graphviz-perl-2.40.1-6.12.1<>,'d`p9|1sj$$ajmzlK4W0E0+Z;iڜf^C8 XAh'a6dĖ%"(iBD/jAD7߹" GkT$ʺR3kRa&%i&%c .i.Dh=⽯'n$h#۩d.IČ_AuIq ~F+7t  XS%'sDܮ wZ;bzni!JK?>>h?Xd  : 7=DP V \ h + 0<KZ (89(:7FwGHIXY\]^bQcd|efluvwxyz TCgraphviz-perl2. extension for GraphvizThe graphviz-perl package contains the Perl extension for the graphviz tools.`s390zp31SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC EPL-1.0큤```fd9ded43362b66f395d2497a5fe7b6d1fcb299a7ce164c2b8f19da875371e08496a10f37d9cfa1a1bfa7ff9968ab62184791821922d205f8ff1ed9cf0fbcf0d642e84dd8a8347a1cd1e05f4b5e6421905106a138bbf1c6fceadf7c27b94397cerootrootrootrootrootrootgraphviz-addons-2.40.1-6.12.1.src.rpmgraphviz-perlgraphviz-perl(s390-64)^ϧ\Z]@Y@Y|YY@YV@Y@YY*Ux&U&i Added graphviz-null_dereference.patch to fix CVE-2018-10196 (boo#1093447)- Added graphivz-malformed_input.patch from commit 839085f8 to fix CVE-2019-11023 (boo#1132091)- Disable building the graphviz-ocaml package: we have no consumer of it, but not building it allows us to elminiate a build cycle.- Reverse last change.- Remove and graphviz-addon.* as they aren't needed anymore.- Replace the recommends for graphviz-gnome by a 'supplements packageand' so that graphviz doesn't pull in all the X11 related stuff on a machine without graphical desktop (bsc#930442).- Exclude %{_mandir}/man1/smyrna.1%{ext_man} from graphiz' main package, since the man page is packaged in the -smyrna sub package already.- Add bcond for java and ocaml that can be overriden in staging prj- Drop smyrna and gvedit separate spec, now handled by graphviz-addons * Switch graphviz-gvedit to Qt5: + graphviz-qt5.patch - Drop graphviz-plugin subkpg in favor of graphviz-addons.spec that is generated from graphviz directly - Make sure all patches are applied also in main package so none get lost by accident - Refresh patch graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch - Make sure graphviz php plugins are generated using php7 * set the php7 path in graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch - Remove tkspline from tcl package as it is no longer shipped - Make sure the pic/pie is enforced on all the libs/bins- Update to 2.40.1 release: * Remove usage of ast_common.h * network-simplex fixes and optimization (Stephen North) * built-in tred tool now available in the various swig generated language bindings (John Ellson) * number rounding added to SVG renderer (same as PS and TK rounding) to aid regression testing. (John Ellson) * additional regressson test framework, used in Travis CI builds. (Erwin Janssen) * PHP7 support (requires swig-3.0.11 or later). (John Ellson) * Allow user to specify clustering algorithm in gvmap. (Emden Gansner) * Add Sierpinski graph generator to gvgen. (Emden Gansner) * Extensive code cleanup (Erwin Janssen) * Removal of libgd source - use vanilla libgd from separate install * Windows builds (Erwin Janssen) * Appveyor CI for automated Windows build testing (Erwin Janssen) * Travis CI for Fedora/Centos builds (Erwin Janssen) * Added JSON output format, -Tjson (Emden Gansner) * New curved arrowhead, cylinder node shape. * Resolves bugs: 2599, 1172 * Add cylinder shape for databases. * Free installed plugins * Update makefile for dot so that the using libpanco_C in the static build include PANGOFT2 as well as PANGOCAIRO_LIBS (needed for some versions of Ubuntu) * Add json output format * output class value in svg files * Add plain shape for use with HTML-like labels. * Add icurve arrowhead. * Revert to old, translate to origin semantics in neato, etc. Add flag notranslate if that is what the user desires. - Run over with spec-cleaner and convert deps to pkgconfig - Fix Group - Remove unused pre requirements as there is no pre phase - Inline sed changes and do not rely on pipes - Do not add needless requires to devel pkg, there are no such stated dependencies in any of the .pc files provided - Add scriptlet to allow generating of the extras subpkg instead of having independent spec files- Add reproducible.patch to not have binaries depend on build system timings- Remove pangocairo and lasi support as it introduces build cycle- Build with pangocairo and lasi support.- fix ksh-specific constrictions in script - add patches: + graphviz-2.38.0-fix-gvmap.patchs390zp31 16273799502.40.1- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// module source textELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=001b7dda4cd952bcb1ee40ab1e8a3c973d3bf8c0, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) PPPR RRRR RRRRR R6!E[Kpjw-utf-8a0eb2b87aa5d964f159c6e279a046558ce6610bcb9435899f9c5bdc94f2d11f1? 7zXZ !t/ ]"k%w٪Ѓf$E!p \MM -놻wUa/u<* ,{̇]n)/]q\hB}qDn,K0'ƐLH|r]*0;DŽD&)-mVaEy>|z&nWH֡ 'ȷ69XSc)Dv8k4yko}vAŵƶO閿@~G)ԟ@^c37Hy&xGxnZ=, Eb 0Qy^lYz!F$7qsE -%]ooUhwWBς<%z"{n/2JXe U:р(ǜ@iQY?L<V=cn 7 sl^Μ0PO=36!|v$ZTZpONu$?!Qcg*h9С룭pe'nȨ.[Z]6jDM:ɊzRU3(P\ MQOT߁,vTwR a{\K)SPz^U{k^Aأ -v\d 8 ٭srmm3ջWlQ>>h/I$Qknn hS~ߧ/J4hϑ( #!87q՟KuٰA,~A[\x{"^|(EʸyxlAt(0Sʑ yB$xr=&Wf.T'J#c꾏i*^qtW_Z9|!w5G!at㠊)IV55 =Zt~դQ:6N1a,nBa\`>ʂa2g|dvW 6tv-r5QHC2Asۊ{y ?G׷2CT@ܪ{0+kvړ`$l#kŭrؓ϶ ͤxQY;błMNX%@dAРðw `~D mQ ؟zjSL4y β" q:Iu&Y. u0 3Sd靪Vq[\)Yzz$:} ߀_j@ j 3 1*rqFfko8X}=L0T{i@ fO,W^exN(RU<!-eƔ^ QStٷibo%'[bRz/Md*B?ŏ3{H vưXJ8-p[_\[cvFΗK$%c_7q~i)nS YSAYU^k.!M~³NStXK#o Clhr,ρ7$0<21ؿ'Y,POuCoϕ[aal^+VB( igAVs糑u3̝pkgkpBY8UI⡤GS\s ^tK)((թM23uϮK֛9F:~g?cmEbIo(ˡv]kՀ=%:^릣}(E[m;$r6;t)fĂRWsxiA5ez.6quӻ Tv` N0?AZ쓥< }mZ ۰ߘjDjɌbv/F# ^.Hےo*z zJĮj"eLw= SH=T劣(.7<r