NAME GD::Barcode - Create barcode images with GD SYNOPSIS *ex. CGI* use GD::Barcode::UPCE; binmode(STDOUT); print "Content-Type: image/png\n\n"; print GD::Barcode->new('EAN13', '123456789012')->plot->png; *with Error Check* my $oGdBar = GD::Barcode->new('EAN13', '12345678901'); die $GD::Barcode::errStr unless($oGdBar); #Invalid Length $oGdBar->plot->png; DESCRIPTION GD::Barcode is a subclass of GD and allows you to create barcode image with GD. This module based on "Generate Barcode Ver 1.02 By Shisei Hanai 97/08/22". From 1.14, you can use this module even if no GD (except plot method). new *$oGdBar* = GD::Barcode::UPCE->new(*$sType*, *$sTxt*); Constructor. Creates a GD::Barcode::*$sType* object for *$sTxt*. plot() *$oGd* = $oGdBar->plot([Height => *$iHeight*, NoText => *0 | 1*]); creates GD object with barcode image for the *$sTxt* specified at "new" method. *$iHeight* is height of the image. If *NoText* is 1, the image has no text image of *$sTxt*. ex. my $oGdB = GD::Barcode->new('EAN13', '123456789012'); my $oGD = $oGdB->plot(NoText=>1, Height => 20); # $sGD is a GD image with Height=>20 pixels, with no text. barcode() *$sPtn* = $oGdBar->barcode(); returns a barcode pattern in string with '1' and '0'. '1' means black, '0' means white. ex. my $oGdB = GD::Barcode->new('UPCE', '123456'); my $sPtn = $oGdB->barcode(); # $sPtn = ''; $errStr $GD::Barcode::errStr has error message. $text $oGdBar->{$text} has barcode text based on *$sTxt* specified in "new" method. AUTHOR Kawai Takanori COPYRIGHT The GD::Barocde module is Copyright (c) 2000 Kawai Takanori. Japan. All rights reserved. You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. SEE ALSO GD GD::Barcode subclasses