hack-fonts-3.003-bp153.2.2.1<>,"a+4!M@eee">El:B)Cx grˎYF+LC'>5J؀ JY\D8vmM=q]6q?rOH5B¢Tyֱj}V=Z!!YGb;.T, zc [ƫʂ+y'a|7m|`a&[+EvωjnZ5 V'pI 85+V V"m ECOIfJ@`:Il\D| \ND>A?d   C $CIPLl |   4 <\ 4  (8 98 : >M@UF]GtHIXY\]^hbc{d%e*f-l/uDvdzChack-fonts3.003bp153.2.2.1A typeface designed for source codeA typeface designed for source code Hack includes monospaced regular, bold, oblique, and bold oblique sets to cover all of your syntax highlighting needs. Over 1500 glyphs that include lovingly tuned expanded Latin, modern Greek, and Cyrillic character sets. Powerline glyphs are included in the regular set. Patching is not necessary. Install and go.a+4cloud130SUSE Linux Enterprise 15openSUSEMIT AND SUSE-Bitstream-Verahttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/X11/Fontshttp://sourcefoundry.org/hack/linuxnoarch mkdir -p `dirname /run/fontpackages/reconfigure-fonts` touch /run/fontpackages/reconfigure-fonts if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then if test -x /usr/sbin/fonts-config ; then LC_ALL=POSIX /usr/sbin/fonts-config --quiet fi fi31ؼA큤A큤a+4a+4a+4a+4a+4a+4a+4a+41f61bb7c790c59b4b0ecdf304628b94e42ae4c8020094a8c3da73381ab212623249886125a58c914ab83a92659ca4e12c39a40535e9eeca735dd57f1232641055bbf531eff7f8a0c2559c9a0656718e2828a012a9b1f60b5f54006d59a4de8d464f74a079700b7dfe128551a1e28875d5ba980971e55f5e0f0596e37bdc6a6bc096fb67a2b85f3c866e9cb3e965b27c2c10b977315f4d3d7f095674be35091c115f55cc0c85a2988d2b4b3a8cdb5d77fdfbaf319e1bb5309d725db9818fb7125rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootroothack-fonts-3.003-bp153.2.2.1.src.rpmHackhack-fonts      /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shaaa_basecoreutilscoreutilscoreutilsperlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.1ZVW4p@V@Vn@Vf@VZUUUUU@UAcornelis@solcon.nlfcrozat@suse.comfcrozat@suse.comfcrozat@suse.comfcrozat@suse.comfcrozat@suse.comhot123tea123@gmail.comhot123tea123@gmail.comfcrozat@suse.compgajdos@suse.comfcrozat@suse.comaevseev@gmail.com- Release 3.003; Major changes: * New license: + Eliminated Hack Open Font License + Added MIT License for Hack work + These license changes eliminated the Reserved Font Name "Hack" in the typeface license + No changes to co-licensure with the Bitstream Vera license from upstream source * Only provide ttf * For details, see https://github.com/source-foundry/Hack/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md - Update LICENSE.md and README.md to the versions from master - Removed service file, seems unnecessary- Release 2.020: * adjusted size / positioning on a lot of glyphs.- Release 2.019: * adjusted size / positioning on a lot of glyphs. - Update url for LICENSE.md and README.md to fetch released version of those files from github.- Fix license tag to SUSE-Hack-Open-Font-2.0 and SUSE-Bitstream-Vera. - Ensure to install README.md and LICENSE.md.- Release 2.018: * Add missing glyphs (U+016C, U+016D. - Changes from 2.016/2.017: * increased vertical position of the tilde. * increased width of the vertical stroke on the dollar symbol. * modified Cyrillic upper case C (U+0421) to differentiate from Latin C. * upper case theta (U+0398) to differentiate from lower case theta. * add missing glyphs (U+0132, U+0133, U+013F, U+0140, U+0162 U+0163, U+0138, U+266A, U+0149, U+1EF9, U+1EF8, U+1EBD, U+1EBC U+2116, U+01A4, U+0108, U+0109, U+011C, U+011D, U+0124, U+0125 U+0134, U+0135, U+015C, U+015D, U+016C, U+016D, U+20B7. * fixed missing null glyph (U+0000) in regular, italic, bolditalic sets. * removed duplicate CR glyph (U+000D) in all sets. * updated ttfautohint to version 1.4.1 for TrueType.- Release 2.015: * new vertical metrics = decreased line spacing height * adjusted vertical position of the colon to a higher position, improves alignment with other punctuation glyphs (U+003A). * changed vertical position of the dash (U+002D) so that regular and oblique, bold and bold oblique are properly aligned. * updated hinting algorithm for bold set (improved point position over stem of lowercase j/i for some text sizes). * underscore (U+005F) centered, increased width, increased height & aligned vertical position closer to baseline. * increased vertical position of dieresis mark on lowercase u dieresis (U+00FC), on lowercase i dieresis (U+00EF), on lowercase e dieresis (U+00EB). * decreased vertical position of the asterisk (U+002A). * new design for ascii tilde - broader curves, taller glyph with * goal to improve appearance at small text sizes where it tended to render like a dash (U+007E).- Update license spelling according to http://license.opensuse.org/- Update to version 2.013- Improve specfile to follow openSUSE policy packaging rules.- use font rpm macros- Run spec-cleaner on specfile.- First build - version 2.010/bin/sh/bin/shcloud130 16302215503.0033.003-bp153.2.2.1hack-fontsLICENSE.mdREADME.mdtruetypeHack-Bold.ttfHack-BoldItalic.ttfHack-Italic.ttfHack-Regular.ttf/usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/hack-fonts//usr/share/fonts//usr/share/fonts/truetype/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Maintenance:16873/openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP3_Update/c0913fd4af09f0e30321659cc3d6e9bf-hack-fonts.openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP3_Updatedrpmxz5noarch-suse-linuxdirectoryASCII text, with very long linesHTML document, ASCII text, with very long linesTrueType Font data, digitally signed, 17 tables, 1st "DSIG", 13 names, Microsoft, language 0x409, Copyright (c) 2018 Source Foundry Authors / Copyright (c) 2003 by Bitstream, Inc. All Rights Reh_ڻ}O2\< if [ -e /run/fontpackages/reconfigure-fonts ]; then if test -x /usr/sbin/fonts-config ; then LC_ALL=POSIX /usr/sbin/fonts-config --quiet fi rm /run/fontpackages/reconfigure-fonts fi if [ -e /run/fontpackages/reconfigure-fonts-cjk ]; then if test -x /usr/sbin/acroread-cidfont-config ; then /usr/sbin/acroread-cidfont-config fi if test -x /usr/sbin/ghostscript-cjk-config ; then /usr/sbin/ghostscript-cjk-config fi rm /run/fontpackages/reconfigure-fonts-cjk fi/bin/shutf-88df46a191e767f89ba34a3af3724efed603eb6f09704c21a0e0883c6fe516c83?7zXZ !t/:]"k%{L@덇~ʎCS] o8UʥpA?!ѶiPm$>y^E!i ݲדcһb ?eB8qBLDd ^ Ks6(Ki=l|ąƋlQylG鍍uP[jd/p0 NVlϊ p:yN]܂I=0>L=KNp _fS4eAA -*rB B9>%wF,12bO}%zUN%ø`B㲺 *7rP$ۡ$~e3˅0V(PJ j?\XU5!'QQ=^D foneW k& 7JiXTA4d;qJ'x_Twh ۲y򮽷#wUM`&3QW š[čO>7/'0=Q#5FQ!>s_)]װE/B3w-?wN -zXegȺG~V(tޚ35_1JI,CGb(yE:Ue}XrCWe)ϹvwI/tP҅ $=e DLV9SSh"U޳d