# Manifest of KOMA-Script This file is a listing of all files considered to be part of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. It is *not* automatically generated but handmade. ## Source files The following files are source files of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. All these files are also included in the TDS and the CTAN files. All these files are mandatory for legal distributions of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. **Note:** You can generate the implementation documentation of every file with extension “`.dtx`” using `lualatex-dev` and `mkindex`. However, you first need to unpack `koma-script-source-doc.cls` using “`tex koma-script-source-doc.dtx`”. * `japanlco.dtx` * `koma-script-source-doc.dtx` * `scraddr.dtx` * `scrextend.dtx` * `scrjura.dtx` * `scrkernel-addressfiles.dtx` * `scrkernel-basics.dtx` * `scrkernel-bibliography.dtx` * `scrkernel-compatibility.dtx` * `scrkernel-floats.dtx` * `scrkernel-fonts.dtx` * `scrkernel-footnotes.dtx` * `scrkernel-index.dtx` * `scrkernel-language.dtx` * `scrkernel-letterclassoptions.dtx` * `scrkernel-listsof.dtx` * `scrkernel-miscellaneous.dtx` * `scrkernel-notepaper.dtx` * `scrkernel-pagestyles.dtx` * `scrkernel-paragraphs.dtx` * `scrkernel-pseudolength.dtx` * `scrkernel-sections.dtx` * `scrkernel-title.dtx` * `scrkernel-tocstyle.dtx` * `scrkernel-typearea.dtx` * `scrkernel-variables.dtx` * `scrkernel-version.dtx` * `scrlayer.dtx` * `scrlayer-notecolumn.dtx` * `scrlayer-scrpage.dtx` * `scrlfile.dtx` * `scrlfile-hook.dtx` * `scrlfile-patcholdlatex.dtx` * `scrlogo.dtx` * `scrtime.dtx` * `tocbasic.dtx` * `scrjura.dtx` * `scrmain.ins` * `scrstrip.inc` * `scrstrop.inc` * `scrdocstrip.tex` ## Typeset documentation source files ### User manual main files These files are typeset using LaTeX to produce the user manuals of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. All these files are also include in the TDS and the CTAN files. All these files are mandatory for legal distributions of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. * `scrguide-en.tex` (English user manual main file) * `scrguide-de.tex` (German user manual main file) ### User manual additional files These files are also needed to produce the user manuals of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. All these files are also include in the TDS and the CTAN files. All these files are mandatory for legal distributions of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. **Note:** Files ending with “`-en.tex`” are part of the English user manual. Files ending with “`-de.tex`” are part of the German user manual. All other files are part of both, the English and the German user manual. * `scrlttr2-examples.dtx` (has to be unpacked using “`tex scrlttr2-examples.dtx`” before using LaTeX to produce the user manuals) * `scrguide.cls` * `scrguide.ist` * `scrguide.gst` * `scrguide-body.tex` * `linkalias.tex` * `plength-tikz.tex` * `variables-tikz.tex` * `terms-en.tex` * `preface-en.tex` * `introduction-en.tex` * `authorpart-en.tex` * `typearea-en.tex` * `scrbookreportarticle-en.tex` * `scrlttr2-en.tex` * `scrlayer-scrpage-en.tex` * `scrdate-en.tex` * `scrtime-en.tex` * `scraddr-en.tex` * `scrextend-en.tex` * `scrjura-en.tex` * `scrjura-example-en.tex` * `scrlogo-en.tex` * `common-options-en.tex` * `common-compatibility-en.tex` * `common-draftmode-en.tex` * `common-typearea-en.tex` * `common-fontsize-en.tex` * `common-textmarkup-en.tex` * `common-titles-en.tex` * `common-parmarkup-en.tex` * `common-oddorevenpage-en.tex` * `common-interleafpage-en.tex` * `common-footnotes-en.tex` * `common-dictum-en.tex` * `common-lists-en.tex` * `common-marginpar-en.tex` * `common-headfootheight-en.tex` * `common-pagestylemanipulation-en.tex` * `expertpart-en.tex` * `scrbase-en.tex` * `scrlfile-en.tex` * `scrwfile-en.tex` * `tocbasic-en.tex` * `book-remarkbox-nopatch-en.tex` * `book-remarkbox-patch-en.tex` * `scrlayer-en.tex` * `scrlayer-scrpage-experts-en.tex` * `scrlayer-notecolumn-en.tex` * `scrlayer-notecolumn-example-en.tex` * `typearea-experts-en.tex` * `scrbookreportarticle-experts-en.tex` * `scrlttr2-experts-en.tex` * `common-footnotes-experts-en.tex` * `japanlco-en.tex` * `terms-de.tex` * `preface-de.tex` * `introduction-de.tex` * `authorpart-de.tex` * `typearea-de.tex` * `scrbookreportarticle-de.tex` * `scrlttr2-de.tex` * `scrlayer-scrpage-de.tex` * `scrdate-de.tex` * `scrtime-de.tex` * `scraddr-de.tex` * `scrextend-de.tex` * `scrjura-de.tex` * `scrjura-example-de.tex` * `scrlogo-de.tex` * `common-options-de.tex` * `common-compatibility-de.tex` * `common-draftmode-de.tex` * `common-typearea-de.tex` * `common-fontsize-de.tex` * `common-textmarkup-de.tex` * `common-titles-de.tex` * `common-parmarkup-de.tex` * `common-oddorevenpage-de.tex` * `common-interleafpage-de.tex` * `common-footnotes-de.tex` * `common-dictum-de.tex` * `common-lists-de.tex` * `common-marginpar-de.tex` * `common-headfootheight-de.tex` * `common-pagestylemanipulation-de.tex` * `expertpart-de.tex` * `scrbase-de.tex` * `scrlfile-de.tex` * `scrwfile-de.tex` * `tocbasic-de.tex` * `book-remarkbox-nopatch-de.tex` * `book-remarkbox-patch-de.tex` * `scrlayer-de.tex` * `scrlayer-scrpage-experts-de.tex` * `scrlayer-notecolumn-de.tex` * `scrlayer-notecolumn-example-de.tex` * `typearea-experts-de.tex` * `scrbookreportarticle-experts-de.tex` * `scrlttr2-experts-de.tex` * `common-footnotes-experts-de.tex` ## Text files These plain text files are included as documentation or metadata. Files listed with “`²`” marker are also included to the TDS and the CTAN files. The files listed with “`²`” marker are also mandatory for legal distributions of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. * `lppl-de.txt`² * `lppl.txt`² * `MANIFEST.md`² * `README.md`² (files is generated using `l3build` with every new release) * `README.komascript-source-doc.cls` * `README.scraddr.sty` * `README.scrartcl.cls` * `README.scrarticle.cls` * `README.scrbase.sty` * `README.scrbook.cls` * `README.scrdate.sty` * `README.scrextend.sty` * `README.scrfontsizes.sty` * `README.scrjura.sty` * `README.scrkbase.sty` * `README.scrlayer-notecolumn.sty` * `README.scrlayer-scrpage.sty` * `README.scrlayer.sty` * `README.scrletter.cls` * `README.scrletter.sty` * `README.scrlfile-hook.sty` * `README.scrlfile-hook-3.34.sty` * `README.scrlfile-patcholdlatex.sty` * `README.scrlfile.sty` * `README.scrlogo.sty` * `README.scrlttr2.cls` * `README.scrreport.cls` * `README.scrreprt.cls` * `README.scrtime.sty` * `README.tocbasic.sty` * `README.typearea.sty` * `releaselist.txt` ## Derived files The files are created by *unpacking* the package sources. These are only included in the TDS but neither the developer repository nor the CTAN files. All these files are optional for legal distributions of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. * `scraddr.sty` * `scrbase.sty` * `scrdate.sty` * `scrextend.sty` * `scrfontsizes.sty` * `scrjura.sty` * `scrkbase.sty` * `scrlayer-notecolumn.sty` * `scrlayer-scrpage.sty` * `scrlayer.sty` * `scrletter.sty` * `scrlfile-hook-3.34.sty` * `scrlfile-hook.sty` * `scrlfile-patcholdlatex.sty` * `scrlfile.sty` * `scrlogo.sty` * `scrtime.sty` * `tocbasic.sty` * `typearea.sty` * `koma-script-source-doc.cls` * `scrartcl.cls` * `scrarticle.cls` * `scrbook.cls` * `scrletter.cls` * `scrlttr2.cls` * `scrreport.cls` * `scrreprt.cls` * `scrsize10pt.clo` * `scrsize11pt.clo` * `scrsize12pt.clo` * `DIN.lco` * `DIN5008A.lco` * `DIN5008B.lco` * `DINmtext.lco` * `KOMAold.lco` * `KakuLL.lco` * `NF.lco` * `NipponEH.lco` * `NipponEL.lco` * `NipponLH.lco` * `NipponLL.lco` * `NipponRL.lco` * `SN.lco` * `SNleft.lco` * `UScommercial9.lco` * `UScommercial9DW.lco` * `visualize.lco` * `float.hak` * `floatrow.hak` * `hyperref.hak` * `listings.hak` * `lscape.hak` * `nomencl.hak` * `setspace.hak` * `standardsections.hak` ## Typeset documents The output files from typesetting the various source files. ### Main user manual These are the main user manuals. They are included into the TDS and the CTAN files but not part of the developers repository. All these files are mandatory for legal distributions of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages unless the developer source repository. * `scrguide-en.pdf` * `scrguide-de.pdf` ### Class and package reference files These files can help users to quickly find the user manual of classes and packages. All these files are optional for legal distributions of the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. * `tocbasic.html` * `scrlayer.html` * `scrextend.html` * `scrlayer-scrpage.html` * `scrlfile-hook.html` * `scrdate.html` * `scrartcl.html` * `scrlfile.html` * `scrjura.html` * `scrreport.html` * `typearea.html` * `scrarticle.html` * `scrlayer-notecolumn.html` * `scraddr.html` * `scrlfile-hook-3.34.html` * `scrtime.html` * `scrlttr2.html` * `scrletter.html` * `scrbase.html` * `scrlfile-patcholdlatex.html` * `scrlogo.html` * `scrkbase.html` * `scrreprt.html` * `scrbook.html` ## Test files These files form the test suite for the KOMA-Script bundle of LaTeX classes and packages. These are part of the developer repository but neither the TDS nor the CTAN files. * `scrbase-load-test.lvt` * `scrbook-counterwithin.lvt` * `scrextend-options.lvt` * `scrlfile-packages.lvt` * `scrlttr2-depreactedlcoloading.lvt` * `typearea-pagesize.lvt` * `scrbase-load-test.tlg` * `scrbook-counterwithin.tlg` * `scrextend-options.tlg` * `scrlfile-packages.tlg` * `scrlttr2-depreactedlcoloading.tlg` * `typearea-pagesize.tlg`