caribou-gtk3-module-0.4.21-12.5.1<>,X`p9|]n{X5I wD uV!tLw`lig0?R15<`Yû1t9NpgR`% Bd==w+{-^kYa>Gt,M!YAo71! +- /tS]z4xg{9g ؔ.z NWrj "~oI:Z+ 5LDKp]:1ҵ}8ź2Ǔ~szmV>A?pd $ RTX`d}       Q TX]b(89:0F\GpHtIxX|Y\]^bcd eflu(v,wxy z $*lCcaribou-gtk3-module0.4.2112.5.1On-screen Keyboard for GNOME -- GTK+ 3 ModuleCaribou is a text entry and UI navigation application being developed as an alternative to the Gnome On-screen Keyboard. The overarching goal for Caribou is to create a usable solution for people whose primary way of accessing a computer is a switch device.`s390lpdSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-or-later`f261e79540ed9772a77154d02065a098aab53d5f85ecf4235a85ae22b7e4cb42rootrootcaribou-0.4.21-12.5.1.src.rpmcaribou-gtk3-modulecaribou-gtk3-module(s390-64)`\`r^AE^2@ZZ@ZW@W@V@V@U.RU TTsmgorse@suse.c Add caribou-css-fix.patch: fix failure to start in GNOME flashback (boo#1187112).- Add caribou-vala-build-fix.patch: fix build with newer valac versions (boo#1186617). - Add caribou-CVE-2021-3567.patch: fix segfault when attempting to use shifted characters (boo#1186617 CVE-2021-3567).- Add python3-gobject BuildRequires: We eliminated an auto-pull-in of the python stack for consumers of the C-headers. Caribou uses both.- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Drop %py_requires: this is a python2 dependency, but the package was already migrated to python3.- Switch build to python3. - Remove glib2_gsettings_schema macros calls in post/postun, not needed anymore with filetriggers.- Update to version 0.4.21: + bgo#768104: Initialize Clutter explicitly in antler code. + bgo#768105: Fix theme parsing error for antler keyboard style.css. + bgo#767664: Add missing python3 compatibility. + Updated translations.- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572- Update to version 0.4.20: + bgo#758490: Please make caribou compatible with python3. + bgo#759896: German (qwertz) fullscale layout. + bgo#760470: Proposing a new fullscale keyboard layout. + bgo#756623: No Polish diacritic letters. + Updated translations.- Update to version 0.4.19: + xadapter: Avoid a crash when Xkl doesn't know the real xkb groups (bgo#756194).- Update to version + bgo#747273: display-adapter: Allow setting an external default adapter instance. + Updated translations.- Update to version 0.4.18: + Updated translations.- Update to version 0.4.17: + Bundle tools to generate and manipulate keyboard layout files. + bgo#691811: Add support for azerty layout as seen in french. + bgo#743267: Caribou does 100-130 syscalls for each keypress. + bgo#743880: String that is hard to understand. + Updated translations.- Update to version 0.4.16: + Stop using deprecated accessibility events ("focus:*"). + bgo#739837: Allow label overwrite in keyboard layout. + bgo#739716: Add more keys to label_map. + bgo#739711: Escape key does not work in us layout. + bgo#739526: Some buttons do not have a label. + bgo#722634: [regression] build failure: ImportError: No module named 'caribou_settings'. + Updated translations.s390lpd -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8ca1d2ffaf0f1474d3949a8c17bedd6d0635d804, stripped PRRR RRRR RR RuntoqR-[;packageand(caribou:gtk3)utf-801fd21008c1c604c31f9e8a7ffd68630d4cc89fa5b5d05b6ab205f6b414164ff?7zXZ !t/^]"k%hS5'7c-@!3~2R;QZf?qvxth#-Ѿ 9F8ʽKo-|UC/gF%$RWstQ6ZPA#Nc f mBnƦ;g4u_{pl.8]]$S?4̔Kf5VSouεy.-8FDc1sBf߀_8TyX:Sc‰OƛYςgW4cdЃ֒HM. {ArjN8O7U]J^LcMiEpBmj8R HMW^4MLʱGV%BXn"C _֚mںz@&vȔm ~]Rmzrڼ,~vz}XUa6K.v;u jPA/[\"Ƅ=lPg=I`H-t+jݚ$ nWg~VH\ʬ_:Jz||p o[?nrEuEuZN./A@#^V"uA]\{0|`[Cb\Swfe ,Qt)'W>014{GgPX7HFu﷢AG=ۡn鞫bl!c,+)Cf󉘽 œ vuXXl[$3UaO=f\.R,x" .{M[| 4MKb 9{xBĈ;( d/feά/ߊüS3*g=$¦EDWFE Wٱ=D߾v4j}:E]8u(LKBIH! 2KEV.ժ=>Ǵ?:~5o!N@o9X GSF2^SYjOZu'hr!;4. iqL>%•7"$~I <15dHR QJ):(\A0JiWGn[oY#"$D2Ӷ@D9D<;&Wz(9[7OoCZ)p[s/RghX6^yp5MMvƾ7oZ҈B]l>i??z:Pg3JDgʯAMf5nu"t6@^@b/?}1bVd&嶑}G4o-2bIJ`%8[N28n7 G1AL43c~q9*Oԕe{P@U<=Jo>cftjkADY28Ils,XXiaZ+k[ϟt0Oed*ʆQ5~ns,kNmܲ価\v/A04yXn71GJu=ITOHG/`4!j˧]g>z=({d9&ˬ :+~$X9}|c9BJ}I)vzs3f<7xI)HGo$/Dbi Zgo9Vʲ `;sc[-JuQ9;HTݎ:1L+FWvKGw1Ȓ YZ