//Pascal &or the FreePascal use of nintendo 2ds, 3ds regime // // Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, 2017 Kenneth Dwayne Lee Bsc. // all rights reserved {$ifdef 3dsintf} // const // U64_MAX = UINT64_MAX; type u8 = cuint8; pu8 = ^u8; u16 = cuint16; pu16 = ^u16; u32 = cuint32; pu32 = ^u32; u64 = cuint64; pu64 = ^u64; s8 = cint8; s16 = cint16; ps16 = ^s16; s32 = cint32; ps32 = ^s32; s64 = cint64; ps64 = ^s64; bool= boolean; Pbool = ^boolean; Pdouble = ^double; Handle = s32; PHandle = ^Handle; ThreadFunc = procedure (_para1:u32);cdecl; function BIT(n : u32) : u32; {$endif 3dsintf} {$ifdef 3dsimpl} function BIT(n : u32) : u32; begin BIT:=1 shl n; end; {$endif 3dsimpl}