graphviz-php-2.40.1-6.12.1<>,'`p9|Da'‘|g1Mobvl;Swg[R\cVj<ұӠc8-+@XEIGҳrmA? &mj4*DX*Zr\yX^8csr45rsl#@_E}kBI F0VxQuMՃgjtKZYIBZ\pRnyJGTļqpń<ƂIUQ!y:>>L?<d  8 39@L R X d ' ,8GV|   (8 9D:SFGHIXY\]^bVcdefluvwxyz8Cgraphviz-php2. Extension for GraphvizThe graphviz-php package contains the PHP extension for the graphviz tools.`s390zp31SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC EPL-1.0큤```1728226ec4e3020c51545caf86a87128362bac1bce11e9f4483440d22d192330fa7db28fa8e68bc75397acd28c214daa36daf0b2684e8bd8d21c91bf0ef324110505eeb8fa22770b352e9f905b17ba7f68f86a2288674d27c212bec3422b4c18rootrootrootrootrootrootgraphviz-addons-2.40.1-6.12.1.src.rpmgraphviz-phpgraphviz-php(s390-64)^ϧ\Z]@Y@Y|YY@YV@Y@YY*Ux&U&i Added graphviz-null_dereference.patch to fix CVE-2018-10196 (boo#1093447)- Added graphivz-malformed_input.patch from commit 839085f8 to fix CVE-2019-11023 (boo#1132091)- Disable building the graphviz-ocaml package: we have no consumer of it, but not building it allows us to elminiate a build cycle.- Reverse last change.- Remove and graphviz-addon.* as they aren't needed anymore.- Replace the recommends for graphviz-gnome by a 'supplements packageand' so that graphviz doesn't pull in all the X11 related stuff on a machine without graphical desktop (bsc#930442).- Exclude %{_mandir}/man1/smyrna.1%{ext_man} from graphiz' main package, since the man page is packaged in the -smyrna sub package already.- Add bcond for java and ocaml that can be overriden in staging prj- Drop smyrna and gvedit separate spec, now handled by graphviz-addons * Switch graphviz-gvedit to Qt5: + graphviz-qt5.patch - Drop graphviz-plugin subkpg in favor of graphviz-addons.spec that is generated from graphviz directly - Make sure all patches are applied also in main package so none get lost by accident - Refresh patch graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch - Make sure graphviz php plugins are generated using php7 * set the php7 path in graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch - Remove tkspline from tcl package as it is no longer shipped - Make sure the pic/pie is enforced on all the libs/bins- Update to 2.40.1 release: * Remove usage of ast_common.h * network-simplex fixes and optimization (Stephen North) * built-in tred tool now available in the various swig generated language bindings (John Ellson) * number rounding added to SVG renderer (same as PS and TK rounding) to aid regression testing. (John Ellson) * additional regressson test framework, used in Travis CI builds. (Erwin Janssen) * PHP7 support (requires swig-3.0.11 or later). (John Ellson) * Allow user to specify clustering algorithm in gvmap. (Emden Gansner) * Add Sierpinski graph generator to gvgen. (Emden Gansner) * Extensive code cleanup (Erwin Janssen) * Removal of libgd source - use vanilla libgd from separate install * Windows builds (Erwin Janssen) * Appveyor CI for automated Windows build testing (Erwin Janssen) * Travis CI for Fedora/Centos builds (Erwin Janssen) * Added JSON output format, -Tjson (Emden Gansner) * New curved arrowhead, cylinder node shape. * Resolves bugs: 2599, 1172 * Add cylinder shape for databases. * Free installed plugins * Update makefile for dot so that the using libpanco_C in the static build include PANGOFT2 as well as PANGOCAIRO_LIBS (needed for some versions of Ubuntu) * Add json output format * output class value in svg files * Add plain shape for use with HTML-like labels. * Add icurve arrowhead. * Revert to old, translate to origin semantics in neato, etc. Add flag notranslate if that is what the user desires. - Run over with spec-cleaner and convert deps to pkgconfig - Fix Group - Remove unused pre requirements as there is no pre phase - Inline sed changes and do not rely on pipes - Do not add needless requires to devel pkg, there are no such stated dependencies in any of the .pc files provided - Add scriptlet to allow generating of the extras subpkg instead of having independent spec files- Add reproducible.patch to not have binaries depend on build system timings- Remove pangocairo and lasi support as it introduces build cycle- Build with pangocairo and lasi support.- fix ksh-specific constrictions in script - add patches: + graphviz-2.38.0-fix-gvmap.patchs390zp31 16273799502.40.1- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4b1a7c0c88efdff69fa937a9d2fdb895cda67b32, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)PHP script, ASCII textPRRRRR6!E[Kpjw-utf-8270d8ecdd4efb3dc4d0b9a0d8e632f062bed30bb5b8500506ba3d617b4d6545e? 7zXZ !t/ ]"k%rb٪Ѓj*aƠNKn9Y.cekB X[$X'\T 6R” \B]d0|~HDRd+Ŝ(8[Z# ld p=S ibLJ*X 31], SI;0zyUc-PȠKKpeԄ+>2׏B dCx%+mM7~d) LUF?bIhO2e'I9T# bG5&`Gԃy.Q++R`).<VGAPtPAʆVryh,\ʵ$Ȼw&^vTGK5"*uP`@ )moFxck%y͘]A@ɦLwsX+T#Bξ ɠD Mʺ73{dҡPﭶnVG@1Gk zxgGOUo:\7?l}7P{m0HHWLꨯġi8$Z ^?s'QZ))IA#B*#鶱c,AƑy#%Av+$vomzrq]6a \ޓa` \P'+T(2Ydr an'ibuHHU:vAhWǁvSa4m!v'=͆`[pY]W|6Ǘve2> ޖ7Nt9x(Hj劘nۻe~ΔiiChοEz/I7X&MZ<ٻz+k'3҉'u ƛ$ -Z^5\k[FPKscE<`dԓm*pzx6@\Sghc'\k2f%H81*’`,0pS#[bXHs]>A:,4Ĭ>Lkүkk# !ݮlńs=7ORIj@Uf:Ru;<ÿ0JHj.C ֬',*´%f#j;ZPˇ08A4ę{z'-Z8 )>2|Ԃe|:kPޚ\x`z{}b$E`|xV]##k`W p /qAU ["Ξ~R <L\K*Q/s~ ږovvSOUf/6FЋx]@(ޣS%X%^w%S t otpLJ\Qhe~e"a"?)[VF{&0}8m~вЙj}/ -DaUОh^Z9F/Y4S$G`049$Ϡ1K,Ws45p ;NuP(W66(QL%eO%1ar[*C:2ef.[DƩVq-k) &97:E0yckTAPz{ `3r4f =Y>:-;rxDzӅuv/TPq{#Ui\1"T.T櫪Kط52|ا5<Ѓ1cq K/*`PY?ŏ0(Q^uƪ-},FѸxDjiԬo%_s-#Z~ -~Dh9B-5n>>(FfgO.vEMg)qrHb}są3m%JO6Kh&O  V≉nF$3Tlp.E^ Ef RA "28Fjs~iO\ zR/g{Q1`L+`v v Xl+ZyUZ J6FU;sOE)MBO3gg]3k mͧk(C 9]}Q[P<)M' gz~b\@(V+I0M5}euȣ0{-EN<%8>qm;L9>o 9z2 YZ