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Performing OPC...OPC failed. Recovery needed. XXX:Cannot read session offset session offset: %ld %ld,%ld Cannot read capacity Cannot read TOC/PMA first: %d last %d track:lout track: %3d alldiscfastminimalunreservetrtailuncloseIllegal blanking type '%s'. Driver flags : MMC-3 MMC-2 MMC SWABAUDIO BURNFREE VARIREC AUDIOMASTER FORCESPEED SPEEDREAD DISKTATTOO SINGLESESSION HIDECDR Supported modes: %sPACKET%sSAO%sSAO/R96P%sSAO/R96R%sRAW/R16%sRAW/R96P%sRAW/R96RTry -raw option. Try -raw96r option. Try -raw96p option. Try -raw16 option. Raw (audio) with P/Q sub channelRaw (audio) with P/W packed sub channelRaw (audio) with P/W raw sub channelCD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 (with subheader)Internal error: Bad TOC type. Cdrecord%s%s %s (%s-%s-%s) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jrg Schilling This copy of cdrecord is licensed for: %s WARNING: Cannot do mlockall(2). WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns. For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'.%s For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord dev=help'%s Panic cannot set back effective uid. Using libscg version '%s-%s'%s Warning: using inofficial version of libscg (%s-%s '%s'). Using libscg transport code version '%s-%s' Warning: using inofficial libscg transport code version (%s-%s '%s'). Using remote transport code version '%s-%s' Warning: using inofficial remote transport code version (%s-%s '%s'). Cannot reset (OS does not implement reset). Cannot do inquiry for CD/DVD-Recorder. The unit seems to be hung and needs power cycling. WARNING: Trying to use other driver on known device. Sorry, no CD/DVD-Drive found on this target. Sorry, no supported CD/DVD-Recorder found on this target. Cannot allocate memory for driver structure. Sorry, no CD/DVD-Recorder or unsupported CD/DVD-Recorder found on this target. This version of cdrecord does not include DVD-R/DVD-RW support code. If you need DVD-R/DVD-RW support, ask the Author for cdrecord-ProDVD. Free test versions and free keys for personal use are at ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ProDVD/ This version of cdrecord limits DVD-R/DVD-RW support to -dummy or 1 GB real. If you need full DVD-R/DVD-RW support, ask the Author for cdrecord-ProDVD. Cannot attach driver for CD/DVD-Recorder. Drive buf size : %lu = %lu KB FIFO size : %lu = %lu KB Illegal write mode for this drive. Warning: blockdesc secsize %d differs from cap secsize %d Cannot set up 1st set of driver options. Cannot set up 2nd set of driver options. Disk size changed by user options.Checking disk capacity according to new values.WARNING: Total disk size unknown. Data may not fit on disk. Could set back effective uid. Processor too slow. Cannot write RAW data at speed %d. Max RAW data speed on this processor is %d. Current speed %d, medium low speed: %d medium high speed: %d Write speed %d of medium not sufficient for this writer. You may have used an ultra low speed medium on a high speed writer. Trying to use ultra high speed medium on improper writer. Trying to use high speed medium on low speed writer. Write speed %d of writer not sufficient for this medium. You did use a %s speed medium on an improper writer or you used a speed=# option with a speed too low for this medium. Waiting for drive to calm down.Cannot get next writable address. Input buffer error, aborting. Some drives do not support all blank types. Try again with cdrecord blank=all. Too many tracks for this disk, last track number is %d. Cannot get lead-in write time Starting new track at sector: %ld The current problem looks like a buffer underrun. Try to use 'driveropts=burnfree'. It looks like 'driveropts=burnfree' does not work for this drive. Make sure that you are root, enable DMA and check your HW/OS set up. Please properly read the error message above. Starting to write CD/DVD at speed %d in %s%s %s mode for %s session. Last chance to quit, starting %s write in %d seconds.Min drive buffer fill was %u%% Total of %ld possible drive buffer underruns predicted. Usage: %s [options] track1...trackn to get a list of valid options. to get a list of valid blanking options. Use %s dev=b,t,l driveropts=help -checkdrive to get a list of drive specific options. to get a list of possible SCSI transport specifiers. -version print version information and exit dev=target SCSI target to use as CD/DVD-Recorder gracetime=# set the grace time before starting to write to #. timeout=# set the default SCSI command timeout to #. debug=#,-d Set to # or increment misc debug level kdebug=#,kd=# do Kernel debugging -verbose,-v increment general verbose level by one -Verbose,-V increment SCSI command transport verbose level by one -silent,-s do not print status of failed SCSI commands driver=name user supplied driver name, use with extreme care driveropts=opt a comma separated list of driver specific options -setdropts set driver specific options and exit -checkdrive check if a driver for the drive is present -prcap print drive capabilities for MMC compliant drives -inq do an inquiry for the drive and exit -scanbus scan the SCSI bus and exit -reset reset the SCSI bus with the cdrecorder (if possible) -abort send an abort sequence to the drive (may help if hung) -overburn allow to write more than the official size of a medium -ignsize ignore the known size of a medium (may cause problems) -useinfo use *.inf files to overwrite audio options. blank=type blank a CD-RW disc (see blank=help) -format format a CD-RW/DVD-RW/DVD+RW disc fs=# Set fifo size to # (0 to disable, default is %ld MB) ts=# set maximum transfer size for a single SCSI command -load load the disk and exit (works only with tray loader) -lock load and lock the disk and exit (works only with tray loader) -eject eject the disk after doing the work -dummy do everything with laser turned off -msinfo retrieve multi-session info for mkisofs >= 1.10 -toc retrieve and print TOC/PMA data -atip retrieve and print ATIP data -multi generate a TOC that allows multi session In this case default track type is CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 - 2048 bytes -fix fixate a corrupt or unfixated disk (generate a TOC) -nofix do not fixate disk after writing tracks -waiti wait until input is available before opening SCSI -immed Try to use the SCSI IMMED flag with certain long lasting commands -force force to continue on some errors to allow blanking bad disks -tao Write disk in TAO mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -dao Write disk in SAO mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -sao Write disk in SAO mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -raw Write disk in RAW mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -raw96r Write disk in RAW/RAW96R mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -raw96p Write disk in RAW/RAW96P mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -raw16 Write disk in RAW/RAW16 mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -clone Write disk in clone write mode. tsize=# Length of valid data in next track padsize=# Amount of padding for next track pregap=# Amount of pre-gap sectors before next track defpregap=# Amount of pre-gap sectors for all but track #1 mcn=text Set the media catalog number for this CD to 'text' isrc=text Set the ISRC number for the next track to 'text' index=list Set the index list for the next track to 'list' -text Write CD-Text from information from *.inf or *.cue files textfile=name Set the file with CD-Text data to 'name' cuefile=name Set the file with CDRWIN CUE data to 'name' -audio Subsequent tracks are CD-DA audio tracks -data Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 1 - 2048 bytes (default) -mode2 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 2 - 2336 bytes -xa Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 - 2048 bytes -xa1 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 - 2056 bytes -xa2 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 2 - 2324 bytes -xamix Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1/2 - 2332 bytes -cdi Subsequent tracks are CDI tracks -isosize Use iso9660 file system size for next data track -preemp Audio tracks are mastered with 50/15 s preemphasis -nopreemp Audio tracks are mastered with no preemphasis (default) -copy Audio tracks have unlimited copy permission -nocopy Audio tracks may only be copied once for personal use (default) -scms Audio tracks will not have any copy permission at all -pad Pad data tracks with %d zeroed sectors Pad audio tracks to a multiple of %d bytes -nopad Do not pad data tracks (default) -shorttrack Subsequent tracks may be non Red Book < 4 seconds if in SAO or RAW mode -noshorttrack Subsequent tracks must be >= 4 seconds -swab Audio data source is byte-swapped (little-endian/Intel) The type of the first track is used for the toc type. Currently only form 1 tracks are supported. fast minimally blank the entire disk (PMA, TOC, pregap) minimal minimally blank the entire disk (PMA, TOC, pregap) unclose unclose last session Second interrupt. Doing hard abort. secsize:%d secspt:%d bytespt:%d audio:%d pad:%d Track %02d: 0 of %4lld MB written. NOTICE: reducing block size for last record. WARNING: padding up to secsize.%swrite track data: error after %lld bytes Track %02d: writing %3lld KB of pad data. %sTrack %02d: Total bytes read/written: %lld/%lld (%lld sectors). Track %02d: 0 of %4lld MB pad written.%swrite track pad data: error after %lld bytes Track %02d: data %4lld MB Track %02d: data unknown length START: %ld SECTORS: %ld INDEX0 %ldTrack %02d: audio %4lld MB (%02d:%02d.%02d) %spreemp%s%sTrack %02d: audio unknown length %spreemp%s%sBad audio track size %lld for track %02d. Audio tracks must be at least %ld bytes and a multiple of %d. track: %d start: %lld pregap: %ld Use tsize= option in %s mode to specify track size. Total size: %4llu MB = %lld sectors Total size: %4llu MB (%02d:%02d.%02d) = %lld sectors Lout start: %4llu MB (%02d:%02d/%02d) = %lld sectors File: '%s' itracksize: %lld isecsize: %d tracktype: %d = %s sectype: %X = %s dbtype: %s flags %X This OS cannot handle large ISO-9660 images. This OS cannot handle large audio images. This OS cannot handle large WAV images. Inappropriate audio coding in '%s'. Disk image size too large (max. 1 GB in demo mode). Blocks total: %ld Blocks current: %ld Blocks remaining: %ld WARNING: Data may not fit on current disk. RBlocks total: %ld RBlocks current: %ld RBlocks remaining: %ld Data does not fit on current disk. RedBook total: %ld RedBook current: %ld RedBook remaining: %ld Notice: Most recorders cannot write CD's >= 90 minutes. Notice: Use -ignsize option to allow >= 90 minutes. Data will not fit on any disk. WARNING: Data may not fit on standard 74min disk. Notice: -overburn is not expected to work with DVD media. Notice: Overburning active. Trying to write more than the official disk capacity. Notice: Use -overburn option to write more than the official disk capacity. Notice: Most CD-writers do overburning only on SAO or RAW mode. Cannot write more than remaining DVD capacity. Cannot write CD's >= 100 minutes. Warning: low file descriptor limit (%lld) help,version,checkdrive,prcap,inq,scanbus,reset,abort,overburn,ignsize,useinfo,dev*,timeout#,driver*,driveropts*,setdropts,tsize&,padsize&,pregap&,defpregap&,speed#,load,lock,eject,dummy,msinfo,toc,atip,multi,fix,nofix,waiti,immed,debug#,d+,kdebug#,kd#,verbose+,v+,Verbose+,V+,x+,xd#,silent,s,audio,data,mode2,xa,xa1,xa2,xamix,cdi,isosize,nopreemp,preemp,nocopy,copy,nopad,pad,swab,fs&,ts&,blank&,format,pktsize#,packet,noclose,force,tao,dao,sao,raw,raw96r,raw96p,raw16,clone,scms,isrc*,mcn*,index*,cuefile*,textfile*,text,shorttrack,noshorttrack,gracetime#,minbuf#Only one of -raw16, -raw96p, -raw96r allowed. Only one of -packet, -dao, -raw allowed. SAO RAW writing does not allow -raw16. SAO RAW writing only makes sense in clone mode. SAO RAW writing not yet implemented. SAO RAW writing not unlocked. Cannot use '%s' as CD-Text file. CD-Text needs -dao, -raw96r or -raw96p. Badly placed option. Global options must be before any track. Only one of -audio, -data, -mode2, -xa, -xa1, -xa2, -xamix allowed. Audio data cannot be written in packet mode. Cannot get isosize for multi session disks. Future versions of cdrecord may have different drive dependent defaults. Bad minbuf=%d option (must be between 25 and 95) dev: '%s' speed: %d fs: %ld driveropts '%s' Fifo size %ld too small, turning fifo off. No CD/DVD-Recorder device specified. No tracks allowed with this option The cuefile= option only works with -dao. No tracks allowed with the cuefile= option No tracks specified. Need at least one. Track %d packet size %d exceeds buffer limit of %d sectorsTrack %d flags %X secspt %d secsize: %d isecsize: %d Drive needs to reload the media to return to proper status. Controlling file not open for reading, send SIGUSR1 to continue.Cannot read first writable address No CD-Text or CD-Text unaware drive. lba: %9ld (%9ld) %02d:%02d:%02d adr: %X control: %X mode: %d WARNING: RR-scheduler not available, disabling. WARNING: Cannot set RR-scheduler WARNING: Cannot set priority using setpriority(). Using remote (pipe) mode for interactive i/o.Drive does not support PACKET recording. Drive does not support TAO recording. Drive does not support SAO recording. Drive does not support SAO/RAW96P. Drive does not support SAO/RAW96R. Drive does not support RAW recording. Drive does not support RAW/RAW16. Drive does not support RAW/RAW96P. Drive does not support RAW/RAW96R. BH)DyDư>TUcpdVTfcZejN ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) nonewriterfaioreaderfs: %ld buflen: %ld fork(2) failedinput buffer ready.Premature EOF on stdin. faio_reader starting faio_reader _exit(0) bad_ownerbuf: %p bufend: %p, buflen: %ld buf: %p bufend: %p, buflen: %ld (align %ld) Cannot get mmap for %d Bytes on /dev/zero. shared memory segment attached at: %p size %d bufsize: %d buffers: %d hdrsize %ld write-buffer too small, minimum is %dk. Disabling. Using %d buffers of %d bytes. Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... faio_reader reading track %u faio_reader all tracks read, exitingfaio_read_track fatal: secsize %d secspt %d, bytespt(%d) > %d !! %lu microseconds passed waiting for %d current: %d idx: %ld faio_wait_on_buffer for %s timed out. gets: %ld puts: %ld cont: %ld low: %ld faio_get_buf fatal: fd=%d, f->fd=%d, f->len=%d f->errno=%d unexpected short read-attempt in faio_get_buf. size = %d, len = %d fifo had %ld puts and %ld gets. fifo was %ld times empty and %ld times full, min fill was %ld%%. .au.snd.wav.WAVRIFFWAVEfmt .inf.INFTracklength=CDINDEX_DISCID=CDDB_DISKID=MCN=ISRC=Albumperformer=Performer=Albumtitle=Tracktitle=Songwriter=Composer=Arranger=Message=Diskid=Closed_info=Tracknumber=Trackstart=Track1 Start: '%s' (%ld) Pre-emphasis=yesChannels=Copy_permitted=onceEndianess=Index=Index0=Cannot malloc auinfo string. %s '%s' MCN '%s' has illegal length. Track %d MCN: '%s' Track %d ISRC: '%s' Track %d %d Index: '%s' %d: %ld WARNING: Stdin is connected to a terminal. WARNING: %s does not contain a 'Tracklength=' tag. WARNING: %s: 'Tracklength=' contains illegal parameter '%s'. %s: Tracksize %lld bytes (%ld sectors, %ld samples) Cannot malloc CD-Text structure. MCN '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. ISRC '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. ISRC '%s' has illegal length. Too many indices for track %d Index '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. CATALOGCDTEXTFILEFLAGSINDEXISRCPERFORMERPOSTGAPPREGAPREMSONGWRITERTITLETRACKBINARYMOTOROLAAIFFAUMP3OGGDCP4CHPRESCMSAUDIOCDGMODE1MODE2CDI---> Entering CUE Parser...Incomplete CUE file KEY: '%s' %s Unknown CUE keyword '%s'Badly placed CUE keyword '%s'Ignoring CDTEXTFILE '%s'. Only one FILE allowed%s/%sCannot open FILE '%s'. Unknown filetype '%s'Unsupported filetype '%s'Panic: unknown filetype '%s'Badly placed FLAGS keywordUnknown flag '%s'Panic: unknown FLAG '%s'Track %d flags 0x%08X Badly placed INDEX keywordNot a number '%s'Illegal index '%s'Badly placed INDEX %ld numberTrack %d Index %d %ld Track %d pregapsize %ld Badly placed ISRC keywordBadly placed POSTGAP keywordBadly placed PREGAP keywordBadly placed TRACK keywordIllegal TRACK number '%s'Badly placed TRACK %ld numberPanic: unknown datatype '%s'Track %d Tracktype %s/%d Illegal minute value in '%s'Illegal second value in '%s'Illegal frame value in '%s'-->Newtrack %d Track %d Tracktype %X WORD: '%s' rest '%s' Missing textExtra text '%s'%r on line %d in '%s'. ---> CUE Parser got EOF, found %d tracks. Panic: unknown CUE command '%s'CATALOG keyword must be before first TRACKCDTEXTFILE keyword must be before first TRACKIf you like to write CD-Text, call cdrecord -text. Unknown file size for FILE '%s'Inappropriate audio coding in '%s'Track %d File '%s' Filesize %lld ISRC keyword must be past first TRACKUnsupported sector size %ld for audioUnsupported sector size %ld for dataUnsupported sector size %ld for mode2 trackoff %lld filesize %lld index1 %ld size %ld/%lld Remaining Filesize %lld (%lld secs) linep %lX peekword %lX end %lX >>p?Identify set driver to '%s'. This drive or media does not support the 'BLANK media' commandThis drive or media does not support the 'FORMAT media' commandUnspecified command not implemented for this drive. SAO writing not available or not implemented for this drive. Found MMC-3 %s CD: %s/%s DVD-: %s/%s DVD+: %s/%s DDCD: %s/%s. Found MMC drive CDWR: %d DVDWR: %d. Using driver '%s' for identify. t|Åхʅ؅߅philips_cdd521_oldphilips_dumbphilips_cdd521driver for Philips CDD-521philips_cdd522driver for Philips CDD-522tyuden_ew50driver for Taiyo Yuden EW-50kodak_pcd_600driver for Kodak PCD-600plasmon_rf4100driver for Plasmon RF 4100pioneer_dws114xdriver for Pioneer DW-S114Xyamaha_cdr100ricoh_ro1060cdriver for Ricoh RO-1060Cricoh_ro1420cdriver for Ricoh RO-1420Cphilips medium load/unloadphilips recoverSpeed/Dummy informationATIP info from disk:unrestricted Is %s%s Disk application code: %d Disk bar code:lead out B0: %ld lead out AA: %ld lead out capacity: %ld philips reserve_trackphilips write_trackphilips fixation radial skating error sledge servo failure pll no lock servo off track atip sync error atip/subcode jumped errorWsubcode not foundWatip not foundWno atip or subcodeWpma errorWtoc read errorWdisk informatoion errordread in leadindread in leadoutverify blank errormode of last track errorheader monitor erroredc errorread link, run-in run-outlast one block errorillegal blocksizenot all data transferredcdbd over run errorpower range errormoderation errorbeta upper range errorbeta lower range erroralpha upper range erroralpha lower range erroralpha and power range error€syscon rom errorsyscon ram errorefm encoder error‘efm decoder error’servo ic error“motor controller error”dac error•syscon eeprom errorsyscon communication errorunknown syscon errordata in phase timeout errorstatus phase timeout errorphilips read session infoSession info data: driver for Philips old CDD-521driver for Philips CDD-521 with pessimistic assumptionsdriver for Yamaha CDR-100 / CDR-102WARNING: setting to minimum speed (2).WARNING: ignoring selected speed.Cannot set dummy writing for this device. first writeable address philips block decoder communication error¡block encoder communication error¢block encoder/decoder path errorverify error at ending of trackverify error at beginning of lead-inverify error at ending of lead-inverify error at beginning of lead-outverify error at ending of lead-outdata out phase timeout errormessage in phase timeout errormessage out phase timeout errorNo support for Ricoh RO-1060C tray out2write data error with CU3monitor atip error4absorbtion control errorWunable to read TOC/PMA/Subcode/ATIPZoperator medium removal requesteverify failedillegal track numbercommand now not validmedium removal is preventedtray outtrack at one not in PMAstopped on non data blockinvalid start adressattampt to cross track-boundaryillegal mediumdisk write protectedapplication code conflictillegal blocksize for commandblocksize conflictillegal transfer lengthrequest for fixation failedend of medium reachedillegal track numberdata track length errorbuffer under runillegal track modeoptical power calibration errorcalibration area almost fullcurrent program area emptyno efm at search addresslink area encounteredcalibration area fulldummy data blocks addedblock size format conflictcurrent command abortedprogram area not emptyparameter list too largebuffer overflowno barcode availablebarcode reading errorrecovery neededcannot recover trackcannot recover pmacannot recover leadincannot recover leadoutcannot recover opceeprom failurelaser current overservo adjustment overlogical unit is in process of becoming readyillegal trackcommand not now validreserve track check errorheader search errorstopped on non_data blockinvalid start addressbuffer underrundummy blocks addedwrite audio on reserved trackCD-R engine selftest errorbuffer parity errordata transfer error12V failureundefined syscon errorsyscon not readycommand rejectedcommand not acceptedverify error at beginning of trackcommand phase timeout errorsony_cdu924write_startwrite_continuediscontinueclose_trackclose_track/test_unit_readyflushset_write_parameterCD track informationCD disk informationWrite Lead-in time: Sending CUE sheet...Cannot send CUE sheet. SAO startsec: %ld Writing lead-in...unwritten area encounteredlink blocks encounteredwrite error track recoverednot enough bar code marginno bar code start patternillegal bar code lengthillegal bar code formatCD-R CDU94read buffer cap sonyBFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K driver for Sony CDU-924 / CDU-948Fixating is not possible in dummy write mode. Indicated writing power: %d Writing pregap for track %d at %ld Cannot change disk stile for recorded disk. CUE sheet not accepted. Retrying with minimum pregapsize = 1. The CDU-924 does not support CD-Text, disabling. CD-Text must be in first session. illegal data form for reserve track commandunable to reserve track, because track mode has been changednonexistent block encounteredwrite completelogical unit is reservedaudio address not validillegal cue sheetinappropriate commandmedia load mechanism failedaudio play operation abortedbuffer overflow for read all subcodes commandunrecordable diskillegal track statusreserved track presentbuffer data size errorbuffer error during at once recordingdisk style mismatchno table of contentsillegal block length for write commandpower calibration errorwrite errornot enough spaceno track present to finalizeunrecoverable track descriptor encountereddamaged track presentpma area fullpca area fullunrecoverable damaged track cause too small writing areano bar codeexit from pseudo track at once recordingteac_cdr50write_teac_g1set_limits(%ld, %ld)-> %ld Subcode:pad_track(%ld, %ld)-> %ld @thermal sensor failurealpc error - opc executionopc execution timeoutlba: %ld lba_addr: %ld Subcode len: %d Judging disk...done. Calibrating laser...done. opt_power_judgeclear subcodeset limitsset subcoderead disk info teacteac_freezeteac_write_pmateac_read_pmaPMA DataPMA Header: PMA: start lba: %ld last lba: %ld next writable addressWRa DataNWA: %ld Blanking %s read peak buffer capacityBuffer cap: %ld buffer inquiryfmt: %X driver for Teac CD-R50S, Teac CD-R55S, JVC XR-W2010, Pinnacle RCD-5020WARNING: adding dummy block to close track.@diagnostic failure on component parts@diagnostic failure on memories@diagnostic failure on cd-rom ecc circuit@diagnostic failure on gate array@diagnostic failure on internal SCSI controller@diagnostic failure on servo processor@diagnostic failure on program rompower calibration not executedCannot fixate without track list (not yet implemented). Lead out start: (%02d:%02d/%02d) controller prom errorno disk present - couldn't get focusno cartridge presentunable to spin upaddr exceeded the last valid block addrsync erroraddress can't find or not data trackmissing trackcartridge could not be ejectedaudio not playingread toc errora blank disk is detected by read tocpma less disk - not a recordable diskmount errortoc less diskdisc information less diskdisc information read errorlinear velocity measurement errordrive sequence stopactuator velocity control errorslider velocity control erroropc initialize erroropc execution erordisk application code does not match host application codecompleted preview writeinvalid B0 valuepca area fullefm isn't detectedno logical sectorfull pma arearead address is atip area - blankwrite address is efm area - aleady writtenabnormal spinning - servo irqno write data - buffer emptywrite emergency occurredread timeoutabnormal spin - nmi4th run-in block detected3rd run-in block detected2nd run-in block detected1st run-in block detectedlink block detected1st run-out block detected2nd run-out block detectedwrite request means mixed data modeunable to ensure reliable writing with the inserted disk - unsupported diskunable to ensure reliable writing as the inserted disk does not support speedunable to ensure reliable writing as the inserted disk has no char id codecw_7501@diagnostic failure on ROMTI EXIST-R (0): TI NWA (1): TI PMA (2): TI EXIST-ROM (3): Trying to clear drive status.Speed informationtrack info:Dummy/autopg informationDummy/autopg pagecw7501 rezerocw7501 read_track_informationcw7501 write_daocw7501 reserve_trackcw7501 set_modecw7501 finalizedriver for Matsushita/Panasonic CW-7501@diagnostic failure on CPU internal RAM@diagnostic failure on BUFFER RAM@diagnostic failure on system mechanismIllegal Data Form for Reserve Track CommandUnable to Reserve Track, Because Track Mode has been Changed Writing last record for this track.CD-Text unsupported in CW-7501 - ignoring. Control (as in set mode) missing. Illegal Que Sheet (DAO parameter)Inappropriate commandAudio Play operation Not in ProgressBuffer OverrunUnrecordable DiskIllegal Track StatusReserved track StatusIllegal Reserve Length for Reserve Track CommandBuffer error during recordingDisk Style mismatchPower Calibration errorWrite error (Fatal Error/Time out)Not enough space (Leadin/Leadout space)No track present to finalizeUnable to recover damaged diskPMA area full (1000 blocks)PCA area full (100 counts)Recovery failedRecovery neededmmc_cdrmmc_cdr_sonymmc_cdscsi2_cdmmc_cd_dvdDriver options: SONYCD-R CDU928ECurrent profile: 0x%04X Drive is pre MMC-3burnfreeburnproofvarirecaudiomasterforcespeedtattooinfotattoofileCannot do DiskT@2. singlesessionhidecdrspeedreadCD write parameterTAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P RAW/R96R Converting ATIP from BCD incomplete/appendablecompleteillegalerasabledisk status: %s session status: %s Disk type: CD-DA or CD-ROMCD-ROM XAundefinedreservedDisk id: 0x%lX last start of lead in: %ld last start of lead out: %ld Disk bar code: 0x%lX%lX OPC table:Normal Rewritable (CLV) media%s: %2d (reserved val %2d) %2dATIP info: Reference speed: %d Disk sub type: %s (%d) 1T speed low 1T speed high 2T speed low 2T speed high power mult factor: %d %d A1 values: %02X %02X %02X A2 values: %02X %02X %02X A3 values: %02X %02X %02X OFFForcespeed is %s. Turning forcespeed onTurning forcespeed offRicoh Vendor PageIllegal startsec (%ld) Unknown write mode. Trouble flushing the cacheentire diskPMA, TOC, pregapincomplete trackreserved tracktail of trackclosing of last sessionreserved blanking typeTurning Audio Master Q. R. onBURN-Free is %s. Turning BURN-Free onTurning BURN-Free offMode Select Data BURN-Free was never needed.BURN-Free was %d times used. PLEXTORYAMAHAvarirec=Bad varirec value '%s'. plextor drive modeplextor drive mode2ModesBad VariRec offset %d Turning Varirec on.Varirec offset is %d. Single session is %s. Hide CDR is %s. Turning single session %s. Turning hide CDR %s. Speed-Read is %s. Turning Speed-Read %s. Power-Rec is %s. Turning Power-Rec %s. plextor get speedlistplextor read bpcMode len: %d Mode Sense Data Mode Sence CDataBurnfree counter: %d yamaha force cd speedYamaha Tattoo PageDiskT@2 inner r: %d DiskT@2 outer r: %d Cannot get DiskT@2 info. DiskT@2 info not valid. Illegal DiskT@2 file size. DiskT@2 1st write error. DiskT@2 final error. DiskT@2 file read error. DiskT@2 write error. write_buffergeneric SCSI-3/mmc CD-R/CD-RW drivergeneric SCSI-3/mmc CD-R/CD-RW driver (Sony 928 variant)generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-ROM drivergeneric SCSI-2 CD-ROM drivergeneric SCSI-3/mmc CD/DVD driver (checks media)burnfree Prepare writer to use BURN-Free technology noburnfree Disable using BURN-Free technology varirec=val Set VariRec Laserpower to -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 Only works for audio and if speed is set to 4 audiomaster Turn Audio Master feature on (SAO CD-R Audio/Data only) forcespeed Tell the drive to force speed even for low quality media speedread Tell the drive to read as fast as possible nospeedread Disable to wead as fast as possible tattooinfo Print image size info for DiskT@2 feature tattoofile=name Use 'name' as DiskT@2 image file singlesession Tell the drive to behave as single session only drive nosinglesession Disable single session only mode hidecdr Tell the drive to hide CD-R media nohidecdr Disable hiding CD-R media None supported for this drive. Found unsupported DVD-RAM media. Checking possible write modes: first track: %d number of sessions: %d first track in last sess: %d last track in last sess: %d High speed Rewritable (CAV) mediaMedium Type A, low Beta category (A-)Medium Type A, high Beta category (A+)Medium Type B, low Beta category (B-)Medium Type B, high Beta category (B+)Medium Type C, low Beta category (C-)Medium Type C, high Beta category (C+)Ultra High speed Rewritable media recommended erase/write power: %d Cannot get next writable address for 'invisible' track. This means that we are checking recorded media. This media cannot be written in streaming mode anymore. If you like to write to 'preformatted' RW media, try to blank the media first. WARNING: Drive returns wrong startsec (%ld) using -150 WARNING: Drive returns wrong startsec (%ld) using %ld from ATIP Writing lead-in at sector %ld WARNING: Some drives don't like fixation in dummy mode.Early return from fixating. Ret: %d Key: %d, Code: %d Actual fixating time: %ld seconds ATAPI early return: sleeping %d seconds. New start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) New start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) CUE sheet still not accepted. Please try to write in RAW (-raw96r) mode. Last selected write speed: %dx Max media write speed: %dx Last actual write speed: %dx Drive does not support VariRec. Power-Rec write speed: %dx (recommended) Checking for Yamaha Audio Master feature: DiskT@2 image size: 3744 x %d pixel. Starting to write DiskT@2 data.PIONEERDVD-RW DVR-103DVD-R DVD-R7322Disk info:Cannot read DVD structure. CD write parameter:BURN-Free was not used.read dvd structurerzone number: %d border number: %d damage: %d nwa valid: %d rzone start: %ld next wr addr: %ld free blocks: %ld blocking factor: %ld rzone size: %ld last recorded addr: %ld DVD-RAMDVD-RDVD+RWDVD+R120mm80mm2.52 MB/s5.04 MB/s10.08 MB/sNot specifiedEmbossed DataRecordable AreaRewritable Area0.267 m/bit0.293 m/bit0.409-0.435 m/bit0.280-0.291 m/bit0.353 m/bit0.74 m/track0.80 m/track0.615 m/trackdisc size: %s (%d) minimum rate: %s (%d) number of layers:%d OppositeParallellayer type: %s (%d) linear density: %s (%d) track density: %s (%d) phys start: %ld phys end: %ld end layer 0: %ld bca: %d phys size:... %ld copyr prot type: %d region mgt info: %d cpm: %d cgms: %d last rma sector: %d field id: %d application code:%d physical code: %d last rec address:%ld part v./ext code:%X/%X field id2: %d ind wr. power: %d wavelength code: %d write str. code:field id3: %d field id4: %d Manufacturer: 'Prerecorded info : random: %d year: %.4s month: %.2s day: %.2s hour: %.2s minute: %.2s second: %.2s Enterning DVD info....Mode: %02XPage FF: read/write writeread unknown Page %02X %s (%02X) len %d DVD structure[0]: Manufacturer: '%.8s' Media type: '%.3s' DVD structure[11]: Category/Version %02X Disk size %02X Disk structure %02X Recoding density %02X Manufacturer: '%.8s' Media type: '%.3s' Product revision %u ADIP numbytes %u Reference speed %u Max speed %u DVD structure[1]: DVD structure[4]: DVD structure[5]: DVD structure[D]: DVD structure[E]: DVD structure[F]: Rzone info: Leaving DVD info.Total power on hours: %ld Total laser on hours: %ld Total recording hours: %ld generic SCSI-3/mmc-2 DVD-R/DVD-RW driverWARNING: Phys disk size %ld differs from rzone size %ld! Prerecorded disk? WARNING: Phys start: %ld Phys end %ld MMC-3 speed select did not work. next writable addr: %ld valid: %d Compiling virtual track list ...VTrack %d has unknown length. Vtrack: %d size: %lld bytes %lld rounded (%lld sectors) Virtual track %d is not a multiple of secsize. Vtracks: %d size: %lld bytes %lld rounded (%ld sectors) total reserved: %d blank: %d incremental: %d book type: %s, Version %d (%d.%d) track path: %s Track Path (%d) Manufacturing info: '%.2048s' Supported DVD (readable) structures:mmc_dvdplusmmc_dvdplusrmmc_dvdplusrwDVD+RW has no -dummy mode. Trouble closing the sessionTrouble closing the trackRICOHDVD+RW MP5120DVD+RW MP5125HPDVD Writer 100jDVD Writer 200jeraseblankdvdrMedium is already formatted. Formatting mediaformat unitset_dummy_dvdr_setttingsgeneric SCSI-3/mmc-3 DVD+R/DVD+RW driver (checks media)generic SCSI-3/mmc-3 DVD+R drivergeneric SCSI-3/mmc-3 DVD+RW driverTrouble closing the last sessionCannot blank with non Ricoh based drive. DVD+RW Full format capacity not found. cdr_simuldvd_simulCDR_SIMUL_BUFSIZEsimulation CD-R driver for timing/speed testssimulation DVD-R driver for timing/speed testsSimulation drive buffer size: %d KB Maximum reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms for speed %dx Buffer underrun: actual delay was %d.%3.3d ms, max delay was %d.%3.3d ms. Remaining reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms Minimum reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms '%.8s' '%.16s' '%.4s' NON CCS scsibus%d: %d,%d,%d%3d) HOST ADAPTOR %c No target found. scsibus%d target %d: * BAD UNIT No lun found. test unit readyrezero unitrequest_senseInquiry Data :read capacitySectorsize: %ld Bytes prevent/allow medium removalstart/stop unitset cd speedqic 02write_g0write_g1write_g5seek_g0seek_g1flush cacheread bufferread subchannelread tocread headerread disk inforead track inforeserve_track_rzonesend opcclose track/sessionread master cuesend_cue_sheetread buffer capblank unitMode Sense Data (converted)SaveSet %s Mode Parametersmode select g0mode select g1mode sense g0Mode Sense Datamode sense g1Cannot read TOC header Cannot read CD-Text header CD-Text len: %d Cannot read CD-Text wctbcdtext.datCannot read TOC TOC data: ENT: B0: B0 start: %ld B0 lout: %ld tocheader: Session info too big. Density: 0x%X Blocks: %ld Blocklen:%ld Pages: 0x%X capacity_not_setread_g0read_g1Inquiry Data : ADAPTEC ACB-5500 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-40X0 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4000 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4010 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4070 FAKEEMULEXADAPTECACB-4520ACB-4525SYSGEN SC4000 FAKEEMULEX MT02 FAKERXT-800SACERCR-4020CCREATIVECDR2000GRUNDIGCDR100IPWJVCXR-W2001XR-W2010R2626MITSBISHMITSUMIOPTIMACD-R 650PHILIPSIMSKODAKCDD521/00CDD521/02CDD521CDD522PCD225KHSW/OBCDR-240CDD20CDD26C4324/C4325CD-Writer 6020PINNACLERCD-1000RCD5020RCD5040RCD 4X4CD-WO DW-S114XCD-WO DR-R504XDVD-R DVR-S101PLASMONRF4100CDR4220CD-R PX-R24CSRO1060CSAFCD-R2004CD-R2006 CD-R2006PLUSCD-RW226CD-R4012SANYOCD-WO CRD-R24SCD-R CDU92TEACCD-R55STRAXDATATraxdataCDR4120T.YUDENCD-WO EW-50WPICDR-632PCDR10CDR200CDR400MATSHITACD-R CW-7501CD-R CW-7502CDS615EBERTHOLDDevice type : Version : %d Response Format: %d Capabilities : AENC TERMIOP RELADR WBUS32 WBUS16 SYNC LINKED CMDQUE SOFTRESET Vendor_info : '%.8s' Identifikation : '%.16s' Revision : '%.4s' Device seems to be: Adaptec 4000/4010/4070Adaptec 4000Adaptec 4010Adaptec 4070Adaptec 5500Adaptec 4520AAdaptec 4525Emulex MD21Emulex MD23Generic NON CCS DiskGeneric CCS DiskSony SMO-C501Emulex MT02Sysgen SC4000Maxtor RXT800SBerthold HR-ScannerMicrotek MS300AGeneric CD-ROMGeneric mmc CD-ROMGeneric mmc CD-RGeneric mmc CD-RWGeneric mmc2 DVD-ROMGeneric mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RWPhilips old CDD-521Philips CDD-2000Philips CDD-2600Yamaha CDR-100Yamaha CDR-400Plasmon RF-4100Sony CDU-924STeac CD-R50SMatsushita CW-7501Matsushita CW-7502Pioneer DVD-R S101Missing Entry for dev %dcaddythisTry to load media by hand. CD capabilities %s: %5d kB/s (CD %3ux, DVD %2ux) 3224 (I2S)traypop-upreserved(3)disc changercartridge changerreserved(6)reserved(7)CLV/PCAVreserved(2) Drive capabilities, per MMC-2 MMC page 2A: read CD-R media Does %s%s write CD-R mediaread CD-RW mediawrite CD-RW mediaread DVD-ROM mediaread DVD-R mediawrite DVD-R mediaread DVD-RAM mediawrite DVD-RAM mediasupport test writingread Mode 2 Form 1 blocksread Mode 2 Form 2 blocksread digital audio blocksread multi-session CDsread CD bar coderead R-W subcode informationreturn CD ISRC informationsupport C2 error pointersdeliver composite A/V dataplay audio CDs %s: %d send digital data LSB-firstLength of data in BCLKs %s: %s Loading mechanism typesupport changing side of diskMaximum read speedCurrent read speedMaximum write speedCurrent write speedRotational control selectedBuffer size in KB Write speed # %d: %sCapacity: %ld Blocks = %ld kBytes = %ld MBytes = %ld prMB Mode Parameters (un-converted)error: %d scb.chk: %d sense_count: %d sense.code: 0x%x Cannot load media with %s drive! restart non-streamed digital audio reads accuratelysupport Buffer-Underrun-Free recordingread fixed-packet CD media using Method 2return R-W subcode de-interleaved and error-correctedread raw P-W subcode data from lead inreturn CD media catalog numberNumber of volume control levelssupport individual volume control setting for each channelsupport independent mute setting for each channelsupport digital output on port 1support digital output on port 2set LRCK high for left-channel datahave valid data on falling edge of clocksupport ejection of CD via START/STOP commandlock media on power up via prevent jumperallow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW commandcurrently in a media-locked statehave load-empty-slot-in-changer featuresupport Individual Disk Present featureCopy management revision supported Number of supported write speeds: %d :zDMb?LC4(Profile ListCoreMorphingRemovable MediumWrite ProtectRandom ReadableMulti ReadDVD ReadRandom WritableSector ErasableFormattableDefect ManagementCD-RW CAV WriteMRWReservedRigid Restricted OverwriteCD Track at OnceCD MasteringDVD-R/-RW WriteDDCD ReadDDCD-R WriteDDCD-RW WritePower ManagementS.M.A.R.T.Embedded ChangerCD Audio analog playMicrocode UpgradeTime-outDVD-CSSReal Time StreamingLogical Unit Serial NumberReserved (109)Disk Control BlocksDVD CPRMNon -removable DiskRemovable DiskMO ErasableMO Write OnceAS-MODVD-R sequential recordingDVD-RW restricted overwriteDVD-RW sequential overwriteDDCD-ROMDDCD-RDDCD-RWNo standard Profileget_configurationFeatures: Current: %s Profile: 0x%04X Profile: (current)get performanceset streamingXXXUnknownProfile: 0x%04X %s %s Rest: (persistent)Feature: 0x%04X '%s' %s %s Serial: '%.*s' Format cap: read_format_capacitiesIncremental Streaming Writablefeature len: %d current profile 0x%04X len %d feature len: %d current profile 0x%04X The drive is not mmc3 compliant.feature len: %d current profile 0x%04X len %lld log senseLog sense Data :Supported log pages: %XWarning: controller creates hard SCSI failure when retrieving %s page. Warning: controller returns zero sized %s page. Warning: controller returns wrong size for %s page. Warning: controller returns wrong page %X for %s page (%X). Warning: controller does not support %s page. Warning: using default %s data. Mode Page DataCannot get %s data. Cannot get %s mask. Cannot get default %s data. Cannot get saved %s data. Mode Select Data%s%4ld.%03lds Value %lld is too large for data type 'long'. 0x%8.8Xi386-unknown-freebsd5.1%lu6l{j6ylzvs}5jvumkvthpul{o7ddopen: %d NOT FOUNDpanic mallocdivide by zeroƺ̺ܸع˼ʷ%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xB L V        `   REMOTE:rscsi@host:1,2,0rscsi@host:bus,target,lunREMOTE:Remote SCSIRSCSIREMOTEIllegal remote device syntaxtcpshellshell/tcp: unknown service %.*s/opt/schily/sbin/rscsiRSHV%d versionO%s openD%ld maxdmaM%ld getbufsndsize: %d rcvsize: %d F freebufB%d %d havebusT%d %d %d %d filenoI initiator idisatapiR%d S%d %d %d %d %d sendcmdRemote status(%s): %d '%s'. Protocol error (got %s). rshUnknown user: %s Cannot create socketpair. dup2 failed. setuid(%lld) failed. -lexeclp '%s' failed. Warning: Using remote SCSI interface. Illegal value for busno, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'Cannot get connection to remote hostwho are you? No passwd entry found. locuser: '%s' rscsiuser: '%s' host: '%s' Lost connection to remote host ?? rcmdsh: fork to lose parent failed. No memory for SCSI structureInvalid lun specifier '%s'scsidev: '%s' devname: '%s' scg__open(%s) %d,%d,%d Invalid lun specifier in '%s'WARNING: device not valid, trying to use default target... scsibus: %d target: %d lun: %d Supported SCSI transports for this platform:Invalid bus or target specifier in '%s'Invalid target or lun specifier in '%s'Invalid value for bus, target or lun (%d,%d,%d)YESSCSI ALREADY RUNNING !!DMA overrun, resid: %d retryable errorno errorfatal errorerror: %d%s: scsi sendcmd: %s CDB: Write Data: Received Data: status: 0x%x CHECK CONDITIONCONDITION MET/GOODBUSYINTERMEDIATE GOOD STATUSRESERVATION CONFLICT host adapter detected error(%s%s) %cSense Bytes:Removable not present reserved unsupported unsupported vendor specific %d TapePrinterProcessorWORMOptical StorageJuke BoxCommunicationIT8 1IT8 2Storage arrayEnclosure servicesSimple direct accessOptical card r/wBridging expanderObject based storageAutomation/Drive InterfaceWell known lununknown/no deviceunit not presentunknown device type 0x%xCurrently running '%s' command. Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl ret < 0 errno: %d ux_errno: %d error: %d Executing '%s' command on Bus %d Target %d, Lun %d timeout %ds SCSI command name not set by callercmd timeout after %ld.%03ld (%d) sSending %d (0x%X) bytes of data. Got %d (0x%X), expecting %d (0x%X) bytes of data. cmd finished after %ld.%03lds timeout %ds INTERMEDIATE CONDITION MET/GOOD232323332333333323333333 3Z7g7t777777777778 88!8+858p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8?8I8ECC error during verifyinterleave errorbad format on driveself test faileddefective track#volume overflow+set limit violation,error counter overflow-initiator detected error.scsi parity error/adapter parity errorno additional sense informationfilemark detectedend-of-partition/medium detectedsetmark detectedbeginning-of-partition/medium detectedend-of-data detectedi/o process terminatedaudio play operation in progressaudio play operation pausedaudio play operation successfully completedaudio play operation stopped due to errorno current audio status to returnoperation in progresscleaning requestedno index/sector signalno seek completeperipheral device write faultlogical unit not ready, cause not reportablelogical unit does not respond to selectionno reference position foundmultiple peripheral devices selectedlogical unit communication failure track following error error log overflow warning write error error detected by third party temporary initiatorid crc or ecc errorunrecovered read erroraddress mark not found for id fieldaddress mark not found for data fieldrecorded entity not foundrandom positioning errordata synchronization mark errorrecovered data with no error correction appliedrecovered data with error correction applieddefect list errorparameter list length errorsynchronous data transfer errordefect list not foundmiscompare during verify operationrecovered id with ecc correctionpartial defect list transfer invalid command operation code!logical block address out of range"illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)$invalid field in cdb%logical unit not supported&invalid field in parameter list'write protected(not ready to ready change, medium may have changed)power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred*parameters changed+copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect,command sequence error-overwrite error on update in place.insufficient time for operation/commands cleared by another initiator0incompatible medium installed1medium format corrupted2no defect spare location available3tape length error4enclosure failure5enclosure services failure6ribbon, ink, or toner failure7rounded parameter8event status notification9saving parameters not supported:medium not present;sequential positioning error=invalid bits in identify message>logical unit has not self-configured yet?target operating conditions have changed@ram failure (should use 40 nn)@diagnostic failure on component nn (80h-ffh)Adata path failure (should use 40 nn)Bpower-on or self-test failure (should use 40 nn)Cmessage errorDinternal target failureEselect or reselect failureFunsuccessful soft resetGscsi parity errorHinitiator detected error message receivedIinvalid message errorJcommand phase errorKdata phase errorLlogical unit failed self-configurationMtagged overlapped commands (nn = queue tag)Noverlapped commands attemptedPwrite append errorQerase failureRcartridge faultSmedia load or eject failedTscsi to host system interface failureUsystem resource failureWunable to recover table-of-contentsXgeneration does not existYupdated block readZoperator request or state change input[log exception\rpl status change]failure prediction threshold exceeded^low power condition on`lamp failureavideo acquisition errorbscan head positioning errorcend of user area encountered on this trackdillegal mode for this trackevoltage faultfautomatic document feeder cover upgconfiguration failurehlogical unit not configuredidata loss on logical unitjinformational, refer to logkstate change has occurredlrebuild failure occurredmrecalculate failure occurredncommand to logical unit failedocopy protection key exchange failure - authentication failurepdecompression exception short algorithm id of nnqdecompression exception long algorithm idrsession fixation errorscd control error disk not inserted load/unload failure spindle failure focus failuretracking failurebias magnet failure#illegal function for medium type8recoverable write error9write error recovery failed:defect list update failed=defect list not availablelimited laser lifelaser focus coil over-currentlaser tracking coil over-currenttemperature alarmtest unit ready>{>>{>{> >no write currentexcessive write errorsunreachable copy target tracking servo failure focus servo failure spindle servo failure head select fault block not compressible third party device failureread retries exhaustederror too long to correctmultiple read errorsl-ec uncorrectable errorcirc unrecovered errorincomplete block read no gap found miscorrected error de-compression crc errorerror reading isrc numberrecord not foundend-of-data not foundblock sequence errorrecovered data with retriesrecovered data with circrecovered data with l-ecrecovered data with linkingdefect list not availablegrown defect list not found!invalid element address!invalid address for write$cdb decryption error&parameter not supported&parameter value invalid&data decryption error&too many target descriptors& unexpected inexact segment& inline data length exceeded'hardware write protected'associated write protect'persistent write protect'permanent write protect'conditional write protect)power on occurred)scsi bus reset occurred)device internal reset*mode parameters changed*log parameters changed*reservations preempted*reservations released*registrations preempted,too many windows specified,persistent prevent conflict0cleaning failure0medium not formatted1format command failed2defect list update failure8esn - media class event;slew failure;paper jam;failed to sense top-of-form;reposition error; read past end of medium; position past end of medium;medium source element empty;end of medium reached;medium magazine removed;medium magazine inserted;medium magazine locked;medium magazine unlocked>logical unit failure>timeout on logical unit?microcode has been changed?inquiry data has changed?component device attached?device identifier changed?redundancy group deleted?spare created or modified? spare deleted? volume set deleted? volume set deassigned? volume set reassigned?echo buffer overwritten?medium loadablePwrite append position errorSunload tape failureSmedium removal preventedUsystem buffer fullUinsufficient resources[threshold condition met[log counter at maximum[log list codes exhausted\spindles synchronized\spindles not synchronized^Bpower state change to idle^Epower state change to sleepaunable to acquire videoaout of focusdinvalid packet sizegadd logical unit failedgassign failure occurrediparity/data mismatchkredundancy level got betterkredundancy level got worsesprogram memory area is fullsrma/pma is almost fullNo Additional SenseRecovered ErrorNot ReadyMedium ErrorHardware ErrorIllegal RequestUnit AttentionData ProtectBlank CheckVendor UniqueCopy AbortedAborted CommandEqualVolume OverflowMiscomparerezerorequest senseformatreassignread write seekinquirymode selectreservereleasecopymode sensestart/stopdoor lock7read defect datainvalid sense code 0x%Xvendor unique sense code 0x%X[]no senseinvalid sensekey, deferred error [No matching qualifier](illegal block length end of medium file mark detected (valid) (not valid) Sense flags: Blk %d %s%s%s%s(valid)(not valid)commandactual retry count %doperation %d%% donelogical unit is in process of becoming readylogical unit not ready, initializing cmd. requiredlogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredlogical unit not ready, format in progresslogical unit not ready, rebuild in progresslogical unit not ready, recalculation in progresslogical unit not ready, operation in progresslogical unit not ready, long write in progress logical unit not ready, self-test in progress asymmetric access code 3 (00-232) [proposed] asymmetric access code 1 (00-232) [proposed] asymmetric access code 2 (00-232) [proposed]auxiliary memory code 2 (99-148) [proposed]logical unit communication time-outlogical unit communication parity errorlogical unit communication crc error (ultra-dma/32) warning - specified temperature exceeded warning - enclosure degraded write error - recovered with auto reallocation write error - auto reallocation failed write error - recommend reassignment compression check miscompare error data expansion occurred during compression write error - recovery needed write error - recovery failed write error - loss of streaming write error - padding blocks added auxiliary memory code 4 (99-148) [proposed] copy target device not reachable incorrect copy target device type copy target device data underrun copy target device data overrununrecovered read error - auto reallocate faileddata re-synchronization error unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the datacannot decompress using declared algorithmerror reading upc/ean numberread error - loss of streamingauxiliary memory code 3 (99-148) [proposed]filemark or setmark not foundrecord not found - recommend reassignmentrecord not found - data auto-reallocatedmechanical positioning errorpositioning error detected by read of mediumdata sync error - data rewrittendata sync error - recommend rewritedata sync error - data auto-reallocateddata sync error - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with positive head offsetrecovered data with negative head offsetrecovered data with retries and/or circ appliedrecovered data using previous sector idrecovered data without ecc - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data without ecc - recommend reassignmentrecovered data without ecc - recommend rewrite recovered data without ecc - data rewrittenrecovered data with error corr. & retries appliedrecovered data - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data - recommend reassignmentrecovered data - recommend rewriterecovered data with ecc - data rewrittendefect list error in primary listdefect list error in grown listprimary defect list not found access controls code 1 (99-314) [proposed] access controls code 2 (99-314) [proposed] access controls code 3 (99-314) [proposed] read type operation while in write capable state write type operation while in read capable state illegal command while in explicit address model illegal command while in implicit address model access controls code 5 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 6 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 7 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 8 (99-245) [proposed]$invalid cdb field while in explicit block address model$invalid cdb field while in implicit block address model&threshold parameters not supported&invalid release of persistent reservation&unsupported target descriptor type code&too many segment descriptors& unsupported segment descriptor type code& invalid operation for copy source or destination& copy segment granularity violation'logical unit software write protected(import or export element accessed)bus device reset function occurred)transceiver mode changed to single-ended)transceiver mode changed to lvd*asymmetric access code 6 (00-232) [proposed]*asymmetric access code 7 (00-232) [proposed],invalid combination of windows specified,current program area is not empty,current program area is empty,illegal power condition request0cannot read medium - unknown format0cannot read medium - incompatible format0cleaning cartridge installed0cannot write medium - unknown format0cannot write medium - incompatible format0cannot format medium - incompatible medium0cannot write - application code mismatch0 current session not fixated for append1zoned formatting failed due to spare linking5unsupported enclosure function5enclosure services unavailable5enclosure services transfer failure5enclosure services transfer refused8esn - power management class event8esn - device busy class event:medium not present - tray closed:medium not present - tray open:medium not present - loadable:medium not present - medium auxiliary memory accessible;tape position error at beginning-of-medium;tape position error at end-of-medium;tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready;failed to sense bottom-of-form; read past beginning of medium; position past beginning of medium; medium destination element full;medium magazine not accessible;mechanical positioning or changer error>logical unit failed self-test>logical unit unable to update self-test log?changed operating definition?redundancy group created or modified? volume set created or modified?reported luns data has changed?medium auxiliary memory accessibleGdata phase crc error detectedGscsi parity error detected during st data phaseGinformation unit crc error detectedGasynchronous information protection error detectedPposition error related to timingQerase failure - incomplete erase operation detectedUinsufficient reservation resourcesUinsufficient registration resourcesUaccess controls code 4 (99-314) [proposed]Uauxiliary memory code 1 (99-148) [proposed]Zoperator medium removal requestZoperator selected write protectZoperator selected write permit]media failure prediction threshold exceeded]logical unit failure prediction threshold exceeded]spare area exhaustion prediction threshold exceeded]hardware impending failure general hard drive failure]hardware impending failure drive error rate too high]hardware impending failure data error rate too high]hardware impending failure seek error rate too high]hardware impending failure too many block reassigns]hardware impending failure access times too high]hardware impending failure start unit times too high]hardware impending failure channel parametrics]hardware impending failure controller detected]hardware impending failure throughput performance]hardware impending failure seek time performance]hardware impending failure spin-up retry count]hardware impending failure drive calibration retry count] controller impending failure general hard drive failure]!controller impending failure drive error rate too high]"controller impending failure data error rate too high]#controller impending failure seek error rate too high]$controller impending failure too many block reassigns]%controller impending failure access times too high]&controller impending failure start unit times too high]'controller impending failure channel parametrics](controller impending failure controller detected])controller impending failure throughput performance]*controller impending failure seek time performance]+controller impending failure spin-up retry count],controller impending failure drive calibration retry count]0data channel impending failure general hard drive failure]1data channel impending failure drive error rate too high]2data channel impending failure data error rate too high]3data channel impending failure seek error rate too high]4data channel impending failure too many block reassigns]5data channel impending failure access times too high]6data channel impending failure start unit times too high]7data channel impending failure channel parametrics]8data channel impending failure controller detected]9data channel impending failure throughput performance]:data channel impending failure seek time performance];data channel impending failure spin-up retry count]b)K*_6ŤS;}ai|KahFu J7*.Nfjү R}}w23  E3/U? 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Schilling f7@0x0C4302A6{T]'@(#)scsi-remote.c 1.15 04/01/15 Copyright 1990,2000-2003 J. Schillingremote-1.15schily\  $ x hD|0@(#)scsiopen.c 1.95 04/01/14 Copyright 1995,2000 J. Schilling@(#)scsitransp.c 1.90 04/01/14 Copyright 1988,1995,2000-2004 J. Schilling0.8schily@(#)scgtimes.c 1.1 00/08/25 Copyright 1995,2000 J. Schilling@(#)scsierrs.c 2.28 02/04/16 Copyright 1987-1996 J. Schilling  #6HZp C` `ĉ܉  @ ` ` `  ` E&?Um]r |@@@@ԋН7O^ s` `@՞`@@@@@ %@@o^z@ ` ` ` PΟ g`1 @Ol۠@ %?PWq@ա@` ` @@#:R-@`o `@¢բ ` +C]x `ã @ݣ1Mh ٤` `Ӕ4@` `#9Ti@@f@ɗٗХ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@`!AP?Yj͘h@%~@ `=[wɦ@ ` ` ` @",BTdwÛݛ3`;O_iv˧ا$s  (28?EN[dms@(#)scgsettarget.c 1.2 04/01/14 Copyright 2000 J. Schilling@(#)scsihack.c 1.43 03/11/28 Copyright 1997,2000,2001 J. SchillingschilyEH???CLDXDDDExEEE@(#)scsi-bsd.c 1.42 04/01/15 Copyright 1997 J. Schillingscsi-bsd.c-1.42HGHHTHlHHHHHHHHHGG8HTHlHHHHHHHHscsihack.c-1.43@(#)scsihelp.c 1.4 04/01/14 Copyright 2002 J. Schilling@(#)edc_ecc.c 1.21 03/04/04 Copyright 1998-2002 Heiko Eissfeldt, Joerg Schilling!A`   1  Qp  @ ћa  0 Pq !" #$@%р&a'()*+0,-P./q012!34A56`789:;1<=Q>?p@A$B %CD@&EѶFaG'H IJK0!LMP"N#OqP-QR!S,TAU/V`.WXY)Z([1\+]Q^_p*`6ab!c7dAe4f`5ghi2j3k1l0mQnop1pq?r >st@=uѭvaw<x;yz{0:|}P9~8qH I@JaKL0MPNOqA!@AC`BED1GQpFZ![AX`Y^_1\Qp]S R@QaPW0VPUTql!ðmAn`oȁhʠi1jQpkѐe dӱ@gaf؀aڡ0`Pcbq~ @|a}z0{Pxyqw!vAu`tsr1qQpp@(#)default.c 1.4 03/09/15 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling%Z%%M% %I% %E% Copyright 1985, 1988, 1994-2003 J. SchillingY Y Y Y Y #?*&+@(#)cmpnullbytes.c 1.2 03/06/15 Copyright 1988,2002-2003 J. Schilling@(#)cmpbytes.c 1.15 03/06/15 Copyright 1988, 1995-2003 J. SchillingZ  Z [ d:[  " [ file_read_err?@(#)getav0.c 1.16 04/05/09 Copyright 1985, 1995-2004 J. Schillingbad_filebad_file_modebad_file_op0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF(NaN)(Infinity)file_write_err @ O  $   ؏(  *:JZjzʓړ *:JZjzʔڔ *:JZjzʕڕ *:JZjzʖږ *:JZjzʗڗ *:JZjzʘ.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.jcr.got.bss.comment   !$$d' `/ 7 ؏(@  I DOԘU[2 c` L i ,s  ,|ج , , , , .<; l.