libxmlsec1-gnutls1-1.2.28-150100.7.11.1<>,)bp9|V' ;øMLS~~e@*w }Y*Ow܌ImJRߺg03(wͅ6C8Ngsҡlžy %RsKBiLg쫪xAƓX(E_yί/@y+ 熺kuy (ׄuLf)k rh]ە+DxD P^B<5a,Q B\{ei! y4 v }ZK>@?d * X (9X^dx    % `t0t(N8X 9 : >|@FGHIXY\],^bcdef l u v4wxy z0@DJClibxmlsec1-gnutls11.2.28150100.7.11.1GNUTls crypto plugin for XML Security LibraryGNUTls plugin for XML Security Library provides GNUTls based crypto services for the xmlsec library.bs390zp31SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MITΘ7A큤bbbb\>    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/\@\ `[ٙ@[ٙ@[ug@[r@[{@ZXXӸX< Update to 1.2.28: * Added BoringSSL support (chenbd). * Added gnutls-3.6.x support (alonbl). * Added DSA and ECDSA key size getter for MSCNG (vmiklos). * Added --enable-mans configuration option (alonbl). * Added coninuous build integration for MacOSX (vmiklos). * Several other small fixes (more details).- Make sure to recommend at least one backend when you install just xmlsec1- Drop the gnutls backend as based on the tests it is quite borked: * We still have nss and openssl backend for people to use- Version update to 1.2.27: * Added AES-GCM support for OpenSSL and MSCNG (snargit). * Added DSA-SHA256 and ECDSA-SHA384 support for NSS (vmiklos). * Added RSA-OAEP support for MSCNG (vmiklos). * Continuous build integration in Travis and Appveyor. * Several other small fixes (more details).- Add rplintrc to avoid bogus errors: * xmlsec1-rpmlintrc- Fixed (bsc#1104876). Added: Requires: %{libname} = %{version} to each module in the spec file. This will ensure that when one of the modules is installed the corresponding version of libxmlsec1-1 will also be installed/upgraded.- Version update to 1.2.26: * Added xmlsec-mscng module based on Microsoft Cryptography API: Next Generation * Added support for GOST 2012 and fixed CryptoPro CSP provider for GOST R 34.10-2001 in xmlsec-mscrypto * Added LibreSSL 2.7 support * Upgraded documentation build process to support the latest gtk-doc- Version update to 1.2.25: * Various small fixes * Coverity cleanups * Removed support for old openssl- Version update to 1.2.24: * Added ECDSA-SHA1, ECDSA-SHA256, ECDSA-SHA512 support for xmlsec-nss. * Fixed XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_DONT_VERIFY_CERTS handling. * Disabled external entities loading by xmlsec utility app by default to prevent XXE attacks. * Improved OpenSSL version and features detection. * Cleaned up, simplified, and standardized internal error reporting. * Fixed a few Coverity-discovered bugs. * Marked as deprecated all the functions in xmlsec/soap.h file and a couple other functions no longer required by xmlsec. These functions will be removed in the future releases. * Several other small fixes (see commit log for more details).- Fixed dependencies with libraries (bsc#1012246): * * * * Version update to 1.2.23: * Full support for OpenSSL 1.1.0 * Several other small fixes- Version update to 1.2.22 (fate#320861): * see the ChangeLog for most detailed output * openssl 1.1 support * Few features from libreoffice for integrated * Run the testsuite- update to 1.2.20: * fix a number of miscellaneous bugs * update expired or soon-to-be-expired certificates in test suite/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigs390zp31 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d2f86197d81565d152a888be1b68d4ba61133c3e, strippeddirectoryASCII text PRRRR RRRR R RRfUYutf-81be1dcda73d807c6582ddf663221fa06e428d215bde980dbd2e24d0c91b44032?7zXZ !t/ u]"k%AKH>fpX%meB r LagSGZL+dŞs*U<44 "2G" #Sw'jIt o&o,烿q#xCz4I0κq]`̱,~Z [C}|tm~O4*DIwr4!.CA>А>6j618qkM8 /yGy#x+ i귫[ hyts_Ek')g"\] ia' Y q%YK'B7 (9>ǛA ag%#nݍ"vϚe~Jec`("WE7u"RQn?B㹏]gws=-^p*f9 2h@ߕ 39ba{=S?{4NJh@k_ݮRi%o|`xk1=Bػ=?Z \a2akEd[LVEEADK+x $qhOe N,Աf2~zv[&jM-m 瓛RZO|K:WrMeԄJ{e^* C>DH܋c'Ch#IPetkŌ~}ڥɲj2К>8P!~KfƘ y10ao6e߇x2{],,#4dlɩfm=jjW;MFxd$8MGDʄ8@wx@ӤW[cV}Uz^/o;}<4(͒ݰb@Hg SDc3\|MЁAGw KzWr"=l`<|b|L]kIW6qPnӃ3 v=irge1b`]{,ir8_6t?ViB͗?e7\F1#3s;[zq7V`[Xf^}|N߁++Aq| ݹ*`\O+q @\) *NdIO c 3Gg^Io(&{$#è4/huPos0cӌ Z9'KՂlѝ||Ҝ{6=bVD4nř%BZ?Fttm.L.{Bp ݢ9Dmx6 4Ҡ7"JCc6ͼIdo6xޥm`9l-7I_ wc<}]An <4?ľ$qGfaVa nvF^uc; Yg"wH?70`'8,qPlw%p-F(T*:%}@=n|QQKiokOP8.3ulߑT^>*QE}K0y{ pٶϯztJm~kybARu]]Sr+.%N<Av y .Y&^cp!&$jZZ딂8@C`=WIHy.= 09a`'rHHЖ#sUk'OsqDzEZ:zAbfsv+q}}iScZO^Tl-R=Hզ#;wJQfb^[omGج)ᭉؑXL(b0MO&-JSRC5Be\]nG {S+q7Ql7[aKet薠uJ!ڽ|>SJL^$!zFT K(b@%(vaD̬5axӹ=hIP5ġCYjf4!m}_ڕ C#Gg1fKPj_T`)ԕ6sb6L3려VB DŽI;Ģ@]'p+Viپ4j=pQ(Eػ GkoL2"}<ɲ[sUJ3e5:jlhAj(eG5p[h6emȁxX4LmBI;gUz2iZpPF}Ii;4B_(g TD]eT]]ƜA<_ YZ