//the SF2D biblioteck, to a Pascal feat :: NinjaHax 2DS & 3DS platform // // Copyright (c) 2013 .. 2018 Kenneth Dwayne Lee Msc. // all rights reserved // // FreePascal just couldn't sexlive with out, a very bad case of Xerpi's {$ifdef 3dsintf} {* * @file sf2d.h * @author PhD. Sergi Granell (xerpi) * @date 22 March 2015 * @brief sf2dlib header } { Defines } {* * @brief Creates a new RGBA8 color * @param r the red component of the color to create * @param g the green component of the color to create * @param b the blue component of the color to create * @param a the alpha component of the color to create } function RGBA8(r,g,b,a : u8) : u32; function RGBA8_GET_R(c : u32) : u8; function RGBA8_GET_G(c : u32) : u8; function RGBA8_GET_B(c : u32) : u8; function RGBA8_GET_A(c : u32) : u8; {* * @brief Default size of the GPU commands FIFO buffer } const SF2D_GPUCMD_DEFAULT_SIZE = $80000; {* * @brief Default size of the temporary memory pool } SF2D_TEMPPOOL_DEFAULT_SIZE = $80000; {* * @brief Default depth (Z coordinate) to draw the textures to } SF2D_DEFAULT_DEPTH = 0.5; {* * @brief Represents a texture format } type sf2d_texfmt = Longint; Const TEXFMT_RGBA8 = 0; TEXFMT_RGB8 = 1; TEXFMT_RGB5A1 = 2; TEXFMT_RGB565 = 3; TEXFMT_RGBA4 = 4; TEXFMT_IA8 = 5; TEXFMT_I8 = 7; TEXFMT_A8 = 8; TEXFMT_IA4 = 9; TEXFMT_I4 = 10; TEXFMT_A4 = 11; TEXFMT_ETC1 = 12; TEXFMT_ETC1A4 = 13; {* * @brief Represents a direction for drawing a gradient } type sf2d_gradient_dir = Longint; Const SF2D_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = 0; SF2D_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1; {* * @brief Data allocated on the RAM or VRAM } {*< RAM allocated } {*< VRAM allocated } type sf2d_place = Longint; Const SF2D_PLACE_RAM = 0; SF2D_PLACE_VRAM = 1; { Structs } {* * @brief Represents a two dimensional float vector } {*< First component of the vector } {*< Second component of the vector } type sf2d_vector_2f = record u : cfloat; v : cfloat; end; {* * @brief Represents a three dimensional float vector } {*< First component of the vector } {*< Second component of the vector } {*< Third component of the vector } sf2d_vector_3f = record x : cfloat; y : cfloat; z : cfloat; end; {* * @brief Represents a vertex containing position (float) * and color (unsigned int) } {*< Position of the vertex } {*< Color of the vertex } sf2d_vertex_pos_col = record position : sf2d_vector_3f; color : u32; end; {* * @brief Represents a vertex containing position and texture coordinates } {*< Position of the vertex } {*< Texture coordinates of the vertex } sf2d_vertex_pos_tex = record position : sf2d_vector_3f; texcoord : sf2d_vector_2f; end; {* * @brief Represents a texture } {*< citro3d texture object } {*< Whether the texture is tiled or not } {*< Actual texture width } {*< Actual texture height } sf2d_texture = record tex : C3D_Tex; tiled : cint; width : cint; height : cint; end; Psf2d_texture = ^sf2d_texture; {*< citro3d render target object } {*< Orthographic projection matrix for this target } sf2d_rendertarget = record target : PC3D_RenderTarget; projection : C3D_Mtx; end; Psf2d_rendertarget = ^sf2d_rendertarget; { Basic functions } {* * @brief Initializates the library * @return Whether the initialization has been successful or not } function sf2d_init:cint;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Initializates the library (with advanced settings) * @param gpucmd_size the size of the GPU FIFO * @param temppool_size the size of the temporary pool * @return Whether the initialization has been successful or not } function sf2d_init_advanced(gpucmd_size:cint; temppool_size:cint):cint;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Finishes the library * @return Whether the finalization has been successful or not } function sf2d_fini:cint;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Enables or disables the 3D * @param enable whether to enable or disable the 3D } procedure sf2d_set_3D(enable:cint);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Sets a transformation matrix to apply to vertices * @param mtx Transformation matrix (or NULL to disable it) } procedure sf2d_set_transform(mtx:PC3D_Mtx);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Starts a frame * @param screen target screen * @param side target eye (only for top screen) } procedure sf2d_start_frame(screen:gfxScreen_t; side:gfx3dSide_t);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Starts a frame bound to a rendertarget * @param target rendertarget to draw to } procedure sf2d_start_frame_target(target:Psf2d_rendertarget);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Ends a frame, should be called on pair with sf2d_start_frame } procedure sf2d_end_frame;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Swaps the framebuffers, should be called once after all the frames have been finished } procedure sf2d_swapbuffers;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Enables or disables the VBlank waiting * @param enable whether to enable or disable the VBlank waiting } procedure sf2d_set_vblank_wait(enable:cint);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Returns the FPS (frames per second) * @return the current FPS } function sf2d_get_fps:cfloat;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Allocates memory from a temporary pool. The pool will be emptied after a sf2d_swapbuffers call * @param size the number of bytes to allocate } function sf2d_pool_malloc(size:u32):pointer;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Allocates aligned memory from a temporary pool. Works as sf2d_pool_malloc * @param size the number of bytes to allocate * @param alignment the alignment to where allocate the memory } function sf2d_pool_memalign(size:u32; alignment:u32):pointer;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Allocates aligned memory for an array from a temporary pool. Works as sf2d_pool_malloc * @param nmemb the number of elements to allocate * @param size the size (and alignment) of each element to allocate * @note Unlike libc's calloc, this function does not initialize to 0, * and returns a pointer aligned to size. } function sf2d_pool_calloc(nmemb:u32; size:u32):pointer;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Returns the temporary pool's free space * @return the temporary pool's free space } function sf2d_pool_space_free:cuint;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Empties the temporary pool } procedure sf2d_pool_reset;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Sets the screen clear color * @param color the color } procedure sf2d_set_clear_color(color:u32);cdecl;external; { Draw functions } {* * @brief Draws a line * @param x0 x coordinate of the first dot * @param y0 y coordinate of the first dot * @param x1 x coordinate of the second dot * @param y1 y coordinate of the sceond dot * @param width thickness of the line * @param color the color to draw the line } procedure sf2d_draw_line(x0:cfloat; y0:cfloat; x1:cfloat; y1:cfloat; width:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a rectangle * @param x x coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * @param y y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * @param w rectangle width * @param h rectangle height * @param color the color to draw the rectangle } procedure sf2d_draw_rectangle(x:cint; y:cint; w:cint; h:cint; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a triangle * @param x1 x coordinate of a vertex of the triangle * @param y1 y coordinate of a vertex of the triangle * @param x2 x coordinate of a vertex of the triangle * @param y2 y coordinate of a vertex of the triangle * @param x3 x coordinate of a vertex of the triangle * @param y3 y coordinate of a vertex of the triangle * @param color the color to draw the triangle } procedure sf2d_draw_triangle(x1:cfloat; y1:cfloat; x2:cfloat; y2:cfloat; x3:cfloat; y3:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a rotated rectangle * @param x x coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * @param y y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * @param w rectangle width * @param h rectangle height * @param color the color to draw the rectangle * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the rectangle } procedure sf2d_draw_rectangle_rotate(x:cint; y:cint; w:cint; h:cint; color:u32; rad:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a rectangle * @param x x coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * @param y y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * @param w rectangle width * @param h rectangle height * @param color1 the color at the start of the gradient * @param color2 the color at the end of the gradient * @param left_to_right determines which direction the gradient is in } procedure sf2d_draw_rectangle_gradient(x:cint; y:cint; w:cint; h:cint; color1:u32; color2:u32; direction:sf2d_gradient_dir);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a rotated rectangle * @param x x coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * @param y y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle * @param w rectangle width * @param h rectangle height * @param color1 the color at the start of the gradient * @param color2 the color at the end of the gradient * @param left_to_right determines which direction the gradient is in * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the rectangle } procedure sf2d_draw_rectangle_gradient_rotate(x:cint; y:cint; w:cint; h:cint; color1:u32; color2:u32; direction:sf2d_gradient_dir; rad:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a filled circle * @param x x coordinate of the center of the circle * @param y y coordinate of the center of the circle * @param radius the radius of the circle * @param color the color to draw the circle } procedure sf2d_draw_fill_circle(x:cint; y:cint; radius:cint; color:u32);cdecl;external; { Texture } {* * @brief Creates an empty texture. * The returned texture has the data allocated, * this means that the raw pixel data can be filled * just after the return. * @param width the width of the texture * @param height the height of the texture * @param pixel_format the pixel_format of the texture * @param place where to allocate the texture * @return a pointer to the newly created texture * @note Before drawing the texture, it needs to be tiled * by calling sf2d_texture_tile32. * The default texture params are both min and mag filters * GPU_NEAREST, and both S and T wrappings GPU_CLAMP_TO_BORDER. } function sf2d_create_texture(width:cint; height:cint; pixel_format:sf2d_texfmt; place:sf2d_place):Psf2d_texture;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Creates an empty rendertarget. * Functions similarly to sf2d_create_texture. * @param width the width of the texture * @param height the height of the texture * @return a pointer to the newly created rendertarget * @note Before drawing the texture, it needs to be tiled * by calling sf2d_texture_tile32. * The default texture params are both min and mag filters * GPU_NEAREST, and both S and T wrappings GPU_CLAMP_TO_BORDER. } function sf2d_create_rendertarget(width:cint; height:cint):Psf2d_rendertarget;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Frees a texture * @param texture pointer to the texture to freeze } procedure sf2d_free_texture(texture:Psf2d_texture);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Frees a rendertarget * @param target pointer to the rendertarget to free } procedure sf2d_free_target(target:Psf2d_rendertarget);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Clears a rendertarget to the specified color * @param target pointer to the rendertarget to clear } procedure sf2d_clear_target(target:Psf2d_rendertarget; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Fills an already allocated texture from a RGBA8 source * @param dst pointer to the destination texture to fill * @param rgba8 pointer to the RGBA8 data to fill from * @param source_w width (in pixels) of the RGAB8 source * @param source_h height (in pixels) of the RGAB8 source } procedure sf2d_fill_texture_from_RGBA8(dst:Psf2d_texture; rgba8:pointer; source_w:cint; source_h:cint);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Creates a texture and fills it from a RGBA8 memory source. * The returned texture is already tiled. * @param src_buffer pointer to the RGBA8 data to fill from * @param src_w width (in pixels) of the RGAB8 source * @param src_h height (in pixels) of the RGAB8 source * @param pixel_format the pixel_format of the texture to create * @param place where to allocate the texture * @return a pointer to the newly created, filled, and tiled texture } function sf2d_create_texture_mem_RGBA8(src_buffer:pointer; src_w:cint; src_h:cint; pixel_format:sf2d_texfmt; place:sf2d_place):Psf2d_texture;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Binds a texture to a GPU texture unit * @param texture the texture to bind * @param unit GPU texture unit to bind to } procedure sf2d_bind_texture(texture:Psf2d_texture; TexUnit:GPU_TEXUNIT);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Binds a texture to a GPU texture unit with a constant color * @param texture the texture to bind * @param unit GPU texture unit to bind to * @param color the color the bind with the texture } procedure sf2d_bind_texture_color(texture:Psf2d_texture; TexUnit:GPU_TEXUNIT; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Changes the texture params (filters and wrapping) * @param texture the texture to change the params * @param params the new texture params to use. You can use the * GPU_TEXTURE_[MIN,MAG]_FILTER and GPU_TEXTURE_WRAP_[S,T] * macros as helpers. } procedure sf2d_texture_set_params(texture:Psf2d_texture; params:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Returns the texture params * @param texture the texture to get the params * @return the current texture params of texture } function sf2d_texture_get_params(texture:Psf2d_texture):cint;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to } procedure sf2d_draw_texture(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture blended with a color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param color the color to blend with the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture with rotation around a hotspot * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the texture * @param center_x the x position of the hotspot * @param center_y the y position of the hotspot } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_rotate_hotspot(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; rad:cfloat; center_x:cfloat; center_y:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture with rotation around a hotspot with a color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the texture * @param center_x the x position of the hotspot * @param center_y the y position of the hotspot * @param color the color to blend with the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_rotate_hotspot_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; rad:cfloat; center_x:cfloat; center_y:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture with rotation around its center * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_rotate(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; rad:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture with rotation around its center with color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the texture * @param color the color to blend with the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_rotate_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; rad:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a scaled texture with rotation around its hotspot * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the texture * @param x_scale the x scale * @param y_scale the y scale * @param center_x the x position of the hotspot * @param center_y the y position of the hotspot } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_rotate_scale_hotspot(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; rad:cfloat; scale_x:cfloat; scale_y:cfloat; center_x:cfloat; center_y:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a scaled texture with rotation around its hotspot with color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the texture * @param x_scale the x scale * @param y_scale the y scale * @param center_x the x position of the hotspot * @param center_y the y position of the hotspot * @param color the color to blend with the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_rotate_scale_hotspot_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; rad:cfloat; scale_x:cfloat; scale_y:cfloat; center_x:cfloat; center_y:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a part of a texture * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param tex_x the starting point (x coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_y the starting point (y coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_w the width to draw from the starting point * @param tex_h the height to draw from the starting point } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_part(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; tex_x:cint; tex_y:cint; tex_w:cint; tex_h:cint);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a part of a texture with color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param tex_x the starting point (x coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_y the starting point (y coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_w the width to draw from the starting point * @param tex_h the height to draw from the starting point * @param color the color to blend with the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_part_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; tex_x:cint; tex_y:cint; tex_w:cint; tex_h:cint; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture with scaling * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param x_scale the x scale * @param y_scale the y scale } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_scale(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; x_scale:cfloat; y_scale:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture with scaling with color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param x_scale the x scale * @param y_scale the y scale * @param color the color to blend with the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_scale_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; x_scale:cfloat; y_scale:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a part of a texture, with scaling * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param tex_x the starting point (x coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_y the starting point (y coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_w the width to draw from the starting point * @param tex_h the height to draw from the starting point * @param x_scale the x scale * @param y_scale the y scale } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_part_scale(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cfloat; y:cfloat; tex_x:cfloat; tex_y:cfloat; tex_w:cfloat; tex_h:cfloat; x_scale:cfloat; y_scale:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a part of a texture, with scaling, with color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param tex_x the starting point (x coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_y the starting point (y coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_w the width to draw from the starting point * @param tex_h the height to draw from the starting point * @param x_scale the x scale * @param y_scale the y scale * @param color the color to blend with the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_part_scale_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cfloat; y:cfloat; tex_x:cfloat; tex_y:cfloat; tex_w:cfloat; tex_h:cfloat; x_scale:cfloat; y_scale:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a part of a texture, with rotation and scaling * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the texture * @param tex_x the starting point (x coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_y the starting point (y coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_w the width to draw from the starting point * @param tex_h the height to draw from the starting point * @param x_scale the x scale * @param y_scale the y scale } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_part_rotate_scale(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; rad:cfloat; tex_x:cint; tex_y:cint; tex_w:cint; tex_h:cint; x_scale:cfloat; y_scale:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a part of a texture, with rotation, scaling and color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param rad rotation (in radians) to draw the texture * @param tex_x the starting point (x coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_y the starting point (y coordinate) where to start drawing * @param tex_w the width to draw from the starting point * @param tex_h the height to draw from the starting point * @param x_scale the x scale * @param y_scale the y scale * @param color the color to blend with the texture } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_part_rotate_scale_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; rad:cfloat; tex_x:cint; tex_y:cint; tex_w:cint; tex_h:cint; x_scale:cfloat; y_scale:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture blended in a certain depth * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param z the depth to draw the texture to * @note The z parameter is a value in the [-32768, +32767] range, * where -32768 is the deepest and +32767 the toppest. * By default, the textures are drawn at z = 0. * Keep in mind that this function won't do * Order-independent transparency (OIT), so you should use fully * opaque textures to get good results. } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_depth(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; z:csshort);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws a texture blended in a certain depth * @param texture the texture to draw * @param x the x coordinate to draw the texture to * @param y the y coordinate to draw the texture to * @param z the depth to draw the texture to * @param color the color to blend with the texture * @note The z parameter is a value in the [-32768, +32767] range, * where -32768 is the deepest and +32767 the toppest. * By default, the textures are drawn at z = 0. * Keep in mind that this function won't do * Order-independent transparency (OIT), so you should use fully * opaque textures to get good results. } procedure sf2d_draw_texture_depth_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; z:csshort; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Draws the currently-bound texture using custom texture coordinates * @param left the left coordinate of the texture to start drawing * @param top the top coordinate of the texture to start drawing * @param width the width to draw from the starting left coordinate * @param height the height to draw from the starting top coordinate * @param u0 the U texture coordinate of the left vertices * @param v0 the V texture coordinate of the top vertices * @param u1 the U texture coordinate of the right vertices * @param v1 the V texture coordinate of the bottom vertices } procedure sf2d_draw_quad_uv_current(left:cfloat; top:cfloat; right:cfloat; bottom:cfloat; u0:cfloat; v0:cfloat; u1:cfloat; v1:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Like sf2d_draw_quad_uv_current, but binds the texture * @param texture the texture to draw * } procedure sf2d_draw_quad_uv(texture:Psf2d_texture; left:cfloat; top:cfloat; right:cfloat; bottom:cfloat; u0:cfloat; v0:cfloat; u1:cfloat; v1:cfloat);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Like sf2d_draw_quad_uv_current, but binds the texture with the given blend color * @param texture the texture to draw * @param color the color to blend the texture with * } procedure sf2d_draw_quad_uv_blend(texture:Psf2d_texture; left:cfloat; top:cfloat; right:cfloat; bottom:cfloat; u0:cfloat; v0:cfloat; u1:cfloat; v1:cfloat; color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Changes a pixel of the texture * @param texture the texture to change the pixel * @param x the x coordinate to change the pixel * @param y the y coordinate to change the pixel * @param new_color the new color to set to the pixel at (x, y) } procedure sf2d_set_pixel(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint; new_color:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Gets a pixel of the texture * @param texture the texture to get the pixel * @param x the x coordinate to get the pixel * @param y the y coordinate to get the pixel * @return the pixel at (x, y) } function sf2d_get_pixel(texture:Psf2d_texture; x:cint; y:cint):u32;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Tiles a texture * @param texture the texture to tile } procedure sf2d_texture_tile32(texture:Psf2d_texture);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Sets the scissor test * @param mode the test mode (disable, invert or normal) * @param x the starting x coordinate of the scissor * @param y the starting y coordinate of the scissor * @param w the width of the scissor rectangle * @param h the height of the scissor rectangle * @note This function should be called after sf2d_start_frame. * The scissor will remain active until the sf2d_end_frame call. } procedure sf2d_set_scissor_test(mode:GPU_SCISSORMODE; x:u32; y:u32; w:u32; h:u32);cdecl;external; {* * @brief Returns the current screen (latest call to sf2d_start_frame) * @note The returned value can be GFX_TOP or GFX_BOTTOM. } function sf2d_get_current_screen:gfxScreen_t;cdecl;external; {* * @brief Returns the current screen side (latest call to sf2d_start_frame) * @note The returned value can be GFX_LEFT or GFX_RIGHT. } function sf2d_get_current_side:gfx3dSide_t;cdecl;external; {$endif 3dsintf} {$ifdef 3dsimpl} function RGBA8(r,g,b,a: u8) : u32; begin RGBA8:=((a and $FF) shl 24) or ((b and $FF) shl 16) or ((g and $FF) shl 8) or ((r and $FF) shl 0); end; function RGBA8_GET_R(c : u32) : u8; begin RGBA8_GET_R:=(c shr 0) and $FF; end; function RGBA8_GET_G(c : u32) : u8; begin RGBA8_GET_G:=(c shr 8) and $FF; end; function RGBA8_GET_B(c : u32) : u8; begin RGBA8_GET_B:=(c shr 16) and $FF; end; function RGBA8_GET_A(c : u32) : u8; begin RGBA8_GET_A:=(c shr 24) and $FF; end; {$endif 3dsimpl} // Dr. Sergi Granell, Thank-You // // Your computer research, I dare say is an " Insperation to all " whom view! // // Kirk: if the 3DS linux disto needs of the many, out way the pocketbooks of the (perl .. asm .. pascal)? // Spock: $exlive long & ThreeDS, computer foster ... //