% !TEX TS-program = xelatex % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % -*- coding: UTF-8; -*- % vim: set fenc=utf-8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CV.tex %% %% This is free and unencumbered software released into the %% public domain; see for details. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % See "README.md" for instructions on compiling this document. \documentclass[letterpaper,MMMyyyy,nonstopmode]{simpleresumecv} % Class options: % a4paper, letterpaper, nonstopmode, draftmode % MMMyyyy, ddMMMyyyy, MMMMyyyy, ddMMMMyyyy, yyyyMMdd, yyyyMM, yyyy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% PREAMBLE. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CV Info (to be customized). \newcommand{\CVAuthor}{John Doe} \newcommand{\CVTitle}{John Doe's CV for Acme Corporation} \newcommand{\CVNote}{CV compiled on {\today} for Acme Corporation} \newcommand{\CVWebpage}{http://www.example.com/~johndoe} % PDF 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\end{SubTitle} \begin{Body} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% EDUCATION %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Education} {Education} {PDF:Education} \Entry \href{http://www.example.com/my-university} {\textbf{First American University}}, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA \Gap \BulletItem Ph.D. in \href{http://www.example.com/my-department} {Geophysical Engineering} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2009}{12}{15} -- \DatestampYMD{2014}{07}{15} \begin{Detail} \SubBulletItem Thesis: \href{http://www.example.com/my-phd-thesis} {A Statistical Approach to Quantifying Climate Change} \SubBulletItem Adviser: Prof.~Jonathan~Public \SubBulletItem Focus: Climate change, metrology, lasers, statistics. \end{Detail} \Gap \BulletItem M.B.A. \hfill \DatestampYMD{2008}{11}{15} -- \DatestampYMD{2009}{06}{15} \Gap \BulletItem M.S. in \href{http://www.example.com/my-department} {Geophysical Engineering} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2006}{08}{15} -- \DatestampYMD{2008}{08}{15} \begin{Detail} \SubBulletItem Cumulative GPA: 3.7 / 4.0 \end{Detail} \BigGap \Entry \href{http://www.example.com/my-college} {\textbf{Science College}}, Springfield, Pennsylvania, USA \Gap \BulletItem B.S. in \href{http://www.example.com/my-department} {Geography} \hfill \DatestampYMD{2002}{05}{15} -- \DatestampYMD{2005}{05}{15} \begin{Detail} \SubBulletItem Graduated with College Honors. \SubBulletItem Cumulative GPA: 3.96 / 4.00 \end{Detail} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% RESEARCH EXPERIENCE %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Research Experience} {Research Experience} {PDF:ResearchExperience} \Entry \href{http://www.example.com/my-institute} {\textbf{Institute for Advanced Research}}, Science College \Gap \BulletItem Undergraduate Research Student, Science Department \hfill \DatestampYMD{2004}{05}{15} -- \DatestampYMD{2005}{05}{15} \begin{Detail} \SubBulletItem Project: Investigations on the Use of Lasers to Measure Climate Change \SubBulletItem Supervisors: Prof.~Jane~Citizen and Dr~Ann~Yone \SubBulletItem Focus: Climate change, lasers, statistical analysis, data analytics. \end{Detail} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% PUBLICATIONS %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Publications} {Publications} {PDF:Publications} \SubSection {Journals} {Journals} {PDF:Journals} % Declare a new group to limit the scope of \MaxNumberedItem to this subsection. \begingroup \renewcommand{\MaxNumberedItem}{[88]} \BigGap \NumberedItem{[10]} \href{http://www.example.com/my-paper-doi-5} {\underline{J.~Doe}, J.~Citizen, and A.~Yone, ``On lasers and climate change,'' \textit{Journal of Science}, vol.~89, no.~2, pp.~4123--4133, \DatestampYM{2008}{02}.} \Gap \NumberedItem{[1]} \href{http://www.example.com/my-paper-doi-4} {\underline{J.~Doe} and J.~Citizen, ``Measuring the extent of climate change,'' \textit{Global Scientific Journal}, vol.~12, no.~4, pp.~330--352, \DatestampYM{2006}{12}.} \endgroup \BigGap \SubSection {Conferences} {Conferences} {PDF:Conferences} % Declare a new group to limit the scope of \MaxNumberedItem to this subsection. \begingroup \renewcommand{\MaxNumberedItem}{[8888]} \BigGap \NumberedItem{[1000]} \href{http://www.example.com/my-paper-doi-3} {\underline{J.~Doe}, J.~Citizen, and A.~Yone, ``On lasers and climate change,'' in \textit{Proceedings of the Laser Symposium}, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, \DatestampYM{2007}{01}.} \Gap \NumberedItem{[100]} \href{http://www.example.com/my-paper-doi-2} {A.~Yone and \underline{J.~Doe}, ``Climate change and general relativity,'' in \textit{Proceedings of the International Astronomical Conference}, Sydney, Australia, \DatestampYM{2006}{8}.} \Gap \NumberedItem{[10]} \href{http://www.example.com/my-paper-doi-1} {\underline{J.~Doe} and J.~Citizen, ``Measuring the extent of climate change,'' in \textit{Proceedings of the International Climate Change Conference}, London, UK, \DatestampYM{2005}{11}.} \endgroup %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Awards \&\newline Scholarships} {Awards \& Scholarships} {PDF:AwardsAndScholarships} \BulletItem Dean's List, Fall 2002 through Spring 2005, Science College \hfill \DatestampY{2002} -- \DatestampY{2005} \begin{Detail} \Item For attaining a semester GPA of at least 3.75. \end{Detail} \Gap \BulletItem Undergraduate Researcher Award, Science College \hfill \DatestampYMD{2005}{05}{15} \begin{Detail} \Item For outstanding scientific contributions in the fields of lasers and climate change. \end{Detail} \Gap \BulletItem Chess Tournament, First Prize, Science College \hfill \DatestampYMD{2003}{03}{10} \begin{Detail} \Item Awarded at the Tenth Annual Chess Tournament held during Open House. \end{Detail} \Gap \BulletItem International Science Scholarship, \hfill \DatestampYMD{2001}{12}{10} \newline Global Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Foundation \begin{Detail} \Item Full-tuition scholarship with stipend for undergraduate studies. One of 42 awardees in the world. \end{Detail} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS & ACTIVITIES %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Professional Affiliations\newline \& Activities} {Professional Affiliations \& Activities} {PDF:ProfessionalAffiliationsActivities} \Entry \href{http://www.example.com/my-society} {\textbf{Joint Society of Earth Scientists and Global Think Tank on Climate Resiliency}}, \newline North Attleborough, Massachusetts, USA \Gap \BulletItem Member \hfill \DatestampY{2009} -- Present % Manual page break. \newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CAMPUS ACTIVITIES %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Campus Activities} {Campus Activities} {PDF:CampusActivities} \Entry \href{http://www.example.com/my-club} {\textbf{First Volunteers Club}}, First American University \Gap \BulletItem President \hfill \DatestampYMD{2006}{08}{15} -- \DatestampYMD{2007}{08}{15} \begin{Detail} \SubBulletItem Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \SubBulletItem Curabitur vitae laoreet velit, vel ultricies est. Nam nec elit ac ante facilisis ultrices. \SubBulletItem Integer sit amet turpis dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at orci eu leo vulputate finibus sed et sem. \SubBulletItem Suspendisse volutpat sapien et mi cursus, gravida ornare mauris sollicitudin. \end{Detail} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Other Work\newline Experience} {Other Work Experience} {PDF:OtherWorkExperience} \Entry \href{http://www.example.com/my-company} {\textbf{Alpha Engineering Firm}}, Oakland, Ohio, USA \Gap \BulletItem Project Officer, Department of Meteorological Sciences, \hfill \DatestampYMD{2007}{10}{15} -- \DatestampYMD{2008}{01}{15} \newline Research \& Development Division \begin{Detail} \SubBulletItem Nullam venenatis egestas nisl eget elementum. \SubBulletItem Nulla finibus justo vel turpis efficitur, non lacinia orci maximus. Proin rhoncus, felis vel hendrerit lacinia, enim ipsum ultricies massa, sit amet interdum nisi massa sit amet justo. \SubBulletItem Etiam vitae eros mollis, consectetur quam quis, molestie massa. \end{Detail} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% LANGUAGES %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Languages} {Languages} {PDF:Languages} \BulletItem English: Native language. \Gap \BulletItem Spanish: Fluent (speaking, reading, writing). \Gap \BulletItem Latin: Intermediate (reading); basic (speaking, writing). %%%%%%%%%%%% %% SKILLS %% %%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Skills} {Skills} {PDF:Skills} \Entry {\TeX}, {\LaTeX}, {\XeLaTeX}, MATLAB, Mathematica, Maple, R, Tableau, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% INTERESTS %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Interests} {Interests} {PDF:Interests} \Entry Digital photography, typography, swimming. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% REFERENCES %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {References} {References} {PDF:References} \BulletItem \textbf{Professor Jonathan Public} \newline Professor of Geology and Mechanical Engineering \newline First American University \newline 1000 First Avenue, Springfield, Massachusetts 22222, USA \newline \href{mailto:jonathanpublic@example.com} {jonathanpublic@example.com} \,\SubBulletSymbol\, +1\,(555)\,222-2222 \BigGap \BulletItem \textbf{Dr Alice Bob Carol} \newline Director, Research \& Development \newline Alpha Engineering Firm \newline 20 North Street, Oakland, Ohio 33333, USA \newline \href{mailto:alicebobcarol@example.com} {alicebobcarol@example.com} \,\SubBulletSymbol\, +1\,(555)\,333-3333 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% MULTILINGUAL UNICODE EXAMPLES %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section {Multilingual Unicode Examples} {Multilingual Unicode Examples} {PDF:MultilingualUnicodeExamples} \BulletItem Assortment of unicode characters from \href{http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~richard/unicode-sample.html} {\url{http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~richard/unicode-sample.html}} \begin{Detail} \Item \textbf{Latin Extended-A} Ā ā Ă ă Ą ą Ć ć Ĉ ĉ Ċ ċ Č č Ď ď Đ đ Ē ē Ĕ ĕ Ė ė Ę ę Ě ě Ĝ ĝ Ğ ğ Ġ ġ Ģ ģ Ĥ ĥ Ħ ħ Ĩ ĩ Ī ī Ĭ ĭ Į į İ ı IJ ij Ĵ ĵ \textbf{Latin Extended-B} ƀ Ɓ Ƃ ƃ Ƅ ƅ Ɔ Ƈ ƈ Ɖ Ɗ Ƌ ƌ ƍ Ǝ Ə Ɛ Ƒ ƒ Ɠ Ɣ ƕ Ɩ Ɨ Ƙ ƙ ƚ ƛ Ɯ Ɲ ƞ Ɵ Ơ ơ Ƣ ƣ Ƥ ƥ Ʀ Ƨ ƨ Ʃ ƪ ƫ Ƭ ƭ Ʈ Ư ư Ʊ Ʋ Ƴ ƴ Ƶ \textbf{Latin Extended Additional} Ḁ ḁ Ḃ ḃ Ḅ ḅ Ḇ ḇ Ḉ ḉ Ḋ ḋ Ḍ ḍ Ḏ ḏ Ḑ ḑ Ḓ ḓ Ḕ ḕ Ḗ ḗ Ḙ ḙ Ḛ ḛ Ḝ ḝ Ḟ ḟ Ḡ ḡ Ḣ ḣ Ḥ ḥ Ḧ ḧ Ḩ ḩ Ḫ ḫ Ḭ ḭ Ḯ ḯ Ḱ ḱ Ḳ ḳ Ḵ ḵ \textbf{Greek} ʹ ͵ ͺ ; ΄ ΅ Ά · Έ Ή Ί Ό Ύ Ώ ΐ Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω Ϊ Ϋ ά έ ή ί ΰ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ \textbf{Cyrillic} Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж з \textbf{Hebrew} א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י ך כ ל ם מ ן נ ס ע ף פ ץ צ ק ר ש ת װ ױ ײ ֝ ֞ ֟ ֠ ֡ ֣ ֤ ֥ ֦ ֧ ֨ ֩ ֪ ֫ ֬ ֭ ֮ ֯ ְ ֱ ֒ ֓ ֔ \textbf{Armenian} {\UseSecondaryFont Ա Բ Գ Դ Ե Զ Է Ը Թ Ժ Ի Լ Խ Ծ Կ Հ Ձ Ղ Ճ Մ Յ Ն Շ Ո Չ Պ Ջ Ռ Ս Վ Տ Ր Ց Ւ Փ Ք Օ Ֆ ՙ ՚ ՛ ՜ ՝ ՞ ՟ ա բ գ դ ե զ} \textbf{Thai} {\UseSecondaryFont ก ข ฃ ค ฅ ฆ ง จ ฉ ช ซ ฌ ญ ฎ ฏ ฐ ฑ ฒ ณ ด ต ถ ท ธ น บ ป ผ ฝ พ ฟ ภ ม ย ร ฤ ล ฦ ว ศ ษ ส ห ฬ อ ฮ ฯ ะ ั า ำ ิ} \end{Detail} % Manual page break. \newpage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% THIS IS A SECTION WITH USAGE NOTES %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Declare a new group to limit the scope of \color to this section. \begingroup \color{red} \Section {This is a\newline Section\newline With\newline Usage Notes} {This is a Section With Usage Notes (For PDF Bookmark)} {PDF:ThisIsASectionWithUsageNotes:ForPDFLink} \SubSection {This is a SubSection} {This is a SubSection (For PDF Bookmark)} {PDF:ThisIsASubSection:ForPDFLink} \BigGap \BulletItem Use \CodeCommand{Section\{a\}\{b\}\{c\}} and \CodeCommand{SubSection\{a\}\{b\}\{c\}} to create sections and subsections, where \Code{a} is the heading displayed on the page, \Code{b} is the PDF bookmark heading, and \Code{c} is the internal PDF link (must be unique). 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Note the alignment with the \CodeCommand{BulletItem} above. \Gap \SubBulletItem This is a \CodeCommand{SubBulletItem}. \SubItem This is a \CodeCommand{SubItem}, which has no bullet. Note the alignment with the \CodeCommand{SubBulletItem} above. \Gap \NumberedItem{[42]} This is a \CodeCommand{NumberedItem}. Change the value of the macro \CodeCommand{MaxNumberedItem} to adjust the indentation width. \BigGap \SubSection {Line, Paragraph, and Page Breaks} {Line, Paragraph, and Page Breaks (For PDF Bookmark)} {PDF:LineParagraphAndPageBreaks:ForPDFLink} \BigGap \BulletItem To create a new line within the same paragraph (i.e., preserving the same paragraph indentation), use \CodeCommand{newline} instead of \CodeCommand{\textbackslash}; the latter will reset the paragraph indentation. \Gap \BulletItem To create a new paragraph, use \CodeCommand{par} or simply leave an empty line. Paragraph indentations (from \CodeCommand{Entry}, \CodeCommand{BulletItem}, \CodeCommand{SubBulletItem}, \CodeCommand{Item}, \CodeCommand{SubItem}, \CodeCommand{NumberedItem}, etc.) do not carry across different paragraphs. \Gap \BulletItem To create a new page, use \CodeCommand{newpage}. \BigGap \SubSection {Dates} {Dates (For PDF Bookmark)} {PDF:Dates:ForPDFLink} \BigGap \BulletItem Use the following macros to specify and display dates consistently: \SubBulletItem \CodeCommand{DatestampYMD\{yyyy\}\{MM\}\{dd\}} (e.g., \CodeCommand{DatestampYMD\{2008\}\{01\}\{15\}}) \SubBulletItem \CodeCommand{DatestampYM\{yyyy\}\{MM\}} (e.g., \CodeCommand{DatestampYM\{2008\}\{01\}}) \SubBulletItem \CodeCommand{DatestampY\{yyyy\}} (e.g., \CodeCommand{DatestampY\{2008\}}) \Gap \BulletItem Change the date format option passed to the document class to adjust how dates are displayed throughout the document: \SubBulletItem \Code{MMMyyyy} (``Jan~2008'') \SubBulletItem \Code{ddMMMyyyy} (``15~Jan~2008'') \SubBulletItem \Code{MMMMyyyy} (``January~2008'') \SubBulletItem \Code{ddMMMMyyyy} (``15~January~2008'') \SubBulletItem \Code{yyyyMMdd} (``2008-01-15'') \SubBulletItem \Code{yyyyMM} (``2008-01'') \SubBulletItem \Code{yyyy} (``2008'') \endgroup \end{Body} %%%%%%%%%%% % CV NOTE % %%%%%%%%%%% \BigGap \UseNoteFont% \null\hfill% [\textit{\CVNote}] \end{document}