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Šѧz&H[vfj œ-ݕ*V>H 6V־XD:S5h`.~f*֟NbiIF2֕(LwC qdR}a(tHz6ј\j2/I6VـZ;F克#'Yں3U`~`a(Nhwnzf* ևIQjL 5e.\@9 E=ѣyɞ^θTre+4WH>v&՛+Hv&N4cWi|P!AʰW4>Pn,qYzc >Ґ]9inBo#l͗Pu'ڀ[ ;Xz%&Z{cKinƬR`x("j|!P 1”Q||!HZ6V]9 ť;-]H`6dP+|a(VpN4{Wc~~ V>O,4IvΦzc)ʞ(^hr{1TIv& Jҷލe??P< So@,0 F2Εo/l-ݖٮ[@Cp1KOwt&Z3A_8RA0r%[<;Q|]B汊gj!qʤW;~`m-inlE ţ9՝)@f*Hv&֚OJ77VLD5Wa(PqƤR}axNybI6Ք_/x"٦ApWd>P| !Z'3Z/\B1in,_]9ᭈ}ssL%Bqdzc?i.Y\VE3, G 2գ9֍K>Pv&[{Mu&ʚ+Hh6nPM5 ^8j-ɴV~ƠR=x}⡉fſ0 C(1ޔXoz#=њkJ7֏KFr"YC ńS#}kN4Ap^8{R}u.C)XSz1fj/ )^Ҹ]5"j E³w  Bqybi Iّk E3%H vfɿSC}HcvW>e+O4 G.u>ʐW,>i.NZ{M5-iLGu3!_ 2U9 E9g%+DsH%Bq$o[l;mmK47WVpD$3[U`N4`h|caNδTwf*z#Ɗ&+LX5.`Y:Γmm-]9]yᅈc&[@;pd Es$%[{KcwiW@`0(Hd6V~ P< ,RpH$6V~`T(?^8lͽ4|aΨT~`p($Hkvf*X :#ɚHT6V>SL=чbCq$V~`Oh4.\nr啋/'\2U(p{Fr!Xns=ыgI6N4Z{.\yɑnU% Xz!rڥ;+S_}!a>x "٣Aht.\z2Ֆ.Z&ZCIFrTAOall MB MBsessionuncloseminimal %5.1fx %5.1fxTry -raw16 option. Try -raw96p option. Try -raw96r option. Drive does not support RAW/RAW96R. Drive does not support RAW/RAW96P. Drive does not support RAW/RAW16. Drive does not support RAW recording. Drive does not support SAO/RAW96R. Drive does not support SAO/RAW96P. Try -raw option. Drive does not support SAO recording. Drive does not support TAO recording. Drive does not support PACKET recording. %sRAW/R96R%sRAW/R96P%sRAW/R16%sSAO/R96R%sSAO/R96P%sSAO%sPACKETSupported modes: HIDECDR SINGLESESSION DISKTATTOO SPEEDREAD FORCESPEED AUDIOMASTER VARIREC BURNFREE SWABAUDIO MMC MMC-2 MMC-3 DVD Driver flags : Illegal blanking type '%s'. helptrtailunreservetrackfastdiskdiscUsing remote (pipe) mode for interactive i/o. WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns. WARNING: Cannot set priority class parameters priocntl(PC_SETPARMS) Cannot get priority class id priocntl(PC_GETCID) RTlba: %9ld (%9ld) %02d:%02d:%02d adr: %X control: %X mode: %d track: %3d track:lout No CD-Text or CD-Text unaware drive. first: %d last %d Cannot read TOC/PMA Cannot read capacity %ld,%ld Cannot read first writable address session offset: %ld Cannot read session offset XXX: Recovery needed. OPC failed. Performing OPC... Aborted by EOF on input. Controlling file not open for reading, send SIGUSR1 to continue. rw Re-load disk and hit Drive needs to reload the media to return to proper status. Cannot eject media. CD/DVD-Recorder not ready. No disk / Wrong disk! Cannot load media. Set Transfersizes end Track %d flags %X secspt %d secsize: %d isecsize: %d Track %d packet size %d exceeds buffer limit of %d sectorsSet Transfersizes start No tracks specified. Need at least one. No tracks allowed with the cuefile= option The cuefile= option only works with -dao. No tracks allowed with this option helpHELPNo CD/DVD-Recorder device specified. Fifo size %ld too small, turning fifo off. dev: '%s' speed: %d fs: %ld driveropts '%s' Bad transfer size option. Bad fifo size option. Bad speed option. Bad minbuf=%d option (must be between 25 and 95) -Track limit (%d) exceeded Continuing in 5 seconds... Future versions of cdrecord may have different drive dependent defaults. Asuming -tao mode. No write mode specified. Cannot get isosize for multi session disks. Audio data cannot be written in packet mode. Only one of -audio, -data, -mode2, -xa, -xa1, -xa2, -xamix allowed. Too many types for track %d. Badly placed option. Global options must be before any track. CD-Text needs -dao, -raw96r or -raw96p. Cannot use '%s' as CD-Text file. Clone writing not unlocked. SAO RAW writing not unlocked. SAO RAW writing not yet implemented. SAO RAW writing only makes sense in clone mode. SAO RAW writing does not allow -raw16. Only one of -packet, -dao, -raw allowed. Too many write modes. Only one of -raw16, -raw96p, -raw96r allowed. Too many raw modes. Bad Option: %s. Warning: low file descriptor limit (%lld) Cannot write CD's >= 100 minutes. Cannot write more than remaining DVD capacity. Notice: Most CD-writers do overburning only on SAO or RAW mode. Notice: Use -overburn option to write more than the official disk capacity. Notice: Overburning active. Trying to write more than the official disk capacity. Notice: -overburn is not expected to work with DVD media. WARNING: Data may not fit on standard 74min disk. Data will not fit on any disk. Notice: Use -ignsize option to allow >= 90 minutes. Notice: Most recorders cannot write CD's >= 90 minutes. RedBook total: %ld RedBook current: %ld RedBook remaining: %ld Data does not fit on current disk. RBlocks total: %ld RBlocks current: %ld RBlocks remaining: %ld WARNING: Data may not fit on current disk. Data does not fit on current disk. Blocks total: %ld Blocks current: %ld Blocks remaining: %ld Disk image size too large (max. 1 GB in demo mode). Inappropriate audio coding in '%s'. This OS cannot handle large WAV images. This OS cannot handle large audio images. This OS cannot handle large ISO-9660 images. File: '%s' itracksize: %lld isecsize: %d tracktype: %d = %s sectype: %X = %s dbtype: %s flags %X pregap1: %ld pasdize %lld (%ld sectors) TRACK %d SECTORS: %ldCannot open '%s'. -Lout start: %4llu MB (%02d:%02d/%02d) = %lld sectors Total size: %4llu MB (%02d:%02d.%02d) = %lld sectors Total size: %4llu MB = %lld sectors Use tsize= option in %s mode to specify track size. Track %d has unknown length. track: %d start: %lld pregap: %ld SECTYPE %X See -pad option. Audio tracks must be at least %ld bytes and a multiple of %d. Bad audio track size %lld for track %02d. START: %ld SECTORS: %ld INDEX0 %ld pregapsize: %3ld (%02d:%02d.%02d) padsize: %4lld KB padsize: %4lld MB copy scmsTrack %02d: audio unknown length %spreemp%s%sTrack %02d: audio %4lld MB (%02d:%02d.%02d) %spreemp%s%s START: %ld SECTORS: %ld INDEX0 %ld pregapsize: %3ld padsize: %4lld KB padsize: %4lld MBTrack %02d: data unknown lengthTrack %02d: data %4lld MB . [buf %3d%%] pad written of %4lld MB Track %02d: %4lld%swrite track pad data: error after %lld bytes Track %02d: 0 of %4lld MB pad written.%sTrack %02d: Total bytes read/written: %lld/%lld (%lld sectors). Track %02d: writing %3lld KB of pad data. . |%3d %4dms| |%3d %4dms %5dms| [buf %3d%%] (fifo %3d%%) written of %4lld MB Track %02d: %4lld%swrite track data: error after %lld bytes WARNING: padding up to secsize. NOTICE: reducing block size for last record. read error on input file Track %02d: 0 MB written. Track %02d: 0 of %4lld MB written.secsize:%d secspt:%d bytespt:%d audio:%d pad:%d Second interrupt. Doing hard abort. Caught interrupt. session blank last session unclose unclose last session trtail blank a track tail unreserve unreserve a track track blank a track minimal minimally blank the entire disk (PMA, TOC, pregap) fast minimally blank the entire disk (PMA, TOC, pregap) disk blank the entire disk disc blank the entire disk all blank the entire disk Blanking options: Currently only form 1 tracks are supported. The type of the first track is used for the toc type. -swab Audio data source is byte-swapped (little-endian/Intel) -noshorttrack Subsequent tracks must be >= 4 seconds -shorttrack Subsequent tracks may be non Red Book < 4 seconds if in SAO or RAW mode -nopad Do not pad data tracks (default) Pad audio tracks to a multiple of %d bytes -pad Pad data tracks with %d zeroed sectors -scms Audio tracks will not have any copy permission at all -nocopy Audio tracks may only be copied once for personal use (default) -copy Audio tracks have unlimited copy permission -nopreemp Audio tracks are mastered with no preemphasis (default) -preemp Audio tracks are mastered with 50/15 s preemphasis -isosize Use iso9660 file system size for next data track -cdi Subsequent tracks are CDI tracks -xamix Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1/2 - 2332 bytes -xa2 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 2 - 2324 bytes -xa1 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 - 2056 bytes -xa Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 - 2048 bytes -mode2 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 2 - 2336 bytes -data Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 1 - 2048 bytes (default) -audio Subsequent tracks are CD-DA audio tracks cuefile=name Set the file with CDRWIN CUE data to 'name' textfile=name Set the file with CD-Text data to 'name' -text Write CD-Text from information from *.inf or *.cue files index=list Set the index list for the next track to 'list' isrc=text Set the ISRC number for the next track to 'text' mcn=text Set the media catalog number for this CD to 'text' defpregap=# Amount of pre-gap sectors for all but track #1 pregap=# Amount of pre-gap sectors before next track padsize=# Amount of padding for next track tsize=# Length of valid data in next track -clone Write disk in clone write mode. -raw16 Write disk in RAW/RAW16 mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -raw96p Write disk in RAW/RAW96P mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -raw96r Write disk in RAW/RAW96R mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -raw Write disk in RAW mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -sao Write disk in SAO mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -dao Write disk in SAO mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -tao Write disk in TAO mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -force force to continue on some errors to allow blanking bad disks -immed Try to use the SCSI IMMED flag with certain long lasting commands -waiti wait until input is available before opening SCSI -nofix do not fixate disk after writing tracks -fix fixate a corrupt or unfixated disk (generate a TOC) In this case default track type is CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 - 2048 bytes -multi generate a TOC that allows multi session -atip retrieve and print ATIP data -toc retrieve and print TOC/PMA data -msinfo retrieve multi-session info for mkisofs >= 1.10 -dummy do everything with laser turned off -eject eject the disk after doing the work -lock load and lock the disk and exit (works only with tray loader) -load load the disk and exit (works only with tray loader) ts=# set maximum transfer size for a single SCSI command fs=# Set fifo size to # (0 to disable, default is %ld MB) -format format a CD-RW/DVD-RW/DVD+RW disc blank=type blank a CD-RW disc (see blank=help) speed=# set speed of drive -useinfo use *.inf files to overwrite audio options. -ignsize ignore the known size of a medium (may cause problems) -overburn allow to write more than the official size of a medium -abort send an abort sequence to the drive (may help if hung) -reset reset the SCSI bus with the cdrecorder (if possible) -scanbus scan the SCSI bus and exit -inq do an inquiry for the drive and exit -prcap print drive capabilities for MMC compliant drives -checkdrive check if a driver for the drive is present -setdropts set driver specific options and exit driveropts=opt a comma separated list of driver specific options driver=name user supplied driver name, use with extreme care -silent,-s do not print status of failed SCSI commands -Verbose,-V increment SCSI command transport verbose level by one -verbose,-v increment general verbose level by one kdebug=#,kd=# do Kernel debugging debug=#,-d Set to # or increment misc debug level timeout=# set the default SCSI command timeout to #. gracetime=# set the grace time before starting to write to #. dev=target SCSI target to use as CD/DVD-Recorder -version print version information and exit Options: Usage: %s [options] track1...trackn to get a list of possible SCSI transport specifiers. Use %s dev=help to get a list of drive specific options. Use %s dev=b,t,l driveropts=help -checkdrive to get a list of valid blanking options. Use %s blank=help to get a list of valid options. Use %s -help Usage: %s [options] track1...trackn Total of %ld possible drive buffer underruns predicted. Min drive buffer fill was %u%% Average write speed %5.1fx. Writing time: Operation starts.%4d seconds. Last chance to quit, starting %s write in %d seconds.No chance to quit anymore.Starting to write CD/DVD at speed %d in %s%s %s mode for %s session. Fixating time: Cannot get fix time Cannot fixate disk. Fixating... Writing Leadout... Cannot get stop time Cannot close track. Please properly read the error message above. A write error occured. Make sure that you are root, enable DMA and check your HW/OS set up. Please report. It looks like 'driveropts=burnfree' does not work for this drive. Try to use 'driveropts=burnfree'. The current problem looks like a buffer underrun. Starting new track at sector: %ld Cannot get next writable address. Cannot open next track. Cannot get start time Lead-in write time: Cannot get lead-in write time Could not write Lead-in. Cannot open new session. Cannot set up 2nd set of driver options. Too many tracks for this disk, last track number is %d. No tracks found. Cannot get start time Blanking time: Cannot get blank time Try again with cdrecord blank=all. Some drives do not support all blank types. Cannot blank disk, aborting. Cannot get start time Cannot get start time Input buffer error, aborting. Waiting for drive to calm down. you used a speed=# option with a speed too low for this medium. You did use a %s speed medium on an improper writer or Write speed %d of writer not sufficient for this medium. Trying to use high speed medium on low speed writer. Trying to use ultra high speed medium on improper writer. You may have used an ultra low speed medium on a high speed writer. Write speed %d of medium not sufficient for this writer. Current speed %d, medium low speed: %d medium high speed: %d Max RAW data speed on this processor is %d. Processor too slow. Cannot write RAW data at speed %d. CDR_FORCERAWSPEEDCannot set speed/dummy. Must specify track size(s). WARNING: Total disk size unknown. Data may not fit on disk. Checking disk capacity according to new values. Disk size changed by user options. Cannot set up 1st set of driver options. Formatting time: Cannot get format time Cannot format medium. Cannot get start time Format was %sneeded. Cannot set up 2nd set of driver options. Cannot set speed/dummy. Cannot set up 1st set of driver options. Cannot init drive. Cannot get disk type. Current Secsize: %d Warning: blockdesc secsize %d differs from cap secsize %d Current Secsize: %d Illegal write mode for this drive. FIFO size : %lu = %lu KB Drive buf size : %lu = %lu KB Using %s (%s). Selected speed : %d Drive max speed : %d Drive default speed: %d Drive current speed: %d Cannot attach driver for CD/DVD-Recorder. Free test versions and free keys for personal use are at ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ProDVD/ If you need full DVD-R/DVD-RW support, ask the Author for cdrecord-ProDVD. This version of cdrecord limits DVD-R/DVD-RW support to -dummy or 1 GB real. Free test versions and free keys for personal use are at ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ProDVD/ If you need DVD-R/DVD-RW support, ask the Author for cdrecord-ProDVD. This version of cdrecord does not include DVD-R/DVD-RW support code. Sorry, no CD/DVD-Recorder or unsupported CD/DVD-Recorder found on this target. Cannot allocate memory for driver structure. Sorry, no supported CD/DVD-Recorder found on this target. Sorry, no CD/DVD-Drive found on this target. WARNING: Trying to use other driver on known device. The unit seems to be hung and needs power cycling. Cannot do inquiry for CD/DVD-Recorder. atapi: %d Cannot reset target. Cannot reset (OS does not implement reset). Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer. SCSI buffer size: %ld Driveropts: '%s' Warning: using inofficial remote transport code version (%s-%s '%s'). schilyUsing remote transport code version '%s-%s' Warning: using inofficial libscg transport code version (%s-%s '%s'). schilyUsing libscg transport code version '%s-%s' Warning: using inofficial version of libscg (%s-%s '%s'). schilyUsing libscg version '%s-%s'%s Panic cannot set back effective uid. For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord dev=help'%s For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you are root. %s%sCannot open SCSI driver. helpHELPWaiting for data on stdin... WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns. WARNING: Cannot do mlockall(2). TOC Type: %d = %s This copy of cdrecord is licensed for: %s Limited features: %s Unlocked features: %s%s Cdrecord%s%s %s (%s-%s-%s) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jrg Schilling Internal error: Bad TOC type. ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) fifo was %ld times empty and %ld times full, min fill was %ld%%. fifo had %ld puts and %ld gets. unexpected short read-attempt in faio_get_buf. size = %d, len = %d faio_get_buf fatal: fd=%d, f->fd=%d, f->len=%d f->errno=%d gets: %ld puts: %ld cont: %ld low: %ld faio_wait_on_buffer for %s timed out. %lu microseconds passed waiting for %d current: %d idx: %ld faio_read_track fatal: secsize %d secspt %d, bytespt(%d) > %d !! faio_reader _exit(0) faio_reader all tracks read, exiting faio_reader reading track %u faio_reader starting Premature EOF on stdin. input buffer ready. Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... fork(2) failedUsing %d buffers of %d bytes. write-buffer too small, minimum is %dk. Disabling. bufsize: %d buffers: %d hdrsize %ld bufsize: %d buffers: %d hdrsize %ld shared memory segment attached at: %p size %d Cannot get mmap for %d Bytes on /dev/zero. buf: %p bufend: %p, buflen: %ld (align %ld) buf: %p bufend: %p, buflen: %ld fs: %ld buflen: %ld .audatafmt WAVERIFF.WAV.wav.sndyesyesinfIndex '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. %d: %ld Track %d %d Index: '%s' Too many indices for track %d Track %d ISRC: '%s' ISRC '%s' has illegal length. ISRC '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. Track %d MCN: '%s' MCN '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. MCN '%s' has illegal length. %s '%s' %s '%s' Cannot malloc auinfo string. Cannot malloc CD-Text structure. oncenonoTrack1 Start: '%s' (%ld) %s: Tracksize %lld bytes (%ld sectors, %ld samples) WARNING: %s: 'Tracklength=' contains illegal parameter '%s'. WARNING: %s: 'Tracklength=' contains illegal parameter '%s'. WARNING: %s does not contain a 'Tracklength=' tag. WARNING: Stdin is connected to a terminal. .INF.inf%r on line %d in '%s'. Extra text '%s'Missing textCannot open '%s'. rlinep %lX peekword %lX end %lX WORD: '%s' rest '%s' Track %d flags 0x%08X Track %d flags 0x%08X Track %d Tracktype %X Track %d Tracktype %X Remaining Filesize %lld (%lld secs) trackoff %lld filesize %lld index1 %ld size %ld/%lld -->Newtrack %d Illegal frame value in '%s'Not a number '%s'Illegal second value in '%s'Not a number '%s'Illegal minute value in '%s'Not a number '%s'Not a number '%s'Track %d Tracktype %s/%d Panic: unknown datatype '%s'Unsupported sector size %ld for mode2Unsupported sector size %ld for dataUnsupported sector size %ld for audioNot a number '%s'Unknown filetype '%s'Badly placed TRACK %ld numberIllegal TRACK number '%s'Not a number '%s'Badly placed TRACK keywordBadly placed PREGAP keywordBadly placed POSTGAP keywordBadly placed ISRC keywordISRC keyword must be past first TRACKTrack %d pregapsize %ld Track %d Index %d %ld Badly placed INDEX %ld numberIllegal index '%s'Not a number '%s'Badly placed INDEX keywordTrack %d flags 0x%08X Panic: unknown FLAG '%s'Unknown flag '%s'Badly placed FLAGS keywordTrack %d File '%s' Filesize %lld Inappropriate audio coding in '%s'Panic: unknown filetype '%s'Unsupported filetype '%s'Unsupported filetype '%s'Unknown file size for FILE '%s'Unknown filetype '%s'Cannot open FILE '%s'. %s/%s%sOnly one FILE allowedIf you like to write CD-Text, call cdrecord -text. Ignoring CDTEXTFILE '%s'. Cannot use '%s' as CD-Text file. CDTEXTFILE keyword must be before first TRACKCATALOG keyword must be before first TRACKPanic: unknown CUE command '%s'Badly placed CUE keyword '%s'Unknown CUE keyword '%s' KEY: '%s' %s ---> CUE Parser got EOF, found %d tracks. Incomplete CUE file---> Entering CUE Parser... it may be that this media does not use illegal manufacturer coding. As the orange forum likes to get money for recent information, Manufacturer is unknown because of the orange forum embargo. The information for this media may not be correct. The orange forum likes to get money for recent information. Manufacturer is guessed because of the orange forum embargo. Manufacturer: %s Manuf. index: %d Disk type: %s MB %5.1fx%sTrack %02d: Total bytes read/written: %lld/%lld (%lld sectors). Track %02d: writing %3lld KB of pad data. . [buf %3d%%] (fifo %3d%%) written of %4lld MB Track %02d: %4lld%swrite track data: error after %lld bytes %swrite track data: error after %lld bytes, retry with new packet WARNING: padding remainder of packet. WARNING: padding up to secsize. NOTICE: reducing block size for last record. read error on input file Track %02d: 0 MB written. Track %02d: 0 of %4lld MB written.secsize:%d secspt:%d bytespt:%d audio:%d pad:%d Encoding speed : %dx (%d sectors/s) for libedc from Heiko Eifeldt sectype first: %X sectype last %X Clone writing TOC length %ld does not match track length %ld Clone writing currently supports only one file argument. first %u last %u ctrl first: %X ctrl last %X nsubheader %d lout: %ld track 1 secs: %ld Can only copy session # 1. Read %d bytes TOC len: %d first session: %d last session: %d TOC too large. Cannot open '%s'. %.*s.tocImplementation botch: track boundary in buffer. write leadout data: error after %ld bytes FLAGS: 0x%X sect: %X RAW16:%d secs: %d spt: %d Leadoutstart: %d %d:%d/%d amt %ldwrite leadin data: error after %ld bytes FLAGS: 0x%X sect: %X RAW16:%d secs: %d spt: %d Leadinstart: %d %d:%d/%dUsing CLONE LEADIN Track %d start %ld Leadin TOC Type: %d Using CLONE TOC.... write CD-Text data: error after %ld bytes Cannot malloc CD-Text write buffer. %ld packs %% 4 = %ld CRC ERROR in pack #%ld (offset %d-%ld) in CD-Text file '%s'. Corrected CRC ERROR in pack #%ld (offset %d-%ld) in CD-Text file '%s'. Illegal pack type 0x%02X pack #%ld in CD-Text file '%s'. Cannot malloc CD-Text read buffer. Text len: %d Inconsistent CD-Text file '%s' not a multiple of pack length Inconsistent CD-Text file '%s' length should be %d but is %lld File '%s' is too small for CD-Text. Cannot read '%s'. Cannot open '%s'. rb%s=""Bad fifo size in defaults. Bad fifo size environment. CDR_FIFOSIZE=CDR_FIFOSIZEBad speed environment. CDR_SPEED=CDR_SPEEDCDR_DEVICE=CDR_DEVICE/etc/default/cdrecordIdentify set driver to '%s'. Using driver '%s' for identify. Found MMC drive CDWR: %d DVDWR: %d. Found MMC-3 %s CD: %s/%s DVD-: %s/%s DVD+: %s/%s DDCD: %s/%s. help%*s%s %s%nDriver types: Illegal driver type '%s'. helpSAO writing not available or not implemented for this drive. Unspecified command not implemented for this drive. This drive or media does not support the 'FORMAT media' command This drive or media does not support the 'BLANK media' command Unsupported drive type No support for Ricoh RO-1060C message out phase timeout errormessage in phase timeout errorstatus phase timeout errordata out phase timeout errordata in phase timeout errorcommand phase timeout errorverify error at ending of lead-outverify error at beginning of lead-outverify error at ending of lead-inverify error at beginning of lead-inverify error at ending of trackverify error at beginning of trackcommand not acceptedcommand rejectedsyscon not readyunknown syscon errorsyscon communication errorundefined syscon error12V failuredata transfer errorbuffer parity errorCD-R engine selftest error¢block encoder/decoder path error¡block encoder communication error block decoder communication error•syscon eeprom error”dac error“motor controller error’servo ic error‘efm decoder errorefm encoder errorsyscon ram error€syscon rom errorwrite audio on reserved trackdummy blocks addedcalibration area fullno efm at search addresscurrent program area emptycalibration area almost fullalpha and power range erroralpha lower range erroralpha upper range errorbeta lower range errorbeta upper range errormoderation errorpower range errorillegal track modebuffer underrunillegal track numberend of medium reachedrequest for fixation failedillegal blocksize for commandillegal mediuminvalid start addressstopped on non_data blockcdbd over run errornot all data transferredillegal blocksizelast one block errorread link, run-in run-outedc errorheader monitor errorheader search errormode of last track errorverify blank errorreserve track check errorcommand not now validillegal trackdread in leadoutdread in leadinWdisk informatoion errorWtoc read errorWpma errorWno atip or subcodeWatip not foundWsubcode not found atip/subcode jumped error atip sync error servo off track pll no lock sledge servo failure radial skating errorlogical unit is in process of becoming readyservo adjustment overlaser current overeeprom failurecannot recover opccannot recover leadoutcannot recover leadincannot recover pmacannot recover trackrecovery neededbarcode reading errorno barcode availablebuffer overflowparameter list too largeprogram area not emptycurrent command abortedblock size format conflictdummy data blocks addedcalibration area fulllink area encounteredno efm at search addresscurrent program area emptycalibration area almost fulloptical power calibration errorillegal track modebuffer under rundata track length errorillegal track numberend of medium reachedrequest for fixation failedillegal transfer lengthblocksize conflictillegal blocksize for commandapplication code conflictdisk write protectedillegal mediumattampt to cross track-boundaryinvalid start adressstopped on non data blocktrack at one not in PMAtray outmedium removal is preventedcommand now not validillegal track numbereverify failedZoperator medium removal requestWunable to read TOC/PMA/Subcode/ATIP4absorbtion control error3monitor atip error2write data error with CUtray outlead out capacity: %ld lead out AA: %ld lead out B0: %ld ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) Disk application code: %d Is %s%s ATIP info from disk: Cannot set dummy writing for this device. WARNING: ignoring selected speed. WARNING: setting to minimum speed (2). BFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K CD-R CDU94exit from pseudo track at once recordingillegal bar code formatillegal bar code lengthno bar code start patternnot enough bar code marginno bar codeunrecoverable damaged track cause too small writing areapca area fullpma area fulldamaged track presentunrecoverable track descriptor encounteredno track present to finalizenot enough spacewrite error track recoveredwrite errorpower calibration errorillegal block length for write commandno table of contentsdisk style mismatchnonexistent block encounteredlink blocks encounteredunwritten area encounteredbuffer error during at once recordingunable to reserve track, because track mode has been changedillegal data form for reserve track commandbuffer data size errorreserved track presentillegal track statusunrecordable diskbuffer overflow for read all subcodes commandaudio play operation abortedmedia load mechanism failedinappropriate commandillegal cue sheetaudio address not validlogical unit is reservedwrite completeWriting lead-in... CD-Text must be in first session. SAO startsec: %ld SAO startsec: %ld Cannot send CUE sheet. The CDU-924 does not support CD-Text, disabling. Sending CUE sheet... Write Lead-in time: CUE sheet not accepted. Retrying with minimum pregapsize = 1. Track %d has unknown length. Cannot change disk stile for recorded disk. Writing pregap for track %d at %ld ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) Disk application code: %d Is %s%s Indicated writing power: %d ATIP info from disk: Fixating is not possible in dummy write mode. %d fmt: %X Buffer cap: %ld BFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K Blanking %s NWA: %ld start lba: %ld last lba: %ld done. done. Calibrating laser... Judging disk...Track %d has unknown length. Subcode len: %d Lead out start: (%02d:%02d/%02d) lba: %ld lba_addr: %ld Cannot fixate without track list (not yet implemented). unable to ensure reliable writing as the inserted disk has no char id codeunable to ensure reliable writing as the inserted disk does not support speedunable to ensure reliable writing with the inserted disk - unsupported diskwrite request means mixed data mode2nd run-out block detected1st run-out block detectedlink block detected1st run-in block detected2nd run-in block detected3rd run-in block detected4th run-in block detectedabnormal spin - nmiread timeoutwrite emergency occurredno write data - buffer emptyabnormal spinning - servo irqwrite address is efm area - aleady writtenread address is atip area - blankfull pma areano logical sectorefm isn't detectedpca area fullinvalid B0 valuecompleted preview writedisk application code does not match host application codeopc execution timeoutalpc error - opc executionopc execution erorpower calibration not executedopc initialize errorslider velocity control erroractuator velocity control errordrive sequence stoplinear velocity measurement errordisc information read errordisc information less disktoc less diskmount errorpma less disk - not a recordable diska blank disk is detected by read tocread toc erroraudio not playingcartridge could not be ejectedmissing trackaddress can't find or not data tracksync erroraddr exceeded the last valid block addrunable to spin upno cartridge presentno disk present - couldn't get focuscontroller prom error@thermal sensor failure@diagnostic failure on program rom@diagnostic failure on servo processor@diagnostic failure on internal SCSI controller@diagnostic failure on gate array@diagnostic failure on cd-rom ecc circuit@diagnostic failure on memories@diagnostic failure on component partsWARNING: adding dummy block to close track. set_limits(%ld, %ld)-> %ld set_limits(%ld, %ld)-> %ld pad_track(%ld, %ld)-> %ld set_limits(%ld, %ld)-> %ld Control (as in set mode) missing. Write Lead-in time: CUE sheet not accepted. Retrying with minimum pregapsize = 1. Track %d has unknown length. Writing pregap for track %d at %ld CD-Text unsupported in CW-7501 - ignoring. SAO startsec: %ld Cannot send CUE sheet. Sending CUE sheet... Writing last record for this track. Trying to clear drive status. Recovery neededRecovery failedPCA area full (100 counts)PMA area full (1000 blocks)Unable to recover damaged diskNo track present to finalizeNot enough space (Leadin/Leadout space)Write error (Fatal Error/Time out)Power Calibration errorDisk Style mismatchBuffer error during recordingUnable to Reserve Track, Because Track Mode has been ChangedIllegal Data Form for Reserve Track CommandIllegal Reserve Length for Reserve Track CommandReserved track StatusIllegal Track StatusUnrecordable DiskBuffer OverrunAudio Play operation Not in ProgressInappropriate commandIllegal Que Sheet (DAO parameter)@diagnostic failure on system mechanism@diagnostic failure on internal SCSI controller@diagnostic failure on BUFFER RAM@diagnostic failure on CPU internal RAM@diagnostic failure on ROM%s:CDIPLEXTORPACKET DiskT@2 final error. DiskT@2 write error. DiskT@2 file read error. DiskT@2 1st write error. DiskT@2 file read error. Starting to write DiskT@2 data. Illegal DiskT@2 file size. DiskT@2 info not valid. Cannot get DiskT@2 info. DiskT@2 image size: 3744 x %d pixel. DiskT@2 outer r: %d DiskT@2 inner r: %d Burnfree counter: %d Mode len: %d Checking for Yamaha Audio Master feature: Turning Power-Rec %s. Power-Rec write speed: %dx (recommended) Power-Rec is %s. Turning Speed-Read %s. Speed-Read is %s. Turning hide CDR %s. Turning single session %s. Hide CDR is %s. Single session is %s. Varirec offset is %d. Turning Varirec on. Bad VariRec offset %d Drive does not support VariRec. Bad varirec value '%s'. YAMAHABURN-Free was %d times used. BURN-Free was never needed. Last actual write speed: %dx Max media write speed: %dx Last selected write speed: %dx CUE sheet still not accepted. Please try to write in RAW (-raw96r) mode. CUE sheet not accepted. Retrying with minimum pregapsize = 1. Track %d has unknown length. Turning BURN-Free off Turning BURN-Free on BURN-Free is %s. New start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) New start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) Turning Audio Master Q. R. on Blanking %s ATAPI early return: sleeping %d seconds. Actual fixating time: %ld seconds Early return from fixating. Ret: %d Key: %d, Code: %d Early return from fixating. Ret: %d Key: %d, Code: %d Trouble flushing the cache WARNING: Some drives don't like fixation in dummy mode. Trouble flushing the cache Unknown write mode. Writing pregap for track %d at %ld Writing lead-in at sector %ld Illegal startsec (%ld) WARNING: Drive returns wrong startsec (%ld) using %ld from ATIP Writing lead-in... CD-Text must be in first session. SAO startsec: %ld WARNING: Drive returns wrong startsec (%ld) using -150 SAO startsec: %ld Cannot send CUE sheet. Sending CUE sheet... If you like to write to 'preformatted' RW media, try to blank the media first. This media cannot be written in streaming mode anymore. This means that we are checking recorded media. Cannot get next writable address for 'invisible' track. Turning forcespeed off Turning forcespeed on Forcespeed is %s. A3 values: %02X %02X %02X A2 values: %02X %02X %02X A1 values: %02X %02X %02X recommended erase/write power: %d power mult factor: %d %d ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) Disk sub type: %s (%d) Is %s%s Is %s%s Reference speed: %d Indicated writing power: %d ATIP info from disk: %2d %2d (reserved val %2d)OPC table: Disk bar code: 0x%lX%lX last start of lead out: %ld last start of lead in: %ld Disk id: 0x%lX reservedundefinedCD-ROM XACD-DA or CD-ROMDisk type: Is %s%s first track: %d number of sessions: %d first track in last sess: %d last track in last sess: %d session status: %s disk status: %s Is %s%s Trying to clear drive status. Converting ATIP from BCD RAW/R96R RAW/R96P RAW/R16 SAO/R96R SAO/R96P SAO TAO Checking possible write modes: Cannot do DiskT@2. Cannot open '%s'. rbhelpDrive is pre MMC-3 Found unsupported DVD-RAM media. Current profile: 0x%04X Current profile: 0x%04X CD-R CDU928ESONYnoNone supported for this drive. nohidecdr Disable hiding CD-R media hidecdr Tell the drive to hide CD-R media nosinglesession Disable single session only mode singlesession Tell the drive to behave as single session only drive tattoofile=name Use 'name' as DiskT@2 image file tattooinfo Print image size info for DiskT@2 feature nospeedread Disable to wead as fast as possible speedread Tell the drive to read as fast as possible forcespeed Tell the drive to force speed even for low quality media audiomaster Turn Audio Master feature on (SAO CD-R Audio/Data only) Only works for audio and if speed is set to 4 varirec=val Set VariRec Laserpower to -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 noburnfree Disable using BURN-Free technology burnfree Prepare writer to use BURN-Free technology Driver options: PIONEERTotal recording hours: %ld Total laser on hours: %ld Total power on hours: %ld Leaving DVD info. Max speed %u Reference speed %u ADIP numbytes %u Product revision %u Media type: '%.3s' Manufacturer: '%.8s' Recoding density %02X Disk structure %02X Disk size %02X Category/Version %02X Media type: '%.3s' Manufacturer: '%.8s' Page %02X %s (%02X) len %d %02XSupported DVD (readable) structures:Enterning DVD info.... 00592212051998second: %.2s minute: %.2s hour: %.2s day: %.2s month: %.2s year: %.4s random: %d .%cPrerecorded info : ' .%c.%cManufacturer: 'field id4: %d field id3: %d wavelength code: %d ind wr. power: %d field id2: %d part v./ext code:%X/%X last rec address:%ld physical code: %d application code:%d field id: %d last rma sector: %d cgms: %d cpm: %d Manufacturing info: '%.2048s' region mgt info: %d copyr prot type: %d phys size:... %ld bca: %d end layer 0: %ld phys end: %ld phys start: %ld track density: %s (%d) linear density: %s (%d) layer type: %s (%d) track path: %s Track Path (%d) number of layers:%d minimum rate: %s (%d) disc size: %s (%d) book type: %s, Version %d (%d.%d) last recorded addr: %ld rzone size: %ld blocking factor: %ld free blocks: %ld next wr addr: %ld rzone start: %ld nwa valid: %d reserved: %d blank: %d incremental: %d damage: %d border number: %d rzone number: %d BURN-Free was %d times used. BURN-Free was not used. Blanking %s Trouble flushing the cache Turning BURN-Free off Turning BURN-Free on BURN-Free is %s. Vtracks: %d size: %lld bytes %lld rounded (%ld sectors) total Virtual track %d is not a multiple of secsize. Vtrack: %d size: %lld bytes %lld rounded (%lld sectors) VTrack %d has unknown length. Compiling virtual track list ... next writable addr: %ld valid: %d MMC-3 speed select did not work. Turning forcespeed off Turning forcespeed on Forcespeed is %s. WARNING: Phys start: %ld Phys end %ld WARNING: Phys disk size %ld differs from rzone size %ld! Prerecorded disk? Cannot read DVD structure. Trying to clear drive status. helpDVD-R DVD-R7322DVD-RW DVR-103PIONEERBURN-Free was %d times used. BURN-Free was not used. Formatting media DVD+RW Full format capacity not found. Medium is already formatted. Blanking %s Cannot blank with non Ricoh based drive. DVD Writer 200jDVD Writer 100jHPDVD+RW MP5125DVD+RW MP5120RICOHTrouble closing the last session Trouble closing the track Trouble flushing the cache Trouble closing the session Trouble flushing the cache Vtracks: %d size: %lld bytes %lld rounded (%ld sectors) total Virtual track %d is not a multiple of secsize. Vtrack: %d size: %lld bytes %lld rounded (%lld sectors) VTrack %d has unknown length. Compiling virtual track list ... next writable addr: %ld valid: %d MMC-3 speed select did not work. Turning forcespeed off Turning forcespeed on Forcespeed is %s. DVD+RW has no -dummy mode. WARNING: Phys start: %ld Phys end %ld WARNING: Phys disk size %ld differs from rzone size %ld! Prerecorded disk? Cannot read DVD structure. Trying to clear drive status. helpDVD-R DVD-R7322DVD-RW DVR-103Current profile: 0x%04X Minimum reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms Remaining reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms Buffer underrun: actual delay was %d.%3.3d ms, max delay was %d.%3.3d ms. Writing last record for this track. Maximum reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms for speed %dx Simulation drive buffer size: %d KB CDR_SIMUL_BUFSIZE%c '%.4s' '%.8s' No lun found. BAD UNIT * HOST ADAPTOR %3d) %d,%d,%d scsibus%d target %d: No target found. HOST ADAPTOR %3d) %d,%d,%d scsibus%d: NON CCS '%.16s' %sCAVWPISAFIMSJVC%s %s unknownCMDQUE LINKED WBUS16 WBUS32 RELADR CDS615ET.YUDENCDR4120CD-R55SCD-R50SRO1060CPLEXTORCDR4220PLASMONPIONEERRCD 4X4RCD5040RCD5020CDR-240KHSW/OBPHILIPSMITSUMIGRUNDIGCDR2000ADAPTECPages: DVD %2ux) (CD %3ux, %5d kB/s Write speed # %d: Number of supported write speeds: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Is %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s %s: %s %s: %s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s %s: %d Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s page 2A: MMC MMC-2 MMC-3 Drive capabilities, perreserved(3)reserved(2)CLV/PCAVreserved(7)reserved(6)cartridge changerdisc changerreserved(3)pop-uptraycaddy24 (I2S)241632 DVD %2ux) (CD %3ux, %s: %5d kB/sTry to load media by hand. Cannot load media with %s drive! . Missing Entry for dev %dPioneer DVD-R S101Pioneer DW-S114XMatsushita CW-7502Matsushita CW-7501Teac CD-R50SRicoh RO-1420CRicoh RO-1060CSony CDU-924SPlasmon RF-4100Yamaha CDR-400Yamaha CDR-100Philips CDD-2600Philips CDD-2000Kodak PCD-600Philips CDD-522Philips CDD-521Philips old CDD-521Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RWGeneric mmc2 DVD-ROMGeneric mmc CD-RWGeneric mmc CD-RGeneric mmc CD-ROMGeneric CD-ROMMicrotek MS300ABerthold HR-ScannerMaxtor RXT800SSysgen SC4000Emulex MT02Sony SMO-C501Generic CCS DiskGeneric NON CCS DiskEmulex MD23Emulex MD21Adaptec 4525Adaptec 4520AAdaptec 5500Adaptec 4070Adaptec 4010Adaptec 4000Adaptec 4000/4010/4070Device seems to be: Revision : '%.4s' Identifikation : '%.16s' Vendor_info : '%.8s' SOFTRESET SYNC TERMIOP AENC Capabilities : Response Format: %d Version : %d Device type : BERTHOLDCD-R CW-7502CD-R CW-7501MATSHITACDR400CDR200CDR10YAMAHACDR-632PCD-WO EW-50TraxdataTRAXDATATEACCD-R CDU94CD-R CDU92SONYCD-WO CRD-R24SSANYOCD-R4012CD-RW226CD-R2006PLUSCD-R2006 CD-R2004RO-1420CRICOHCD-R PX-R24CSRF4100DVD-R DVR-S101CD-WO DR-R504XCD-WO DW-S114XRCD-1000PINNACLECD-Writer 6020C4324/C4325CDD26CDD20PCD225CDD522CDD521CDD521/02CDD521/00HPKODAKCD-R 650OPTIMAMITSBISHR2626XR-W2010XR-W2001CDR100IPWCREATIVECR-4020CACERRXT-800SEMULEX MT02 FAKESYSGEN SC4000 FAKESMO-C501SONYACB-4525ACB-4520MD23MD21EMULEXADAPTEC ACB-4070 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4010 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4000 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-40X0 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-5500 FAKE .%cInquiry Data : error: %d scb.chk: %d sense_count: %d sense.code: 0x%x capacity_not_setcapacity_not_set 0x%X Blocklen:%ld Blocks: %ld Density: 0x%X Session info too big. Session info too big. B0 lout: %ld B0 start: %ld Cannot read TOC wctbcdtext.datCannot read CD-Text CD-Text len: %d Cannot read CD-Text header Cannot read TOC header BFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K Sectorsize: %ld Bytes Capacity: %ld Blocks = %ld kBytes = %ld MBytes = %ld prMB Serial: '%.*s' Feature: 0x%04X '%s' %s %s Profile: 0x%04X %s %s feature len: %d current profile 0x%04X len %lld The drive is not mmc3 compliant. feature len: %d current profile 0x%04X %s %s Profile: Profile: 0x%04X Current: %s feature len: %d current profile 0x%04X feature len: %d current profile 0x%04X len %d %X Supported log pages:Warning: using default %s data. Cannot get saved %s data. Cannot get default %s data. Cannot get %s mask. Cannot get %s data. Warning: controller does not support %s page. Warning: controller returns wrong page %X for %s page (%X). Warning: controller returns wrong size for %s page. Warning: controller returns zero sized %s page. Warning: controller creates hard SCSI failure when retrieving %s page. %s%4ld.%03lds Value %lld is too large for data type 'long'. %s 0x%8.8X%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xNOT FOUND open: %d ddri386-pc-solaris2.8i386-pc-solaris2.8rshRSHtcpB%d %d execlp '%s' failed. rcmdsh: fork to lose parent failed. setuid(%lld) failed. dup2 failed. Cannot create socketpair. Unknown user: %s Lost connection to remote host ?? Protocol error (got %s). Remote status(%s): %d '%s'. S%d %d %d %d %d R%d T%d %d %d %d rcvsize: %d sndsize: %d M%ld D%ld O%s V%d RSCSIlocuser: '%s' rscsiuser: '%s' host: '%s' %.*swho are you? No passwd entry found. shell/tcp: unknown service shellCannot get connection to remote host%sIllegal remote device syntaxREMOTEIllegal value for busno, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'Warning: Using remote SCSI interface. Invalid value for bus, target or lun (%d,%d,%d)Invalid lun specifier in '%s'Invalid target or lun specifier in '%s'Invalid bus or target specifier in '%s'Supported SCSI transports for this platform: %sscg__open(%s) %d,%d,%d scsibus: %d target: %d lun: %d devname: '%s' scsidev: '%s' WARNING: device not valid, trying to use default target... Invalid lun specifier '%s'REMOTEhelpHELPNo memory for SCSI structureYESyesScannerPrinter(%s%s) %r unknown device type 0x%xunit not presentunknown/no deviceWell known lunAutomation/Drive InterfaceObject based storageBridging expanderOptical card r/wSimple direct accessEnclosure servicesStorage arrayIT8 2IT8 1CommunicationJuke BoxOptical StorageCD-ROMWORMProcessorTapeDiskvendor specific %d unsupported unsupported reserved not present Removable .%c%s %02X%s .%c%s %02X%s0x%x 0x%x status: 0x%x cmd finished after %ld.%03lds timeout %ds cmd finished after %ld.%03lds timeout %ds Got %d (0x%X), expecting %d (0x%X) bytes of data. Got %d (0x%X), expecting %d (0x%X) bytes of data. Sending %d (0x%X) bytes of data. Sending %d (0x%X) bytes of data. %s: scsi sendcmd: %s error: %dcmd timeout after %ld.%03ld (%d) sresid: %d DMA overrun, Executing '%s' command on Bus %d Target %d, Lun %d timeout %ds ret < 0 errno: %d ux_errno: %d error: %d Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl SCSI ALREADY RUNNING !!Currently running '%s' command. Yy%sREMOTE operation %d%% doneactual retry count %derror refers to %s part, bit ptr %d %s field ptr %d Sense flags: Blk %d %s%s%s%sSense Code: 0x%02X Qual 0x%02X %s%s%s%s Fru 0x%X %sSense Key: 0x%X %s%s, Segment %d []invalid sensekeyno sense[]vendor unique sense code 0x%Xinvalid sense code 0x%Xdecompression exception short algorithm id of 0x%Xtagged overlapped commands, queue tag is 0x%Xdiagnostic failure on component 0x%Xtemperature alarmlaser tracking coil over-currentlaser focus coil over-currentlimited laser life=defect list not available:defect list update failed9write error recovery failed8recoverable write error#illegal function for medium typebias magnet failuretracking failure focus failure spindle failure load/unload failure disk not insertedsrma/pma is almost fullsprogram memory area is fullsprogram memory area update failurespower calibration area errorspower calibration area is fullspower calibration area almost fullscd control errorrno more track reservations allowedrempty or partially written reserved trackrsession fixation error - incomplete track in sessionrsession fixation error writing lead-outrsession fixation error writing lead-inrsession fixation errorqdecompression exception long algorithm idpdecompression exception short algorithm id of nnodrive region must be permanent/region reset count erroromedia region code is mismatched to logical unit regionoread of scrambled sector without authenticationocopy protection key exchange failure - key not establishedocopy protection key exchange failure - key not presentocopy protection key exchange failure - authentication failurencommand to logical unit failedmrecalculate failure occurredlrebuild failure occurredkredundancy level got worsekredundancy level got betterkstate change has occurredjinformational, refer to logiparity/data mismatchimultiple logical unit failuresidata loss on logical unithlogical unit not configuredg asymmetric access code 5 (00-232) [proposed]g asymmetric access code 4 (00-232) [proposed]g multiply assigned logical unitgassign failure occurredgcreation of logical unit failedgattachment of logical unit failedgremove of logical unit failedgexchange of logical unit failedgmodification of logical unit failedgadd logical unit failedgconfiguration of incapable logical units failedgconfiguration failurefdocument miss feed automatic in document feederfdocument jam in automatic document feederfautomatic document feeder lift upfautomatic document feeder cover upevoltage faultdinvalid packet sizedillegal mode for this trackcpacket does not fit in available spacecend of user area encountered on this trackbscan head positioning erroraout of focusaunable to acquire videoavideo acquisition error`lamp failure^Gpower state change to device control^Epower state change to sleep^Cpower state change to standby^Bpower state change to idle^Apower state change to active^standby condition activated by command^idle condition activated by command^standby condition activated by timer^idle condition activated by timer^low power condition on]failure prediction threshold exceeded (false)]lfirmware impending failure drive calibration retry count]kfirmware impending failure spin-up retry count]jfirmware impending failure seek time performance]ifirmware impending failure throughput performance]hfirmware impending failure controller detected]gfirmware impending failure channel parametrics]ffirmware impending failure start unit times too high]efirmware impending failure access times too high]dfirmware impending failure too many block reassigns]cfirmware impending failure seek error rate too high]bfirmware impending failure data error rate too high]afirmware impending failure drive error rate too high]`firmware impending failure general hard drive failure]\spindle impending failure drive calibration retry count][spindle impending failure spin-up retry count]Zspindle impending failure seek time performance]Yspindle impending failure throughput performance]Xspindle impending failure controller detected]Wspindle impending failure channel parametrics]Vspindle impending failure start unit times too high]Uspindle impending failure access times too high]Tspindle impending failure too many block reassigns]Sspindle impending failure seek error rate too high]Rspindle impending failure data error rate too high]Qspindle impending failure drive error rate too high]Pspindle impending failure general hard drive failure]Lservo impending failure drive calibration retry count]Kservo impending failure spin-up retry count]Jservo impending failure seek time performance]Iservo impending failure throughput performance]Hservo impending failure controller detected]Gservo impending failure channel parametrics]Fservo impending failure start unit times too high]Eservo impending failure access times too high]Dservo impending failure too many block reassigns]Cservo impending failure seek error rate too high]Bservo impending failure data error rate too high]Aservo impending failure drive error rate too high]@servo impending failure general hard drive failure]logical unit unable to update self-test log>logical unit failed self-test>timeout on logical unit>logical unit failure>logical unit has not self-configured yet=invalid bits in identify message;mechanical positioning or changer error;medium magazine unlocked;medium magazine locked;medium magazine inserted;medium magazine removed;medium magazine not accessible;end of medium reached;medium source element empty; medium destination element full; position past beginning of medium; position past end of medium; read past beginning of medium; read past end of medium;reposition error;failed to sense bottom-of-form;failed to sense top-of-form;paper jam;slew failure;tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready;tape position error at end-of-medium;tape position error at beginning-of-medium;sequential positioning error:medium not present - medium auxiliary memory accessible:medium not present - loadable:medium not present - tray open:medium not present - tray closed:medium not present9saving parameters not supported8esn - device busy class event8esn - media class event8esn - power management class event8event status notification7rounded parameter6ribbon, ink, or toner failure5enclosure services transfer refused5enclosure services transfer failure5enclosure services unavailable5unsupported enclosure function5enclosure services failure4enclosure failure3tape length error2defect list update failure2no defect spare location available1zoned formatting failed due to spare linking1format command failed1medium format corrupted0medium not formatted0 current session not fixated for append0cannot write - application code mismatch0cleaning failure0cannot format medium - incompatible medium0cannot write medium - incompatible format0cannot write medium - unknown format0cleaning cartridge installed0cannot read medium - incompatible format0cannot read medium - unknown format0incompatible medium installed/commands cleared by another initiator.insufficient time for operation-overwrite error on update in place,persistent prevent conflict,illegal power condition request,current program area is empty,current program area is not empty,invalid combination of windows specified,too many windows specified,command sequence error+copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect*asymmetric access code 7 (00-232) [proposed]*asymmetric access code 6 (00-232) [proposed]*registrations preempted*reservations released*reservations preempted*log parameters changed*mode parameters changed*parameters changed)transceiver mode changed to lvd)transceiver mode changed to single-ended)device internal reset)bus device reset function occurred)scsi bus reset occurred)power on occurred)power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred(import or export element accessed(not ready to ready change, medium may have changed'conditional write protect'permanent write protect'persistent write protect'associated write protect'logical unit software write protected'hardware write protected'write protected& copy segment granularity violation& invalid operation for copy source or destination& inline data length exceeded& unexpected inexact segment& unsupported segment descriptor type code&too many segment descriptors&unsupported target descriptor type code&too many target descriptors&data decryption error&invalid release of persistent reservation&threshold parameters not supported&parameter value invalid&parameter not supported&invalid field in parameter list%logical unit not supported$invalid cdb field while in implicit block address model$invalid cdb field while in explicit block address model$cdb decryption error$invalid field in cdb"illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)!invalid address for write!invalid element address!logical block address out of range access controls code 8 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 7 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 6 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 5 (99-245) [proposed] illegal command while in implicit address model illegal command while in explicit address model write type operation while in read capable state read type operation while in write capable state access controls code 3 (99-314) [proposed] access controls code 2 (99-314) [proposed] access controls code 1 (99-314) [proposed] invalid command operation codepartial defect list transferrecovered id with ecc correctionmiscompare during verify operationgrown defect list not foundprimary defect list not founddefect list not foundsynchronous data transfer errorparameter list length errordefect list error in grown listdefect list error in primary listdefect list not availabledefect list errorrecovered data with linkingrecovered data with ecc - data rewrittenrecovered data - recommend rewriterecovered data - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with l-ecrecovered data with circrecovered data - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data with error corr. & retries appliedrecovered data with error correction applied recovered data without ecc - data rewrittenrecovered data without ecc - recommend rewriterecovered data without ecc - recommend reassignmentrecovered data without ecc - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data using previous sector idrecovered data with retries and/or circ appliedrecovered data with negative head offsetrecovered data with positive head offsetrecovered data with retriesrecovered data with no error correction applieddata sync error - recommend reassignmentdata sync error - data auto-reallocateddata sync error - recommend rewritedata sync error - data rewrittendata synchronization mark errorpositioning error detected by read of mediummechanical positioning errorrandom positioning errorrecord not found - data auto-reallocatedrecord not found - recommend reassignmentblock sequence errorend-of-data not foundfilemark or setmark not foundrecord not foundrecorded entity not foundaddress mark not found for data fieldaddress mark not found for id fieldauxiliary memory code 3 (99-148) [proposed]read error - loss of streamingerror reading isrc numbererror reading upc/ean numbercannot decompress using declared algorithm de-compression crc error unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the data unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment miscorrected error no gap foundincomplete block readdata re-synchronization errorcirc unrecovered errorl-ec uncorrectable errorunrecovered read error - auto reallocate failedmultiple read errorserror too long to correctread retries exhaustedunrecovered read errorid crc or ecc error copy target device data overrun copy target device data underrun incorrect copy target device type copy target device not reachable third party device failure error detected by third party temporary initiator auxiliary memory code 4 (99-148) [proposed] write error - padding blocks added write error - loss of streaming write error - recovery failed write error - recovery needed block not compressible data expansion occurred during compression compression check miscompare error write error - recommend reassignment write error - auto reallocation failed write error - recovered with auto reallocation write error warning - enclosure degraded warning - specified temperature exceeded warning error log overflow head select fault spindle servo failure focus servo failure tracking servo failure track following errorunreachable copy targetlogical unit communication crc error (ultra-dma/32)logical unit communication parity errorlogical unit communication time-outlogical unit communication failuremultiple peripheral devices selectedno reference position foundlogical unit does not respond to selectionauxiliary memory code 2 (99-148) [proposed] asymmetric access code 2 (00-232) [proposed] asymmetric access code 1 (00-232) [proposed] asymmetric access code 3 (00-232) [proposed] logical unit not ready, self-test in progresslogical unit not ready, long write in progresslogical unit not ready, operation in progresslogical unit not ready, recalculation in progresslogical unit not ready, rebuild in progresslogical unit not ready, format in progresslogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredlogical unit not ready, initializing cmd. requiredlogical unit is in process of becoming readylogical unit not ready, cause not reportableexcessive write errorsno write currentperipheral device write faultno seek completeno index/sector signalcleaning requestedoperation in progressno current audio status to returnaudio play operation stopped due to erroraudio play operation successfully completedaudio play operation pausedaudio play operation in progressi/o process terminatedend-of-data detectedbeginning-of-partition/medium detectedsetmark detectedend-of-partition/medium detectedfilemark detectedno additional sense information/adapter parity error.scsi parity error-initiator detected error,error counter overflow+set limit violation#volume overflowdefective trackself test failedbad format on driveinterleave errorECC error during verifyideide0x%02X SCSI open usage error. No remote SCSI transport available. None. ENOTTY atapi: %d uscsi_rqbuf: uscsi_rqbuf ptr: 0x%lx uscsi_rqresid: %d uscsi_rqstatus: 0x%x uscsi_rqlen: %d uscsi_resid: %d uscsi_buflen: %d uscsi_bufaddr: 0x%lx uscsi_timeout: %d uscsi_status: 0x%x uscsi_flags: 0x%x ret: %d errno: %d (%s) /dev/rdsk/c%dt%dd%ds2/dev/rdsk/c%dd%dp0maxtransfer: %d (%d) partition: %hd slave: %d %04o Tgt: %d Lun: %d unit: %d dname: '%s' cnum: %hd cflags: 0x%04hX ctype: 0x%04hX %hd cname: '%s' %s/s%d%s/s2volmgt_inuse(%s) %d symdev %s name %s mname %s volmgt_symdev(%s)=%s -> %s volmgt_symdev(%s)=%s -> %s scgo_volopen(%s) Cannot open '%s'USCSI:Cannot open '%s'/dev/rdsk/c%dt%dd%ds2Cannot open '%s'/dev/rdsk/c%dt%dd%ds2USCSINo memory for scg_localIllegal value for busno, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'Warning: Volume management is running, medialess managed drives are invisible. Warning: Using USCSI interface. Cannot open '%s'/dev/scg%dNo memory for scg_localIllegal value for busno '%d'Open via UNIX device: %ssupported SCSI Bus scanning: %ssupported Target example: %s Target specifier: %s Transp. layer ind.: %s Transport descr.: %s Transport name: %s rfilesizegetarg_bad_format%s: %s. %rError %d%s: %r%s: %s. %rError %d%s: %r%r. Condition not caught: any_other(NULL POINTER)0udioxXZODXCSILCSILZODXUCSIL BORObOrOOOOOOOOOPP"P2PBPRPbPrPPPPPPPPPQQ"Q2QBQRQbQrQQQQQQQQQRR"R2RBRRRbRrRRRRRRRRRSS"S2SBSRSbSrSSSSSSSSSTT"T2TBTRTbTrTTTTTTTTTUU"U2Uix C C3  o oKo,L L oo ,U  illegalunknown2.01a27x t l p d p p p L p p p H X L @ D 4 (      | l \ D 4 $       |    p T < $   4 ,       @(#)cdrecord.c 1.280 04/03/10 Copyright 1995-2004 J. Schilling@(#)cd_misc.c 1.10 01/10/29 Copyright 1997 J. Schillingp h ` X @(#)fifo.c 1.47 04/03/02 Copyright 1989,1997-2004 J. Schilling@(#)isosize.c 1.9 04/03/02 Copyright 1996, 2001-2004 J. Schilling@(#)audiosize.c 1.19 04/03/01 Copyright 1998-2004 J. SchillingABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@(#)auinfo.c 1.23 04/03/01 Copyright 1998-2004 J. Schilling=:,/ ' ' ' ' '     d  e f g h i j p h ` X P D  <   0  (     @(#)cue.c 1.20 04/03/02 Copyright 2001-2004 J. SchillingMPO a#,}a}a2}ȡa }a}a}Ba#,za<%fSa2$[a$\a("Wa2"]a7" Ya"yIa"]a"\a!"Ka(a!bHa a!URaa!tEa oba Ja uJa)fTa"9a!:Ba q?aGadav^a!h\a<lSa9PauIa Fa RaKCaBaa+EaAPav!aQMa0=a7<a->=asIa-==aqIa^Ha!Ua:a2Qa Xya 5 a- a1/ a/ a($ a<1e a%P a  a/( a  a !9 a<- a-<- a2  a0<  a( a.( a a/  a( a0 a2 a02 a a0 a  a0 a} a/} a<g a0g aY a= a.= a - a1- a" a2 a a.2 a  a1  a a- a< a.< a(} as a/2s a r a. r a  aCS a B4 a2A a@P a1(? a(? a(> a<= a< a. ; a2; a(:{ a9X a329X a<8D a27 a(6 a4 a23 a2 a s a-20 a20 a.z a2-n a,Q a<+5 a-+5 a a'! a( a3( a) a2* a & a2 & a# a# a3 # a1$ a" a0(" a` a1<` a @ a2 @ a/< a a( a-( a a. a  aD[ a*D[ a<2 aEB aF& aG a- ) aP a aQ a a a!RP a#, a' a-$S( a/ a/ a0 a0! a1 a6 a7 a9 SHENZEN SG&GAST DIGITAL OPTICAL DISCSNAN-YA Plastics CorporationMoser Baer India LimitedAdvanced Digital MediaMulti Media Masters & Machinary SAComputer Support Italy s.r.l.CIS Technology Inc.SONY CorporationOPTICAL DISC CORPRATIONPOSTECH CorporationProdisc Technology Inc.??? CDA Datentrger Albrechts GmbH.CDA Datentrger Albrechts GmbH.Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd.DIGITAL STORAGE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDGrand Advance Technology Ltd.Vanguard Disc Inc.AMS Technology Inc.UNITECH JAPAN INC.INFODISC Technology Co., Ltd.Woongjin Media corpAcer Media Technology, Inc.AUDIO DISTRIBUTORS CO., LTD.OPTROM.INC.Nacar Media srlOpti.Me.S. S.p.A.Guann Yinn Co.,Ltd.Harmonic Hall Optical Disc Ltd.DELPHI TECHNOLOGY INC.EXIMPOSeantram Technology Inc.kdg mediatech AGSound Sound Multi-Media Development LimitedFriendly CD-Tek Co.Hile Optical Disc Technology Corp.VIVA MAGNETICS LIMITEDHong Kong Digital Technology Co., Ltd.UNIDISC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDTAROKO INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD.VIVASTAR AGVICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LIMITEDGeneral Magnetics LdWEALTH FAIR INVESTMENT LIMITEDBestdisc Technology CorporationRitek Co.Optical Disc Manufacturing EquipmentCMC Magnetics CorporationFORNET INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD.GIGASTORAGE CORPORATIONAuvistar Industry Co.,Ltd.Mitsubishi Chemical CorporationTDK CorporationTaiyo Yuden Company LimitedSKC Co., Ltd.Ricoh Company LimitedPrinco CorporationPlasmon Data systems Ltd.Pioneer Video CorporationMitsui Chemicals, Inc.Kodak Japan LimitedHitachi Maxell, Ltd.FUJI Photo Film Co., Ltd.Lead Data Inc.Xcitec Inc.Doremi Media Co., Ltd.Taeil Media Co.,Ltd.Customer Pressing OosterhoutKing Pro Mediatek Inc.Illegal Manufacturer codeUnknown old Manufacturer code@(#)diskid.c 1.37 04/03/02 Copyright 1998-2004 J. Schilling@(#)wm_session.c 1.4 02/07/07 Copyright 1995, 1997 J. Schilling@(#)wm_track.c 1.4 04/03/02 Copyright 1995, 1997, 2004 J. Schilling@(#)wm_packet.c 1.25 04/03/01 Copyright 1995, 1997, 2001-2004 J. Schilling@(#)sector.c 1.13 04/03/01 Copyright 2001-2004 J. Schilling@(#)clone.c 1.7 04/03/02 Copyright 2001-2004 J. Schilling@(#)movesect.c 1.3 04/03/02 Copyright 2001, 2004 J. Schilling@(#)subchan.c 1.18 04/03/01 Copyright 2000-2004 J. Schilling@(#)cdtext.c 1.10 04/03/01 Copyright 1999-2004 J. Schilling@(#)defaults.c 1.11 04/03/02 Copyright 1998-2004 J. Schillingx  0    @    p  @    x H    p  H  @(#)cdr_drv.c 1.36 04/03/02 Copyright 1997-2004 J. Schilling  | l X D (         t \ @ (         l T 8          p \ H ,      x \ D ,          h D         ` H 4       p H       | X     l H 8         h T <        | ` L 4       h H ,        l T 8         0+>p66NO,N 336:$;;+++<=+++13=+p++++  0+>p66NO,N 336:$;;+++<=+++13=+p++++4  0+p>p6+NP2,N 336:$;;+++==+++13=+p++++P` D 0+p>p66NO,N 356:$;;+++P==+++13=+p++++@ p 0+>p6602P22N 346:$;;+++==+++13=+p++++@  0+p>p6602P2,N 346:$;;+++P==+++13=+p++++P  0+p>p6602P2,N 346:$;;+++<=+++13=+p++++@  0+p>p6602P2,N 346:$;;+++<=+++13=+p++++@<   0+p>p6602P2,N 346:$;;+++<=+++13=+p++++@ L 0+p>p66p22,N 3066:$;;+++P==+++13=+p++++@  0+p>p6602P2,N 356:$;;+++P==+++13=+p++++@(#)drv_philips.c 1.68 04/03/02 Copyright 1997-2004 J. Schilling    p P 0      l ,      x L 0        t d (      x   0+S0EQENOT+C0H6pDD@IMPRK0BK+L13C+p++++@(#)drv_sony.c 1.70 04/03/02 Copyright 1997-2004 J. Schilling8, , + + + h+ D+ (+ + * * * * * X* H* $* * ) ) ) ) ) l) L) () ) ( ( ( ( x( X( @( ( ' ' ' ' ' ' `' 0' ' & & & & & t& X& <& $& & % % l% % $  T 0+p]@U`UNO j++U6W+X+++Y]b++13]+i+d++@(#)drv_jvc.c 1.80 04/03/01 Copyright 1997-2004 J. Schilling1 1 1 X1 ,1 1 0 0 0 0 0 p0 <0  0 / / / x/ P/ $/ / . . . . x. @ ! 0+kkkNO,++#n6uo{qptxpqs@s++2`t+p++++@(#)drv_7501.c 1.15 04/03/02 Copyright 2003-2004 J. Schilling0# # # # p# X# H# 0#  % % % % X% 0% % $ $' ' & & & `& 8& & ' ' P! x' ' ' ' X! tt`) ,) Ƀ++NO#++a6++O+++B+++2++p++++ tt) l) @+++NO,++a6++O+++B+++13++p++++0tt) ) Ƀ++NO#++a6++O+++B+++2++p++++tt* ) ɃNO#++a6+Ŭ0B++2+0+"@ttp! * ɃNO#++a6+OŬ0B++2!0+"@ (0 @(#)drv_mmc.c 1.155 04/03/02 Copyright 1997-2004 J. Schilling+ + + ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` , , + + + ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` illegal densityD, 4, $,              illegal layer type|, p, d,             T, illegal rate, , X X X X X X X X X X X X X X illegal sizeX* P* , ,      , ,      illegal book type`* . h 9NO#++6`+O+++ ++2"a+++@(#)drv_dvd.c 1.115 04/03/03 Copyright 1998-2004 J. Schilling|/ X/ q!NO#++6+O+++d`+++2\++/ / q!NO#++6+O+++d`+++2+++/ / q!++NO#+++6++O++++++++2++p++++@(#)drv_dvdplus.c 1.13 04/03/02 Copyright 2003-2004 J. SchillingF40 0 @+,++6p++++` ++2 +p++++F(tp0 @0 @+,++6p++++` ++2 +p++++@(#)drv_simul.c 1.47 04/03/02 Copyright 1998-2004 J. Schilling@(#)scsi_scan.c 1.18 04/03/02 Copyright 1997-2004 J. SchillingDX S 8X ,X X X X X |X hX \X PX X X X X @(#)scsi_cdr.c 1.136 04/03/02 Copyright 1995-2004 J. Schilling= = = = = = =  =  = ; d= ; H= ,= $= =  = != "; < D@ <@ 0@ @  @ ? ? ; ?  ? !? "? #? $? %x? &`? 'P? (; )D? * /> 0> 1> 2> > > > l> X> L> ; 8> >   >  =  = @(#)scsi_mmc.c 1.8 04/03/01 Copyright 2002-2004 J. Schilling@(#)scsilog.c 1.16 04/03/01 Copyright 1998-2004 J. Schilling@(#)modes.c 1.25 04/03/02 Copyright 1988, 1997-2001, 2004 J. Schilling@(#)misc.c 1.4 04/03/02 Copyright 1998, 2001-2004 J. Schilling@(#)getnum.c 1.2 04/03/02 Copyright 1984-2002, 2004 J. Schilling @!B c0@P`p)Jk1s2R"RBrb9{ZӜb$C4 dtDTjK( ōS6r&0vfVF[z8׼HXhx@a(#8َHi +ZJzjqP 3:*˿yX;l|L\",<` A* hI~n^N>2.Qp:Yxʱ -No0 P%@Fpg`ڳ=^"25BRwbVr˥nO, 4$ftGd$TDۧ_~<&6WfvvF4VLm/ș鉊DXeHx'h8(}\?؛uJTZ7jz *:.lMͪɍ&|ld\EL<, >]|ߛُn6~UNt^.>@(#)crc16.c 1.6 04/03/02 Copyright 1998-2004 J. SchillingP @(#)xio.c 1.9 04/03/01 Copyright 2003-2004 J. Schilling:Y9A<0x11EB9FD8Q@@0@yBpЩGschilyremote-1.15@(#)scsi-remote.c 1.15 04/01/15 Copyright 1990,2000-2003 J. Schilling@(#)scsiopen.c 1.95 04/01/14 Copyright 1995,2000 J. Schilling0.8schily@(#)scsitransp.c 1.90 04/01/14 Copyright 1988,1995,2000-2004 J. Schilling@(#)scgtimes.c 1.1 00/08/25 Copyright 1995,2000 J. SchillingE DD E ?p@A$B %CD@&EѶFaG'H IJK0!LMP"N#OqP-QR!S,TAU/V`.WXY)Z([1\+]Q^_p*`6ab!c7dAe4f`5ghi2j3k1l0mQnop1pq?r >st@=uѭvaw<x;yz{0:|}P9~8qH I@JaKL0MPNOqA!@AC`BED1GQpFZ![AX`Y^_1\Qp]S R@QaPW0VPUTql!ðmAn`oȁhʠi1jQpkѐe dӱ@gaf؀aڡ0`Pcbq~ @|a}z0{Pxyqw!vAu`tsr1qQpp@(#)edc_ecc.c 1.21 03/04/04 Copyright 1998-2002 Heiko Eissfeldt, Joerg Schilling@(#)default.c 1.4 03/09/15 Copyright 1997 J. Schillingfile_read_err@(#)cmpbytes.c 1.15 03/06/15 Copyright 1988, 1995-2003 J. Schilling@(#)cmpnullbytes.c 1.2 03/06/15 Copyright 1988,2002-2003 J. Schillingbad_file_opbad_file_modebad_fileG G G G G G G tG G G G G G |G xG pG #?*&+G G G G G %Z%%M% %I% %E% Copyright 1985, 1988, 1994-2003 J. Schillingfile_write_err   ?@(#)getav0.c 1.14 04/03/07 Copyright 1985, 1995-2003 J. Schilling0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef(Infinity)(NaN)dvdRAWSAOno no dvddvddvdRAWSAOTAOmmc_dvdProDVD -ProDVDmmc_dvd cloneclonehelp,version,checkdrive,prcap,inq,scanbus,reset,abort,overburn,ignsize,useinfo,dev*,timeout#,driver*,driveropts*,setdropts,tsize&,padsize&,pregap&,defpregap&,speed#,load,lock,eject,dummy,msinfo,toc,atip,multi,fix,nofix,waiti,immed,debug#,d+,kdebug#,kd#,verbose+,v+,Verbose+,V+,x+,xd#,silent,s,audio,data,mode2,xa,xa1,xa2,xamix,cdi,isosize,nopreemp,preemp,nocopy,copy,nopad,pad,swab,fs&,ts&,blank&,format,pktsize#,packet,noclose,force,tao,dao,sao,raw,raw96r,raw96p,raw16,clone,scms,isrc*,mcn*,index*,cuefile*,textfile*,text,shorttrack,noshorttrack,gracetime#,minbuf# pad swab pad swab realdummysinglemulti forcerealdummyhighultra highnot clone.scsiverbose.. speed lowspeedClone clonesolaris2.8pci386-CloneRAW/RAW96RRAW/RAW96PRAW/RAW16SAO/RAW96RSAO/RAW96PSAO/RAW16PACKETFORMATBLANKVendor unique mode 15Reserved mode 14CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1/2/mixCD-ROM XA mode 2 form 2CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1 (with subheader)CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1CD-ROM mode 2CD-ROM mode 1Vendor unique mode 7Reserved mode 6Reserved mode 5Reserved mode 4Raw (audio) with P/W raw sub channelRaw (audio) with P/W packed sub channelRaw (audio) with P/Q sub channelRaw (audio)Illegal sector type 7Illegal sector type 6CD-DA with preemphasisCD-DA without preemphasisIllegal sector type 3CD-ROM mode 2CD-ROM mode 1Illegal sector type 0Illegal toc type 7Illegal toc type 6Illegal toc type 5CD-ICD-ROM XA mode 2CD-ROM XA mode 1CD-ROMCD-DATUcpdVTfcZejNbad_ownerreaderfaiowriternoneIndex0=Diskid=Index=Endianess=Copy_permitted=Channels=Pre-emphasis=Tracklength=Trackstart=Tracknumber=Closed_info=Message=Arranger=Composer=Songwriter=Tracktitle=Albumtitle=Performer=Albumperformer=ISRC=MCN=CDDB_DISKID=CDINDEX_DISCID=Tracklength=CDICDGPRE4CHDCPOGGMP3REMPOSTGAPCATALOGMODE2MODE1AUDIOSCMSWAVEAUAIFFMOTOROLABINARYTRACKTITLESONGWRITERPREGAPPERFORMERISRCINDEXFLAGSFILECDTEXTFILEunknown dye (reserved id code)unknown dye (old id code)Phase changeShort strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)Long strategy type (Cyanine, AZO or similar)ILLEGAL OLD CODE: Old Kodak Photo CDILLEGAL OLD CODE: Old CDA Datentrger Albrechts GmbH.ILLEGAL OLD CODE: Old Ritek Co.???ILLEGAL OLD CODE: TDK ???unknown (not in table) TOC FT P P,:/@-w-r-w-r-w-r-w-rreaderwriterSession info data: philips read session infophilips fixationphilips write_trackphilips reserve_trackfirst writeable address philipsDisk bar code:unrestrictednot Speed/Dummy informationSpeed/Dummy informationphilips recoverphilips medium load/unloaddriver for Ricoh RO-1420Cricoh_ro1420cdriver for Ricoh RO-1060Cricoh_ro1060cdriver for Yamaha CDR-100 / CDR-102yamaha_cdr100driver for Pioneer DW-S114Xpioneer_dws114xdriver for Plasmon RF 4100plasmon_rf4100driver for Kodak PCD-600kodak_pcd_600driver for Taiyo Yuden EW-50tyuden_ew50driver for Philips CDD-522philips_cdd522driver for Philips CDD-521philips_cdd521driver for Philips CDD-521 with pessimistic assumptionsphilips_dumbdriver for Philips old CDD-521philips_cdd521_oldrecoverread buffer cap sonyCD disk informationCD track informationCD track informationunrestrictednot reserve_trackset_write_parameterflushfinalizeclose_track/test_unit_readyclose_trackwrite_trackdiscontinuewrite_continuewrite_startdriver for Sony CDU-924 / CDU-948sony_cdu924WRa Databuffer inquiryWRa Dataread peak buffer capacityWRa Datanext writable addressPMA: PMA Header: PMA Datateac_read_pmateac_write_pmateac_freezeread disk info teacset subcodeset limitsclear subcodeopt_power_judgeSubcode:Subcode:Subcode:Subcode:write_teac_g1driver for Teac CD-R50S, Teac CD-R55S, JVC XR-W2010, Pinnacle RCD-5020teac_cdr50cw_7501cw7501 finalizecw7501 set_modecw7501 reserve_trackcw7501 write_daocw7501 read_track_informationcw7501 rezeroDummy/autopg pageDummy/autopg informationDummy/autopg pageDummy/autopg informationtrack info:Speed informationTI EXIST-ROM (3): TI PMA (2): TI NWA (1): TI EXIST-R (0): driver for Matsushita/Panasonic CW-7501offOFFoffOFFoffoffOFFOFFOFFOFFillegalillegalhidecdrvarirecmmc_cdrwrite_bufferYamaha Tattoo Pageyamaha force cd speedMode Sence CDataMode Sense Data Ricoh Vendor PageCD write parameterCD write parameterplextor read bpcplextor get speedlistModesonONModesModesonONModesModesononONONModesModesModesplextor drive mode2plextor drive modevarirec=CD write parameterRicoh Vendor PageMode Select Data ONCD write parameterreserved blanking typelast sessionclosing of last sessiontail of trackreserved trackincomplete trackPMA, TOC, pregapentire diskCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parametertrack info:Ricoh Vendor PageONCD write parameterCD write parameter 2T speed high 2T speed low 1T speed high 1T speed lowerasablenot unrestrictednot ATIP info: Medium Type C, high Beta category (C+)Medium Type C, low Beta category (C-)Medium Type B, high Beta category (B+)Medium Type B, low Beta category (B-)Medium Type A, high Beta category (A+)Ultra High speed Rewritable mediaHigh speed Rewritable (CAV) mediaNormal Rewritable (CLV) mediaMedium Type C, high Beta category (C+)Medium Type C, low Beta category (C-)Medium Type B, high Beta category (B+)Medium Type B, low Beta category (B-)Medium Type A, high Beta category (A+)Medium Type A, low Beta category (A-)High speed Rewritable (CAV) mediaNormal Rewritable (CLV) mediaunrestrictednot erasablenot completeincomplete/appendableemptycompleteincomplete/appendableemptyCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterspeedreadsinglesessiontattoofiletattooinfoforcespeedaudiomasterburnproofburnfree10generic SCSI-3/mmc CD/DVD driver (checks media)mmc_cd_dvdgeneric SCSI-2 CD-ROM driverscsi2_cdgeneric SCSI-3/mmc CD-ROM drivermmc_cdgeneric SCSI-3/mmc CD-R/CD-RW driver (Sony 928 variant)mmc_cdr_sonygeneric SCSI-3/mmc CD-R/CD-RW driverdvdOFFdvddvdOFFDVD-RAMDVD-ROMmmc_dvdRzone info: DVD structure[F]: DVD structure[E]: DVD structure[D]: DVD structure[5]: DVD structure[4]: DVD structure[1]: DVD structure[11]: DVD structure[11]: DVD structure[0]: unknown read writeread/writePage FF: Mode: write str. code:ParallelOpposite0.615 m/track0.80 m/track0.74 m/track0.353 m/bit0.280-0.291 m/bit0.409-0.435 m/bit0.293 m/bit0.267 m/bitRewritable AreaRecordable AreaEmbossed DataNot specified10.08 MB/s5.04 MB/s2.52 MB/s80mm120mmDVD+RDVD+RWDVD-RWDVD-Rread dvd structureCD write parameterCD write parameter:Ricoh Vendor PageMode Select Data ONCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameter:CD write parameterRicoh Vendor PageONCD write parameterCD write parameter:CD write parameter:CD write parameterDisk info:forcespeedburnproofburnfreegeneric SCSI-3/mmc-2 DVD-R/DVD-RW driversetdvddvdOFFset_dummy_dvdr_setttingsformat unitdvdrblankeraseCD write parameterCD write parameter:CD write parameterRicoh Vendor PageONCD write parameterCD write parameter:CD write parameter:CD write parameterDisk info:forcespeedburnproofburnfreegeneric SCSI-3/mmc-3 DVD+RW drivermmc_dvdplusrwgeneric SCSI-3/mmc-3 DVD+R drivermmc_dvdplusrgeneric SCSI-3/mmc-3 DVD+R/DVD+RW driver (checks media)mmc_dvdplussimulation DVD-R driver for timing/speed testsdvd_simulsimulation CD-R driver for timing/speed testscdr_simulread_g1read_g0seek_g1seek_g0inquiryCopy management revision supportedBuffer size in KBRotational control selectedCurrent write speedCurrent write speedMaximum write speedCurrent read speedMaximum read speedsupport Individual Disk Present featurenot have load-empty-slot-in-changer featurenot support changing side of disknot currently in a media-locked statenot allow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW commandnot lock media on power up via prevent jumpernot support ejection of CD via START/STOP commandnot Loading mechanism typeLength of data in BCLKshave valid data on falling edge of clocknot set LRCK high for left-channel datanot send digital data LSB-firstnot support digital output on port 2not support digital output on port 1not support independent mute setting for each channelnot support individual volume control setting for each channelnot Number of volume control levelsplay audio CDsnot deliver composite A/V datanot support C2 error pointersnot return CD ISRC informationnot return CD media catalog numbernot read raw P-W subcode data from lead innot return R-W subcode de-interleaved and error-correctednot read R-W subcode informationnot read CD bar codenot read fixed-packet CD media using Method 2not read multi-session CDsnot support Buffer-Underrun-Free recordingnot restart non-streamed digital audio reads accuratelynot read digital audio blocksnot read Mode 2 Form 2 blocksnot read Mode 2 Form 1 blocksnot support test writingnot write DVD-RAM medianot read DVD-RAM medianot write DVD-R medianot read DVD-R medianot read DVD-ROM medianot write CD-RW medianot read CD-RW medianot write CD-R medianot read CD-R medianot CD capabilitiesthiscaddytocheader: tocheader: B0: ENT: TOC data: Mode Sense Datamode sense g1Mode Sense Datamode sense g0mode select g1Mode ParametersSet Savemode select g0Mode ParametersSet SaveMode Sense Data (converted)Mode Parameters (un-converted)blank unitread buffer capsend_cue_sheetread master cueclose track/sessionread track infosend opcread dvd structurereserve_track_rzoneread track inforead disk inforead headerread tocread tocread subchannelread bufferflush cachewrite_g5write_g1write_g0qic 02set cd speedstart/stop unitprevent/allow medium removalmedium load/unloadread capacityInquiry Data :request_senserequest_senserezero unittest unit readyXXXMRWUnknownDDCD-RWDVD-RAMDVD-ROMDVD-CSSCD Readread_format_capacitiesFormat cap: Format cap: Data: (persistent)(current)Rest: (current)Features: set streamingget performanceFeatures: (current)noneFeatures: Features: get_configurationNo standard ProfileDDCD-RDDCD-ROMDVD+RDVD+RWDVD-RW sequential overwriteDVD-RW restricted overwriteDVD-R sequential recordingCD-RWCD-RCD-ROMAS-MOMO Write OnceMO ErasableRemovable DiskNon -removable DiskReservedDVD CPRMDisk Control BlocksReserved (109)Logical Unit Serial NumberReal Time StreamingTime-outMicrocode UpgradeCD Audio analog playEmbedded ChangerS.M.A.R.T.Power ManagementDDCD-RW WriteDDCD-R WriteDDCD ReadDVD-R/-RW WriteCD MasteringCD Track at OnceRigid Restricted OverwriteDVD+RDVD+RWReservedCD-RW CAV WriteRestricted OverwriteWrite OnceDefect ManagementFormattableSector ErasableIncremental Streaming WritableRandom WritableDVD ReadMulti ReadRandom ReadableWrite ProtectRemovable MediumMorphingCoreProfile ListLog sense Data :log senseMode Select DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Page DataMode Sense Dataƺ̺ܸع˼ʷdivide by zeropanic mallocTUcpdVTfcZejNl{o76l{j6ylzvs}5jvumkvthpui386-pc-solaris2.8sendcmdisatapihavebusfreebufversionREMOTE:-lresetA I initiator idfilenoF getbufmaxdmaC closeopen/opt/schily/sbin/rscsirootREMOTE:rscsi@host:1,2,0rscsi@host:bus,target,lunRemote SCSIRSCSISense Bytes:Sense Bytes: host adapter detected errorReservedRESERVATION CONFLICTINTERMEDIATE CONDITION MET/GOODINTERMEDIATE GOOD STATUSBUSYCONDITION MET/GOODCHECK CONDITIONGOOD STATUSReceived Data: Received Data: Write Data: Write Data: CDB: CDB: fatal errorretryable errorno errorSCSI command name not set by caller(valid)commandformatrezero(not valid)dataillegal block length end of medium file mark detected (not valid) (valid) [No matching qualifier])(, deferred error7read defect datadoor lockstart/stopmode sensecopyreleasereservemode selectinquiry seek writereadreassignrequest sensetest unit readyReservedMiscompareVolume OverflowEqualAborted CommandCopy AbortedVendor UniqueBlank CheckData ProtectUnit AttentionIllegal RequestHardware ErrorMedium ErrorNot ReadyRecovered ErrorNo Additional SensescgUSCSI:1,2,0bus,target,lunUSCSI:SCSI transport for targets known by Solaris driversUSCSI1,2,0bus,target,lunGeneric transport independent SCSInot not a+br+babrbba+arwbrbbr+wrBADFLAGNOTAFLAGNOARGSBADFMTNOTAFILE0X0x0 +- +-.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.SUNW_version.rel.data.rel.bss.rel.plt.plt.text.init.fini.rodata.rodata1.got.dynamic.data.data1.bss.symtab.strtab.comment.stab.index.shstrtab.stab.indexstr  !"33oKKp- B L L7 BLL@ B,L,L I,O,ON@U@UQTCCZCC`CCXlhrq v  #G$ $9H H7 H