The Sony CDU-924 was the first drive that has no hardware support for CDROM XA2 mode 1. If you want to create a multi session disk, you need to switch back to -data (plain CD-ROM) If you have a Sony drive that gives you problems with multi session disks, please always check the following: For some Sony drives you may need to call cdrecord -multi -data if you like to create multi-session CD's. Some Sony drives do not allow to write XA2 tracks with hardware support of the drive. There is currently a bug in the Sony code (for _old_ non MMC drives) of cdrecord that does not allow you to have different track types in one session. All Sony drives that have CDUxxx type names are _old_ non MMC drives. Here I expect that no XA support is in the firmware. All Sony drives that have CRXxxx type names are MMC compliant. These drives should support XA-mode2-form1 as it is mandatory with MMC. NOTE: many HP CD-writers are nased on Sony OEM drives. NOTE: As for 18.5.2001, a fix was introduced that prevented cdrecord to do multi session with new MMC compliant Sony drives.