\documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{holtxdoc} \begin{document} \title{The \xpackage{bidipagegrid} package} \author{Vafa Khalighi\\\xemail{persian-tex@tug.org}} \maketitle \vskip 0pt plus 3fill \fbox{% \begin{minipage}{\dimexpr(\textwidth-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule)} If you want to report any bugs or typos and corrections in the documentation, or ask for any new features, or suggest any improvements, or ask any questions about the package, then please do not send any direct email to me; I will not answer any direct email. Instead please use the issue tracker: \medskip \centerline{\url{https://github.com/vafa/bidipagegrid/issues}} \medskip In doing so, please always explain your issue well enough, always include a minimal working example showing the issue, and always choose the appropriate label for your query (i.e. if you are reporting any bugs, choose `Bug' label). \end{minipage} } \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} The \xpackage{pagegrid} package of Heiko Oberdiek, prints page grid in the background. Unfortunately, this package does not play nicely with \xpackage{bidi} package. The \xpackage{bidipagegrid} package modifies \xpackage{pagegrid} package to allow bidirectional (both right to left and left to right) page grid in the background. \section{Documentation} The \xpackage{bidipagegrid} package provides all the options and user commands of \xpackage{pagegrid} package; in addition, it provides an option for the direction of the page grid, namely \texttt{direction} (for entire document). There are only two values for this option, \texttt{RTL}, and \texttt{LTR}. By default, \texttt{RTL} is active. If you want LTR page grid, you will load the package in this way: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[direction=LTR]{bidipagegrid} \end{verbatim} The following two commands are also provided: \begin{description} \item[\cs{setLTRpagegrid}] sets the direction of the page grid to LTR. \item[\cs{setRTLpagegrid}] sets the direction of the page grid to RTL. \end{description} \end{document}