libdlm-devel-4.0.9-6.8.1<>, ap9| ~Wh-oL~߻I6JFk`I+ڴ {X$ec՘9fo75=[MK~ ~5ʧiyE,rf!dt#[PЏ*I?94$)Z® @^+km;ЖC+l[&x Ԃݯfl1yEɅ 6qqlSCZyկ&KyVMp{>#m2;C_Y !Dg>>?d  W2D Zz    H 0K(v89:FG4HTItX|Y\]^Ebucdefluvwx$yDz\lpvClibdlm-devel4. files for the kernel's distributed lock managerLibraries and tools that allow applications, particularly filesystems like OCFS2, to interface with the in-kernel distributed lock manager.aibs-arm-34SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-or-later and C++ сaaaaaaaaf4c56c66f4c9854523e246cbefc5c8860c8a7a6c8383cdb3874c9c448d7be59274e635     /usr/bin/pkg-configlibdlm3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)`^@]H@[_[h8@Z@X@X@W@VUCjU*^ Do build with SUSE's %optflags. - Abolish historic specfile constructs. - Rework libdlm3 require with a shared library version tag instead so it propagates to all consuming packages.- Add require libdlm3 (bsc#1177658)- Add dependency relationship between libdlm and dlm-kmp (bsc#1121380)- Add notes in dlm.conf man page (bsc#1175812) * add dlm_controld-add-note-that-the-dlm-file-is-not-creat.patch- Support uint64_t corosync ringid (bsc#1168771) * add cluster-ringid-seq.patch- Update to v4.0.9 * include some fixes/enhancements for dlm_controld (bsc#1144793) * source moved to * drop 0004-bsc#1098449-dlm_stonith-explicitly-use-libstonithd.patch- Explicitly use and link libstonithd from libpacemaker3 (bsc#1098449) * 0004-bsc#1098449-dlm_stonith-explicitly-use-libstonithd.patch- sysmacros.patch: Include for minor- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)- Use source URL; drop redundant %clean section; rectify RPM groups; run fdupes to merge duplicate files.- Update to v4.0.7 * bsc#1023595: libdlm: upgrade version to 4.0.7 - Re-add the dropped bsc numbers to follow the factory-first policy * take Factory fixes for SLE12 (boo#944795, bsc#944797)- Update to v4.0.6 * In v4.0.4, there's a stupid and severe bug so that upstream released v4.0.5 soon with an urgent fix * Upstream merged our fix for bsc#977201 with release v4.0.6, so I still use the 2 below bugs for this updates: * bsc#967332: libdlm: package update to v4.0.4 * bsc#977201: output of `dlm_tool ls` should distinguish causes for "wait fencing" message - Drop patches * bnc#875122dlm_controld-fix-long-name-in-log-entry.patch * build-dlm_stonith.patch - Rename patches more readable * remove: Makefile-for-diff-arch.patch, remove-sd-notify.patch, bnc#874705nodes-without-quorum.patch * add: 0001-makefile-for-diff-arch.patch, 0002-remove-sd-notify.patch, 0003-bnc#874705-nodes-without-quorum.patch- Update to V4.0.4 * Remove build-dlm_stonith.patch * Reove bnc#875122dlm_controld-fix-long-name-in-log-entry.patch- Avoid running sh for %post ldconfig - Default to implicit -n for %setup- Move udev rules to %{_udevrulesdir}, packages should not ship files in /etc/udev/rules.d which is reserved for the sysadmin.- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd-devel.ibs-arm-3 16366281114.0.9- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// source, ASCII textpkgconfig filePRPRPRvyYʈ)#FUutf-81604a93ed9b7d5e8af15d229d583b1ad8613f130f0adec078eefb730fab63d14? 7zXZ !t/ ]"k%ndஊ'ǚ3J\]4I)hJLi t~jH;6OYB_3yuΕMR(BoOq_~2|MЀ霴1M`a셢 %Oih_wK9uq}FEQb@V5#qZ2tDݞvM4 nd[EacW\X| W5` X}X/&7дQl P:^q}U3x+s ݿUq+Y/C7#[~oY_" )C+V"^q[Bpaf%[؂ k&o81iH긆N0Pڻ#OŹj%B=iP1NHL'BtۤPDk6#@soIKXkU >ŵc[rɴý) s8v{-)e]7M^E3 +2FJ 5 z8JOkK-J?TdU)/ rCrsB5X7g>rveMB}/j02^6393e[/sBYMnFaW"'ND7\8$:H7[1h_3}ՏTKS/0^ օ!4\e ;T_>^3[C 7ZfrUyC"=4 + dAPͅ`txbj9@>MKo4 Fہm$`VlB܀vBHX$ 8ȭJ!rR"f&bhq1R̪;J;8aY43pGD,]gwe[ڏQ =b 0=QWOHE1YJ\bf"Dql HtUj :[ .Y qOhO9=__uGWp[9h> ]:dBd)]ZQI;(Cio-Q* YZ