#### ## Output descriptions: ## # Treasure Data (http://www.treasure-data.com/) provides cloud based data # analytics platform, which easily stores and processes data from td-agent. # FREE plan is also provided. # @see http://docs.fluentd.org/articles/http-to-td # # This section matches events whose tag is td.DATABASE.TABLE type tdlog apikey YOUR_API_KEY auto_create_table buffer_type file buffer_path /var/log/td-agent/buffer/td type file path /var/log/td-agent/failed_records ## match tag=debug.** and dump to console type stdout #### ## Source descriptions: ## ## built-in TCP input ## @see http://docs.fluentd.org/articles/in_forward type forward ## built-in UNIX socket input # # type unix # # HTTP input # POST http://localhost:8888/?json= # POST http://localhost:8888/td.myapp.login?json={"user"%3A"me"} # @see http://docs.fluentd.org/articles/in_http type http port 8888 ## live debugging agent type debug_agent bind port 24230 #### ## Examples: ## ## File input ## read apache logs continuously and tags td.apache.access # # type tail # format apache # path /var/log/httpd-access.log # tag td.apache.access # type tail format apache time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z pos_file /var/log/td-agent/access_log.pos path /var/log/httpd/access_log tag piwiktracker.apache.access type grep regexp1 path /piwik/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&idsite=\d+ type record_reformer tag piwiktracker.apache.access.decode action_name ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=([^\&]+)/,1]} idsite ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&idsite=(\d+)/,1]} rec ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&rec=(\d+)/,1]} r ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&r=(\d+)/,1]} h ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&h=(\d+)/,1]} m ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&m=(\d+)/,1]} s ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&s=(\d+)/,1]} url ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&url=([^\&]+)/,1]} urlref ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&urlref=([^\&]+)/,1]} piwikid ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&_id=([a-z\d]+)/,1]} idts ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&_idts=([\d]+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } idvc ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&_idvc=(\d)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } idn ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&_idn=(\d)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } refts ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&_refts=(\d+)/,1]} viewts ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&_viewts=(\d+)/,1]} ref ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&_ref=([^\&]+)/,1]} send_image ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&send_image=(\d+)/,1]} pdf ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&pdf=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } qt ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&qt=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } realp ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&realp=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } wma ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&wma=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } dir ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&dir=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } fla ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&fla=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } java ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&java=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } gears ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&gears=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } ag ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&ag=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } cookie ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&cookie=(\d+)/,1] == "1" ? "true" : "false" } res ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\&res=([\d\.]+x[\d+\.]+)/,1]} gt_ms ${path[/piwik\.php\?action_name=.*\>_ms=(\d+)/,1]} type geoip geoip_lookup_key host skip_adding_null_record true geoip_database "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat" flush_interval 1s country ${country_code["host"]} location ${latitude['host']},${longitude["host"]} country_code3 ${country_code3["host"]} country ${country_code["host"]} country_name ${country_name["host"]} city ${city["host"]} type uri_decode tag piwiktracker.apache.access.store #tag debug.${tag} key_names action_name,ref,url,urlref ## File output ## match tag=local.** and write to file # # type file # path /var/log/td-agent/access # ## Forwarding ## match tag=system.** and forward to another td-agent server # # type forward # host # # secondary host is optional # # host # # ## Multiple output ## match tag=td.*.* and output to Treasure Data AND file # # type copy # # type tdlog # apikey API_KEY # auto_create_table # buffer_type file # buffer_path /var/log/td-agent/buffer/td # # # type file # path /var/log/td-agent/td-%Y-%m-%d/%H.log # # type copy type elasticsearch type_name access_log host port 9200 logstash_format true logstash_prefix apache-log logstash_dateformat %Y%m%d include_tag_key true tag_key @log_name flush_interval 10s # # type file # path /tmp/fluentd-debug.log #