libgit2-28-0.28.4-150200.3.3.1<>,ctc!| p9|SWu{]B.KerON?T*{8펶NRXy3Y۸ה(|xk"Rq,s2N|^X _, $KȭHM?0asldQXG[Z ŠTD"v6sFՃ'A}: J喨 < 6Y_gu3KP2{Y]>cJ#bqW t=9b%N>@?td  ! /  9Zy     # <X{x( 8(9: >@FGHI X(Y4\`]|^bJcduezf}luvwxyz$(.pClibgit2-280.28.4150200.3.3.1C git librarylibgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to write native speed custom Git applications in any language with bindings.c!| s390zl32SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC GPL-2.0 WITH GCC-exception-2.0 git 2.9) for proper interoperability. - Symbolic links are now supported on Windows when core.symlinks is set to true. - Submodules with names which attempt to perform path traversal now have their configuration ignored. Such names were blindly appended to the $GIT_DIR/modules and a malicious name could lead to an attacker writing to an arbitrary location. This matches git's handling of CVE-2018-11235. - Object validation is now performed during tree creation in the git_index_write_tree_to API. - Configuration variable may now be specified on the same line as a section header; previously this was erroneously a parser error. - When an HTTP server supports both NTLM and Negotiate authentication mechanisms, we would previously fail to authenticate with any mechanism. - The GIT_OPT_SET_PACK_MAX_OBJECTS option can now set the maximum number of objects allowed in a packfile being downloaded; this can help limit the maximum memory used when fetching from an untrusted remote. - Line numbers in diffs loaded from patch files were not being populated; they are now included in the results. - The repository's index is reloaded from disk at the beginning of git_merge operations to ensure that it is up-to-date. - Mailmap handling APIs have been introduced, and the new commit APIs git_commit_committer_with_mailmap and git_commit_author_with_mailmap will use the mailmap to resolve the committer and author information. In addition, blame will use the mailmap given when the GIT_BLAME_USE_MAILMAP option. - Ignore handling for files in ignored folders would be ignored. - Worktrees can now be backed by bare repositories. - Trailing spaces are supported in .gitignore files, these spaces were previously (and erroneously) treated as part of the pattern. - The library can now be built with mbedTLS support for HTTPS. - The diff status character 'T' will now be presented by the git_diff_status_char API for diff entries that change type. - Revision walks previously would sometimes include commits that should have been ignored; this is corrected. - Revision walks are now more efficient when the output is unsorted; we now avoid walking all the way to the beginning of history unnecessarily. - Error-handling around index extension loading has been fixed. We were previously always misreporting a truncated index. * API additions: - The index may now be iterated atomically using git_index_iterator. - Remote objects can now be created with extended options using the git_remote_create_with_opts API. - Diff objects can now be applied as changes to the working directory, index or both, emulating the git apply command. Additionally, git_apply_to_tree can apply those changes to a tree object as a fully in-memory operation. - You can now swap out memory allocators via the GIT_OPT_SET_ALLOCATOR option with git_libgit2_opts(). - You can now ensure that functions do not discard unwritten changes to the index via the GIT_OPT_ENABLE_UNSAVED_INDEX_SAFETY option to git_libgit2_opts(). This will cause functions that implicitly re-read the index (eg, git_checkout) to fail if you have staged changes to the index but you have not written the index to disk. (Unless the checkout has the FORCE flag specified.) - At present, this defaults to off, but we intend to enable this more broadly in the future, as a warning or error. We encourage you to examine your code to ensure that you are not relying on the current behavior that implicitly removes staged changes. - Reference specifications can be parsed from an arbitrary string with the git_refspec_parse API. - You can now get the name and path of worktrees using the git_worktree_name and git_worktree_path APIs, respectively. - The ref field has been added to git_worktree_add_options to enable the creation of a worktree from a pre-existing branch. - It's now possible to analyze merge relationships between any two references, not just against HEAD, using git_merge_analysis_for_ref. * API removals: - The git_buf_free API is deprecated; it has been renamed to git_buf_dispose for consistency. The git_buf_free API will be retained for backward compatibility for the foreseeable future. - The git_otype enumeration and its members are deprecated and have been renamed for consistency. The GIT_OBJ_ enumeration values are now prefixed with GIT_OBJECT_. The old enumerations and macros will be retained for backward compatibility for the foreseeable future. - Several index-related APIs have been renamed for consistency. The GIT_IDXENTRY_ enumeration values and macros have been renamed to be prefixed with GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_. The GIT_INDEXCAP enumeration values are now prefixed with GIT_INDEX_CAPABILITY_. The old enumerations and macros will be retained for backward compatibility for the foreseeable future. - The error functions and enumeration values have been renamed for consistency. The giterr_ functions and values prefix have been renamed to be prefixed with git_error_; similarly, the GITERR_ constants have been renamed to be prefixed with GIT_ERROR_. The old enumerations and macros will be retained for backward compatibility for the foreseeable future. * Breaking API changes: - The default checkout strategy changed from DRY_RUN to SAFE. - Adding a symlink as .gitmodules into the index from the workdir or checking out such files is not allowed as this can make a Git implementation write outside of the repository and bypass the fsck checks for CVE-2018-11235. - Bump sover to 28 following upstreams changes.- libgit2 0.27.7: * Various improvements for handling repositories * Various API correctness fixes - includes changess from 0.27.6: * Various security fixes for parsing integers from buffers, and buffer handling bsc#1114729- libgit2 0.27.5: * CVE-2018-17456: Submodule URLs and paths with a leading "-" are now ignored to avoid injecting options into library consumers that perform recursive clones (bsc#1110949) * Avoid a buffer overflow when running repack * Avoid stack overflow from unbounded recursion in configuration file parser * Avoid heap-buffer overflow when parsing "ok" packets * Fix heap-buffer overflows in smart protocol parsing code * Fix potential integer overflows on platforms with 16 bit ints * Fix potential NULL pointer dereference when parsing configuration files- Use pkgconfig style of dependencies, refresh dependencies - Use more of cmake macros- libgit2 0.27.4: * fix out-of-bounds reads when processing smart-protocol "ng" packets (bsc#1104641)- libgit2 0.27.3: * CVE-2018-10887 (bsc#1100613), CVE-2018-10888 (bsc#1100612): Specially crafted delta object in packfiles could trigger an integer overflow, bypassing input validation and causing the object database to contain copies of system memory. This may allow denial of service or, potentially, an information leak - includes changes from 0.27.2: * various API and correctnes fixes * Fixes related to handling of .gitmodules - includes changes from 0.27.1: * CVE-2018-11235: insufficient validation of submodule names from .gitmodules allowed writes to arbitrary paths (bsc#1095219) * disallow .gitmodules files as symlinks.- update to 0.27.0: - Changes or improvements - Improved p_unlink in posix_w32.c to try and make a file writable before sleeping in the retry loop to prevent unnecessary calls to sleep. - The CMake build infrastructure has been improved to speed up building time. - A new CMake option "-DUSE_HTTPS=" makes it possible to explicitly choose an HTTP backend. - A new CMake option "-DSHA1_BACKEND=" makes it possible to explicitly choose an SHA1 backend. The collision-detecting backend is now the default. - A new CMake option "-DUSE_BUNDLED_ZLIB" makes it possible to explicitly use the bundled zlib library. - A new CMake option "-DENABLE_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILDS" makes it possible to generate a reproducible static archive. This requires support from your toolchain. - The minimum required CMake version has been bumped to 2.8.11. - Writing to a configuration file now preserves the case of the key given by the caller for the case-insensitive portions of the key (existing sections are used even if they don't match). - We now support conditional includes in configuration files. - Fix for handling re-reading of configuration files with includes. - Fix for reading patches which contain exact renames only. - Fix for reading patches with whitespace in the compared files' paths. - We will now fill FETCH_HEAD from all passed refspecs instead of overwriting with the last one. - There is a new diff option, GIT_DIFF_INDENT_HEURISTIC which activates a heuristic which takes into account whitespace and indentation in order to produce better diffs when dealing with ambiguous diff hunks. - Fix for pattern-based ignore rules where files ignored by a rule cannot be un-ignored by another rule. - Sockets opened by libgit2 are now being closed on exec(3) if the platform supports it. - Fix for peeling annotated tags from packed-refs files. - Fix reading huge loose objects from the object database. - Fix files not being treated as modified when only the file mode has changed. - We now explicitly reject adding submodules to the index via git_index_add_frombuffer. - Fix handling of GIT_DIFF_FIND_RENAMES_FROM_REWRITES raising SIGABRT when one file has been deleted and another file has been rewritten. - Fix for WinHTTP not properly handling NTLM and Negotiate challenges. - When using SSH-based transports, we now repeatedly ask for the passphrase to decrypt the private key in case a wrong passphrase is being provided. - When generating conflict markers, they will now use the same line endings as the rest of the file. - API additions - The git_merge_file_options structure now contains a new setting, marker_size. This allows users to set the size of markers that delineate the sides of merged files in the output conflict file. By default this is 7 (GIT_MERGE_CONFLICT_MARKER_SIZE), which produces output markers like <<<<<<< and >>>>>>>. - git_remote_create_detached() creates a remote that is not associated to any repository (and does not apply configuration like 'insteadof' rules). This is mostly useful for e.g. emulating git ls-remote behavior. - git_diff_patchid() lets you generate patch IDs for diffs. - git_status_options now has an additional field baseline to allow creating status lists against different trees. - New family of functions to allow creating notes for a specific notes commit instead of for a notes reference. - New family of functions to allow parsing message trailers. This API is still experimental and may change in future releases. - Breaking API changes - Signatures now distinguish between +0000 and -0000 UTC offsets. - The certificate check callback in the WinHTTP transport will now receive the message_cb_payload instead of the cred_acquire_payload. - We are now reading symlinked directories under .git/refs. - We now refuse creating branches named "HEAD". - We now refuse reading and writing all-zero object IDs into the object database. - We now read the effective user's configuration file instead of the real user's configuration in case libgit2 runs as part of a setuid binary. - The git_odb_open_rstream function and its readstream callback in the git_odb_backend interface have changed their signatures to allow providing the object's size and type to the caller.- Update to 0.26.3: * Fix cloning of the libgit2 project with git clone --recursive by removing an invalid submodule from our testing data. * Fix endianness of the port in p_getaddrinfo(). * Fix handling of negative gitignore rules with wildcards. * Fix handling of case-insensitive negative gitignore rules. * Fix resolving references to a tag if the reference is stored with its fully resolved OID in the packed-refs file. * Fix checkout not treating worktree files as modified when only their mode has changed. * Fix rename detection with GIT_DIFF_FIND_RENAMES_FROM_REWRITES. * Fixes memory handling issues when reading crafted repository index files. The issues allow for possible denial of service due to allocation of large memory and out-of-bound reads. (CVE-2018-8098 bnc#1085257 CVE-2018-8099 bnc#1085256) * Updates the bundled zlib to 1.2.11. Users who build the bundled zlib are vulnerable to security issues in the prior version.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- remove unneeded dependency (python is used only for testsuite, which isn't used during build)- libgit2 0.26.0: * Support for opening, creating and modifying worktrees. * Can now detect SHA1 collisions resulting from the SHAttered attack CVE-2005-4900 * Fix for missing implementation of `git_merge_driver_source` getters * Fix for installed pkg-config file being broken when the prefix contains spaces * Can now detect when the hashsum of on-disk objects does not match their expected hashsum. * Support open-ended ranges (e.g. "master..", "...master") in revision range parsing code. * Correctly compute ignores with leading "/" in subdirectories. * Optionally call `fsync` on loose objects, packfiles and their indexes, loose references and packed reference files. * Builds against OpenSSL v1.1 and against LibreSSL. * Improvements for reading index v4 files. * API additions and incompatible API changes- libgit2 0.25.1 - New features and functionality: * repository discovery features * Support for reading and writing git index v4 files * Improve the performance of the revwalk * reference db concurrency improvements * Nanosecond resolution is now activated by default * restrict the set of ciphers used with OpenSSL by default. * user-registered merge drivers * built-in support for the union merge driver * callers can now specify proxy settings * New API for creating signed commits * New API for creating blobs from streams * New flags for opening repositories * New functions for various git operations - Removed API: * git_blob_create_fromchunks() has been removed in favour of git_blob_create_fromstream() - Changed API: * git_packbuilder_object_count and git_packbuilder_written now return a size_t instead of a uint32_t for more thorough compatibility with the rest of the library. * git_packbuiler_progress now provides explicitly sized uint32_t values instead of unsigned int. * git_diff_file now includes an id_abbrev field that reflects the number of nibbles set in the id field. * git_odb_backend now has a freshen function pointer * git_remote_connect() now accepts proxy options.- libgit2 0.24.6, including the following security fixes: * bsc#1019036: edge cases in the Git Smart Protocol can lead to attempting to parse outside of the buffer CVE-2016-10128,CVE-2016-10129 * bsc#1019037: MITM possible due to lack of parameter for certificate parameter CVE-2016-10130,CVE-2017-5338,CVE-2017-5339 - includes changes from 0.24.5: * add support for OpenSSL 1.1.0 for BIO filter- libgit2 0.24.3, fixing the following vulnerabilities: * CVE-2016-8568, CVE-2016-8569: invalid memory accesses parsing object files (bsc#1003810) * various bug fixes from the 0.24.2 release- Add to the SDK. Fate#319349 - Update license to GPL-2.0 WITH GCC-exception-2.0- libgit2 0.24.1: + various compatible backported bug fixes- Update to version 0.24.0: + Custom filters can now be registered with wildcard attributes, for example filter=*. Consumers should examine the attributes parameter of the check function for details. + Symlinks are now followed when locking a file, which can be necessary when multiple worktrees share a base repository. + You can now set your own user-agent to be sent for HTTP requests by using the GIT_OPT_SET_USER_AGENT with git_libgit2_opts(). + You can set custom HTTP header fields to be sent along with requests by passing them in the fetch and push options. + Tree objects are now assumed to be sorted. If a tree is not correctly formed, it will give bad results. This is the git approach and cuts a significant amount of time when reading the trees. + Filter registration is now protected against concurrent registration. + Filenames which are not valid on Windows in an index no longer cause to fail to parse it on that OS. + Rebases can now be performed purely in-memory, without touching the repository's workdir. + When adding objects to the index, or when creating new tree or commit objects, the inputs are validated to ensure that the dependent objects exist and are of the correct type. This object validation can be disabled with the GIT_OPT_ENABLE_STRICT_OBJECT_CREATION option. + The WinHTTP transport's handling of bad credentials now behaves like the others, asking for credentials again. + Various API changes (additions AND removals). - Rename libgit2-23 subpackage to libgit2-24, following upstraems soname bump (also in baselibs.conf).- libgit2 0.23.4: * various bug fixes and improvements - drop upstreamed libgit2-fix-.pc-file.patch- libgit2 0.23.3, containing critical fixes: * blame: guard xdiff calls for large files * diff: don't feed large files to xdiff * merge_file: treat large files as binary * xdiff: convert size variables to size_t * GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADDn: multi-arg adders- Add libgit2-fix-.pc-file.patch: Fix paths written in libgit2.pc.- libgit2 0.23.2: * documentation fixes * diff: don't error out on an invalid regex * http: propagate the credentials callback's error code * Fix bug in git_smart__push: push_transfer_progress cb is never called * remote: don't confuse tag auto-follow rules with refspec matching * curl: use the most secure auth method for the proxy * Forcing libssh2 lib location * fix duplicate basenames to support older VS - includes changes from 0.23.1: * Stage an unregistered submodule in _add_bypath() * filebuf: remove lockfile upon rename errors * Increase required version of cmake to 2.8 * Handle ssh:// and git:// urls containing a '~' character. * documentation updates * submodule URL handling fixes * index: allow add_bypath to update submodules * blob: fail to create a blob from a dir with EDIRECTORY * submodule: lookup the submodule by path if available * submdule: reproduce double-reporting of a submodule in foreach - note cmake requirement and use cmake makros - build with system libcurl - build with system http-parser- Update to version 0.23.0: + Changes or improvements: - Patience and minimal diff drivers can now be used for merges. - Merges can now ignore whitespace changes. - Updated binary identification in CRLF filtering to avoid false positives in UTF-8 files. - Rename and copy detection is enabled for small files. - Checkout can now handle an initial checkout of a repository, making GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE_CREATE unnecessary for users of clone. - The signature parameter in the ref-modifying functions has been removed. Use git_repository_set_ident() and git_repository_ident() to override the signature to be used. - The local transport now auto-scales the number of threads to use when creating the packfile instead of sticking to one. - Reference renaming now uses the right id for the old value. - The annotated version of branch creation, HEAD detaching and reset allow for specifying the expression from the user to be put into the reflog. - git_rebase_commit now returns GIT_EUNMERGED when you attempt to commit with unstaged changes. - On Mac OS X, we now use SecureTransport to provide the cryptographic support for HTTPS connections insead of OpenSSL. - Checkout can now accept an index for the baseline computations via the baseline_index member. - The configuration for fetching is no longer stored inside the git_remote struct but has been moved to a git_fetch_options. The remote functions now take these options or the callbacks instead of setting them beforehand. - git_submodule instances are no longer cached or shared across lookup. Each submodule represents the configuration at the time of loading. - The index now uses diffs for add_all() and update_all() which gives it a speed boost and closer semantics to git. - The ssh transport now reports the stderr output from the server as the error message, which allows you to get the "repository not found" messages. - git_index_conflict_add() will remove staged entries that exist for conflicted paths. - The flags for a git_diff_file will now have the GIT_DIFF_FLAG_EXISTS bit set when a file exists on that side of the diff. This is useful for understanding whether a side of the diff exists in the presence of a conflict. - The constructor for a write-stream into the odb now takes git_off_t instead of size_t for the size of the blob, which allows putting large files into the odb on 32-bit systems. - The remote's push and pull URLs now honor the url.$URL.insteadOf configuration. This allows modifying URL prefixes to a custom value via gitconfig. - git_diff_foreach, git_diff_blobs, git_diff_blob_to_buffer, and git_diff_buffers now accept a new binary callback of type git_diff_binary_cb that includes the binary diff information. - The race condition mitigations described in racy-git.txt have been implemented. - If libcurl is installed, we will use it to connect to HTTP(S) servers. + Various API changes (incl. breaking changes). - Rename libgit2-22 subpackage to libgit2-23, following upstreams soname bump (also in baselibs.conf).- Update to version 0.22.1: + The following (critical) fixes have been backported to this maintenance release: - checkout: introduce git_checkout_perfdata. - git_path_join_unrooted: return base len. - checkout: don't recreate previous directory. - checkout tests: nasty symlinks. - checkout: drop newline in error message. - checkout: remove files before writing new ones. - checkout tests: emulate p_realpath poorly on Win32. - checkout tests: cleanup realpath impl on Win32. - Changes from version 0.22.0: + git_signature_new() now requires a non-empty email address. + Use CommonCrypto libraries for SHA-1 calculation on Mac OS X. + Disable SSL compression and SSLv2 and SSLv3 ciphers in favor of TLSv1 in OpenSSL. + The fetch behavior of remotes with autotag set to GIT_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_TAGS_ALL has been changed to match git 1.9.0 and later. In this mode, libgit2 now fetches all tags in addition to whatever else needs to be fetched. + git_checkout() now handles case-changing renames correctly on case-insensitive filesystems; for example renaming "readme" to "README". + The search for libssh2 is now done via pkg-config instead of a custom search of a few directories. + Add support for core.protectHFS and core.protectNTFS. Add more validation for filenames which we write such as references. + The local transport now generates textual progress output like git-upload-pack does ("counting objects"). + git_checkout_index() can now check out an in-memory index that is not necessarily the repository's index, so you may check out an index that was produced by git_merge and friends while retaining the cached information. + Remove the default timeout for receiving / sending data over HTTP using the WinHTTP transport layer. + Add SPNEGO (Kerberos) authentication using GSSAPI on Unix systems. + Provide built-in objects for the empty blob (e69de29) and empty tree (4b825dc) objects. + The index' tree cache is now filled upon read-tree and write-tree and the cache is written to disk. + LF -> CRLF filter refuses to handle mixed-EOL files. + LF -> CRLF filter now runs when * text = auto (with Git for Windows 1.9.4). + File unlocks are atomic again via rename. Read-only files on Windows are made read-write if necessary. + Share open packfiles across repositories to share descriptors and mmaps. + Use a map for the treebuilder, making insertion O(1). + The build system now accepts an option EMBED_SSH_PATH which when set tells it to include a copy of libssh2 at the given location. This is enabled for MSVC. + Add support for refspecs with the asterisk in the middle of a pattern. + Fetching now performs opportunistic updates. To achieve this, we introduce a difference between active and passive refspecs, which make git_remote_download() and git_remote_fetch() to take a list of resfpecs to be the active list, similarly to how git fetch accepts a list on the command-line. + The THREADSAFE option to build libgit2 with threading support has been flipped to be on by default. + The remote object has learnt to prune remote-tracking branches. If the remote is configured to do so, this will happen via git_remote_fetch(). You can also call git_remote_prune() after connecting or fetching to perform the prune. - Rename libgit2-21 subpackage to libgit2-22, following upstreams soname bump (also in baselibs.conf).- Add baselibs.conf/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigs390zl32 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5d8725388c8ab34542c211208964402e94bebe88, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textUTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesASCII textPRRRRRRR R RR RR RRR RRRJx4iݬfꥋMutf-823105bed6bd20fa3bfedbd506129a3948c7c00cd39437da0d380389c61a85838?7zXZ !t/dӅ]"k%f0]dٶiqmT᩻Sv1/QLi~uOj['ko*FL~3C;MŜIh}_`TB1fihu QXqkB>{adph6VK}O zH@Xs~̽|̢l32Ir-Jk H{k57K] 5Cڍw 83nWT ΙMS4<.vuӂxk}E~:}LJQIQ sN8`r4^Q[hxUB:u˿h#M#k,ˊirͩ,%6-(i0Bp0w\IX]\_x2(m+㉢DsA bl ;"Aav!(SA V--Ēg[5`GXiV;`gH{m bh"uC];y Sk4gg[#5jtܜl 3ʄ#g0\BzD%怀.wV@k[Yi߆Ǧ/2s:" ;W]7SI_V`QoՑ'H4%6xn. 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