--[[ File l3build-manifest-setup.lua Copyright (C) 2018-2024 The LaTeX Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] --[[ L3BUILD MANIFEST SETUP ====================== This file contains all of the code that is easily replaceable by the user. Either create a copy of this file, rename, and include alongside your `build.lua` script and load it with `dofile()`, or simply copy/paste the definitions below into your `build.lua` script directly. --]] --[[ Setup of manifest "groups" -------------------------- The grouping of manifest files is broken into three subheadings: * The development repository * The TDS structure from `ctan` * The CTAN structure from `ctan` The latter two will only be produced if the `manifest` target is run *after* the `ctan` target. Contrarily, if you run `clean` before `manifest` then only the first grouping will be printed. If you want to omit the files in the development repository, essentially producing a minimalist manifest with only the files included for distribution, make a copy of the `manifest_setup` function and delete the groups under the ‘Repository manifest’ subheading below. --]] function manifest_setup() local groups = { { subheading = "Repository manifest", description = [[ The following groups list the files included in the development repository of the package. Files listed with a ‘†’ marker are included in the TDS but not CTAN files, and files listed with ‘‡’ are included in both. ]], }, { name = "Source files", description = [[ These are source files for a number of purposes, including the `unpack` process which generates the installation files of the package. Additional files included here will also be installed for processing such as testing. ]], files = {sourcefiles}, dir = sourcefiledir or maindir, -- TODO: remove "or maindir" after rebasing onto master }, { name = "Typeset documentation source files", description = [[ These files are typeset using LaTeX to produce the PDF documentation for the package. ]], files = {typesetfiles,typesetsourcefiles,typesetdemofiles}, }, { name = "Documentation files", description = [[ These files form part of the documentation but are not typeset. Generally they will be additional input files for the typeset documentation files listed above. ]], files = {docfiles}, dir = docfiledir or maindir, -- TODO: remove "or maindir" after rebasing onto master }, { name = "Text files", description = [[ Plain text files included as documentation or metadata. ]], files = {textfiles}, skipfiledescription = true, }, { name = "Demo files", description = [[ Files included to demonstrate package functionality. These files are *not* typeset or compiled in any way. ]], files = {demofiles}, }, { name = "Bibliography and index files", description = [[ Supplementary files used for compiling package documentation. ]], files = {bibfiles,bstfiles,makeindexfiles}, }, { name = "Derived files", description = [[ The files created by ‘unpacking’ the package sources. This typically includes `.sty` and `.cls` files created from DocStrip `.dtx` files. ]], files = {installfiles}, exclude = {excludefiles,sourcefiles}, dir = unpackdir, skipfiledescription = true, }, { name = "Typeset documents", description = [[ The output files (PDF, essentially) from typesetting the various source, demo, etc., package files. ]], files = {typesetfiles,typesetsourcefiles,typesetdemofiles}, rename = {"%.%w+$", ".pdf"}, skipfiledescription = true, }, { name = "Support files", description = [[ These files are used for unpacking, typesetting, or checking purposes. ]], files = {unpacksuppfiles,typesetsuppfiles,checksuppfiles}, dir = supportdir, }, { name = "Checking-specific support files", description = [[ Support files for checking the test suite. ]], files = {"*.*"}, exclude = {{".",".."},excludefiles}, dir = testsuppdir, }, { name = "Test files", description = [[ These files form the test suite for the package. `.lvt` or `.lte` files are the individual unit tests, and `.tlg` are the stored output for ensuring changes to the package produce the same output. These output files are sometimes shared and sometime specific for different engines (pdfTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX, etc.). ]], files = {"*"..lvtext,"*"..lveext,"*"..tlgext}, dir = testfiledir, skipfiledescription = true, }, { subheading = "TDS manifest", description = [[ The following groups list the files included in the TeX Directory Structure used to install the package into a TeX distribution. ]], }, { name = "Source files (TDS)", description = "All files included in the `"..module.."/source` directory.\n", dir = tdsdir.."/source/"..moduledir, files = {"*.*"}, exclude = {".",".."}, flag = false, skipfiledescription = true, }, { name = "TeX files (TDS)", description = "All files included in the `"..module.."/tex` directory.\n", dir = tdsdir.."/tex/"..moduledir, files = {"*.*"}, exclude = {".",".."}, flag = false, skipfiledescription = true, }, { name = "Doc files (TDS)", description = "All files included in the `"..module.."/doc` directory.\n", dir = tdsdir.."/doc/"..moduledir, files = {"*.*"}, exclude = {".",".."}, flag = false, skipfiledescription = true, }, { subheading = "CTAN manifest", description = [[ The following group lists the files included in the CTAN package. ]], }, { name = "CTAN files", dir = ctandir.."/"..module, files = {"*.*"}, exclude = {".",".."}, flag = false, skipfiledescription = true, }, } return groups end --[[ Sorting within groups --------------------- --]] manifest_sort_within_match = manifest_sort_within_match or function(files) table.sort(files) return files end manifest_sort_within_group = manifest_sort_within_group or function(files) --[[ -- no-op by default; make your own definition to customise. E.g.: table.sort(files) --]] return files end --[[ Writing to file --------------- --]] function manifest_write_opening(filehandle) filehandle:write("# Manifest for " .. module .. "\n\n") filehandle:write([[ This file is a listing of all files considered to be part of this package. It is automatically generated with `l3build manifest`. ]]) end function manifest_write_subheading(filehandle,heading,description) filehandle:write("\n\n## " .. heading .. "\n\n") if description then filehandle:write(description) end end function manifest_write_group_heading(filehandle,heading,description) filehandle:write("\n### " .. heading .. "\n\n") if description then filehandle:write(description .. "\n") end end function manifest_write_group_file(filehandle,filename,param) --[[ filehandle : write file object filename : the count of the filename to be written param.dir : the directory of the file param.count : the name of the file to write param.filemaxchar : the maximum number of chars of all filenames in this group param.flag : false OR string for indicating CTAN/TDS location param.ctanfile : (boolean) if file is in CTAN dir param.tdsfile : (boolean) if file is in TDS dir --]] -- no file description: plain bullet list item: flagstr = param.flag or "" filehandle:write("* " .. filename .. " " .. flagstr .. "\n") --[[ -- or if you prefer an enumerated list: filehandle:write(param.count..". " .. filename .. "\n") --]] end function manifest_write_group_file_descr(filehandle,filename,descr,param) --[[ filehandle : write file object filename : the name of the file to write descr : description of the file to write param.dir : the directory of the file param.count : the count of the filename to be written param.filemaxchar : the maximum number of chars of all filenames in this group param.descmaxchar : the maximum number of chars of all descriptions in this group param.flag : false OR string for indicating CTAN/TDS location param.ctanfile : (boolean) if file is in CTAN dir param.tdsfile : (boolean) if file is in TDS dir --]] -- filename+description: Github-flavoured Markdown table filestr = string.format(" | %-"..param.filemaxchar.."s",filename) flagstr = param.flag and string.format(" | %s",param.flag) or "" descstr = string.format(" | %-"..param.descmaxchar.."s",descr) filehandle:write(filestr..flagstr..descstr.." |\n") end --[[ Extracting ‘descriptions’ from source files ------------------------------------------- --]] function manifest_extract_filedesc(filehandle) -- no-op by default; two examples below end --[[ -- From the first match of a pattern in a file: manifest_extract_filedesc = function(filehandle) local all_file = filehandle:read("a") local matchstr = "\\section{(.-)}" filedesc = string.match(all_file,matchstr) return filedesc end -- From the match of the 2nd line (say) of a file: manifest_extract_filedesc = function(filehandle) local end_read_loop = 2 local matchstr = "%%%S%s+(.*)" local this_line = "" for ii = 1, end_read_loop do this_line = filehandle:read("*line") end filedesc = string.match(this_line,matchstr) return filedesc end ]]--