\documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[xcolor]{xespotcolor} \begin{document} % First define a new color space \NewSpotColorSpace{MyPantone} % Now define real colors using http://www.pantone.com/color-finder % The numbers are the CMYK representation. For example, the CMYK % representation of PANTONE 383 CP is 29 1 100 18 that translatex to % 0.29 0.01 1 0.18 \AddSpotColor{MyPantone}{Blue}{Spot\SpotSpace Color\SpotSpace Blue}{0.92 0.24 0 0 } \AddSpotColor{MyPantone}{Green}{Spot\SpotSpace Color\SpotSpace Green} {0.65 0 0.96 0 } % Next we need to set the page color space \SetPageColorSpace{MyPantone} % Now we can define and use colors. Colors are defined as shades of a specific spot color. \definecolor{AbsoluteBlue}{spotcolor}{Blue,1.0} \pagecolor{AbsoluteBlue} %% Page color \SpotColor{Green}{0.8} %% Color of letters A spotcolor as background color. \clearpage % Page 2 This is some more text. %Text appears in black. \clearpage % Page 3 \pagecolor{white} \colorbox{AbsoluteBlue}{Text in blue background} \clearpage % Page 4 Tikz example \definecolor{MyGreen}{spotcolor}{Green,0.5} \definecolor{MyBlue}{spotcolor}{Blue,0.5} \begin{tikzpicture} \filldraw[color=MyGreen] (0.1,0.1) rectangle (1.9,0.9); \draw[color=MyBlue, ultra thick] (0,0) rectangle (2,1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}