), glib (2.38) - and fix depreciation warnings. + Use https for all map sources that support it. + Don't version-control generated vapi files. + Combine champlain and champlain-gtk documentations into one. + More helpful with links to pages related to libchamplain. + Various housekeeping and cleanups. - Drop patch fixed upstream: libchamplain-Fix-wrapping-champlain_view_x_to_longitude.patch. - Switch to meson build system, add meson BuildRequires and macros.- No longer build mephis support: Drop memphis-devel BuildRequires, memphis upstream is dead and gone from the web for several years. libchamplain upstream have disabled mephis support in git 5 years ago, so we should not build it either. Pass --disable-memphis to configure to be ensure we do not. - Pkgconfigify spec, align with what configure checks for: + Drop clutter-devel, clutter-gtk-devel, gtk3-devel, libsoup-devel, sqlite3-devel and vala BuildRequires. + Add pkgconfig, pkgconfig(cairo), pkgconfig(clutter-1.0), pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0), pkgconfig(gdk-3.0), pkgconfig(gio-2.0), pkgconfig(glib-2.0), pkgconfig(gobject-2.0), pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0), pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4), pkgconfig(sqlite3) and pkgconfig(vapigen) BuildRequires.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Add libchamplain-Fix-wrapping-champlain_view_x_to_longitude.patch: Fix wrapping in champlain_view_x_to_longitude. Previous implementation assumed that after using x_to_wrap_x further wrapping would be needed only if x + priv->viewport_x >= width. - Do minor spec cleanup, use autosetup, make_build and make_install macros, drop obsolete and unused BUILD_FROM_VCS conditional gnome-common and gtk-doc BuildRequires and call.- Update to version 0.12.16: + Add possibility to set User-Agent for requests. + Fix touch gesture zoom. + Python demo fixes and cleanups.- Update to version 0.12.15: + Fix path layer surface exporting when no clone is visible. + Fix printing in gnome-maps. + Fix build on RHEL 7.3. + Minor example updates.- Update to version 0.12.14: + Add support for horizontal map wrapping. + Make the number of parallel connections of network tile source configurable. + Remove Mapquest map source as the tile server is not accessible any more. + Remove Maemo-related code. + Fix small memory leaks. + Bump libsoup dependency requirement to 2.42 and drop deprecated function calls. + Various minor improvements, fixes, depreciaton warning removals and cleanups.- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572- Update to version 0.12.13: + Implement ChamplainExportable in MarkerLayer and ChamplainPoint. + Avoid runtime warnings due to the use of deprecated API. + Make sure enums are introspectable. + Fix occasional crash when closing map with layers. + Various minor fixes and improvements.- Update to version 0.12.12: + Add possibility to export maps. + Fix map getting blank after some mouse actions. + Fix tile loading at higher zoom levels. + Improve mouse wheel zoom handling.- Update to version 0.12.11: + Improved touch-screen support, pinch-to-zoom. + Add champlain_view_set_world() to limit the world to the specified bounding box. + Various minor fixes.- Update to version 0.12.10: + Improve key-press event handling to better support custom keybindings. + Add a simple demo demonstrating custom keybindings. + Handle CLUTTER_SCROLL_SMOOTH to fix moouse-wheel zooming with newer clutter versions. + Make ChamplainLabel shadow optional. + Emit animation-completed::zoom signal when zoom ends./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigibs-arm-4 1648808411 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d510e0b82be3e838dc19639cf6b492e7679704ea, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=de7f2393f5e6ee365f695343f77c902853036506, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textASCII text PRRRRRRRR R R RR RRRRRRRRRPRRRRR RRR R RRRݚ:p4mutf-8bb2ad438120c4fbd90a2a53abf4ab4859b5b02725a644404ca36e642cb3ab5a0?7zXZ !t//@]"k%{*YLC[Z[n/Kl)FsxiA܃TiDbomz*zV|Hb#C*4dX)&фq>ivZlv*S/*BdݙRzNg^Oamp5?0.5Ey{9](@ɎE:%myW{V*Y?$/Dt(4Znp0AFDkѺOW8sFwL^{xa=G! ?ӄty?>Ujn]_cnJRΤ,K=5-Lq t! ph*l$h!~˪{겙f"Σ/,VI"uAhM[m/B?)$m:IFY~`+Pdq8e{ |$<|n'r(D\A<|0&׾/ |𱊲Vuf5/Gn'p8v:OB 4 oKiXcÝO/9~|"Ư,5[ȑ7.l\I+ޣІD}7a`P_!Nm6Qo"ґ$)ԥSGA[Xb'gcJQQ(V{sЬ}ZT[B:RH-DO'aK˺[j f![>R+2sT|uo^$_ l?_WȋU>{<1 RB:+5 0 NOj_Um@b<]dG] Aٚ]e[).'um@߰Sg'(-cv}ZDzI_9zvì}a5'̇⒪Osu~ Z^ȣ*ЏDw5.,aMkw;}Dm NhUv&&g9Yl{V i}|e6A'9ͦ֞Yqo%Fn*le7tj X 0a0*;[Eؤ Շ'Kl%A,{Ĉ\+\0U fso@=j>pM]0HgYX4 /*LLUl60x*rѵ}shj,xذ&+7@^vfy!RhqL |isVv}@@G0{ 1ͻ`baCGM[r^n@93i٠bʼnCu]iAș&;jn?\̀&+ӂtnhv(+ZƚxR1'PDUֆ]}ubrT[_5u[&щg'Xv' S}$71ɚ Kŀ06wY `BX ԘG˜6\ܬv)<_reBRyP-;>1 xOZ=,C(jء$߬)vu+ĭB6|hkzC(-nXM6<==JYmW:pD`T"$8cMnE eWϢ,#W1PU6vfi>"DHd̡km1,л]k㕬"5(Ч?\1['A]VqS7bոAsTBz Ŗ]~-1$Da ϤFqCtǃva89FIg氀fvtoa&~XD]^I '=r$\!IGpɊ̼*[P(ȍÿKLEtl>Z-4W$@)FU̡i=j\^k̢w 鹏Hj:Oʪ*q=['Aފ>&q\c꓍03z>ɒeGY|0W-&nJ:؃>*bZf[ Mu < ǜ p#1e[ZΆCn-y8u=I32.a^ꂘ4Ftv?m]~n2{TXDsU zqxU^%8ZjO@%*QHSEv̴cm/@e~ܶŖ\'g _N*N'_dJ("H&4h[[\.X؏QSöRHeKgВ{/%f] 8TvIt }zzr<P[s1K  KR+L{6] Te2h{]x!LS103}=CqVd:&iI]-j4f0,.ETu #C2g6Q; :\Ӕf,h2퀧;{w!М>۫&s`PQRI v삟j 3Yy'0HʧOK%Jӿ2RM7l^xׁ&JGP!fmUelm 2K_!]pz!B nww9.(V*k7 4ߤ)v_pAf\M%ήх& p<]R???^k#dJ^87CSrJK/Fń>#T2D@i)W:wBPrD/!N&i%LE7-1IVV2d{5v7e 2`K΋Ul `,:"5&iv^](s]WNsʙ!6EpدiuL%ffHy眕TggQH:?-4BAP/&!(@^tG RK[,[_Hzq9Nz3:*rSezb٢-\KZq _*ҕByɊu"#%YP\|F\TgH< Ƣy+d 52s1Ɲ0T@+ 4#K5a50 k7TMFVASu ~HnbCŠ.@ͶfH7c`rdtIE=Iy`O+YydOe_Cw4D{rEY`ZHPa,˟_WPibI{4Ӊ$#i<ц" .ggLPRX- O@ IB CeWz:SZ7WgH>MMπD;J\ܜkYMJӝl#pK Y:Rԝ :=q%"6>hBa*:"/R\W_P]jd//%F?nqHt"7pvDvalE(asՆ3NFv ^%: ^] YZ