% [identification_system.tex] % HEADING MATERIAL HAS BEEN REMOVED {\rm % rm, bf ... = 12.5pt (\it =13.0pt) in [fonts.mac] % {\verysmall .} % \vskip -20pt\nin % \centerline{\bftwenty Identification System}% % \mni % As explained in the introduction this is an {\it ascending\/} genealogy. In order to precisely identify each person and to clearly indicate their relationships with descendants and ancestors, the following method is used: \mni Each person is assigned a unique identification number consisting of 1s and 2s, where the digit 1 indicates a female and the digit 2 a male. The number of digits in the identification number depends on how many generations back they are from Eliane Herz, who is identified by the number 1. Her mother, Coralie Weill is 11, and Coralie Weill's father is 112. % \mni In addition to giving an identification number to individuals we want to arrange them in a definite order. The idea is analogous to the system used in dictionaries as illustrated in the following example with \lq before\rq\ being indicated by the symbol\TH {\bfsixteen <}\TH . \sni {\leftskip =45pt \nin {\it aa\/}\gl rdvark {\Th \bf <\Th} {\it abac\/}\gl a {\Th \bf <\Th} {\it abac\/}\gl k {\Th \bf <\Th} {\it abac\/}\gl us \par} % \mni % We use the same general idea for identification numbers. Consider the following couple: \sni {\leftskip =45pt % % {\tt 111\|21}\en {\bf Sophie Lang} \sni {\tt 111\|22}\en {\bf David \wr} \par} % \mni Being a couple, their identification numbers are identical except for the last place and because the wife has a 1 in the last place she is listed before her husband who has a 2 in the last place. \mni Given the identification number \({\tt 112\|21}\) of Sophie Lang we immediately know that: \sni \item{} The male child \(Gottschau \wr\) of Sophie Lang has identification number {\tt 112\|2}, \item{} The parents of Sophie Lang have identification numbers {\tt 112\|211} and {\tt 112\|212} \(Dina Naphtaly and Baruch Lang respectively\). % \mni % Similarly consider the following three men: \sni {\leftskip =45pt % % {\tt 111\|22}\en {\bf David \wr} \sni {\tt 112\|22}\en {\bf Jacques Weil } \sni {\tt 111\|212}\en {\bf Baruch Lang} \par} % \mni % David \wr\ precedes Jacques Weil because he has a 1 in the third place and Jacques Weil has a 2. \mni Baruch Lang is after Jacques Weil even though he has a 1 in the first three places, because his identification number has one more digit and this in turn means that he is one generation earlier than Jacques Weil. \mni In each of the seven groups of ancestors of \cw\ the group is divided into generations and within a generation the lists of people follow the order just described. To illustrate this consider the ancestors of Gottschau \wr. % \vfill\eject % \nin % His parents are listed as follows: \sni {\leftskip = 2.0truecm {\tt 111\|21}\en {\bf Sophie Lang} \sni {\tt 111\|22}\en {\bf David \wr} \par} % \sni Next we have the grandparents of Gottschau \wr\ as follows: \sni {\leftskip = 2.0truecm \hskip 2.1cm{\bf The Parents of Sophie Lang} \sni {\tt 111\|211}\en {\bf Dina Napthtaly} \sni {\tt 111\|212}\en {\bf Baruch Lang} \mni \hskip 2.1cm{\bf The Parents of David \wr} \sni {\tt 111\|221}\en {\bf Fromet David} \sni {\tt 111\|222}\en {\bf Schmulen Solomon} \par} % \mni In the examples given so far there was only one identification number, but because the two grand\-mothers of Coralie \we\ were sisters, their parents and all preceding generations will have {\it two\/} numbers. Thus, since Marie \kl\ was the mother of both Caroline \ml\ \({\tt 111\|1}\) and Pauline \ml\ \({\tt 112\|1}\) she will have the two numbers obtained by adding a 1 to the numbers of her daughters and we find the same situation with Salomon \ml, the husband of Marie \kl. \sni {\leftskip =45pt {\tt 111\|11\fsl 112\|11}\en {\bf Marie \kl} \sni {\tt 111\|12\fsl 112\gl\|12}\en {\bf Salomon \ml} \par} \mni Further, since the Mandel and \wr\ lines have common ancestors, these common ancestors will have {\it three\/} numbers. \mni Another consequence of both grand\-mothers being sisters is that, instead of {\it eight\/} great-grand\-parents, Coralie Weill had only {\it six\/} great-grand\-parents, twelve great-great-grand\-parents\dots . The number of possible ancestors is reduced even further when we arrive at the ancestors with three numbers. \mni The length of the identification number also shows the degree of ancestry with respect to \cw. Thus her parents are identified by three digits and her grandparents by four. Next come the great-grandparents with five digits and great-great-grandparents with six. From this we see that the number of \lq greats\rq\ is given by the number of digits minus four and conversely to find the number of digits in a designation we simply add four to the number of greats. The longest designation numbers belong to the three, six times great-grandparents of \cw\ who have ten digits. The oldest of these three would have been born ca.\th 1650. \mni \centerline{\bf Summary} \mni \item{1.} A female ancestor is indicated by a 1, a male ancestor is indicated by a 2. \sni \item{2.} Couples are listed in pairs and their identification numbers only differ in the last number, namely a 1 or a 2. \sni \item{3.} The identification number of a child is obtained by {\it taking off\/} the last digit. \sni \item{4.} The identification numbers of the parents of a person are obtained by {\it adding on\/} a 1 and a 2. \sni \item{5.} The ancestors of any person are discussed one generation at a time. Within any generation people are listed according to the order described above. \sni \item{6.} Marie \kl\ and Salomon \ml\ each have two identification numbers. Their ancestors will also have two identification numbers with some of the very early ancestors of Salomon \ml\ having three numbers. People with multiple numbers are listed according to their {\it first\/} identification number. \sni \item{7.} \cw\ had only six {\it distinct\/} great-grandparents, twelve {\it distinct\/} great-great-grandparents\dots . When we arrive at the ancestors with three identification numbers there will be a further reduction in the number of actual ancestors. \sni \item{8.}The length of the identification number indicates the degree of ancestry with respect to \cw: \sni {\leftskip = 31.6pt \pni \cw\ \({\tt 11}\) has an identification number of length 2. \pni Her parents \({\tt 111} and {\tt 112}\) have an identification number of length 3 \pni Her grandparents have an identification number of length 4. \pni Her great-grandparents have an identification number of length 5. \pni Her two times great-grandparents have an identification number of length 6. \pni Her three times great-grandparents have an identification number of length 7. \pni Her four times great-grandparents have an identification number of length 8. \pni Her five times great-grandparents have an identification number of length 9. \pni Her six times great-grandparents have an identification number of length 10. \par} % % \par % seem to need \(sometimes\) % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEEP THIS ENDING!!! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \vfill\eject % } % ends \rm \par} % ends \hsize \bye