% Sample thesis committee page for mitthesis.cls % Version 1.00, 2024/08/24 % % This page is not required by the MIT Libraries, but some departments require it % % Insert between title page and abstract page. % Format this page in any way that you like. % Add supervisor titles, degrees, and departments as appropriate %%%%% FORMATTING COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Format title \NewDocumentCommand\CommitteePageTitle{m}{ \vspace*{75pt}%36pt} \IfPackageLoadedTF{microtype} {\textls*{\Large\textbf{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}} {{\Large\textbf{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}}% \pdfbookmark[0]{#1}{Committee}% \vspace*{10pt}% } % \textls* produces additional letter separation (appropriate for capitalized display text), % PROVIDED THAT \usepackage{microtype} has been loaded in the preamble. % The extra space added is 100/1000 em (adjustable, see package documentation). %% Format committee member subheadings \NewDocumentCommand\Role{m}{ \vspace*{50pt}%25pt} \IfPackageLoadedTF{microtype} {\textls*{\large{\textsc{#1}}}} {{\large\textsc{#1}}}% \vspace*{12pt}% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{flushright} \CommitteePageTitle{Thesis committee} \Role{Thesis Supervisor} \textbf{Marcus Gavius Apicius} \\ {\itshape Professor of Cooking Arts \\ Department of Food Science \\ } \Role{Thesis Readers} \textbf{Marie-Antoine CarĂªme} \\ {\itshape Professor of Haute Cuisine \\ Department of Food Science \\[18pt] } \textbf{Julia Child}\\ {\itshape Professor of French Cuisine \\ Department of Food Science \\[18pt] } \textbf{Magnus Dicen, Ph.D.} \\ {\itshape Gloriosus Professor of Personal Pronouns \\ Department of Rhetoric \\ } \end{flushright} \cleardoublepage