augeas-1.10.1-150000.3.12.1<>,pbTep9|'G($3dcsSFHLa dS28~Ia568\V.Jzy O負CӟylڨzTj:gL* x=ikqY\WO.~!X{B $-0 ʀ*len4`]zļPc9SMKw3$qFB-"frK+oBE˺zcՄZ)$2Q&Y-!  נ]Vg>>U(?Ud   J| +1< l        X  d    0 `x ( 8 9 : FLGL HL IM, XM8YM@\Ml ]M ^NbNcO:dOeOfOlOuO vPwS xS yT &zTTTTUCaugeas1.10.1150000.3.12.1An utility for changing configuration filesAn utility for programmatically editing configuration files. Augeas parses configuration files into a tree structure. The transformation works very hard to preserve comments and formatting details. It is controlled by ``lens'' definitions that describe the file format and the transformation into a tree.bTeibs-arm-4DfSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later p   hag '΁A큤A큤bTdbTdbTdbTdbTeZR4ZnbTeHqAbTdbTdbTdbe4b5154bf1e2e3f4eb10b87d6e10953ac2303683d83f2bf5aa176270183b7ffe469cde4800a47ee35c06b1dd137dd74f14753cfad3e4eac7ba56681e54946dd3e81ba5318ae57941d0b423ce65b80e148dca9ef51e7d67d50f1fc863bf3ac56a8ed9ac6a21fbcbe3480d034187836da1adfdd5a366608486df17431ea7068c97fe8c30faba06692c0c6d6acae920696cfd263d1c423b0c3314890c0e5be9dec693955b117ac9f2ffac92ffccdd23b8d706241b7e475b42083dd07188b612b95ca0061fc1381a3ab242310e4b3f56389f28e3d460eb2fd822ed7a21c6f030532ae370fc2ecc0e9e80c2fb0c0c8182864c90a369198945abf9bbb9393e2479e6a6738db366c511b7bb48ba87be64f93546d86235c5b88250353cbce42194a22a983210e06117d2adfd77ac288c0b1f15e5c47db311e0caaeac9e9d9cad153b0ferootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootaugeas-1.10.1-150000.3.12.1.src.rpmaugeasaugeas(aarch-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\>@ZZY@Y-^ add augeas-sysctl_parsing.patch (bsc#1197443) * backport original patch and rebase- support new chrony 4.1 options (jsc#SLE-17334) augeas-new_options_for_chrony.patch- Allow all printable ASCII characters in WPA-PSK definition * augeas-allow_printable_ASCII.patch * bsc#1187512 * Sourced from * Credit to Michal Filka bool' for path expressions The path expression 'label[. = "value"]' can now be written more concisely as 'label["value"]' API changes libfa has now a function fa_json to export an FA as a JSON file, and fa_state_* functions that make it possible to iterate over the FA's states and transitions. (Pedro Valero Mejia) Add functions aug_ns_label, aug_ns_value, aug_ns_count, and aug_ns_path to get the label (with index), the value, the number of nodes, and the fully qualified path for nodes stored in a nodeset in a variable efficiently Lens changes/additions Grubenv: new lens to process /boot/grub/grubenv (omgold) Httpd: also read files from /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/*.conf (Tomas Meszaros) (Issue #537) Nsswitch: allow comments at the end of a line (Philip Hahn) (Issue #517) Ntp: accept 'ntpsigndsocket' statement (Philip Hahn) (Issue #516) Properties: accept empty comments with DOS line endings (Issue #161) Rancid: new lens for RANCiD router databases (Matt Dainty) Resolv: accept empty comments with DOS line endings (Issue #161) Systemd: also process /etc/systemd/logind.conf (Pat Riehecky) YAML: process a document that is just a sequence (John Vandenberg) - drop chrpath dependency, the offending dump binary is no longer shipped- Use %license (boo#1082318)- Version update to 1.9.0: - General changes/additions * Fix error in handling escaped whitespace at the end of path expressions (addresses CVE-2017-7555) * several improvements to the error messages when transforming a tree back to text fails. They now make it clearer what part of the tree was problematic, and what the tree should have looked like. * Fixed the pkg-config file, which should now be usable * Fix handling of backslash-escaping in strings and regular expressions in the lens language. We used to handle constructs like "\\" and /\\\\/ incorrectly. (Issue #495) * do not unescape the default value of a del on create; otherwise we are double unescaping these strings (Issue #507) * remove tempfile when saving files because destination is not writable (Issue #479) * span information is now updated on save (Issue #467) * fix lots of warnings generated by gcc 7.1 * Various changes to reduce bashisms in tests and make them run on FreeBSD (Romain Tartière) - API changes * add function aug_ns_attr to allow iterating through a nodeset quickly. See examples/dump.c for an example of how to use them instead of aug_get, aug_label etc. and for a way to measure performance gains. - Lens changes/additions * Ceph: new lens for /etc/ceph/ceph.conf * Cgconfig: accept fperm & dperm in admin & task (Pino Toscano) * Dovecot: also load files from /usr/local/etc (Roy Hubbard) * Exports: relax the rules for the path at the beginning of a line so that double-quoted paths are legal, too * Getcap: new lens to parse generic termcap-style capability databases * Grub: accept toplevel 'boot' entry (Pino Toscano) * Httpd: handle empty comments with a continuation line (Issue #423); handle '>""' in a directive properly (Issue #429); make space between quoted arguments optional (Issue #435); accept quoted strings as part of bare arguments (Issue #470) * Nginx: load files from sites-available directory (Omer Katz) (Issue #471) * Nslcd: new lens for nss-pam-ldapd config (Jose Plana) * Oz: New lense for /etc/oz/oz.cnf * postfix lenses: also load files from /usr/local/etc (Roy Hubbard) * Properties: accept DOS line endings (Issue #468) * Rtadvd: new lens to parse the rtadvd configuration file (Matt Dainty) * Rsyslog: load files from /etc/rsyslog.d (Doug Wilson) (Issue #475); allow spaces before the # starting a comment; allow comments inside config statements like 'module' * Ssh: accept '=' to separate keyword from arguments * Sshd: split HostKeyAlgorithms into list of values; recognize quoted group names with spaces in them (Issue #477) * Sudoers: recognize "match_group_by_gid" (Luigi Toscano) (Issue #482) * Syslog: allow spaces before the # starting a comment * Termcap: new lens to parse termcap capability databases (Matt Dainty) * Vsftpd: accept seccomp_sandbox (Denys Stroebel) * Xymon: accept 'group-sorted' directive (Issue #462)- Version update to 1.8.0: * See the News file for all the details - Verified it contains fixes for bsc#933210 bsc#975729 bsc#925225 bsc#1023204 CVE-2014-8119- Version update to 1.6.0: * See the NEWS file for the details- Update to version 1.5.0: - General changes/additions * augtool: new --timing option that prints after each operation how long it took * augtool: print brief help message when incorrect options are given rather than dumping all help text * Path expressions: optimize performance of evaluating certain expressions * lots of safety improvements in libfa to avoid using uninitialized values and the like (Daniel Trebbien) * tolerate building against OSX' libedit (Issue #256) - API changes * aug_match: fix a bug where expressions like /foo/*[2] would match a hidden node and pretend there was no match at all. We now make sure we never match a hidden node. Thanks to Xavier Mol for reporting the problem. * aug_get: make sure we set *value to NULL, even if the provided path is invalid (Issue #372) * aug_rm: fix segfault when deleting a tree and one of its ancestors (Issue #319) * aug_save: fix segfault when trying to save an invalid subtree. A routine that was generating details for the error message overflowed a buffer it had created (Issue #349) - Lens changes/additions * AptConf: support hash comments * AptSources: support options (Issue #295), support brackets with spaces in URI (GH #296) rename test file to test_aptsources.aug * Chrony: allow signed numbers and indentation, fix stray EOL entry, disallow comment on EOL, add many missing directives and options (Miroslav Lichvar, RHBZ#1213281) add new directives and options that were added in chrony-2.2 and chrony-2.3 and improve parsing of access configuration (Miroslav Lichvar, Issue #348) add new options for chrony-2.4 (Miroslav Lichvar) * Dhclient: avoid put ambiguity for node without value (Issue #294) * Group: support NIS map, support an overridden and disabled password, i.e. `+:*::` (Matt Dainty) (Issue #258) * Host_Conf: support spaces between list items (Cedric Bosdonnat, Issue #358) * Httpd: add paths to SLES vhosts (Jan Doleschal) (Issue #268) parse backslashes in directive arguments (Issue #307) parse mismatching case of opening/closing tags parse multiple ending section tags on one line parse wordlists in braces in SSLRequire directives parse directive args starting with double quote (Issue #330) parse directive args containing quotes support perl directives (Issue #327) parse line breaks/continuations in section arguments parse escaped spaces in directive/section arguments parse backslashes at the start of directive args (Issue #324) * Inputrc: support $else (Cedric Bosdonnat, Issue #359) * Interfaces: add support for source-directory (Issue #306) * Json: add comments support, refactor, allow escaped quotes and blackslashes * Keepalived: fix space/tag alignments and hanging spaces, add vrrp_mcast_group4 and vrrp_mcast_group6, add more vrrp_instance flags, add mcast/unicast_src_ip and unicast_peer, add missing garp options, add vrrp_script options, expand vrrp_sync_group block, allow notify option (Joe Topjian) (Issue #266) * Known_Hosts: refactoring and description fixed * Logrotate: support dateyesterday option (Chris Reeves) (GH #367, #368) * MasterPasswd: new lens to parse /etc/master.passwd (Matt Dainty) (Issue #258) * Multipath: add various missing keywoards (Olivier Mangold) (Issue #289) * MySQL: include /etc/my.cnf.d/*.cnf (Issue #353) * Nginx: improve typechecking of lens, allow masks in IP keys and IPv6 (Issue #260) add @server simple nodes (Issue #335) * Ntp: add support for basic interface syntax * OpenShift_Quickstarts: Use Json.lns * OpenVPN: add all options available in OpenVPN 2.3o (Justin Akers) (Issue #278) * Puppetfile: name separator is not mandatory add support for moduledir (Christoph Maser) * Rabbitmq: remove space in option name, add support for cluster_partitioning_handling, add missing simple options (Joe Topjian) (Issue #264) * Reprepro_Uploaders: add support for distribution field (Mathieu Alorent) (Issue #277), add support for groups (Issue #283) * Rhsm: new lens to parse subscription-manager's /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf * Rsyslog: improve property filter parsing, treat whitespace after commas as optional. recognize '~' as a valid syslog action (discard) (Gregory Smith) (Issue #282), add support for redirecting output to named pipes (Gerlof Fokkema) (Issue #366) * Shellvars: allow partial quoting, mixing multiple styles (Kaarle Ritvanen) (Issue #183); allow wrapping builtin argument to multiple lines (Kaarle Ritvanen) (Issue #184); support ;; on same line with multiple commands (Kaarle Ritvanen) (Issue #185); allow line wrapping and improve quoting support (Kaarle Ritvanen) (Issue #187); accept [] and [[]] builtins (Issue #188); allow && and || constructs after condition (Kaarle Ritvanen) (Issue #265); add pattern nodes in case entries (BREAKING CHANGE: case entry values are now in a @pattern subnode) (Kaarle Ritvanen) (Issue #265) add eval builtin support; add alias builtin support; allow (almost) any command; allow && and || after commands (Issue #215); allow wrapping command sequences (Kaarle Ritvanen) (Issue #333); allow command-specific environment variable (Kaarle Ritvanen) (Issue #332); support subshells (Issue #339) newlines in start of functions allow newlines after actions support comments after function name (Issue #339) exclude SuSEfirewall2 (Cedric Bosdonnat, Issue #357) * Simplelines: parse OpenBSD's hostname.if(5) files (Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse) (Issue #252) * Smbusers: add support for ; comments * Spacevars: support flags (Issue #279) * Ssh: add support for HostKeyAlgorithms, KexAlgorithms and PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes (Oliver Mangold) (Issue #290), add support for GlobalKnownHostsFile (Issue #316) * Star: New lens to parse /etc/default/star * Sudoers: support for negated command alias (Geoff Williams) (Issue #262) * Syslog: recognize '~' as a valid syslog action (discard) (Gregory Smith) (Issue #282) * Tmpfiles: new lens to parse systemd's tempfiles.d configuration files (Julien Pivotto) (Issue #269) * Trapperkeeper: new lens for Puppet server configuration files * Util: add comment_c_style_or_hash lens add empty_any lens * Vsftpd: add isolate and isolate_network options (Florian Chazal) (Issue #334) * Xml: allow empty document (Issue #255) * YAML: new lens (subset) (Dimitar Dimitrov) (Issue #338) - Drop upstreamed patches: 27d8457-inputrc-lens-support-mapping-like.patch 2d12670-inputrc-lens-support-else.patch 49bcfbe-Exclude-network-if-up.d-SuSEfirewall2-in-shellvars-l.patch 7558c12-host_conf-lens-spaces-between-list-items-support.patch- Fix errors showing up in guestfs tools. Add upstreamed patches: 27d8457-inputrc-lens-support-mapping-like.patch 2d12670-inputrc-lens-support-else.patch 49bcfbe-Exclude-network-if-up.d-SuSEfirewall2-in-shellvars-l.patch 7558c12-host_conf-lens-spaces-between-list-items-support.patch- Version bump to 1.4.0: * Loads of bugfixes all around the package * Read up NEWS file for the detailed changes- Whitespace- restore keyring and .sig file, as this is checked by the OBS source service- Update to version 1.3.0 + General changes/additions * Add missing cp entry in manpage (GH issue #78) * Add seq to vim syntax highlight (Robert Drake) * Update augtool.1 man page with new commands and --span, RHBZ#1100077 * augtool autocomplete includes command aliases, RHBZ#1100184 * Remove unused "filename" argument from dump-xml command, RHBZ#1100106 * aug_save returns non-zero result when unable to delete files, RHBZ#1091143 + Lens changes/additions * Aliases: permit missing whitespace between colon and recipients * AptPreferences: Support spaces in origin fields * Cgconfig: handle additional valid controllers (Andy Grimm) * Chrony: New lens to parse /etc/chrony.conf (Pat Riehecky) * CPanel: New lens to parse cpanel.config files * Desktop: Allow @ in keys (GH issue #92) * Device_map: Parse all files under /boot (Mike Latimer) * Dhclient: Add support for option modifiers (Robert Drake, GH issue #95) Parse hash statements with dhcp-eval strings * Dhcpd: stmt_string quoted blocks no longer store quote marks (incompatible change), many changes to support more record types (Robert Drake) * Group: NIS support (KaMichael) * Grub: handle "foreground" option, RHBZ#1059383 (Miguel Armas) * Gshadow: New lens (Lorenzo Catucci) * Httpd: Allow eol comments after section tags Allow continued lines inside quoted value (GH issue #104) Allow comparison operators in tags (GH issue #154) * IPRoute2: handle "/" in protocol name, swap ID and name fields (incompatible change), RHBZ#1063968, handle hex IDs and hyphens, as present in rt_dsfield, RHBZ#1063961 * Iptables: parse /etc/sysconfig/, RHBZ#1144651 * Kdump: parse new options, permit EOL comments, refactor, RHBZ#1139298 * Keepalived: Add more virtual/real server settings and checks, RHBZ#1064388 * Known_Hosts: New lens for SSH known hosts files * Krb5: permit braces in values when not in sub-section, RHBZ#1066419 * Ldso: handle "hwcap" lines (GH issue #100) * Lvm: support negative numbers, parse /etc/lvm/lvm.conf (Pino Toscano) * Multipath: add support for rr_min_io_rq (Joel Loudermilk) * NagiosConfig and NagiosObjects: Fix documentation (Simon Sehier) * NetworkManager: Use the Quote module, support # in values (no eol comments) * OpenVPN: Add support for fragment, mssfix, and script-security (Frank Grötzner) * Pagekite: New lens (Michael Pimmer) * Pam: Add partial support for arguments enclosed in [] (Vincent Brillault) * Passwd: Refactor lens (Lorenzo Catucci) * Redis: Allow empty quoted values (GH issue #115) * Rmt: New lens to parse /etc/default/rmt, RHBZ#1100549 * Rsyslog: support complex $template lines, property filters and file actions with templates, RHBZ#1083016 * Services: permit colons in service name, RHBZ#1121263 * Shadow: New lens (Lorenzo Catucci) * Shellvars: Handle case statements with same-line ';;', RHBZ#1033799 Allow any kind of quoted values in block conditions (GH issue #118) Support $(( .. )) arithmetic expansion in variable assignment, RHBZ#1100550 * Simplevars: Support flags and empty values * Sshd: Allow all types of entries in Match groups (GH issue #75) * Sssd: Allow ; for comments * Squid: Support configuration files for squid 3 (Mykola Nikishov) * Sudoers: Allow wuoted string in default str/bool params (Nick Piacentine) * Syslog: Support "# !" style comments (Robert Drake, GH issue #65) Permit IPv6 loghost addresses, RHBZ#1129388 * Systemd: Allow quoted Environment key=value pairs, RHBZ#1100547 Parse /etc/sysconfig/*.systemd, RHBZ#1083022 Parse semicolons inside entry values, RHBZ#1139498 * Tuned: New lens for /etc/tuned/tuned-main.conf (Pat Riehecky) * UpdateDB: New lens to parse /etc/updatedb.conf (incompatible change as this file used to be processed with Simplevars) * Xml: Allow backslash in #attribute values (GH issue #145) Parse CDATA elements (GH issue #80) * Xymon_Alerting: refactor lens (GH issue #89) - Remove the sig and the keyring file as there is no gpg verification anyway - Remove augeas-device_map-grub2.patch, fixed on upstream releaseibs-arm-4 1649698239 1.10.1-150000. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=c4c7d43ad1efd4ebeaca4a5ea25875eff8567b5f, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=61ba37bc0957978700c47be7fae3250d5fa4a44f, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=8f436e799b368b973246a500db0b67f559239ba3, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=db7c888f632ff8242ac0826e2dc886876f8c2726, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) RR RRRRRRR RRRR RRR RRRR RRR RRR RRRR RRR RR R R RX_ܒNmvutf-83fb9bb311cd36813bcbd0c0858dde748d874b8cbbbcb10c1ac1fec892aaa9079? 7zXZ !t/ҜQ 1bis܏EZ6qk茒\M2(ۈQI4ҼX)x*! 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